Is it possible to keep ficus at home, useful and magical properties

The benefits and harms of ficus have long been discussed not only by flower growers, but also by doctors, pharmacists, and feng shui masters. The opinions of representatives of different directions, as a rule, differ. Some consider the plant useful, others see it as a threat to human health and well-being.

Therefore, before starting a ficus in an apartment, you need to understand its features, familiarize yourself with the signs and superstitions.

What a ficus looks like

Ficus is a representative of the Mulberry family. Hot countries are the birthplace of evergreens. Ficuses are more suitable for growing in an apartment, no more than 2 m high:

  • Benjamin;
  • Benedict;
  • Bengal;
  • Lyre-shaped;
  • Dwarf.

Despite the fact that outwardly flowers may differ, they do not tolerate cold, shading, drafts.

Attention! Plants with useful properties are difficult to tolerate permutation, as they get used to one place.

The stem of an adult plant is lignified. But young shoots are flexible. For indoor ficuses planted nearby, you can intertwine the stems, as in the photo below. The shape of the bush must be shaped, trimmed so that the ficus does not grow one-sided.

Plant leaves are often rounded with a waxy bloom. There are patterns on the green leaves. Ficus blooms rarely and only if it is looked after with love.

The benefits of ficus for the home

The flower fits perfectly into the interior of any home. A beautiful plant with green leaves not only decorates the apartment, it also has useful properties:

  • saturates the air with oxygen and cleanses it from impurities;
  • converts harmful substances into amino acids.

According to ancient beliefs, the plant has powerful energy.

The healing properties of ficus

Each of the ficuses, regardless of the species, including Benjamin, has useful and medicinal properties. Plants contain biologically active substances. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the flower are widely used not only by traditional healers, but also by pharmacologists. On the basis of ficus, infusions, decoctions, ointments, juice are prepared.

What is the use of ficus for humans:

  1. A decoction of ficus leaves relieves pain in hemorrhoids, and also helps to reduce nodes.
  2. The same decoction can be used to remove warts.
  3. Ointments and juice based on a useful flower help to heal some skin diseases, relieve back pain.
  4. You can use the medicine for problems with the motor system, mastopathy.
  5. An infusion or decoction is useful for coughing.
  6. Alcohol-based infusions are excellent for toothache relief and mouthwash (removes bad breath).

For some diseases, decoctions, infusions and juice are taken orally. But most often, a healing agent is used externally in the form of ointments, balms.

Where is the best place to put ficus in an apartment

Since ancient times, ficus has attracted flower growers; it was used to decorate the interior, taking into account its magical properties. In order for the plant to be beneficial, it is necessary to find the ideal place for it in the apartment.

Where can a flower pot stand in a house:

  1. Feng Shui the best place is the south-eastern part of the house or apartment.
  2. Living room. In this room, not only households gather, but also guests for conversation and spending time together.The plant contributes to the creation of a pleasant atmosphere, has a positive effect on friendly communication.
  3. Personal Area... For people dreaming of a career, a flower with useful properties should be placed on the table in the office and at the workplace in the apartment. From the flower, according to psychics, positive energy emanates, which helps fight insecurity.
  4. Ordinary room... If a person spends most of his time in a certain place in the apartment, then it is there that you need to put a pot with a useful flower. For people who react violently to any news and events, it is advisable to grow not one, but several ficuses.
  5. Kitchen... This is a good place for a plant. The fact is that the kitchen needs constant air purification and oxygen enrichment.
Attention! It is believed that the ficus standing in the kitchen attracts money.

Is it possible to put ficus in the bedroom

According to experts, the plant can stand in any room. Is the bedroom suitable for this:

  1. Philosophers from Ancient China advised placing a flower next to the bed. The use of ficus in the bedroom is that it purifies the air, a person's sleep is normalized, sleepless nights remain in the past.
  2. Ficus is considered to be a beneficial herb that helps to cope with infertility. Therefore, it is placed in the bedroom, in the immediate vicinity of the matrimonial bed.
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Believe it or not, everyone's business. But those people who managed to conceive a child look at the ficus with affection as a savior.

Ficus harm and contraindications

A plant that has useful and magical properties is not so harmless, sometimes it can be harmful. Milky sap, which includes rubber, appears on the cut of leaves and stems. Ficuses belong to a group of allergens that are equated with ticks and pets. Therefore, if at least one family member has asthma or allergies, the ficus in the house will not be beneficial, but harm.

Is ficus poisonous

There are no poisonous oils in the leaves and stems of the plant. Therefore, the flower can even stand in the children's room, because it will not harm the child. But for more peace of mind, it is still better to consult with a specialist.

But for cats who love to gnaw indoor flowers, rubber ficus is dangerous just because of the milky juice. Animals may vomit because the liquid is very bitter. This can harm the animal's health.

Folk signs

Any plant in an apartment, including ficus, affects human health. The ancestors observed indoor flowers, remembered how this or that plant interacts with the residents of the house.

According to signs, some flowers are symbols of health, well-being, improve family relations. Other plants do not allow you to start a family, and they cause poor health. After all, any representative of the flora has positive or negative energy.

The Slavs have a special relationship with ficus. They have always believed that the plant is harmful and dangerous to health, negatively affects the character. If a person had this flower in his house, then he:

  • envious;
  • prone to scandals;
  • spreads gossip;
  • unable to love;
  • never listens to other people's opinions.

Today, of course, the opinion about the flower has changed dramatically, but omens and superstitions still carry weight when choosing indoor plants.

Signs and superstitions:

  1. One of the harmful properties is the expulsion of men from the house. No wonder the ficus has long been called muzhegon. A woman who likes a flower is often left alone. If the man nevertheless ended up in the family, then his character becomes worse every day. He eventually leaves home.
  2. And the inhabitants of Asia at all times believed that indoor ficus is beneficial, since it is the keeper of the family hearth.Men who had this plant next to the bed became stronger, the ability to give a woman children increased several times.
  3. Since ancient times, it is believed that in the house where a flower with fleshy leathery leaves grows, peace and prosperity reign, the laughter of all family members sounds.
  4. Special relation to flowering plant. According to existing legends, white inflorescences are evidence of imminent wealth or the birth of a child.
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Ficus and pregnancy

It has always been believed that a plant with fleshy leaves can have a special effect on a woman who wants to give birth to a child. Esotericists advise putting a tub with a flower next to the matrimonial bed: pregnancy, in their opinion, will not keep you waiting.

Rubber ficus is considered the best flower for conceiving a child. Its beneficial energy has a positive effect on the following:

  • on the female reproductive system (ovaries and uterus);
  • helps to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • helps to conceive a child;
  • preserve the health of a pregnant woman.

In order for the ficus standing in the apartment to be useful, to help fulfill the dream, you need to use it correctly. There are various superstitions about this:

  1. For the flower, you need to establish proper care so that it gains strength and energy. The plant must be circled, and the woman must be completely naked.
  2. In no case should wilting or plant diseases be allowed, since such a flower, instead of benefit, will cause irreparable harm.
Comment! If a woman wants to get pregnant, then it is best to ask for help from a donated plant - the effect is much higher.


Not all types of plants with fleshy leaves are harmless. For example, rubber ficus is dangerous for the health of people suffering from asthma and allergies. The fact is that plants release harmful rubber into the air, which causes shortness of breath in asthmatics, which is harmful to their condition.

Milky juice on contact with mucous membranes can cause irritation and itching.

Medicines with ficus juice will not benefit such categories of people:

  • children under 18;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with gastrointestinal problems;
  • allergy sufferers and asthmatics.


The benefits and harms of ficus are information you need to know about this plant. After all, it has its own history, many legends and beliefs have been created about it. But be that as it may, people have always wanted to believe in miracles. You need to understand that only a well-groomed and healthy plant can help, protect the family.


Veronika Nikolaevna Baturina, 29 years old, Irkutsk region.
She got married early, but had no children for a long time. Mom said that for a successful conception, you need to have a ficus in the house. She gave it to me herself. You can treat the omens and superstitions associated with ficus in different ways. But I have a son and a daughter today.
Stanislav Viktorovich Mukhin, 45 years old, Yaroslavl.
As far back as I can remember, my mother always had a ficus in her house. He stood in the hall in a huge tub. Mom believed that thanks to this plant, there was always harmony and peace in the family. When I got the apartment, the first thing my parents brought in was a pot with a planted flower. After all, the ficus, according to popular belief, has a strong positive energy.
Svetlana Ivanovna Tarakanovskaya, 30 years old, Vladivostok.
I read on the Internet that you can be treated with ficus. I often have a hysterical cough; pharmaceutical medicines do not help. I found a recipe for the infusion, but I myself do not dare to accept it. I would like to consult with my doctor.
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