Properties and uses of lavender oil

The benefits and harms of lavender oil are important for all connoisseurs of aromatic cosmetic esters. The tool is used for beauty care and for the treatment of ailments, but so that the oil does not harm, you need to know what properties lavender has.

Lavender oil appearance and aroma

The healthy oil, which is made from lavender, seems almost colorless, only in the light you can distinguish a slight yellowish tint in it. The consistency of the ether is fluid and light, and it smells of all shades of lavender.

How lavender oil is obtained

Cosmetic oil is obtained by the distillation method - by the method of distillation with water vapor. The method allows you to preserve all the valuable qualities of raw materials, but there is also a minus - from about 60 kg of lavender flowers, only about 1 kg of pure ether comes out. Therefore, the product is highly valued, the raw material costs for its production are very high.

Lavender essential oil composition

The beneficial composition of lavender ether is represented by more than 200 components. Some of the main components can be distinguished among them:

  • vitamins - B, PP, A, C and E;
  • tannins and resins;
  • bitterness and alcoholic ether compounds;
  • butyric and acetic acids;
  • lavender and geraniol;
  • coumarin;
  • valeric and caproic acids;
  • borniol and nonanal;
  • caryophyllene and herniarin.

All of these substances give lavender ether not only a pleasant aroma, but also a host of health benefits.

The benefits of lavender oil

The beneficial properties of lavender essential oil affect many systems of the human body. Specifically lavender oil:

  • has a positive effect on colds - relieves nasal congestion, eliminates cough, helps to cure bronchitis;
  • strengthens blood vessels and thereby improves the functioning of the heart system;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps with insomnia, anxiety disorders, loss of strength;
  • has a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • due to antiseptic properties, it relieves inflammation and promotes healing of wounds and burns;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, helps to get rid of cellulite;
  • evens out sweating.

In addition, the benefits of ether are expressed in the bactericidal effect in the aromatization of premises.

For women

The antiseptic properties of lavender oil are very beneficial for women. For gynecological diseases, they allow you to quickly relieve inflammation and remove pain and discomfort.The benefit of ester is that it helps regulate menstruation, improves hormonal levels and helps to increase libido.

For men

Lavender oil is a natural aphrodisiac, therefore it is of great benefit in reducing potency. The calming properties of the product are very useful for men - lavender helps to fight excessive temper and irritability, restores calmness and self-confidence.

The beneficial effect of lavender on the cardiovascular system contributes to the prolongation of life in men, as it reduces the harm from unhealthy diet and prevents the development of early strokes and heart attacks.

For children

The benefits and harms of lavender essential oil for children are controversial. On the one hand, babies will benefit from topical use of ether. Inhalation will help with colds, runny nose and cough, and the pleasant aroma will have a positive effect on the child's nervous system.

But at the same time, the internal use of lavender ether even in small dosages for children is strictly prohibited, since it will only bring harm. For the first time, it is possible to use oil inside for treatment only after 12 years of life, after making sure that the child has no allergies.

Attention! Lavender ether has contraindications. Therefore, even before external use, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, so as not to accidentally harm the baby.

Lavender oil for pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the period of gestation, lavender oil is not recommended to be taken internally. Even the smallest dosages can cause severe harm - the body of a pregnant woman is too sensitive. But to carry out aromatherapy or inhalation is not only allowed, but also very useful - ether will strengthen the woman's immunity and reduce the level of stress.

During lactation, lavender ether can also be used only externally - if taken internally, it is likely to cause harm. It is much more useful for nursing mothers to inhale fragrant vapors and lubricate the skin with diluted ether - lavender will help avoid stretch marks and contribute to weight loss.

The use of lavender oil in traditional medicine

Studying the benefits of the product, it is necessary to note the healing properties of lavender essential oil. When used internally and externally, ether helps to eliminate the symptoms and causes of many diseases.

Inhalation for diseases of the respiratory system

For runny nose, bronchitis and other inflammatory diseases of the nose and throat, inhalation of lavender ether will benefit. To carry out them, it is necessary to dissolve no more than 3 drops of ether in a glass of water and slightly warm it up to a maximum of 55 ° C. Then you need to bend over a container of liquid, cover your head with a towel and for about 5 minutes, carefully, so that there is no harm, inhale the hot aromatic vapor.

For headaches

Lavender oil is great for migraines and headaches caused by fatigue. Treatment can be carried out in several ways at once:

  • relaxing baths - for 10 liters of water, you need to add no more than 6 drops of ether and lie in the bath for a quarter of an hour;
  • herbal teas with added oil - only 1-2 drops are enough for a cup, while the tea should be warm, but not hot;
  • aromatherapy - in order to fill the room with a pleasant aroma, 3-5 drops are enough for a special lamp.
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Advice! The beneficial properties of lavender will not harm you for insomnia, ether will quickly improve sleep.

For muscle pain

The beneficial compounds in lavender oil have a relaxing effect not only on the psyche, but also on the body. Massage with lavender ether helps to relieve tension and pain in muscles, restore their tone and mobility. Since light ether is usually used in small quantities, it is recommended to mix it with any base oils in an amount of only 3-6 drops for massage.

For skin diseases and burns

The disinfecting and healing properties of lavender will be beneficial for dermatitis, eczema and other skin conditions, as well as for wounds and burns. For treatment, make the following useful mixture:

  • half a glass of chamomile infusion is mixed with a third glass of sage infusion;
  • add 10 drops of lavender ether;
  • leave to infuse for a day.

The finished product is treated twice a day on damaged skin. You need to keep the mixture for 10 minutes, then it should be washed off.

Douching for thrush

Lavender's antibacterial properties help relieve inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms of thrush in women. The treatment is very simple - 3 drops of useful ether are added to a glass of chamomile infusion, and then the mixture is injected into the body using a syringe.

For insect bites

Lavender oil is beneficial for inflammation and itchy swelling from insect bites. Sore spots just need to be lubricated several times a day with ether previously applied to a clean cotton pad. Usually it takes only 2 days for the irritation to go away.

From sweating feet

The properties of lavender regulate perspiration. If your feet are sweating too much and give off an unpleasant odor, you can do useful baths. To prepare them you need:

  • pour boiling water over 20 g of dry lavender and sage;
  • insist the remedy for half an hour, and then strain;
  • add 5 ml of lavender ether and 3 ml of sage oil to the healing broth;
  • pour the resulting mixture into a bowl of hot water.

It is recommended to steam feet for no longer than 20 minutes, and you need to repeat the procedure at least every other day.

Baths with lavender oil

Full baths with lavender oil will bring tremendous benefits to the nervous system, improve mood, and noticeably refresh and rejuvenate the skin of the whole body.

Only 5 drops of lavender ether must be added to a full bath of water, while ensuring that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 40 ° C. You should take a bath for only 20 minutes, preferably in the evening, to go to bed soon after.

Important! Bathing with lavender is useful for bacterial and viral processes in the urogenital area or skin irritations - the procedure helps to cope with inflammation, infections and fungal ailments.

Lavender oil in cosmetology

The most demanded field of ether application is cosmetology. The beneficial properties of lavender oil for hair are known, the product has a pronounced beneficial effect on the skin and nails.

For facial skin

The properties of lavender oil for facial skin are manifested in the fact that organic acids and tannins in the product effectively fight inflammation, rejuvenate and soften the skin, and regulate the secretion of subcutaneous fat. For example, for dry skin, such a mask will benefit:

  • 2 large spoons of olive or peach oil are mixed with 2 drops of lavender ether;
  • the mask is distributed over the previously washed skin;
  • after 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off with plain water.
Attention! Under no circumstances should essential oil be applied to the face in large quantities or undiluted. This will be harmful - the concentrated product will leave a chemical burn.

For neck and décolleté

Age-related changes are reflected not only on the woman's face, very often the first wrinkles appear on the neck and upper chest. Lavender oil will help smooth the skin and rejuvenate it. It is necessary to mix 2 drops of ether with 2 large spoons of honey, and then apply the mixture to the problem area for half an hour.

For body skin

Lavender oil has a very beneficial effect on the skin of the body, it eliminates cellulite and prevents the appearance of stretch marks, rejuvenates the epidermis and tightens contours. Lavender baths are very beneficial in body care, but besides this, you can do regular massage, add 5 drops of ether to 10 ml of any cosmetic oil.

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Also, lavender ether can be supplemented with mixtures for wrapping - in this case, it will show maximum anti-cellulite properties.

For nails

The cosmetic product will help to cope with the delamination of nails, strengthen the plates and give them shine, and also soften the cuticles. To take care of your nails, it is enough to rub a drop of oil daily on each plate for 10 minutes.

In addition, you can do hand baths, for example, dilute a large spoonful of sea salt in a glass of warm water and add 10 drops of lavender ether. Keep your fingers in water for no more than a quarter of an hour.

For hair

Benefits of lavender oil for hair - it stimulates the growth of strands and restores the weakened structure. Another valuable property of lavender ether is that the cosmetic helps against dandruff and even lice, in the latter case, a few drops of oil should be added to the shampoo.

To combat dandruff and to improve hair growth, such a mask will help well:

  • 2 large tablespoons of burdock or almond oil are mixed with 3 drops of lavender ether;
  • the oil is distributed through the hair, rubbing it into the skin at the roots;
  • the head is insulated for 40 minutes with a film and a towel.

Rinse off the mask with a mild shampoo with a natural composition, and it is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a week.

Weight loss benefits of lavender oil

A cosmetic product helps to lose weight, and lavender oil is used both externally and internally. Basically, baths, massage and wraps with the addition of aromatic ether are used for weight loss. But it will also not be harmful if you add ether to your diet, for example, daily use a large spoonful of honey mixed with 3 drops of lavender.

Since undiluted ether can burn mucous membranes and cause severe harm to health, it can be used exclusively with a base - honey, sugar, fermented milk products. Lavender should be ingested for no more than 2 consecutive weeks.

The use of lavender oil in aromatherapy

The pleasant, delicate scent of ether makes it popular in aromatherapy. Lavender oil is an effective antidepressant, it perfectly relaxes the nervous system, helps to calm down and get rid of negative emotions.

The properties of lavender oil in aromatherapy are applied in different ways. One of the most common is the use of a special lamp. The dosage of ether for aromatizing the room is calculated as follows: for 10 sq. m. the room will be enough 2 drops. Lavender ether is often found in scented candles.

It won't hurt if you drip a couple of drops of ether onto your pillow or blanket edge. An unobtrusive, soothing scent can help relieve insomnia and anxious thoughts.

How is lavender oil used in everyday life

An essential oil with a pleasant floral scent is used not only in cosmetology and home medicine, but also in everyday life. First of all, lavender has disinfecting properties, so 3-5 drops of ether are often added to washing powder during washing.

Applying ether to a rag while cleaning the refrigerator or kitchen cabinets can help remove stubborn unpleasant odors. Scenting a room with an aroma lamp in the summer will help solve the problem of flies and mosquitoes.

How to make lavender oil at home

If you have a sufficient number of dried flowers and stems of lavender, you can prepare ether yourself, although there will be less useful properties in it than in a purchased product. The oil preparation process looks like this:

  • dry raw materials are poured with any vegetable oil in a glass jar - so that its level is at least 1 cm above the stems and flowers;
  • the jar is closed with a lid and placed in the bright sun for 2 days, and then removed for 2 months in a dark, dry place;
  • after the expiration of the term, the jar is removed, its neck is closed with gauze folded in several layers, and the oil is filtered, and then the remaining raw materials are squeezed through gauze.

The ether is almost ready, but for it to be as pure as possible, it must be filtered again. To do this, a funnel is installed over a clean glass container, the neck of which is plugged with a cotton wool plug, and oil is passed through a homemade filter in small portions. After re-filtration, the product can be used.

You need to keep a useful product in the refrigerator, so it can be useful for up to 2 years.

Harm of lavender oil and contraindications

The beneficial lavender ether is rarely harmful, but it also has certain contraindications. These include:

  • allergy;
  • chronically low blood pressure;
  • severe anemia.

Taking the product internally is unacceptable during pregnancy and lactation. Also, lavender ether should be discarded when using medicines containing iron and iodine.

How to choose lavender oil

In order not to acquire a fake instead of real useful ether, which will only cause harm, you need to pay attention to several points:

  • the price - high-quality lavender ether cannot be cheap, since its production is associated with significant difficulties;
  • Colour - real oil is transparent, with a subtle shade of yellowness;
  • consistency - the oil should not be viscous and thick, esters always have a light structure.

Natural oil smells very pleasant, in the flower aroma you can catch a slight bitter tint.


The benefits and harms of lavender oil depend on the dosage - ether should not be consumed in large quantities, especially internally. If you follow the rules for using the oil, then the body will receive exceptional benefits, and there will be no harm from ether.


Svetlova Anna Sergeevna, 26 years old, St. Petersburg
Lavender hair oil has been helping me keep my strands healthy for several years now. Six months ago I was able to see the benefits of lavender oil against lice. I was afraid that I would have to cut my hair due to accidentally caught head lice, but special shampoos and lavender helped get rid of insects without extreme measures.
Alekseeva Maria Nikolaevna, 24 years old, Samara
Lavender oil for acne has helped me clear my skin during a period of hormonal disruption. And now I use lavender oil for my eyelashes and I am very happy with the results, since I don't even have to increase their volume with special mascara.
Stepanova Tatyana Vladimirovna, 41 years old, Omsk
Lavender face oil helps me maintain firmness in my skin - I still look 10 years younger than I really do. I also really appreciate the properties of lavender oil for sleeping, since I started dripping ether on the edge of the pillow, I just managed to forget about insomnia.

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