How to sew jeans on the knee: women, men and children

To sew a hole in jeans on the knee so that it is invisible from others, you need to try. There are several ways to successfully mask a defect. You don't have to go to a seamstress. You can sew it yourself.

What to do if a hole appears in the jeans on the knee

In the knee area, jeans often tend to become thinner as a result of increased mobility. These places can withstand a serious load. Therefore, even the high price of the product does not insure against the appearance of holes. You can fix jeans on your knee yourself. First of all, you need to take care that the hole does not increase in size. Do not postpone the repair indefinitely. It is advisable to sew everything up immediately after detecting a defect.

To rescue torn clothing, you can use a patch or sew it with a special seam. A sewing machine will help facilitate the task. With it, the seam will turn out to be even and neat.

It is necessary to take care of the purchase of such materials in advance:

  • a piece of fabric;
  • threads and needles;
  • iron;
  • pins;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Some girls do not sew up jeans if holes appear on them. In recent years, ripped jeans are at the height of fashion. To keep the garment in line with the latest trends, just make a similar hole on the second leg. They do not need to be symmetrical. In winter, such a way to get out of this situation in an original way is not relevant. Therefore, you should sew up the hole in the jeans. There are many options to do it beautifully and without compromising the quality of the thing. Many wardrobe items perform their function for a long time even after repair.

Jeans repair features

In some cases, jeans on the knee can be repaired under warranty if no more than two weeks have passed since the purchase. But more often than not, the seller simply changes the item for a new one. Unfortunately, not all clothing brands offer warranty service. If the defect did not arise due to a factory defect, you will have to sew up the hole yourself.

To fix jeans on the knee, you need to study the features of the material. Any seams on it will be very noticeable. Therefore, you have to work hard if you need to disguise them.

To sew everything up correctly, it is advisable to observe the following recommendations:

  • the threads are chosen as close as possible to the color of the jeans;
  • machine lines must be done perpendicular to the gap;
  • dense things are put on large holes, rare ones on small ones.
  • after darning, you need to reinforce the seam.
Comment! Before attaching a patch or applique with threads, it is advisable to hook with pins and see how organic it looks.

How to sew women's jeans on the knee

To properly sew up ripped jeans on the knees, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the process from the photo. This will not cause much difficulty even for those who have never sewed. The most suitable way to mend jeans at the knee is to use patch material.It is applied to the hole from the wrong side. You can find it in any sewing supply store. A small piece of old jeans is also often used as a patch. But it must match in color. A creative method of solving a problem involves applying an applique.

Plastering can be done both with a typewriter and manually. The main thing to sew up a hole is to follow the algorithm of the following actions:

  1. Threads are selected to match the lining material.
  2. A piece of material is applied and fixed on the problem area with an iron. In this case, it is advisable to use a mode designed for ironing cotton fabric.
  3. If the patch is not denim, but ordinary fabric, it should be pre-swept.
  4. Needles and threads are tucked into the sewing machine to match the jeans. The lines are made in the form of a zigzag, using the back and front moves for this. The resulting seams should be perpendicular to the hole.
  5. After the patch is securely fixed, the swept threads are removed with scissors.
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Girls who want to keep up with the times can use a fashionable life hack. Masking with threads of a contrasting color will help to sew a hole in the jeans on the knee. To do this, you need a sewing machine with a back and forth function. Darning is carried out in several layers until the hole is completely closed. This method is only suitable if the hole in the jeans is very small.

How to sew men's jeans on the knee

Not all men enjoy distressed and ripped jeans. Many of them prefer the usual classics in their clothes. In this case, the repair of the thing must be done as discreetly as possible. The result depends on how big the hole is. If the hole is small, you can sew the jeans on the knee by hand. A photo of the process will help you understand the suture pattern. It is important to observe the following rules:

  • to make the line even, the material should be stretched as much as possible;
  • the seam should run parallel to the threads in the fabric so that it matches its structure;
  • if the desired color of threads was not at hand, you should pick up the two that are closest in tone and insert them into the needle together;
  • a tiny hole can be masked with the trick method.

You can sew up the hole by overlapping it with applique. On men's clothing, leather inserts are often used for this purpose. They look interesting enough and do not attract too much attention. But it is advisable to sew the skin to the hole in the knee using a typewriter. When sewing by hand, there is a risk of damaging the fabric.

How to sew baby jeans on the knee

Patches on children's jeans on the knee are much easier to make. This is due to the lack of the need to adapt to a particular style of clothing. You can resort to using applications. For a child, such a masking of a hole will be comparable to the acquisition of a new thing.

The pattern for applique is cut out of old clothes or made by yourself. In the latter case, a huge scope for creativity opens up. Coins, fringes, sequins and ribbons can be used as decorative elements. First, you need to design the applique. Only after that you can start decorating jeans.

The patch is applied to the problem area. Its diameter should exceed the size of the hole by 1 cm. If adhesive tape is used for decoration, it is first smoothed to the material with an iron. A zigzag type of seam is selected on the sewing machine panel. The process of webbing must be carried out tightly.

There is another way to patch jeans at the knee. To do this, you need a heat transfer sticker. It is easy to find in any specialty store. It is applied to the patch. In this case, the seams will be completely invisible.

You can sew jeans on the knee by hand without a seam.This stitching technique is called sashiko. She took her distribution from Japan. A characteristic feature of the technique is making multiple punctures in the tissue with the removal of a contrasting thread in them. For decoration, you will need a specialized thread or floss. Any piece of old clothing is used as a patch. It may not blend in in its texture and pattern with jeans. Since the method is quite traumatic, a thimble is also required.

Pieces of material are cut out 3 cm larger than the hole in the jeans. It is applied to the hole from the wrong side. It is important to check that the fabric is not stretched, as the leg will bend in the knee area. The piece of fabric is fixed in place with a large number of pins. Use a marker to draw a suitable pattern in the knee area. The abundance of options is limited only by fantasy. Short stitches are made on the front side, and long stitches on the wrong side. To play up the design, you can sew on one of the legs the same patch of fabric as in the patch.

Attention! For artistic darning on denim, it is advisable to acquire a special marker, with the help of which the future drawing is schematically outlined.

How to patch a hole in jeans at the knee

Openwork fabric of a contrasting color will help to creatively sew jeans on the knee. Most often, girls prefer white material. An insert in the form of black guipure looks no less effective. It is not at all necessary in this case to make rough seams. It is enough to use adhesive tape. With its help, the patch is gently applied to the hole from the inside and smoothed with an iron. Lace can also be attached by stitching. There is no need to sweep the edges of the hole. To create a slight sloppy effect, you can tear them slightly to create a fringe.

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How beautiful to sew jeans on the knee by hand

Anything can be used to decorate the hand seams around the hole in jeans. Small beads, sequins and buttons of intricate shapes will look beautiful in this area. It is important not to overdo it with decorative elements. There is a risk of breaking the fragile threads when the knee is bent.

You can also use a piece of denim to close the hole in the knee. It is applied from the seamy side. You do not need to thread the edges of the torn place. Such an element of the environment can be mistaken for a design idea. A flap of fabric is sewn with threads to match with a zigzag stitch.

How beautiful to sew jeans on the knee on a sewing machine

The sewing machine greatly facilitates the process of eliminating a defect on the fabric. If the jeans are heavily worn, a patch is applied in the knee area. If the gap is small, the material is simply stitched together. In the second case, it is necessary to remove excess threads. Two opposite edges are joined and then sewn neatly. Longitudinal stitches are complemented by perpendicular stitches. The result is a beautiful mesh that is invisible to the eye.

You can use a blind seam to close a hole in jeans on the knee using a typewriter. Initially, excess threads are removed from the damaged area of ​​the tissue. The patch should be sewn on from the seamy side with an overlock, retreating from the edge of 3 cm. Special spider webs and glue pieces of fabric can act as a patch. In fact, the patch is secured with an adhesive. But full adhesion to the material is provided by a hidden seam. It runs along the perimeter of the inserted fabric in a zigzag manner.

It is possible to sew up torn jeans on the knees, the photo of which is presented below, with the help of several pieces of fabric 4-5 cm long.They are superimposed on each other in random order. This creates an intricate pattern that can be passed off as a manufacturer's idea. Instead of rectangles, you can sew triangles, ovals, or other geometric shapes.

Important! You can also find ideas for ripped jeans in fashion magazines.

Useful Tips

Sewing a patch on jeans on the knee may not work the first time. The skill comes gradually, with experience. In order not to spoil the thing, it is advisable to first practice on unnecessary wardrobe items.

You also need to follow these tips:

  • placing a seam along the fabric structure will help to perfectly mask the damage;
  • if a hole appears only on one leg, for symmetry it can be made with your own hand and on the second;
  • when decorating a torn place, the most daring combinations will be a good option with colored threads;
  • if the patch on jeans gets bored over time, it can be replaced with an applique or openwork material;
  • it is advisable to go over the patch with several rows of stitches, ensuring its reliable fixation;
  • if necessary, holes in jeans can be supplemented with scuffs;
  • while sewing the patch, stretch the fabric of the jeans.

You can learn how to sew a patch on jeans on the knee from the video. To examine in detail the incomprehensible moments, it is enough to stop and rewind the video.

Fashion trends allow you to favorably emphasize your style without buying new things. Torn gins have not gone out of fashion for several years. But it should be remembered that such an item of clothing is not suitable for wearing under the scorching rays of the sun. There is a possibility that an ugly sunburn will appear on the spot of the hole. Therefore, jeans darned in this area are more relevant.

Advice! After the hole in the jeans is sewn up, the problem area should be thoroughly ironed with an iron.


Sewing up a hole in jeans on the knee is equally good both with a machine and by hand. Whatever the result, it will look extravagant and trendy. If you cannot eliminate the defect on your own, you must contact a specialist.

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