The toilet is clogged: how to clean it yourself without a plunger and a cable

A clogged toilet can cause a lot of problems not only for the landlord, but also for the neighbors. A dedicated team of plumbers can handle any blockage with ease. There are situations when it is impossible to call the masters and the necessary tools are missing. To do this, there is an opportunity to clean the toilet without a plunger and cable using improvised means.

Cleaning the toilet bowl using special equipment

Features of cleaning the toilet without a cable and a plunger

Toilet clogs are often caused by discarded sanitary napkins, children's toys, rags and diapers. You can cope with a similar problem yourself without a plunger and a cable, if you are sure of the cause of the pollution.

Sometimes during construction, the sewer system is incorrectly installed. When the house was put into operation, the defect was not noticed, and the problem appeared only after some time. In this case, it will be difficult to clean the sewer without the help of specialists.

Deposits on the walls and bends of the pipes can also cause contamination. Salt or alkaline plugs can completely block the drain. Such damage sites are very difficult to detect. Chemicals that thin the accumulations will help keep the pipes clean.

In cases where the drain occurs, but very slowly, the problem can be solved independently using:

  • improvised means;
  • chemical solvents;
  • mechanical stress.
Important! The cork should be mechanically affected with an empty toilet bowl.

If the debris has not penetrated into the drain, it can be reached with your hands or with a rag wrapped around a stick. Vinegar and hot water can help remove grease.

How to pierce a toilet without a plunger and cable

Before proceeding with the removal of the blockage, first determine the place in which the plug has formed. There are cases of common riser problems. Most often, accumulations appear at the joints of pipes and their forks.

In a private house, the place of pollution is usually located outside. Carefully examine the connection of the local sewage system and the citywide or the place where the pipe exits into the septic tank.

To punch a toilet without a paper plunger:

  1. An old towel or thick rag is twisted into a tight bundle, folded in half and rolled again.
  2. Tie the ends of the rag.
  3. They put on rubber gloves and immerse the resulting pusher in the drain.
  4. They make jerky movements so that pressure builds up and the cork can move.

How to unclog a toilet bowl without a plunger or cable with a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle will help remove the cork. To do this, cut off the bottom with a clerical knife and get a homemade analogue of a plunger. Sharp movements will help to clear the dirt. The bottle is taken by the neck and sharply lowered and raised. The actions are repeated several times until the water begins to leave. This effective way of getting rid of dirt is also used by plumbers.

After cleaning the toilet, the bottle is wrapped in a tight plastic bag and disposed of.

Clearing a toilet blockage with a plastic bottle

The method for removing the plug in the toilet is presented in the video:

How to remove a blockage in the toilet without a plunger and a cable with a sandbag

The "doll" helps to clean the drain. It is constructed from a bag filled with sand. The end is tightly tied with a rope so that the sand does not spill out.

Sand bag for cleaning the toilet

When the snag is ready, the bag is immersed in the toilet and the flush button on the barrel is pressed. The water sucks the "doll" into the pipe. Then the bag is pulled out by the rope.

The procedure is repeated several times until the water is quietly leaving. The heavy weight of the "doll" allows the blende to sink into the sewer.

How to clean a toilet bowl without a plunger and a cable with a film

The method of removing blockages using film has appeared recently. It was brought to Russia from China. Refers to pneumatic methods. According to reviews, you can clean the toilet for them very quickly and effectively, the film eliminates traffic jams.

The main stages of work:

  1. Water is removed from the bowl.
  2. Wipe the rim dry with a rag.
  3. The protective layer is removed from the film.
  4. Tightly and neatly glue the film onto the rim, cutting off the air outflow.
  5. Drain the water from the barrel.
  6. With sharp movements they press the film, as if pumping.
Cleaning the toilet bowl from blockage with film

The toilet wrap method is only suitable for organic plugs or cat litter boxes.

How to pierce a toilet without a plunger and cable with hot water

Hot water helps to cleanse grease. To break through a blockage in a toilet without a plunger, you need to scoop out the water from the bowl. Very hot water is poured into the bowl from a bucket at a right angle from a great height. Repeat the procedure several times, then rinse with water from the barrel.

Cleaning the grease plug in the toilet with hot water

Baking soda and vinegar can help clear food waste from the drain. For this:

  • scoop out water from the bowl;
  • pour 200-300 g of soda as deep as possible into the drain;
  • add a glass of vinegar;
  • after 0.5 hours, pour 5 liters of hot water;
  • drain water from the barrel.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: useful properties, application, how to take

Liquid soap makes the pipes slippery, making it easier to clear the blockage. Pour 60 ml of dishwashing detergent, soap or shampoo into a bowl and leave for 25 minutes. If the impact is positive, the water level in the toilet will decrease. Then pour about 4 liters of hot water into the bowl directly above the drain.

A mixture of soap and hot water will dissolve and clean the dirt without a plunger or cable. If the bowl is full, then before sending hot water into it, the liquid is scooped out.

Attention! Do not pour boiling water into the toilet. Sudden changes in temperature can lead to cracking of porcelain and deformation of plastic pipes.

To test the effect of hot water and soapy water, rinse the water out of the barrel. If the water leaves, then the blockage has been removed, if not, the procedure is repeated.

If all methods have been tried, and the water is still, you should seek help from specialists.

How to clean a toilet bowl without a cable and a plunger with household chemicals

Chemicals help the owner in the fight against the cork in the toilet. The preparation contains alkali and acid. These chemicals can remove not only grease plugs, but hair and rags as well.

Chemicals for cleaning toilet blockages

Before using a chemical agent to eliminate contamination, read the instructions for use. If the composition contains acid, then do not use the substance in sewers with plastic pipes, since a possible reaction will lead to their deformation.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Remove from the bowl into liquid.
  2. According to the instructions, pour the chemical into the drain and wait for its action for about 30-60 minutes.
  3. If required by the instruction, pour in 5 liters of hot water.
  4. Wash off with water from a barrel.

When using chemicals, work with gloves and ventilate the room.The use of two different drugs at the same time is not recommended, since this can lead to an undesirable chemical reaction.

How to clean a toilet bowl without a plunger and a cable with acid

Hydrochloric acid helps to unclog the sewer in an aggressive manner. Before use, the chemical is diluted in water to obtain a 3% solution. Hydrochloric acid must not be used if the sewer pipes are made of steel, iron or plastic. A chemical reaction can melt elements, to the point of forming a hole.

Before using the drug, close the drain holes in other plumbing fixtures, open the windows for ventilation. Wear gloves on hands and goggles over eyes.

3% hydrochloric acid solution is poured into the drain for 1-2 hours. Then thoroughly flush the drain with plenty of water.

Preventing toilet blockages

Preventive measures will help to keep the sewer and toilet clean and without traffic jams:

  • after washing the floors, the water is cleaned of debris and then drained;
  • cast iron pipes in old houses are covered with rust, which is the reason for pollution, in order to exclude this, chemicals are used according to the instructions;
  • conduct a conversation with young children about not throwing toys and other objects into the toilet, as this leads to a blockage.


Self-cleaning the toilet without a plunger and a cable is not so difficult. You can use both improvised mechanical means and chemical preparations. To prevent the formation of an alkaline plug, preventive measures are taken to keep the pipes clean.

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