Hop cones: useful properties and contraindications

Hop cones have pronounced sedative properties. Funds based on them are also prescribed to patients with menstrual irregularities due to the pronounced phytoestrogenic effect on the body. But before use, you should evaluate the beneficial properties of hop cones and contraindications for use. Women and men should be wary of medicines made with their addition.

How they look and where they grow

The flowering of female hop inflorescences resembles cones in appearance. Their scales are arranged in pairs. They are stipules of undeveloped leaves; in their axils there are double curls, consisting of 2-4 or six flowers. In the bracts near them, glands grow, which include lupulin. It tastes bitter.

In male hop species, inflorescences are represented by a complex panicle. They are of no interest to the pharmaceutical industry and traditional healers.

Common (climbing) hop grows in the temperate zone, most often it is found in damp shrub thickets. This is a perennial herb that prefers fertile and well-hydrated soils.

Outwardly, the hop resembles a liana, this climbing plant can be planted in dachas, personal plots, it is unpretentious

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of hop cones are due to the action of the components that make up them. The most valuable are the lupulin glands. They contain bitter substances. The concentration of lupulin in cones of female hop varieties ranges from 2-12%. It forms a yellowish coating similar to flour. Lupulin is a chemical compound that includes:

  • a mixture of nitrogenous and nitrogen-free substances;
  • resin;
  • fats;
  • essential oils;
  • ash.

It also contains fiber.

Buds contain a substance called 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN), which is a phytoestrogen. Hop fruits are the source of:

  • essential oils, their content varies from 0.3 to 3%;
  • wax;
  • gums;
  • bitter substances, their amount according to different sources ranges from 11 to 26%;
  • lupulin glycoside;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins C, K, group B;
  • valeric, hop, n-aminobenzoic acids.

The essential oil obtained from hop cones contains:

  • caryophyllene;
  • farnesene;
  • myrcene (up to 50%);
  • myrcenol;
  • linalool;
  • luparol;
  • geraniol;
  • luparenol;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • esters of butyric, acetic, formic acids.

The oil has a distinct aroma. It can be either light or dark yellow in color.

Hop resins are composed of resin acids, phenols and neutral resins. The brewing value of the selected plant variety depends on their combination.

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Attention! The content of bitter substances in cones depends on the variety of hops, the climatic conditions of the plant and the timing of harvesting. Their maximum number is observed during the period when the seedlings begin to turn brown.

Why are hop cones useful?

Many people believe that hops are only used in brewing. This opinion is erroneous, in fact, this plant is recognized by official medicine. It is a raw material for the production of a number of drugs. Also, the healing properties of cones are actively used in traditional medicine recipes.

They make means that have such an effect on the body:

  • calming;
  • diuretic;
  • hypnotic;
  • pain reliever;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • stimulating appetite.

Hop cones are useful for patients with nervous disorders. They are a part of soothing teas and are one of the components of Valokardin. This medicine is prescribed for people with angina pectoris, cardiovascular manifestations of neuroses and intestinal spasms.

Hop cones are used not only in folk recipes, they are recognized by official medicine

Medicines and folk remedies made from hop cones are recommended for patients who:

  • disrupted work of the nervous system - insomnia, headaches, neurasthenia, overexcitation;
  • diseases of the genitourinary organs - cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • pathology of the digestive system - gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis.

Hop cones help with severe pain syndrome. They are prescribed to patients with injuries, arthritis, neuralgia, radiculitis. Decoctions of hop cones are recommended as a pain reliever for patients with kidney stones. They help not only eliminate discomfort, but also reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the urinary organs.

Comment! Healers advise making infusions, decoctions of hops as an antiscorbutic agent.

In folk medicine, the plant is used for such problems:

  • diseases of the liver, spleen, gallbladder;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • gastritis;
  • malaria;
  • eczema;
  • edema of unknown origin;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • excessive sexual arousal.

The benefits of hop cones will be not only when using products based on them inside, but also when used externally. They are used to strengthen hair in patients with early baldness. They also help in the treatment of ulcers, eczema, lichen, dandruff.

Why are hop cones useful for women

For women with estrogen deficiency, hop cone treatment is recommended. They are used as a hormone replacement therapy. The phytoestrogens in hops are structurally similar to the female hormone estradiol.

Gynecologists prescribe bump-based remedies for patients who suffer from severe menstrual pain. They help to normalize hormones and reduce discomfort during menstruation.

The phytoestrogenic properties of hop cone extract are used to relieve menopause. Under their influence, insomnia disappears, the intensity of hot flashes decreases and irritability disappears. Infusions, decoctions help, since many unpleasant symptoms are caused by a decrease in estrogen levels.

Folk remedies prepared with the addition of hop cones are used as a means to stop lactation. After drinking them, milk production decreases.

The effect of hop cones on women's health is due to the inclusion of lupulin in their composition

Healing properties of hop cones for men

Due to the presence of phytoestrogens in the composition, men are afraid to take products made from hop cones. But the substances contained in the inflorescences have a positive effect on potency and erectile function. They activate the testosterone production process. People who suffer from premature ejaculation are also prescribed hop-based folk remedies.

Due to the sedative effect, decoctions and infusions are indicated for men who are often exposed to stress. Taking them helps to improve the state of the nervous system. Recommend remedies for dysfunction of the heart, blood vessels, organs of the urinary system.

But for men, hop cones can be both beneficial and harmful. When using medicines made according to folk recipes, in excessive quantities, intoxication of the body can develop. Some doctors argue that the constant intake of products containing phytoestrogens increases the risk of developing cancer. But there is no supporting data.

Healing properties of hop cones for children

Children can be given drugs based on hop inflorescences only after consulting a doctor. Herbal decoctions, infusions are not prescribed to patients under seven years of age. Older children may be recommended to take it to improve the functioning of the nervous system, to relax during times of stress.

Babies are allowed to use hops as a flavoring agent. You can make a small pillow with a variety of herbs that have a calming effect. Recommended to use motherwort, hop cones, bearberry.

Comment! Some people advise adding hop cones to newborn baths. But before using them, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Preparation and application methods

How hops are prepared and consumed will depend on the indication for use, the patient's general condition and gender. Inside, doctors and traditional healers may advise taking:

  • tea;
  • broth;
  • water infusion;
  • alcohol tincture.

In some cases, they are also prescribed for external use. But more often, ointments, oils made on the basis of hop extract are recommended for treating the skin.


For patients who have problems with the work of the heart, genitourinary and vascular systems, alcohol tincture is recommended. She also helps people suffering from sleep disorders.

For cooking 1 tbsp. dry cones should be poured with 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. The tincture is being prepared for three weeks. All this time, it should be stored in a dark, cool place in a glass container. Strain the finished tincture, squeeze the cones.

The prepared alcoholic tincture is recommended to be used to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, nervous and genitourinary systems

Healers recommend using the remedy 10-15 drops three times a day. They are preliminarily diluted in 50 ml of water. You can rinse your mouth with a made tool. It has an antibacterial effect and improves gum health.

Another tincture recipe is no less popular. For preparation, you will need one weight part of cones and two parts of vodka. The remedy must be infused for seven days. After the specified period has passed, you can take five drops, diluted in 1 tbsp. l. water twice a day.


Children and people for whom alcohol is contraindicated are recommended to use an aqueous infusion. For its preparation 2 tsp. crushed cones are poured with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and left for two hours. The filtered liquid should be taken 50 ml four times a day on an empty stomach in case of problems with the digestive system, urinary system, severe pain syndrome.

Advice! Patients who suffer from insomnia during the day do not need to drink the infusion. They should drink a whole glass of the drug 30-60 minutes before bedtime.


To normalize the work of the digestive tract, the nervous system, healers recommend preparing a decoction according to this recipe:

  • pour 250 ml of boiling water over one dessert spoon of inflorescences;
  • pour the liquid into an enamel pan and put in a water bath, cover with a lid;
  • simmer the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes;
  • after the specified time has passed, remove from heat and allow to cool for 45 minutes;
  • strain the liquid.

You need to take the broth for ¼ glass three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.It is advisable to drink it until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

You can prepare a decoction from 10 g of buds and a glass of water. The mixture should be boiled for ten minutes, then filtered. You need to take healing liquid in 1 tbsp. l. twice a day on an empty stomach.


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To make tea, you need 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry hop cones. They should be poured with a glass of boiling water. You can drink the liquid in small sips throughout the day. But it is better to drink the whole glass in the evening. Under the influence of tea, the state of the nervous system is normalized, a person calms down and sleeps better.

For cooking, you can use a combination of medicinal plants. During menopause, gynecologists advise women to brew tea from the cuff, rose hips, lemon balm and hops.

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You can make healing oil yourself. To do this, pour the crushed cones with almond, olive or sesame oil so that they completely cover the hops. The thickness of the oil layer on top should be about 6 mm. If after 24 hours the powder from the buds has completely absorbed the fatty base, then you need to add more oil.

The remedy should be infused for 5-7 days. After that, it must be filtered. Using oil is recommended for rubbing problem areas.

Women use hop cone oil for rubbing into the chest, it is believed that it helps to increase the volume of the mammary glands.


An ointment prepared on the basis of hop inflorescences is used as a local anesthetic. To do this, the dried cones are ground into powder, 1 tbsp. l. the resulting raw material is mixed with the same amount of coconut oil or pork fat.

Advice! Sore joints, back, bruises and sprains can be lubricated with the prepared product.

The use of hop cones in traditional medicine

Thanks to the centuries-old experience of using hops, modern people have the opportunity not to experiment on themselves, but to prepare folk remedies according to time-tested recipes.

For joint pain

Patients suffering from arthritis, gout and other joint diseases accompanied by severe pain can use ointment or oil for medicinal purposes. You can rub the prepared products into problem areas several times a day.

With cystitis, pyelonephritis

Healers advise patients with inflammatory diseases of the urinary system to drink the infusion. It is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. dried whole hop cones and 500 ml of boiling water. The healing liquid should be infused for at least an hour. It should be drunk after straining.

Experts in traditional methods of treatment recommend taking the infusion ¼ glass half an hour before meals at least four times a day. The course of treatment lasts 5-7 days. Before taking herbal remedies, it is advisable to consult a urologist. The therapy will be most effective with the simultaneous use of medicines and folk remedies.

With gynecological pathologies

Patients who have a deficiency of estrogen in the body, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea can be used decoctions and infusions of hops. Also alcoholic tinctures have a positive effect on the condition.

Healing remedies are prepared according to standard recipes. It is recommended to take them in courses of 10-14 days.

With the onset of menopause and the appearance of problems associated with a lack of estrogen, it is advisable to take the remedy from the hop cones on an ongoing basis until the condition is normalized. In this case, you can drink a cup of tea. If consumed 1-2 hours before bedtime, it will not only help get rid of hot flashes, irritability, but also improve the quality of night rest.

For migraines and headaches

Water infusion helps to reduce the severity of pain syndrome. It is made from 2 tsp. cones and a glass of boiling water. The remedy infused for 2-4 hours is recommended to be taken in a course of 1 tbsp. l. at night.This recipe is suitable for people who have prolonged pain attacks that do not go away for several days or weeks.

A water infusion made from hop cones helps relieve migraines and other chronic pain

With gastritis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

For the treatment of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, you should take a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. cones and a glass of water. You need to cook it over low heat for 15 minutes. Drinking cooled, strained liquid should be 50 ml twice a day. You need to make a fresh broth daily.

The duration of therapy should be agreed with the attending physician. Healers advise taking the remedy until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Important! If after a week of taking the broth the situation does not improve, then a gastroenterologist's consultation is necessary.

For insomnia

It is advisable for people with sleep disorders to take a water infusion of hops. The agent has a mild sedative effect. For cooking 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water. After two hours, the solution must be filtered and drunk.

At the same time, it is recommended to make a pillow of hops. It is not necessary to sleep on it, you can simply put it at the head of the bed. The aromatics contained in the buds promote relaxation. Change the "filling" of the pillow once a month.

Important! Most often, infusions from hop cones are recommended to those people for whom special drugs for insomnia are contraindicated.

For fractures, bruises

Patients with fractures after removal of the cast, bruises, sprains are recommended to make warm compresses from:

  • 100 g sweet clover;
  • 75 g hop cones;
  • 75 g of bitter wormwood.

The components are mixed and poured into 750 ml of water. Cook them under a closed lid for 15-20 minutes. It is not necessary to drain the liquid immediately, healers advise letting it brew for another half hour. Compresses are made from the prepared product to painful areas.

The healing properties of hop cones in case of fractures are used in the Ostea tincture. Under the influence of active substances, metabolism improves, calcium, phosphorus begin to be absorbed more efficiently from foods and food additives.

With neuralgia

With the appearance of pain caused by damage to peripheral nerve endings, you can take an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. cones and 500 ml of water. But the remedy is not capable of instantly improving the condition. With the help of medications, you should first stop the pain syndrome, and then take the infusion to prevent repeated exacerbation. You need to take it in a third or a quarter of a glass three times a day.

Application in cosmetology

Fans of traditional medicine recipes actively use hop cones in cosmetology. The extract contributes to:

  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • reducing the intensity of hair loss;
  • improving the quality of curls;
  • reducing the oiliness of the scalp;
  • the disappearance of dandruff.

The components of hop cones activate metabolic processes in the epidermis, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin K improves the condition of the hair roots.

Means from hop cones to strengthen hair, eliminate dandruff can be made independently or purchased at the pharmacy.

Creams with the addition of hop extract can improve the water-fat metabolism of the epidermis. They also increase skin turgor, make it more elastic and firm. Fine wrinkles disappear with regular use of creams.


Before you start taking herbal remedies, you need to understand not only the beneficial properties of hop cones, but also with contraindications to their intake. Their uncontrolled use can harm both women's and men's health. Hops contain toxic substances, therefore, if the dosage is not observed, symptoms of poisoning appear. People complain of nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

It is forbidden to use cone products:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • women in whom estrogens are produced in increased quantities.

Also, you can not use funds based on hop inflorescences with individual intolerance to this plant.

Collection and procurement

For medicinal purposes, hop cones (female fruit) are suitable. They are harvested in the last days of July, in August. In some regions, the recommended month for the procurement of raw materials is September. The buds can be harvested when they turn green-yellow. They are cut off along with the stalks.

Dry the collected raw materials in a well-ventilated, shaded area. To prevent caking, the appearance of mold, they are laid out in a thin layer and stirred periodically.

Attention! Store dried raw materials in tightly closed containers. This is the only way to prevent the loss of essential oils and the negative effects of moisture.


The medicinal properties of hop cones and contraindications to their intake should be taken into account when starting therapy. These funds can not be used only by pregnant women, lactating women and those who have an increased production of estrogen in the body. Others can use hop cones as a sedative, diuretic, choleretic, pain reliever. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to take infusions, decoctions, alcoholic tinctures. Healing oils and ointments are made with the addition of hop cones.

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