Wintergrass herb: medicinal properties for women and men, description, contraindications, photo

The medicinal properties and contraindications of the umbrella winter-lover have been discussed by supporters of alternative medicine for a single year. The plant got its distribution back in the pre-Columbian era. Today it can be found in dietary supplements. This is due to its anti-aging properties and anti-cancer activity.

What does the winter lover look like and where does it grow

Zimolyubka is a perennial wild plant of the Heather family with many useful properties. It is characterized by frost resistance and external similarity to lingonberries. The people called the winter-lover a core and a spool. The plant has strong creeping roots that allow it to stay on the surface even at low temperatures.

Winter-lover branches at the base. The shoots and stems of the plant are strong enough. Sessile sessile leaves are small in size. They are 2 cm wide and 12 cm long. The leaf plate has pointed edges and a leathery surface. Pedicels at the base of the leaves appear in early summer. In length, they are able to exceed the leaf part. The inflorescences resemble the shape of a chamomile. They are distinguished by pinkish petals. 2-8 inflorescences can form on one peduncle. Fruiting of the winter-lover begins at the end of summer. A small flattened box appears on it, inside which there are black or brown seeds. Its surface is covered with small villi.

Zimolyubka prefers territories with a temperate climate. She thrives in shady coniferous forests. Clay soils and sandstones are considered a good environment for plant growth. On the territory of Russia, the winter-lover is found in the Far East and Siberia. Some species are found in Korea, China and Japan. Photo of the winter lover plant:

For the entire flowering period, the leaves of the plant are recommended to be cut no more than 3 times
Comment! In some regions, the winter lover is listed in the Red Book.

Winterfly species

There are about 25 varieties of the evergreen. They are distinguished by their habitat and external features. The most common species include the Japanese and Umbrella Winter-lover. Japanese is widespread mainly in Asian countries. During the flowering period, this type of plant is covered with white drooping inflorescences. Umbrella winter-lover is characterized by pink flowers and a weaker rhizome. It is this variety that is common in alternative medicine.

The chemical composition of winter lover

For medicinal purposes, winter-lover began to be used because of its unique composition and valuable properties. The composition is represented by vitamins, acids and organic compounds. In ancient times, even magical properties were attributed to the plant.Today, the content of nutrients allows it to be used in the fight against serious diseases. The chemical composition of the winter-lover includes the following elements:

  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • methyl esters;
  • organic compounds;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • tar and slime;
  • triterpenoids;
  • phenols;
  • bitterness.

The vitamin component of winter-lover provides strengthening of the immune system and general improvement of the body. The presence of glycosides in the composition makes the plant a valuable agent in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, they provide relief from edema. Tannins are beneficial for the digestive tract, and triterpenoids help to cope with inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Medicinal properties of winter lover herb

The plant has a lot of useful properties that are conducive to its use in alternative medicine. That is why it can be found in some herbal preparations. The main feature of the plant is its diuretic and pronounced tonic properties. Zimolyubka is often used to treat kidney and gynecological diseases. Its tonic property allows it to be used to recover from physical exhaustion or serious illness.

The most pronounced therapeutic effects of winter lovers include:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • lowering blood glucose levels;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • antiparasitic action;
  • removal of nervous tension;
  • increased efficiency;
  • diuretic effect;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • elimination of puffiness.

Winter-lover can be found in teas intended for general health improvement. It cleanses the body of potentially harmful substances and stimulates the immune system. This allows it to be used to protect against possible diseases and aggressive environmental influences.

The spool is considered an excellent honey plant

The healing properties of winter lover for women

Winterfather is widespread in gynecology. It is often used to treat urinary infections and hormonal disorders. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties allow the plant to be used in case of impaired kidney function. When used in therapeutic dosages, Zymophilus prevents cancer. As part of the combination therapy, it has the following indications:

  • benign cystic formations;
  • erosion;
  • adnexitis;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • uterine bleeding.

The healing properties of winter lover for men

The spool is often added to the herbal preparations intended for men. It supports reproductive function and helps to eliminate infectious diseases. It can be used as a prophylactic against impotence. The substances that make up the plant stabilize the hormone production process, thereby increasing sexual desire. Experts recommend using the winter-lover for men involved in sports and hard physical labor.

What is winter lover useful for children

As winter lover is considered a potential allergen, it should not be used by children under 12 years of age. In an older age, the possibility of use is discussed with a pediatrician. Indications for using the plant for medicinal purposes:

  • immunodeficiency;
  • postoperative period;
  • stomatitis;
  • streptococcal and staphylococcal skin diseases;
  • cystitis.

The use of winter lover herb in folk medicine

In alternative medicine, the plant is used in several variations. Vitamin teas, infusions, decoctions, and tinctures are prepared from it. The juice of the plant is also considered to be no less popular. Each form of the drug has certain manufacturing nuances and dosage regimen. In some cases, it is allowed to combine several methods of application at once.

Advice! For diseases of the female reproductive system, a medicinal decoction from the plant can be used for douching.


An aqueous infusion of winter-lover is considered the easiest form of the drug to prepare. Its disadvantages include a short shelf life. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the infusion in small portions.


  • 500 ml hot water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dried herbs.

Cooking process:

  1. Winter-lover is placed in a clean container and filled with hot water.
  2. The drink is infused for 1 hour.
  3. After a specified time, the liquid is filtered, and then taken orally.
The drink should not be infused for more than 1 hour, otherwise it will turn out too strong



  • 400 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials.


  1. Dried leaves and inflorescences of winter-lover are placed in a small container and filled with water.
  2. The remedy is brought to readiness in a water bath within 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. The finished drink is filtered and put into the refrigerator. In this form, it must be used within 3 days.
The finished spool can be purchased from a specialist store or pharmacy


Alcohol tincture has a high concentration of active substances. Therefore, it is customary to use it in small dosages. It has powerful immunostimulating and antioxidant effects. However, due to the alcohol content, the remedy has a lot of contraindications. It is forbidden to use it for kidney and liver diseases.


  • 100 ml of alcohol;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried inflorescences.

Cooking steps:

  1. The plant is poured into a glass dark container and poured with alcohol.
  2. The duration of the infusion of the drink in a dark place is 2 weeks.
  3. If necessary, filter the tincture before use. It should be stored in the refrigerator, without breaking the shelf life of 2 years.
The local method of using the medicinal tincture is relevant for rheumatism and gout



  • 250 ml boiling water;
  • 1 tsp dried winter lover.
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  1. The plant is poured into a cup and filled with hot water.
  2. Tea is infused for no more than 10 minutes without covering the cup with a lid.
  3. To reduce the concentration of active components, tea can be diluted with clean water.
The spool can be mixed with other medicinal plants for making tea.
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The juice

Winterfly juice is obtained from a fresh plant. To do this, twist it together with the inflorescences through a meat grinder or blender. Then the resulting plant gruel is separated from the liquid. It is customary for the plant to drink the resulting juice for food poisoning, 1 tsp., After diluting it with a small amount of water.

Important! To increase the nutritional value, it is recommended to add honey or lemon to the winter-lover drink.
Before preparing the juice, the leaves of the plant are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust.

How to drink winter lover for weight loss

Zimolyubka is often used for weight loss. The desired result is achieved by reducing the appetite and diuretic properties of the plant. First of all, excess fluid is removed from the body. Then metabolic processes are activated. All this together helps to lose 3-4 kg in 1 month. Zimolyubka for this purpose is taken in the form of tea, 1-2 tbsp. in a day. The maximum duration of the treatment course is 3 months.

The use of winter lovers in cosmetology

The winter-lover was no less widespread in cosmetology. She copes well with acne and the first age-related changes. The infusion prepared from it is frozen and then used to wipe the skin. This procedure allows you to keep it in good shape and refresh the complexion.

Alcohol tincture of winter lover is used as a cleansing agent. They rub her face 2 times a day. It helps to get rid of acne and unclog pores.Before carrying out cleansing measures, it is advisable to thoroughly steam the skin.

Winter-lover broth can be used to make homemade masks. It is blended with base oils, clay and herbal extracts. The composition of the mask is determined by the skin type. The medicinal composition has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. It is used to rinse hair after washing. This makes the hair more manageable, shiny and smoother. Healing compresses using herbal decoction help get rid of dark circles under the eyes.


Despite the large number of medicinal properties, winter lover herb also has contraindications.

These include:

  • thrombosis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • sleep dysfunction;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypertension;
  • constipation;
  • thrombophlebitis.

With the correct use of the remedy, the likelihood of side effects tends to zero. Their appearance is possible in case of violation of the dosage and dosage regimen. In rare cases, an allergic reaction occurs against the background of plant intolerance. Its characteristic feature is skin rashes. The most common side effects include:

  • physical weakness;
  • nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine.

Collection and preparation of grass

The collection of a medicinal plant is carried out during its flowering period. This happens in the second half of the summer. Mainly, the ground part of the plant is harvested. It is advisable to leave part of the bush so that over time it can recover on its own.

To preserve the medicinal properties of the plant for a long time, the collected stems, leaves and inflorescences are dried. The raw materials are carefully laid out on a flat surface in a ventilated area. It is important to avoid direct sunlight. The recommended drying temperature for the plant is 40-50 ° C. The readiness of raw materials is evidenced by a change in its structure.

In dried form, the plant is stored for 2-3 years, using glass jars or paper bags as containers. For convenience, it is recommended to grind it until smooth. The safety of raw materials ensures compliance with temperature conditions and the absence of exposure to moisture.

Attention! To avoid insomnia, winter-lover broth should be used no later than 3 hours before going to bed.


The medicinal properties and contraindications of the umbrella winter-lover cause a lot of controversy. The plant shows negative sides only when used incorrectly. Compliance with the dosage and taking into account contraindications excludes the possibility of side effects.

Reviews of winter lover when used for weight loss

Kalinin Mikhail Alexandrovich, 38 years old, Chelyabinsk
I resorted to the help of herbal medicine after having studied the description of the umbrella winter-lover. It turned out that tea with its content helps to lose weight. I started taking it on a regular basis. As a result, he lost 3 kg in a month. But keep in mind that I tried to monitor the quality and quantity of food consumed.
Astashova Kristina Nikolaevna, 29 years old, Chita
Winter-lover broth really reduces appetite and speeds up the process of fat burning. I have been taking it for 2 months. Already in the first week of admission, it was possible to get rid of edema. I was much less hungry than usual. Now I will periodically practice this method of losing weight.
Karagodina Arina Alekseevna, 21 years old, Kostroma
For weight loss I drank winter-lover juice diluted with water. Fortunately, in the summer my grandmother prepared a lot of the plant. I noticed that while losing weight, I not only lost weight, but also significantly strengthened the immune system. I usually get sick during the cold season, but this time I managed to avoid infection. The only minus of the plant sap is a bitter taste.
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