How to clean faux fur at home

Cleaning faux fur at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is much easier to cleanse than natural. Today it is a very popular material that successfully imitates animal fur. It is often used for making fur coats, vests, for finishing collars and hoods. The freshness and original shine of things lost in wear can be restored by simple means.

Can faux fur be washed

Fur garments can be machine washed using liquid detergents

Faux fur can be washed, but not all items. Before the procedure, it is important to read the information on the label to clarify if this method of care is allowed. In addition, it is necessary to take into account on what basis the villi are located:

  • synthetic base allows you to wash, but by hand, using delicate detergents;
  • cotton base can cause shrinkage.

If a product made of faux fur has inserts made of another material (leather, leatherette, suede), you should think in advance about how this area will behave during washing.

If the label indicates that it is allowed to wash the faux fur in the washing machine, then no other items should be loaded into it. The washing mode should be delicate, and it is better to choose specialized detergents.

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Ways to clean faux fur at home

Clothes made of artificial fur must be regularly cleaned of emerging dirt, otherwise they will very quickly lose their attractive appearance. It is also important to clean the product before storing it. With the help of some methods, you can get rid of local dirt, or completely refresh the thing. All cleaning methods are divided into dry and wet.

Advice! If the product made of faux fur contains additional inserts of another material, then it is recommended to focus on them during care. As a rule, such inserts show themselves capriciously during washing and cleaning.

Dry cleaning faux fur

Dry cleaning of faux fur includes those methods that do not provide for a full wash. Dry cleaning includes the following options:

  • cleaning the product with sawdust;
  • getting rid of stains with lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide;
  • knocking out dust with a wet sheet;
  • the return of shine to the villi with semolina, starch, wheat flour, very finely ground grain bran;
  • cleaning with soapy water, avoiding foam on the woven base;
  • using blue paint, ammonia, vinegar and baking soda.
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Dry cleaning of fur clothes is the most gentle

Dry cleaning is the most correct and gentle way to get rid of stains and coarse dirt. Wet cleaning should be used only in extreme cases, since faux fur does not tolerate water exposure.

Wet cleaning faux fur

Wet cleaning is used for faux fur products with serious extensive contamination, when the dry method is not particularly effective. It is important to use washing only when the pile and its base are heavily soiled.

Attention! The wet method is suitable if the base of the faux fur is made of synthetic or semi-synthetic fabric, and the fibers are not too long.

When wet cleaning, a number of rules should be followed:

  • use only proven methods;
  • use specialized solutions as a detergent;
  • water should not exceed 30 ° C;
  • during the washing process, do not rub or wrinkle the material strongly;
  • rinse in cool water and change it more often;
  • dry naturally.

After washing, you can gently blot the item with a terry towel. If possible, dry it in the fresh air. After that, it is recommended to comb the pile thoroughly. Faux fur on hoods can be washed in the same way.

Attention! For damp cleaning, in addition to a specialized care product for artificial fur, you can use substances for washing carpets and upholstered furniture.

How to wash faux fur using folk methods

Faux fur has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. From it they sew beautiful fur coats, vests, decorate hoods and cuffs, and use it to make furniture. Of course, it gets dirty quickly, especially if the shades of the material are light. Since it is not always possible to resort to dry cleaning services, housewives often use folk methods to restore freshness and color.

How to clean faux fur at home with lemon juice

Use lemon juice to whiten white fur from yellow spots. First, it must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Then you need to dip a foam sponge into this mixture and process the material. You can dry it naturally.

Baking soda and lemon juice diluted with water are used for stains

Another way to use lemon juice for cleaning is with vinegar. For this, a 9% solution should be used. 1 tbsp. l. vinegar must be stirred in a glass of warm water, add a few drops of lemon juice. Use this mixture to treat the yellow spot with a sponge or spray. After processing, it is better to dry the thing in the fresh air in order to quickly get rid of the vinegar smell.

How to wash a faux fur coat with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties. It works especially effectively, therefore it is used in cases where the product is completely contaminated, the item has turned yellow due to improper storage, and the villi are caked and dull.

In order to refresh the appearance of a fur coat, you need to hang it on a hanger. This makes cleaning more convenient. The mixture should be prepared from 3% hydrogen peroxide, adding 2 tbsp. l. means for 1 liter of water. Then pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle and apply evenly to all parts of the fur coat. Then comb the villi with a sparse-toothed comb and leave to dry.

Important! Before cleaning faux fur using any of the proposed methods, you must try the product in the place most hidden from prying eyes. If the material has reacted well, you can clean the entire product.

How to refresh faux fur with sawdust

It should be said right away that coniferous sawdust is not suitable for this, since they contain resins. It is better to purchase small sawdust at a pet store. As a rule, they are free of foreign matter and dust.This method of cleaning will well refresh the appearance of the entire area, because the sawdust will absorb all the dirt.

For cleaning, you first need to wrap the product in a damp sheet, beat out the dust with a cracker. Then spread it out and sprinkle with sawdust. After that, the product must be hung on a hanger and carefully remove the sawdust with a brush, moving along the villi.

How to wash faux fur from a down jacket with semolina

Semolina will help freshen up faux fur, get rid of light dirt and whiten a light product a little. It should be sprinkled with cereals from all sides and rubbed gently with your hands or a cloth against the lint. It is necessary to remove the semolina with a brush, moving it along the villi, you can use a dry cloth. After that, you need to shake and knock out.

How to starch faux fur

Potato starch helps bleach dirty areas

It copes very well with minor dirt, grease, yellow spots, potato starch. It should be applied generously to the surface of the product laid out in a horizontal position. Using a dry napkin, rub the starch, as if collecting dirt. The procedure can be repeated until the powder becomes dirty. After cleaning, shake the thing, gently knock out and comb the villi.

Warning! Semolina, starch and sawdust act as an adsorbent, absorbing dirt, dust, grease contamination. They also help restore shine to the villi and refresh the color of the faux fur.

How to wash faux fur with blue

Blue saves artificial white fur from yellowness, which inevitably appears over time from wearing and improper storage. First you need to make a light blue solution (no more than 5 drops of blue for 1 liter of water). It will be more convenient to clean using a container with a spray. It is important to apply the blue solution evenly over the entire surface of the product, and then gently blot with a clean cloth. Next, the thing should dry naturally on its own.

How to wash faux fur with specialized products

Faux fur should only be washed with liquid detergents. If this is not the case, but you need to wash urgently, then it is recommended to lower the thing into water with the powder dissolved in it. It is advisable to ensure that the powder does not contain bleaching ingredients and is intended for hand washing.

But it is still advisable to use special tools. They are better able to cope with all sorts of pollution that are inherent in fur things, they are more gentle on the material, while retaining their original appearance.

Faux fur care rules

Before cleaning a fur coat, read the recommendations on the labels

Caring for faux fur is a snap. To make the thing look like new after processing, you need to follow simple rules for care:

  1. Before cleaning or washing, you must carefully study the labels, clarifying the composition, the recommended methods of washing and drying. On every item, similar instructions can be found on the inside.
  2. Even if washing is permitted, you should not use this method if the dirt is light. Try dry cleaning the stains.
  3. Before putting the item in the water, it is better to get rid of the dust. To do this, you can easily knock it out with a cracker and a wet sheet.
  4. If washing cannot be avoided, it is best to do it by hand. In this case, it is important to use a product for fur products, as well as water not higher than 30 ° C.
  5. The washing container must be suitable for the size of the garment so that you can freely spread the garment. When it comes to a fur coat, you can use a bath.
  6. When washing fur in a washing machine, you cannot simultaneously process things from another material.
  7. Rinse thoroughly so that the fluff does not stick together after drying.
  8. When washing in a washing machine, it is better to refuse to spin.

These rules will help keep faux fur fresh for a long time.


Cleaning fake fur is not difficult if you follow some of the rules and recommendations on the labels. Cleaning methods are divided into dry and wet, you can also use folk options for getting rid of dirt. With their help, you can remove serious stains, refresh the color, add shine to the product, get rid of yellowness.

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