How to use essential lavender oil for your face

Lavender oil for face can be used not only by professional cosmetologists. Every woman is able to choose the necessary recipe, taking into account her type and skin condition. The variety of options makes it possible to independently make a budget and very effective beauty session at home.

The advantage of oil is naturalness and nutritional composition

Benefits and properties of essential lavender oil for facial skin

The area of ​​application of lavender is very large. One of the directions is facial skin care. The effect of a natural product consists in the following features:

  1. Cleansing the skin... Lavender not only removes impurities, but also disinfects, refreshes the skin and nourishes it with aroma.
  2. Brightening the epidermis... The ingredients in the oil will help get rid of spots and freckles.
  3. Antiseptic properties... Heals wounds, relieves acne caused by the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Rejuvenating effect... The constituent ingredients of the essential oil nourish the cells and stimulate their regeneration.
  5. Improving microcirculation in small vessels of the skin... This effect allows cells to flush out toxins, restore balance and oxygenate.
  6. Anti-stress action. The plant contains valeric acid, a high-level relaxant.
  7. Sebum-regulating effect... The product normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands, mattifies the skin, relieves acne, helps with dermatitis of various etiologies.

The reason for this complex effect on the skin is a complex composition. The most important substances for facial care:

  • camphor;
  • bergamoten;
  • coumarin;
  • pinen;
  • geraniol;
  • acid.

They have astringent, antioxidant and revitalizing effects. Therefore, lavender oil is widely used in facial cosmetology.

The effectiveness of the oil is due to the high concentration of useful components

How to apply and use lavender essential oil on your face

There are several ways to apply the product to the skin. Lavender concentrate belongs to the list of essential products permitted for use in pure form. Depending on what the goal is, it is applied pointwise, mixed with other cosmetics or in the form of lotions.

Important! An allergy test should be performed before using the product.

How to add to cosmetics for skin care

The process of adding a component is called cosmetic enrichment. Options for the preparation of medicinal compositions:

  1. Enrichment lotion or tonic... A few drops can be added to the bottle for permanent use. The second method is to moisten a wet disc with tonic or lotion and drip 1-2 drops of lavender oil on it.
  2. Cream enrichment... Better to put a little in a separate container, add essential oil.It is also permissible to drop a drop of oil on the cream squeezed out of the dispenser and gently distribute it over the face.
  3. Enrichment of masks... Add three drops of base oil and lavender ether to the diluted mask.

You can use the component with ready-made cosmetics from different manufacturers or homemade homemade compositions.

Conveniently mix ester with ready-made creams

Anti-wrinkle lavender oil

A natural preparation will help get rid of wrinkles. The composition of the product contains components that:

  1. Improve blood circulation in the tissues of the skin. This action belongs to the alcohol geraniol, which improves cell nutrition.
  2. Provide lymphatic drainage effect.
  3. Improve collagen and elastin production. Borneol and coumarin give a similar result.
  4. Smooth out fine wrinkles. Ursolic acid can handle small folds.

Essential lavender concentrate is recommended for use in the preparation of an anti-wrinkle mask. Take 15 g of natural honey, 50 g of a fermented milk product (yogurt, yogurt) and chicken yolk. Add three drops of oil, mix well, apply to cleansed skin, leave for 20 minutes.

Lavender essential oil for acne skin

Lavender concentrate is often used to combat this type of skin condition. This is due to its healing properties.

Ether for acne:

  1. Relieves inflammation. This effect is given by caproic and valeric acids.
  2. Reduce scars with ingredients that promote tissue regeneration.
  3. Reduces the intensity of sebum production due to the presence of linalool and acetic acid.
  4. Eliminates pathogenic microflora. Antibacterial agents will reduce the growth of streptococcal and staphylococcal colonies that cause acne.

It is enough to grind the egg yolk, add two drops of lavender oil, apply on the acne area.

Important! Avoid contact of the composition on the skin around the eyes.

Leave on for 10-15 minutes. The recipe is recommended to be used regularly, no more than twice a week.

Another option is the spot application of pure oil. It must be applied with a cotton swab strictly on acne.

Spot application of oil requires caution

Moisturizing face masks with lavender oil

For dry skin, it is recommended to use masks with a moisturizing effect. At the same time, a much better result is obtained by a combination of lavender essential concentrate with a base base - sea buckthorn, olive, rosehip, peach or avocado oils. For one tablespoon of the base component, add three drops of lavender, mix thoroughly and rub into the skin of the face. Remains of the mixture that have not been absorbed must be removed with a napkin.

For quick hydration, you can put in a separate container the amount of face cream, which is usually enough for one application. Add a drop of lavender oil, apply to face.

Cleansing Masks

Composition with sea salt and clay works well. Mix powder of cosmetic clay (20 g) with water until it becomes gruel. Add fine sea salt (10 g) and lavender ether (three drops). Stir, grease your face with a thick layer, leave for 12-15 minutes. Wash off with clean water.

If there are traces of acne on the face, rubbing with a cotton pad will help. It is enough to apply base oil (olive, almond, peach) to it, drop three drops of lavender on top. Wipe problem areas in the morning and evening.

The combination of ether with clay enhances the effect of the procedure

Skin lightening

The whitening effect of lavender is soft and light. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to mix it with an essential lemon concentrate (drop by drop per procedure). Add the mixture to a tonic or cream for daily care.

Applying oil for oily skin

You will need to dilute black clay (30 g) in boiled cooled water, add five drops of oil, apply for 15 minutes, then rinse.To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to apply the product for a long time. Unpleasant shine will disappear and the skin will have a healthy matte appearance.

Against rosacea

It is necessary to take a chicken egg and separate the yolk, be sure to cool it. Add two drops of lavender and jojoba oil. Apply a thick layer to areas with visible vascular pattern, leave for ten minutes. Remove the mask with a dry cloth, then rinse your face with cool water. You can enhance the effect by adding five drops of jojoba oil, a drop of rose oil and a drop of lemon juice to two drops of lavender. The procedure takes ten minutes.

Steam bath

Baths are designed for women with oily problem skin. First, the water should be heated to a temperature of 85 ° C (no more). Add two drops of lavender essential concentrate, cover your head with a cloth or towel. Keep your face above the steam for no more than ten minutes. Then apply your usual nourishing cream or other remedy.

Recommended reading:  Salt baths: benefits and harms, how to do
When carrying out the procedure, it is important not to exceed the time interval

Scrubs, peels

Most often, lavender essential oil is added to ready-made products or mixed with coffee beans, sugar.


  1. Use coffee grounds or ground coffee beans. Mix with honey until sticky porridge. Add three drops of lavender concentrate. Apply to skin, massage easily with your fingertips. It is important to stick to the massage lines. Leave it on for five minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  2. Granulated sugar (20 g) + low-fat yogurt (100 ml) + 3 drops of lavender oil. Mix. Apply to face, massage lightly, leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm clean water.

When mixing, take into account the type of skin. You need to add lavender to those ingredients that are suitable for a specific type of facial skin.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

This is a very delicate area of ​​the face that requires respect and care. Recommended:

  • use essential oil in a mixture with base;
  • carefully monitor that the composition does not get into the eyes;
  • do not exceed the indicated dosage;
  • apply in small quantities;
  • conduct a test for the possibility of allergic manifestations.

Lavender concentrate can be used neat. It is necessary to distribute a small amount of the mixture over the orbital zone. It is recommended to use it instead of a nourishing cream twice a week. Options are a mixture with jojoba oils, wheat germ or grape seed, with a nourishing cream. One drop of ether is enough for one procedure.

It is important that the oil does not get into the eyes during application

Contraindications and precautions

Lavender ether contains terpene substances and bitterness. Therefore, the product has limitations for its use. It is not recommended to use it when:

  1. Individual intolerance... It is required to conduct a test before starting the procedures.
  2. Diagnosed anemia... The ability of the components of the oil to bind iron is the reason for the ban on the use of oil.
  3. Hypotension... The product has a relaxing effect, reduces pressure.
  4. Pregnancy... A strong concentrated odor can cause toxicosis or gestosis.
  5. Epilepsy and complex neurological diseases.
Important! Compositions of several essential oils require special attention.


Lavender face oil is not only effective, but also a budget remedy. The natural composition guarantees a high-quality result from the application. It is important to maintain the dosage and time of use of the essential concentrate in order to noticeably improve the condition of the skin.

Reviews on the use of lavender essential oil for the face against wrinkles

Elena Alexandrovna Spirina, 33 years old, Astrakhan
Lavender oil captivates with its versatility. With the right choice of ingredients, you can formulate mixtures for any type of skin. It also has a pleasant bonus - an excellent delicate aroma with a relaxing effect.Any procedure turns into a session of complex body restoration. I have problematic oily skin. Lavender concentrate can be applied neat. Therefore, when acne appears, salvation comes very quickly.
Galina Yakovlevna Borzykh, 27 years old, Smolensk
I am the owner of very dry and sensitive skin. I always have lavender oil next to cosmetics. I make formulations for moisturizing, fighting wrinkles and flaking. I tried different essential oils, but only lavender works anyway. The relaxing effect improves sleep, which also affects the condition of the skin. The face looks rested, fresh, without swelling and wrinkles.
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