Sugar substitute Fit Parade: benefit or harm, side effects

Sugar substitutes are one of the ways to make the diet more effective, as well as an outlet for people who suffer from diabetes and cannot give up sweets. There are many names on the market that are always popular and in demand among people. And one of them is Fit Parade. The topic of this article is the benefits and harms of the Fit Parade sweetener, its composition, contraindications and other properties.

Composition and calorie content of Fit Parade sweetener

It contains not so many components: these are erythritol, sucralose, stevioside and rosehip extract. Each of them will be discussed below.


This is a completely natural element, it is useful and is included in many vegetables, fruits and other common foods. Its main property in the composition of the product is stabilization. It is characterized by an extremely low level of nutritional value, even in comparison with other low-calorie sweeteners. It is widely used in the food industry, where it is obtained mainly from legumes.


Unlike erythritol, it is a purely artificial product that is synthesized from food sugar. The packaging is usually labeled as E955. One of the properties of sucralose is that it is several hundred times sweeter than sugar, so it can be harmful in large quantities. The substance was previously considered unsafe, but recent clinical studies indicate no significant side effects or harm. Due to its properties, it is widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products.


He's the E960. The sweetener is synthesized from a plant called stevia. In terms of properties and benefits for the body, it is extremely similar to erythritol. The stevioside content is the reason why the supplement is harmful to pregnant women. Previously, the element was attributed to mutagenic properties, but in modern science and medicine this is not confirmed.

Rosehip extract

A natural ingredient that is characterized by a high content of beneficial trace elements. The extract from the plant of the same name is widely used in the production of cosmetics and medicines, has many useful properties.

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Types of Fit Parade sweeteners and their differences

The product has many types, each of which differs in its own taste and composition variations. The main types of additives:

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  1. Fit Parad # 1 - in addition to the main components, Jerusalem artichoke is present, replacing the rosehip extract.
  2. Fit Parad # 7 - only stevioside, rose hips, sucralose and erythritol.
  3. Fit Parad # 9 - contains many other additives. Among them are baking soda and tartaric acid.
  4. Fit Parad # 10 - the composition is identical to # 1, but twice as sweet as # 1 and # 7
  5. Fit Parad # 11 - contains pineapple extract, papain and inulin.
  6. Fit Parad # 14 - prepared only from erythritol and stevia.
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Which sweetener is better for diabetes

Any type of Fit Parade can be chosen in case of diabetes, since they are all harmless due to the fact that the ingredients of the product do not affect the blood glucose level in any way. However, it is recommended to use those names that include inulin. Its benefits for type 2 and type 3 diabetes have been proven in clinical studies.

Why is Fit Parade sugar substitute useful?

The additive has a number of distinct advantages. The benefits are manifested in the following features:

  1. Rapid elimination from the body. The components of the product do not remain in the body, do not form subcutaneous and visceral fat, and do not cause harm.
  2. Beneficial effect on metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. Safety. Fit Parade is harmless for diabetics. The product does not affect blood glucose levels, does not provoke diabetic complications.
  4. There are few contraindications and side effects in comparison with other sweeteners, many beneficial properties.

However, the main benefit of the supplement is that it helps to quickly and comfortably give up sweets during the diet, which makes it an indispensable and useful part of the daily diet.

Norms and characteristics of the use of the sweetener Fit Parade

The additive has many varieties, and each of them has its own norms of useful consumption. However, on average, one gram of sweetener is equivalent to one gram of sugar. It should not be consumed in quantities greater than forty-five grams per day, as it can be harmful. The acceptable dosage is indicated on the packaging for each specific type of product.

Is Fit Parade possible for children and pregnant women

The product is harmful to pregnant women. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy it is recommended to give up any sweets. The supplement, despite the fact that it is much safer than sugar, can provoke obesity. The female body during pregnancy is characterized by great sensitivity. However, opinions about the benefits and dangers of the Fit Parade sweetener differ among specialists, so the supplement can be consumed in small quantities if permitted by the doctor who has the expectant mother.

For children and adolescents under the age of sixteen, the additive is allowed, but it should be used with great care. Synthetic components, despite the benefits, can negatively affect the child's body during the growth period, as well as provoke allergic reactions, and cause other harm.

Fit Parade while breastfeeding

The use of a substitute is contraindicated in breastfeeding. The fact is that some of the components of the supplement can pass into breast milk, which can harm the health of the baby. Its side effects can be tolerated normally by an adult, but for an infant it is much more harmful. In addition, allergies may occur, which at an early age can lead to serious consequences.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties and the fact that the mixture is considered quite safe, there are still some contraindications and evidence that it can cause side effects. These include:

  1. Flatulence, diarrhea and other signs of improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Allergic reactions to additive components.

The additive can be harmful to:

  1. People of retirement age, like any other sugar substitutes.
  2. Children and adolescents under the age of sixteen.
  3. Pregnant women, nursing mothers.

The list of contraindications is not so long, but it should be taken into account carefully. In addition to the above categories, the additive will harm those who are allergic to one or another ingredient in the mixture. At the first sign of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to see a doctor.Also, individual components of the supplement are incompatible with a number of drugs.

Important! The harm from the product can occur if its use is not normalized, so it is important to adhere to the standard dosage in order to get the maximum benefit from the supplement.

Doctors' opinion on the Fit Parade sweetener

Nutritionists agree that Fit Parade is able to completely replace sugar and is useful for losing weight. It has no significant contraindications, its composition includes only natural healthy ingredients. Most of the restrictions apply only to age. For diabetics, it is recommended that you consult with your healthcare professional before including a sweetener in your diet. The degree of benefit depends on the individual properties of the organism and the patient's history (personal and family).


The benefits and harms of the Fit Parade sweetener depend on the method of application. It will be a good choice for those who follow the figure or for whom the use of glucose is contraindicated for medical reasons. The mixture is made from natural raw materials, by its properties it is much healthier and safer than sugar. In the absence of contraindications, Fit Parade will become a full-fledged element of the daily diet.

Consumer reviews

Alexander Boryakov, Tula
I have had diabetes for quite some time. The diagnosis does not allow eating sweets, but over the years he has not been able to get rid of this habit. Not so long ago I found out about Fit Parade, consulted a doctor. The doctor allowed, life has become much easier, and the benefits are obvious.
Anastasia Kiryaeva, Krasnoyarsk
I decided to work closely with the figure, but I have a problem - I can't refuse sweets. Advised to replace. For more than six months now I have been eating only Fit Parade and dieting, successfully losing weight. After the diet, I think not to return to sugar to keep in shape. The substitute tastes just as well and is healthier. It is, of course, more expensive than store sugar.
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