Volodushka herb: medicinal properties, contraindications, application

In folk medicine of many countries, medicinal properties and contraindications for golden hairs are known. This seemingly unremarkable herb has a high healing potential. It is widely used in the medical practice of phytotherapists and traditional healers.

The golden hairball stands out among the surrounding greenery with yellow baskets of flowers

The chemical composition of the herb Bupleurum

The chemical elements that make up the bundle are not fully known to science. Official medicine does not recognize the plant as a medicine, so no one seriously studied it.

It is known that golden hairs contain the following substances:

  • glycosides, vitamins C, P, phytosterols - in the leaves;
  • tannins, alkaloid compounds - in greenery, stems and roots;
  • ascorbic acid, carotene, plant sterols, coumarins, essential oil - in flowers.

The plant also contains flavonoids, in particular, rutin, quercetin, rutinoside. These are plant pigments that have healing powers against various diseases. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce their permeability and fragility, prevent the formation of blood clots, and exhibit an antioxidant effect.

The golden bulge has an erect stem with small branches in the upper part

Why is the bullock useful?

Refers to liver herbs, stimulates the flow of bile through the excretory ducts. The infusion, prepared on the basis of golden hairs, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organ. Changes the composition of bile, increases the concentration of nutrients in it. Leaves and flowers of the plant have the most valuable therapeutic effect. It is included in the majority of hepatic preparations, enhances the effect of all other herbs.

Makes bile thinner. At the same time, its amount does not increase, which is very rare among medicinal plants. Liquid bile better dissolves stones in the ducts, reduces them in size and brings them out.

The plant can be grown on a personal plot, at home. Moreover, the cultivated golden bullock will have much more useful substances than in the wild. In one place it can grow for a very long time, up to 50 years. Then the plant is propagated by dividing the rhizomes.

It is good to drink herbal tea from golden bullocks after eating heavy fatty foods. The plant enhances the secretion of the stomach and all digestive organs, helps the digestion of food that has entered the digestive tract. In addition, it has a healing effect on neuroses - both in adults and in children. It is a good anthelmintic, anti-cold and anti-stress remedy, normalizes sleep, calms the heart, eliminates tachycardia.

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Attention! Preparations of golden bullock, made on the basis of dry raw materials, are much more effective than those made from freshly harvested herbs.
You can buy golden bullock herb at the pharmacy

Harm of the grass bullop

The plant has a powerful choleretic effect.Therefore, if the patient has large stones in the bile ducts, grass should not be used. Otherwise, the patient runs the risk of liver failure, which is a serious threat to life. If large formations block the exit of bile, the cells of the organ will begin to die off.

The golden hair follicle can cause an allergic reaction in those people who are prone to food allergies or suffer from intolerance to one of the components of the plant. This reaction manifests itself in the form of urticaria, other symptoms of hypersensitivity of the body.

Attention! Bupleushka golden - the plant is not poisonous, therefore, in most cases, it is absolutely safe.
During pregnancy, golden hair is not recommended for treatment

Contraindications to bollush

Herbal preparations are undesirable for people who have increased gastric secretion, ulcers and erosion are present in the digestive tract. Contraindicated in pregnant patients, as well as in children under 12 years of age. The external use of the golden bulge has no restrictions. It is safe and can be practiced with almost no restrictions.

You can take a boulush in the form of water, alcohol solutions

How to drink a buckwheat

Preparations made on the basis of golden hairs should be taken on an empty stomach, several times a day, 20-40 minutes before the start of a meal. So the medicine is better absorbed and the effect of the treatment will be much higher.

Raw material quantity

The volume of boiling water or vodka

Infusion time

Single dose

Number of appointments per day


1 tsp dry grass

250 ml boiling water

15 minutes. (in a water bath)

1 tbsp. l.


Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, decreased acidity of the stomach.

1 tbsp. l. dry mix

1 tbsp. boiling water

5-6 hours

0.5 tbsp.


3 tbsp. l. dry composition

3 tbsp. boiling water

Evaporate to 1/3 of the original volume

0.5 tbsp.


To strengthen blood vessels, from possible hemorrhages, the development of tumors.


1 part fresh herb juice

1 part vodka


30-50 drops

3 times / 3-4 weeks

With inflammatory processes of the liver, biliary tract.

50 g dry herb

500 ml of vodka

10 days

25-30 drops


With headaches arising from infectious diseases.


1 tbsp. l. collection (in equal parts take celandine + mint + bullock)

250 ml

boiling water

1 h

1 glass

2 times / morning and evening

With biliary dyskinesia.

50 g dry or fresh herb

200 ml of vodka

14 days

25 drops

3 times / 3 weeks

Helps with stones, sand in the biliary tract.

1 tbsp. l. dry grass

1 cup boiling water

5-7 minutes

1 cup

2-4 times

Toning tea, add honey.

Different forms of drugs are used as prescribed by a doctor, depending on each specific case.

Bupleurum golden is included in most hepatic collections

Application of the herb volodushka

In phytotherapy, the healing properties of golden hairs for the liver, digestive system and other body systems are well known. A rich experience in the use of medicinal herbs came to our medicine from China, Korea, India, Japan.

The use of golden hairs in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the herb is used as part of the treatment of pathologies of the liver, gallbladder. It is recommended to take water and alcohol extracts of the plant for cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis (toxic, viral), stagnation of bile and gallstone disease. The use of the herb Bupleus is also practiced for pancreatitis, as well as for many other pathologies:

  • infectious infections;
  • cystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • colds;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • decreased gastric secretion;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • high body temperature;
  • fever;
  • flu;
  • ENT diseases;
  • pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • overwork;
  • gynecological problems (from tumors);
  • impotence;
  • digestive problems;
  • neuroses;
  • heart diseases.

A solution for local or external use is prepared from the upper green part of the plant. For skin diseases such as urticaria, fungal infections and other dermatological problems, lotions, compresses and rinses are made.The same remedy is used for eye diseases.

For the treatment of lesions on the skin with the help of lotions, take chopped fresh or dry, steamed grass. From the powder of the plant, make powders for wounds, pustules. Use decoctions for external washing of damaged skin surfaces.

Alcohol tincture of the herb should be used in case of:

  • high blood pressure;
  • stress;
  • neuroses;
  • flu;
  • neuralgia.

Milky juice obtained from the stems can be used for external treatment of warts, nail fungus. The gruel from the leaves will accelerate the healing of purulent wounds and prevent the development of inflammatory processes, as it has antiseptic properties.

Attention! Bupleur tea has a good aroma and taste, has a tonic effect, and can be used for weight loss.

Bupule during pregnancy

It is undesirable for women to be treated with this herb during the period of bearing a child. The effect of plant preparations is not well understood. Therefore, in order to avoid negative reactions from the mother's body, as well as the unborn baby, this herb should not be used during pregnancy.

The fact is that the plant contains alkaloids. Small concentrations of substances have a healing effect when used by ordinary people. But during pregnancy, they can harm the unformed body of a bearing fetus.

You can harvest golden hair all summer long

Collection and storage rules

It is a perennial herb. It differs from other related species in that it can grow up to 1m in height. The stem is single, straight, may branch slightly at the top. Leaves are oblong, ovate, yellow flowers, appear in June-July. The inflorescence is formed in the form of complex umbrellas, up to 10 cm in diameter.

Grows in thin forests - both coniferous and deciduous. The grass can be seen in the glades, forest edges. In medicine, all parts of the plant are used:

  • grass, including leaves and stem;
  • roots can be dug up in autumn or early spring;
  • flowers are harvested in June-August.

The procurement of medicinal raw materials must be carried out from the moment the plant blooms. In this case, only the above-ground part should be cut off, protecting the root system from damage. Drying of the collected raw materials should be carried out as soon as possible, as soon as possible. This is necessary in order to retain all the beneficial chemicals in the plant.

To dry the golden bullock, ovens, dryers, ovens are used. They are treated with hot air, the temperature of which can reach +90 C. In a private house, it is allowed to use the surface of a heated stove for several days. For the preservation of finished raw materials, paper or cardboard containers are best suited. In such packaging, raw materials will not lose their properties for up to 5 years. Dried golden bullock is not afraid of low temperatures, so you can keep it in an unheated room.


The medicinal properties and contraindications to the golden bollush are very well known in folk medicine. The plant is widely used for various diseases, primarily of the liver, gallbladder; it exhibits therapeutic activity in many other cases.

Reviews about the volushka

Gennady Mikhailovich Sviridonov, 63 years old, Zhitomir.
I always buy golden bullock grass at the pharmacy. But the roots and fresh leaves to get juice, you need to try to collect yourself. Thank God that the plant is quite common and there are no problems with this. I treat all my diseases with grass, ranging from colds, wounds on my hands, ending with pancreatitis.
Anna Sergeevna Trubitsyna, 47 years old, Belaya Tserkov.
Bupleushka golden is highly valued in folk medicine for its healing potential. It is even equated to such elite herbs as ginseng. But you need to take it only on the recommendation of an experienced herbalist. Without this, you can take either too small doses - then there will be no effect, or too high.
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