Burdock juice: what heals, what helps, benefits and harms, reviews

The medicinal properties of burdock juice and contraindications are of great interest to traditional medicine. Vegetable pomace contains many valuable substances and strengthens the body.

Burdock juice composition

The composition of fresh burdock, or burdock fresh juice contains all the vitamins and minerals from the leaves, stems and roots of the plant. Namely:

  • resins and bitterness;
  • B vitamins;
  • essential oils and tannins;
  • cellulose;
  • iron, zinc and potassium;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin K;
  • tocopherol;
  • potassium, calcium and phosphorus;
  • proteins and fats;
  • pantothenic acid.

Fresh burdock has a low nutritional value - 100 ml of the product contains 72 calories.

Fresh burdock juice helps to eliminate the effects of poisoning and restores the intestinal microflora

What diseases does burdock juice heal and what helps

Traditional medicine uses burdock juice to treat a wide variety of conditions. Valuable pomace strengthens the body. As well as:

  • normalizes digestion and accelerates metabolic processes;
  • stimulates the immune system and increases resistance to viruses;
  • relieves inflammation of the genitourinary and reproductive spheres;
  • accelerates the healing of the skin in case of damage and infectious processes;
  • cleanses the liver of toxins and promotes its recovery;
  • helps to dissolve small stones in the gallbladder;
  • prevents anemia and muscle degeneration due to the presence of protein and iron;
  • prevents the development of oncology and helps to cope with existing tumors;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • reduces high fever for colds.

Outwardly, fresh is used for dermatological problems, wounds and cuts, trophic ulcers, as well as for joint ailments.

What helps the medicinal properties of burdock leaf juice

The benefits and harms of burdock leaf juice are determined by its composition. The plates contain a large amount of carotene, mucus, ascorbic acid and essential oils. A drink based on them will be especially beneficial for inflammation and feverish conditions, will have an analgesic effect. It is worth taking it to strengthen the immune system, with pain in the intestines and vitamin deficiency.

Advice! Burdock leaf juice has a good effect on eyesight and helps with increased eye fatigue.

What helps the beneficial properties of burdock root juice

You can also squeeze valuable vegetable fresh juice from burdock root. It contains many tannins, flavonoids, protein compounds and mineral salts.Therefore, pomace is especially recommended for weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency and during the recovery period after serious illnesses.

Attention! Burdock root has anchoring and healing properties, due to which it helps with diarrhea and dysentery.

The healing properties of burdock juice for men

It is recommended for men to take juice from the leaves or roots of burdock to increase endurance and energy. Vegetable pomace cleanses the liver and prevents the accumulation of deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Burdock juice protects men from early heart attacks and strokes and helps to prolong life.

Drinking a fresh drink can also help maintain healthy potency. Burdock fresh juice improves blood flow and regulates hormones, eliminates early libido problems and difficulties in conceiving.

The healing properties of burdock juice in oncology

In case of oncological diseases, juice from burdock root has a beneficial effect. It stimulates the body's natural defenses to work and prevents the development of cancerous tumors. With existing ailments, it is used in combination with official drugs. In this case, the maximum effect can be achieved in the early stages of the disease.

For the prevention of cancer, burdock juice is especially recommended for use in the elderly.

The scheme for taking vegetable pomace is usually as follows - fresh take 10 ml every two hours during the day for a whole month. If there are positive results, take a week break and repeat the course.

Attention! Most often, burdock juice is used to treat cancer of the esophagus, stomach and reproductive system.

The healing properties of burdock juice with a cyst

The medicinal properties of burdock juice for diseases are actively used to combat a wide variety of cysts. In particular, squeeze is beneficial for neoplasms of the ovaries and kidneys, they resort to it for fibroids and benign tumors of the mammary glands. The herbal remedy regulates hormones and prevents the growth of benign cysts. It is usually taken in combination with honey in equal proportions, the daily dosage is five small spoons.

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You can use burdock juice at the beginning of menopause to relieve the most unpleasant symptoms during body restructuring. For women of reproductive age, pomace helps to establish a monthly cycle and increase the chances of a successful conception.

How to make burdock juice for treatment

Raw materials for medicinal purposes are taken as pure as possible, collected in an ecologically safe place. Before juicing, burdock is subjected to simple processing:

  1. Soak the stems and leaves in cold water for about three hours to remove the bitterness.
  2. After the expiration of the period, the raw material is thoroughly washed from the remnants of dust and dirt, and then shaken off of moisture.
  3. Slightly dry the stems and leaves and twist through a meat grinder twice.
  4. Wrap the green mass in folded gauze and squeeze clean fresh juice into a glass container.
Advice! The use of the juice of May burdock is especially beneficial, while there are less valuable substances in mature leaves and stems.

Burdock juice retains the greatest benefits for the first 20 minutes after preparation.

The pomace is obtained from the roots of a young plant using a different algorithm. The recipe looks like this:

  1. The roots are thoroughly washed under a tap to remove dirt and crushed using a blender.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the gruel through a gauze filter.
  3. The remaining root particles are poured with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. Insist for two hours.
  5. Strain and mix with pure juice.

In both cases, you need to prepare a healing agent in small volumes. Even in the refrigerator, fresh burdock is not subject to long-term storage.

Tincture of burdock juice on vodka

Alcoholic tincture of burdock juice has a good effect on colds and inflammation. It is prepared according to a very simple scheme:

  1. 500 ml of fresh burdock pomace is mixed with an equal amount of honey.
  2. Add 100 ml of diluted alcohol or good vodka.
  3. Mix well and put in a dark place for 2-3 days.

It is necessary to take the tincture up to five times a day for a large spoon. The remedy stimulates immunity well, reduces fever and promotes expectoration when coughing.

Decoction of burdock juice

For sore throat, digestive diseases and metabolic disorders, you can use a decoction based on vegetable juice. Traditional medicine offers the following recipe:

  1. Fresh leaves of a plant in a volume of 100 g are crushed to a state of gruel.
  2. Pure green juice is squeezed through cheesecloth.
  3. Pour the pomace with 250 ml of hot liquid.
  4. They simmer under a lid in a water bath for half an hour.

The cooled remedy is taken for angina, flu and intestinal inflammation, 1/3 cup up to three times a day. It is better to consume the broth on an empty stomach.

Warm decoction of burdock juice can be used to gargle

The use of juice from leaves, burdock root in folk medicine

In home recipes, burdock juice is used for general health promotion, for gynecological diseases and for chronic ailments of internal organs. Although vegetable pomace is rarely harmful, small dosages must be observed.

Liver treatment with burdock juice

Burdock fresh has good cleansing properties and promotes liver regeneration. With hepatitis, cholecystitis and inflammatory processes, it is recommended to take 15 ml of the herbal remedy three times a day.

In total, treatment should be continued for at least a week. After that, take a break of the same duration and repeat the course twice more.

With uterine fibroids

The healing properties of burdock juice have a beneficial effect on neoplasms in women. Take squeeze for fibroids according to the following scheme:

  1. In the first two days of therapy - 5 ml in the morning and in the evening.
  2. From the second to the fifth day - 5 ml three times a day.
  3. From the fifth day to the end of the month - 15 ml each morning, afternoon and evening.
Warning! Before starting therapy, you need to consult with your doctor and make sure that it is a benign tumor.

With trophic ulcers

Burdock juice disinfects affected areas of the skin, prevents the development of inflammation and accelerates tissue regeneration. With trophic ulcers, it is useful to make lotions:

  1. A gauze swab or cotton pad is moistened in fresh squeeze.
  2. Apply to a sore spot for three hours.
  3. Fix on top with a tight bandage.

It is recommended to pre-wash the skin with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate or other antiseptic.

With vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity

Among the indications for the use of burdock juice is a weakened immune system. It is necessary for a month to take 15 ml of pomace mixed with honey daily in the morning. Burdock fresh with a bee delicacy will restore the balance of vitamins and allow you to do without pharmacy additives.

With a cold

Treatment with an old proven remedy from burdock juice for colds helps to quickly cope with fever and other manifestations of the virus. The drug is made according to this recipe:

  1. Mix 50 ml of fresh vegetable juice and 10 ml of quality vodka.
  2. Add 50 g of natural honey to the product.
  3. The components are brought to homogeneity and removed in a dark place for 2-3 days.
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You can take the drug immediately, but it reveals its valuable properties to the maximum after a short infusion. You need to drink the tincture 15 ml four times a day before meals.

Tincture of burdock juice without honey for colds, you can rub the chest in the projection of the bronchi

For rheumatism and arthritis

Fresh burdock helps relieve pain and inflammation in case of joint ailments and improves limb mobility. For the purpose of therapy, such a remedy is prepared:

  1. Vegetable pomace is mixed with honey in equal volumes of 100 g.
  2. Bring the components to homogeneity.
  3. Put away in a warm dark place for 2-3 days.

The finished mixture is consumed three times a day, a large spoonful. Treatment is continued for two weeks, and then a break is taken.

Application in cosmetology

Burdock juice is useful for humans for its cosmetic properties. It is used primarily for hair care - squeezing helps to restore smoothness, healthy shine and strength to curls. With weakened strands, prone to loss, use the following mask:

  1. Green juice is squeezed out of fresh leaves and stems.
  2. Mix the product with honey in equal proportions.
  3. Distribute for half an hour over the curls along the entire length.
  4. After a while, wash off the product with warm water.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a week. In this case, the hair will quickly restore volume and start growing.

Fresh burdock has good cleansing properties and helps to regulate the fat content of the epidermis. For skin prone to breakouts, you can prepare a lotion:

  1. Fresh burdock in a volume of 50 ml is added with 25 ml of water.
  2. A few drops of alcohol are added to the solution.
  3. Shake the product in a closed container.

The resulting composition is used to wipe oily skin in the morning and evening. The lotion helps to get rid of acne and blackheads, improves the metabolism in the cells of the epidermis and eliminates puffiness under the eyes.

Contraindications to the use of burdock juice

The benefits and harms of burdock juice for the body are not always unambiguous. It is not recommended to use vegetable pomace:

  • with allergic intolerance;
  • with obesity;
  • during pregnancy and during feeding;
  • with a tendency to form blood clots;
  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer and pancreatitis.

Using burdock juice for medicinal purposes is not recommended for children under three years old. Their pomace is highly likely to cause allergies or intestinal upset.

Storage conditions and periods

The most useful is considered to be fresh juice from the roots and leaves of burdock, obtained immediately after the collection of raw materials. However, the shelf life is very short - up to three days in the refrigerator. Direct sunlight should not fall on the juice, the temperature should be kept stable and without sudden changes.

Advice! For the treatment of some diseases, fresh burdock is allowed to be mixed with honey in equal proportions. In this case, the composition can be stored in a sealed jar for several months.

Shelf life of burdock juice tincture

Honey-alcoholic burdock juice tincture is suitable for long-term storage. It is allowed to keep it throughout the year in a dry and cool place away from direct light. The drug can be used both externally and internally.

Tincture of burdock juice is best stored in a bottle with dark walls

The disadvantages of strong tincture include a large number of contraindications. In particular, with severe ailments of the liver and kidneys, a tendency to alcoholism and heart disorders, it is not accepted.


The healing properties of burdock juice and contraindications are combined with each other. The herbal remedy has a strong strengthening effect and helps with serious ailments. But it is necessary to take juice taking into account the characteristics of the organism.

Reviews of the medicinal properties and use of burdock juice

Fedorova Maria Vladimirovna, 37 years old, Yekaterinburg
Several months ago, an ovarian cyst was found on my ultrasound scan. At first she was very afraid that she would have to be removed by surgery. However, then I read about the properties of burdock juice and decided to try, judging that I was not losing anything. In just a month, we really managed to get rid of the cyst completely. It was very hard to drink the juice, it is extremely bitter. But the main thing is that thanks to burdock, the operation was avoided.
Bogdanova Daria Igorevna, 42 years old, Ryazan
I heard a lot of good things about the healing properties of burdock juice from several friends at once, who got rid of cysts in the kidneys and ovaries with its help. I take the tincture of burdock and honey for colds - the remedy perfectly relieves fever and generally accelerates recovery.At the same time, due to the sweetener, the drug is not so bitter, you can use it without disgust.

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