How are goose eggs useful?

Not the most common on an ordinary table, but a very interesting product - eggs laid by geese. What are the benefits and harms of goose eggs and how to properly eat them?

How goose eggs look and differ from chicken eggs

It is simply impossible to confuse these delicious eggs with chicken eggs: they are much larger, about 4 times. In addition, their color is always pure white, very light, and the shell is noticeably stronger than that of chicken eggs.

There are also differences in taste. An egg laid by a goose has almost no smell, but has a sharper, more pronounced, specific taste. Because of this, a useful product is ambiguously perceived in the diet: some people like it precisely for its unusual taste, while others only need to try it once in order to refuse in the future.

The composition and calorie content of a goose egg

Goose eggs are considered more nutritious than chicken eggs - 100 g of the product contains 185 calories, and one egg usually weighs at least 200 g. Nutritional value is distributed mainly between proteins (about 14 g) and fats (about 13 g). There is a minimum of carbohydrates in the product - no more than 1.5 g.

Recommended reading:  How are chicken eggs useful?

The valuable properties of the product and the benefits are determined by the composition, which contains:

  • essential minerals important for health: iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur;
  • vitamins A, D and E, K, as well as B vitamins;
  • antioxidant lutein, useful for cleansing the body of toxins;
  • the substance choline, which helps the liver.

Moreover, the nutritional value directly depends on the cooking method. A boiled product will be more dietary; when frying, the calorie content increases greatly.

Is it possible to eat goose eggs

Do goose eggs eat? Yes, they are actively used in cooking, although they have not gained huge popularity. But there is one peculiarity: you can eat them only after heat treatment. In this case, the risk of infection with salmonellosis is reduced - unfortunately, the negative properties of the product are that dangerous E. coli may be present on the shell and inside the egg.

Useful properties of goose eggs

Despite some risks, the benefits of the product are also great. In particular, eggs:

  • serve as a good prevention of vision diseases, protect eye health;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • have a positive effect on the liver;
  • cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • normalize hormones;
  • stimulate brain activity.

A useful product is also valuable for the genitourinary system. Its vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory properties make it a good addition to both the female and male diet.

Are goose eggs good for pregnant and lactating women?

Both the pregnant woman and the developing fetus will benefit from the product: lutein in the composition and other valuable properties have a positive effect on the body of the mother and child. However, care should be taken: the product must be washed and boiled very carefully to avoid poisoning.

Goose eggs for breastfeeding are also allowed - but also in small quantities and after reliable heat treatment. In addition, you need to carefully monitor whether the baby will show signs of allergies.

Is it possible for children to goose eggs

You should not offer the product directly to a small child: there is a high probability of allergies. It is strictly forbidden to introduce it into the children's diet only up to one and a half years, however, doctors advise to wait at all until school age.

Attention! It is possible to offer such a specific product to a child or schoolchild only after permission from a pediatrician: in some conditions, eggs can cause outright harm.

Goose eggs for weight loss

It makes no sense to make a healthy product the basis of dietary nutrition, but you can eat goose eggs in small quantities while losing weight. There are almost no carbohydrates in them, the amount of fats and proteins is balanced, and the calorie content is average, so they will not harm the figure.

The use of goose eggs in cosmetology

The valuable properties of the product are used not only in the kitchen - it will also be useful in home cosmetology. The yolks have a wonderful effect on the skin and hair, producing a rejuvenating, toning and moisturizing effect.

  • For oily skin, a mask made from one egg white with the addition of lemon juice will be beneficial.
  • A mask of yolk and fresh tomato crushed into pulp will qualitatively soften dry skin and soothe irritations.
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The masks must be kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes: during this time, the properties of egg whites and yolks will have the desired effect on the skin. Then the mixture is washed off with clean warm water.

To help weakened and brittle hair, you can mix raw yolk with a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of olive oil. The mixture is applied for 20-30 minutes, then thoroughly washed off with a mild shampoo.

Important! In cosmetic use, the raw product will not harm - the main thing is not to allow it to enter the mouth.

How to cook goose eggs properly

In order for an unusual product to be beneficial to the body, it is imperative to boil goose eggs or fry them in a pan.

  • At the same time, the cooking time is much longer than for the usual chicken - no less than 20-25 minutes. Such a long processing time is due to the fact that the egg shell is thicker and stronger. In addition, you need to play it safe against salmonellosis - a long cooking is guaranteed to kill all dangerous bacteria.
  • The product is fried in the usual way: until the white and yolk acquire a dense consistency.

A healthy product is well suited for making ordinary scrambled eggs or omelettes - especially if you need to cook breakfast for several people at once. Also, the delicacy is used in baking, making dough or delicious meringues. It goes well with any vegetables and herbs. It is allowed to salt the product and season it with seasonings and spices - this will make the taste even more unusual.

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Can i eat raw goose eggs?

The fresh product is used in baking, but as part of the dough, it still undergoes heat treatment. But drinking an egg raw immediately after breaking the shell is strictly prohibited: it is fraught with a dangerous intestinal infection - salmonellosis.

The harm of goose eggs and contraindications to use

The benefits of goose eggs for humans can easily turn into harm if contraindications are neglected. Healthy eggs should not be consumed in principle under the following conditions:

  • with high blood cholesterol;
  • with individual allergies.

You should not risk it if a raw egg looks strange and smells unpleasant: a spoiled product will harm the body in any case. Also, it is better to refuse use if there is even the slightest suspicion that the product may be undercooked.

Advice! If the condition worsens after using the product, in case of indigestion and diarrhea, you should immediately consult a doctor. E. coli Salmonella when ingested can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

How to choose and store goose eggs

The product belongs to the category of gourmet products, the demand for it is small, so you won't be able to find a curiosity in a regular store. For it, you need to go directly to farmers or to specialized stores selling rare natural products.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to how it looks.

  • The shell of a quality product must be intact, without cracks, dents, and even more so without holes, of the correct oblong shape.
  • Fresh product should not have a pronounced odor.
  • It is better if the shell is cleanly washed and there are no traces of droppings on it - this means that the manufacturer has taken care of basic sanitization.

You can store the product only in the refrigerator, at a low temperature and high humidity. The maximum period is 2 weeks - after this time, it is better to discard unused eggs.


The benefits and harms of goose eggs depend primarily on the thoroughness of heat treatment. The product has few contraindications, the main harm is the danger of catching an intestinal infection.


Kalinina Olga Petrovna, 43 years old, St. Petersburg
For the first time I tried a product by accident - I saw something new for myself in a farm store, I decided to buy it. The taste really turned out to be very unusual, but I did not feel anything unpleasant in it. I was very pleased that with just a couple of goose eggs, you can make a large omelet or knead the dough for baking. Now I buy them in the same store on a regular basis - not as a substitute for chicken, but as an independent unusual product.
Avdeeva Lyubov Vasilievna, 56 years old, Kazan
She ate the product in childhood and early youth, when she lived in the village - there our family had their own geese, and, accordingly, the opportunity to eat these eggs at any time. Frankly speaking, the taste is specific, after cooking I still don't like the product. But baking on raw yolks and proteins turns out to be just wonderful, much better than on chicken eggs. Therefore, the product appears in my refrigerator often - sometimes I buy it in farm stores, sometimes I bring it from relatives.
Moskitina Alexandra Yurievna, 27 years old, Yekaterinburg
I got acquainted with the delicacy quite recently - I saw it in my favorite farm shop, and before that I did not even know that such eggs are also eaten. I liked the taste as a whole, but I’m unlikely to eat very often - they need to be cooked for too long, chicken is much easier to cook. But the face mask became a real find for me - apparently, the vitamins in eggs are simply an unimaginable amount, because the skin became noticeably softer and cleaner in just two weeks.

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