How to machine wash sneakers: washing and drying rules

Sneakers are comfortable, practical and beautiful shoes that are popular with men and women of all ages. Due to everyday use, street dirt and dust constantly accumulates on them, which requires cleaning. To facilitate the procedure, you can wash your sneakers in an automatic washing machine, but this is not permissible for all models.

Is it possible to wash sneakers in the washing machine

Not everything is possible to wash sneakers in a washing machine; before the process, the material of the products, gluing and model are taken into account. Before placing shoes in the machine, remove and wash the laces by hand so that they do not get stuck in the drum, insoles that can disintegrate when using the machine. You can use a brush and laundry soap for them. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, a small layer of soda is poured onto the insoles, and after drying, the powder is removed.

Warning! Converse is quite popular now, which is more expensive than usual, which is why you can buy fake, low-quality models - if you wash such products in a typewriter, most likely they will immediately lose their appearance or unstick, so they need manual cleaning.

Which sneakers can be washed in a washing machine

The sole of the products is made of vulcanized rubber, it is durable and flexible, so it will not deteriorate during washing. The shoes themselves are made from the following materials:

  1. Synthetics... Such products are considered the cheapest and are easy to care for. The downside is that the fibers interfere with normal air exchange, they begin to smell unpleasant and require frequent washing. For synthetic models, you can use an automatic machine and not be afraid of damage with proper washing.
  2. the cloth... For rag models, external cleaning is often required. The leg can breathe in them, but after the street they need to be dried so that unpleasant odors do not appear.
  3. Suede and leather... Such shoes are more expensive, an automatic machine can damage the natural material, so washing must be done manually.

Features of washing sneakers in a washing machine

Synthetic and fabric sneakers are not just thrown into the machine, they need preliminary cleaning, and the correct means, temperature and mode will not allow the models to be damaged during the procedure. Cleansing technology consists of the following stages:

  1. Initially, the soles are washed, for this they use a brush and a concentrated soap solution. The boots are placed in a basin of liquid for 1 hour to make the dirt easier to clean. Stubborn dirt is removed with a stain remover. You can whiten the sole with toothpaste, vinegar solution 1: 3, a mushy composition of water, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Further, dirt is removed from the surface with a soft cloth.
  3. To prevent spoilage during the spinning process, set the mode to less than 600 revolutions or turn it off altogether. A fabric bag is used for shoes, wrapped in a towel or pillowcase. The fabric should be light so that it does not dye.
  4. You can wash fabric sneakers in a washing machine at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees; for this, use ordinary powder or gel. Synthetic shoes are pre-soaked in warm soapy water.
  5. White shoes are washed more often, after about 3 socks, this is done so that dirt and dust does not have time to be absorbed into the fabric surface. Detergents and bleach must be chlorine-free, this will negatively affect the material. Optical or oxygen bleaching solutions are best purchased. If yellowness appears on the sneakers, they are soaked for 30 minutes in a solution of 2 large tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which are diluted in 10 liters of hot water. After that, the shoes are washed again in accordance with all recommendations.
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How to properly wash sneakers in a washing machine

For one wash, 50 g of bleaching powder is enough. For colored fabrics, you can use half the cap of the liquid gel. If you wash your sneakers in a washing machine in the “delicate” mode, you can not only get rid of noise, but also prevent deformation of the products. Old towels are also placed in the drum to prevent friction. Colored shoes need a good rinse and a small amount of powder or liquid detergent, otherwise stains may remain on them. To avoid damaging the drum, it is not recommended to add more than 2 pairs at a time.

Advice! To prevent the appearance of yellow spots on white sneakers, you can also use baby powder - rub the thick gruel into the fabric, remove it with a soft brush after drying.

How to dry your sneakers after washing

Drying of products is an equally important stage, it can be carried out using an electric dryer, just insert the device inside and turn on the device to the network. The second method is to use paper that absorbs liquid well, it is as follows:

  1. The paper is crumpled and tightly packed with lumps on the inside of the shoes.
  2. The shoes are wrapped in 3-4 layers and fixed on top with an elastic band.
  3. The products are left in a ventilated area and periodically replaced with dry paper.

Newspaper absorbs moisture best, but it is not suitable for light-colored models because it can stain them. You can also dry your sneakers in the usual way by hanging them on clothespins by the tabs. If they hang on the street, then it is advisable to place them in the shade, since fabric, especially colored fabric, fades under the sun's rays. It is not recommended to place boots on batteries and near a heater, this leads to deformation of rags.


If you wash your sneakers correctly in a washing machine, you can return them to their almost original appearance. However, frequent washing will still wear out the material, so it is recommended to wear your shoes carefully to reduce the frequency of procedures. Models of low quality and decorated with metal or plastic inserts, it is better not to wash in the machine, they can fall apart, and the elements fall off and damage the drum. In any case, if a person is afraid to ruin the shoes, he can always wash them by hand and not be afraid of damage.

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Reviews about washing sneakers in a washing machine

Andrey Korolev 19 years old, Voronezh.
I love to wear sneakers, this is a very comfortable and light thing. I prefer white models, so I need to wash almost every day. To preserve the color, I use bleach or add baking soda to the drum. I bought myself 2 pairs of converse at once, so that one could be properly washed and dried.
Alena Vlasova, 23 years old, Vladivostok.
I have had experience with sticking out due to frequent washings. These were not very high-quality sneakers, I put the wash at 60 degrees, did not know which one was needed, I thought that they were washed off only in hot water. Now I started to take proper care of my shoes, they can be worn much longer and they look normal.
Oleg Pustovalov, 27 years old, Cheboksary.
I once washed my sneakers in hot water, they sat down to almost a size, I had to wash them in cold water again.Now, when drying, I insert paper inside so that it fills the shoe tightly. Now I read the drying rules and made sure that this can be done.
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