Corn grass: useful properties, possible harm, reviews

The beneficial properties of corn salad and contraindications are widely known in the food industry. It is an annual herb with a rich vitamin composition. The corn is also popularly called "rapunzel" salad. It is able to retain its medicinal properties even after heat treatment.

What does corn salad look like?

Corn salad is a common type of vegetable garden, belonging to the Valerian family. In ancient Rome, it was called a herb for all diseases. For some time, the crown was attributed to magical actions. This is due to its rich vitamin composition. Due to its rich taste, corn salad is widely used in cooking. It is noteworthy that heat treatment does not spoil its taste in any way. It can be grown in a garden plot. This type of greenery is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and early shoots.

The plant has round, dark green leaves, which are collected in a rosette with a diameter of 10-20 cm. The stem is branched, fork-shaped. The corn blooms in the second year after planting. The seeds remain viable for 3-4 years. The budding period begins in April and ends in June. Small white flowers are collected in dense semi-umbrellas. The fruits of the plant appear in late spring or early summer. They are round-ovoid and include three nests. Fruit length can reach 1-2.5 mm. Photo of what corn salad looks like:

The herb has the ability to remove harmful cholesterol from the body
Comment! In cooking, corn has become widespread due to its spicy aroma and nutty taste.

How corn salad grows

It is customary to plant the Rapunzel corn salad in open ground. You should first prepare the soil. It is cleaned of debris and weeds, and then fertilized. The most suitable formulations will be ammonium sulfate and potassium salt. Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm, keeping a distance of 12 cm between them. After sowing, warm water is used for irrigation. To accelerate germination, it is necessary to cover the bed with foil. Lettuce sprouts will appear within a week after sowing.

In the future, watering is carried out 1 time in 3-4 days. The first harvest can be obtained 2-3 weeks after the first shoots appear. A distinctive feature is the plant's resistance to pests. In rare cases, the root is covered with powdery mildew. The largest amount of greens grows in Asia, Africa and some European countries. On an industrial scale, Rapunzel is cultivated in Thailand, China and Indonesia.

The chemical composition and nutritional value of corn salad

Root grass is prized for its rich content of biologically active substances. Ascorbic acid is present in greens at 42% of the body's daily requirement. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins B6 and A. Due to this, the use of lettuce helps to strengthen the immune system. The presence of the most important minerals is also important. The chemical composition of crown herb is also represented by the following components:

  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • flavonoids;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins of groups C, B, E and A;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium.

The calorie content of 100 g of corn salad is only 23 kcal. It is often added to the diet by people who want to lose weight. Flavonoids in greens accelerate regeneration processes. And minerals have a positive effect on the work of the heart and the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to the B vitamins, metabolic processes are normalized, the work of blood circulation improves. It is believed that with regular consumption of the root, brain activity is improved and neurological disorders are eliminated. 200 g of lettuce per day will be able to satisfy the body's daily need for folic acid.

Why is corn salad useful?

Often, field salad is used for medicinal purposes. This is due to the fact that it has many useful properties. First of all, greens are a rich source of vitamins that have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism. In addition, it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac for both women and men. The useful properties of root grass include:

  • relieving irritability and improving mood;
  • fight against colds;
  • stimulation of the intestines;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • restoration of blood pressure;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
  • strengthening of capillaries and blood vessels;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • whitening of the skin;
  • increased immunity;
  • launching metabolic processes.

A distinctive feature of the herb rapunzel is its sedative effect. In addition, it has a diuretic effect, thereby relieving puffiness. Due to the abundance of vitamins in the composition, greens have a tonic effect and replenish energy.

Dishes with rapunzel salad are especially beneficial for children and pregnant women

The substances that make up the root improve blood plasma. This allows you to avoid a lot of unwanted diseases. Due to the fiber content, greens improve the absorption of protein products and normalize the digestion process.

Corn salad is especially popular among supporters of proper nutrition. It saturates the body with useful substances without contributing to weight gain. The presence of greens in the diet ensures the prevention of viral and colds. Its calming effect on the body makes it effective against nervous disorders. Due to the whitening properties, the root herb is in demand in home cosmetology. It is used to prepare face masks and hair rinses. Men often use Rapunzel to enhance sexual desire and prevent prostatitis.

Advice! Experts recommend adding kronor salad to the diet in case of physical exhaustion and loss of strength.
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Cooking applications

Healthy root greens are often the main ingredient in vegetable salads. It also goes well with meat and fish. In European countries, the root is often found in soups. The spicy taste of the salad is successfully framed by nuts, citruses, sesame seeds, lemon juice and various greens. Due to its rich color and bizarre shape, the root will be an excellent decoration for any dish.

Lettuce may lose its flavor on contact with metal objects. That is why it is customary to grind it by hand. Lemon juice, olive oil, sour cream and balsamic vinegar are used as a dressing for salads containing krone.


Corn salad can be both beneficial and harmful to health. For example, if you don't wash it properly, you can run into parasitic diseases. To avoid side effects, it is enough not to abuse the use of salad and take into account contraindications. These include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • tendency to flatulence;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • chronic gastritis.

Excessive consumption of rapunzel herb can cause diarrhea.An allergic reaction to greens is a rare occurrence. With its development, an antihistamine should be taken and measures should be taken to cleanse the digestive tract.

How to choose and store

Lettuce should be checked for freshness before eating. It should give off a subtle spicy aroma. On the surface of the leaves there is no damage, traces of rot and mold. It is imperative to rinse the herbs thoroughly before consuming them. You need to collect lettuce leaves only when young, until flowering.

Store fresh grass in a special compartment of the refrigerator. The most suitable container will be plastic containers. To preserve the beneficial properties of greens for a long time, you can use freezing. The root can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days. If you put it in a container of clean water, you can extend the shelf life up to a week.

Attention! To replenish the body's iron stores, it is enough to eat a few lettuce leaves a day.


Useful properties of corn salad and contraindications do not raise any special questions. In most cases, it has an extremely positive effect on human health. To get the most of the benefits, it is advisable to consume the salad on a regular basis.

Reviews about root salad

Gaivorunskaya Lyudmila Sergeevna, 34 years old, Syzran
I really love various greens, but I got to know the root quite recently. Our whole family fell in love with him. The taste of the grass has a pronounced pungency, quite specific. It adds a light piquancy and pungency to the vegetable salad. It is especially useful to eat it for dinner, in addition to meat.
Golikov Ivan Vladimirovich, 41 years old, Krasnoyarsk
Corn salad, or, as it is called, radichio, has a lot of useful properties. Recently, I often make vitamin smoothies out of it. It turns out quite tasty, and most importantly - healthy. If you drink this drink regularly, you can even lose weight. I lost 3 kg in 1 month.
Nikitina Yulia Aleksandrovna, 22 years old, Smolensk
For the past couple of years, I have been eating a healthy diet. I try to constantly discover new useful products for myself. I prepare various vegetable salads from root grass. It goes well with arugula, tomato and fetaxa. I use olive oil as a dressing for this salad. It turns out very tasty and beautiful.
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