Mother and stepmother: useful properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of mother-and-stepmother are directly related to its medicinal properties. The potent substances in the herb can provide tangible help to the body in many diseases, but its inept or excessive use can be harmful to health. Having studied the beneficial properties of mother-and-stepmother herb before independent use, you should also familiarize yourself with the features of its action and contraindications.

What does a mother and stepmother look like and where does she grow up?

The yellow, bright flowers of the coltsfoot are among the first to bloom in the spring, often as early as April. On stems covered with brown scales, one inflorescence opens. Small, tubular petals are collected in small-diameter baskets.

After flowering, leaves appear the size of a palm, with large teeth at the edges. The upper part of the plate is smooth and glossy. The bottom is covered with white fluff, velvety, warm. For this property, the grass was named - mother-and-stepmother. The Latin name says more about the application, literally it translates as "cough suppressant".

Perennial prefers clay soils near reservoirs, in wastelands, can settle in the garden. The beneficial herb of coltsfoot is considered a weed, often growing on uncultivated land.

The chemical composition of mother and stepmother

The benefits of mother and stepmother for the human body are determined by the complex balance of a large number of components in the composition. Medicinal properties are found in flowers, seeds, roots and leaves of coltsfoot.

The main active substances in the herb and their beneficial properties:

  • essential oils have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties against viruses, fungi, protozoa;
  • mucus envelops the inner surface of the oropharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, promoting their healing, reducing edema;
  • phytosterones help to build muscle mass, tone up, strengthen the body's defenses, are antioxidants, normalize cholesterol;
  • glycosides show the property of liquefying bronchial secretions, promote the removal of sputum from the respiratory system, improve digestion;
  • organic acids prevent cell wear and tear, accelerate regeneration, treat purulent processes, strengthen the immune system;
  • tannins disinfect, relieve inflammation, narrow and strengthen blood vessels, reduce bleeding;
  • flavonoids, carotenes, saponins, sterols, inulin, rutin, vitamin C, and many other valuable compounds.

Important! The whole complex of substances that enhance and complement the healing properties of each other has a beneficial effect. Therefore, the range of applications for a simple herb is enormous.

How is mother and stepmother useful?

An actual property of a mother and stepmother is the treatment of coughs of any origin.Any part of the herb is capable of enhancing the production and removal of phlegm, which is successfully used for dry cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis.

The benefits of coltsfoot flowers are determined by the presence of essential oils, tannins, phenolic acids, phytosterol. Substances destroy many pathogens, accelerate metabolism.

The leaves of coltsfoot accumulate more plant mucus, carotenes, vitamins, trace elements. Their benefits are more noticeable in the treatment of anemia, vitamin deficiency, asthenia. The enveloping, antiseptic, healing properties of the herb are used externally and to help internal organs with affected mucous membranes.

What does mother and stepmother heal?

Common weed has outstanding qualities, can help in the treatment of several dozen diseases, strengthens a weakened body and even increases muscle performance.

Home remedies from mother and stepmother are beneficial but do not heal diseases on their own. Herbal formulations are used as ancillary to the main therapy, which is prescribed by a doctor. Unauthorized combination of medicinal substances can be harmful.

Mother-and-stepmother herb is prescribed for such diseases:

  • any inflammation of the respiratory tract with cough, swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • tuberculosis, asthma, pulmonary emphysema;
  • dermatitis, erysipelas, varicose veins, trophic ulcers, abscesses, wounds;
  • stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • gastritis, enterocolitis, diseases of the stomach, intestines, hemorrhoids;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

The fortifying effect of coltsfoot remedies on the body can be useful in cardiovascular disorders, diseases of the nervous system. The immunostimulating, antihypoxic, antioxidant properties of the herb are used in recovery from illness.

Is a mother and stepmother useful during pregnancy

The herb seems to be a harmless substitute for pills during pregnancy. But during the period of bearing a child, the medicine is not completely harmless. The benefits and harms of mother-and-stepmother grass must be carefully correlated for the mother and the fetus.

During pregnancy, the property of alkaloids to penetrate the placental barrier is especially dangerous. This can harm the fetus, lead to miscarriage, or cause premature labor. During lactation, alkaloids pass into breast milk, so ingestion of the herb is prohibited.

The composition of mother-and-stepmothers for pregnant women contains not only useful compounds. Alkaloids are harmful to a woman's body. With prolonged use, they accumulate in the liver, destroying it. The damage is caused by herbal treatment for more than 6 weeks.

It is permissible to use a mother-and-stepmother during pregnancy to correct skin problems (acne, dermatitis) or hair care.

Mother and stepmother to children

Reviews of mother-and-stepmother grass regarding the benefits and harms for children are quite controversial. Some parents advise it from the first days of a child's life. Doctors are more categorical. Due to the strong composition and the presence of poorly studied components, official medicine prohibits treatment until the age of 2, when the treatment will do more harm.

It is useful to give a decoction or water infusion of the herb to children under 7 years of age for colds, coughs, fever, infectious diseases of the ear, throat and nose: 1 tbsp. l. up to 6 times a day. Only on condition that the main treatment is selected by a pediatrician, a useful remedy from a mother-and-stepmother shortens the recovery time, copes with a lingering, unproductive cough.

Important! A useful amount of funds for school-age children is up to 250 ml per day. It is advisable to divide it into several steps.

Recipes with mother and stepmother in traditional medicine

If you need a softening, healing, enveloping effect, a decoction of the herb is useful. When it is more important to preserve essential oils, glycosides, micro- and macroelements and their beneficial properties, it is better to make an infusion.

Decoction of mother and stepmother from cough and bronchitis

As an expectorant, emollient in acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, a decoction of coltsfoot herb is effective.

Cough Recipe:

  1. Crumpled or crumbled leaves (1 tbsp. L.) Pour 0.5 liters of hot water.
  2. Warm up no longer than 5 minutes.
  3. Leave under the lid to cool, filter.

Take the medicine in two doses - in the morning and in the evening, 250 ml each before meals.

A stronger composition will benefit from problems in the gastrointestinal tract, to maintain the work of the heart and vascular tone: 2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and boil for up to 15 minutes. The resulting product should be drunk in small portions per day.

With diathesis, a decoction of herbs is prescribed for children over 2 years old: inside, 1 tsp. three times a day; outwardly - to wipe the inflamed areas.

Infusion of mother and stepmother

For rinsing the mouth, throat, and rinsing the nasal passages, an infusion of mother-and-stepmother is useful. The recipe is very simple: 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water (250 ml) and insisted for 20 minutes.

The strained composition is useful for taking 1 tbsp. l. up to 10 times a day for respiratory infections. You can rinse your mouth for dental inflammations or your throat for a cold with an infusion of herbs and flowers many times.

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Tincture of coltsfoot on vodka

For alcoholic infusion, fresh flowers of the mother-and-stepmother are required.

Tincture preparation:

  1. Raw materials are mixed with high-quality vodka as 1: 1 or with alcohol - 2: 1.
  2. The mixture is poured into a glass container and sealed.
  3. Leave for a week without access to light, otherwise the grass will lose its properties.
  4. Filter the precipitate and store the alcohol solution in a dark place.

Dermatologists note the benefits of the tincture for acne. By treating your face several times a day, you can reduce the number of rashes in a few days. If it is noticed that alcohol irritates the skin, it is permissible to dilute the product with water. The benefits as an antiseptic will decrease slightly, but the harm will be minimal.

Tincture of coltsfoot is taken orally: from 20 to 30 drops before meals. Alcoholic compositions of any herb can harm a sore stomach and are contraindicated in alcoholism.

Mother and stepmother tea

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The benefits of mother-and-stepmother tea are invaluable in cold season. For the prevention of influenza, with a dry long cough, chills, brew 1 tbsp. l. flowers 1 tbsp. boiling water. Useful herb is used alone or as part of the collection, no longer than 3 weeks.

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Fresh mother-and-stepmother juice

Fresh juice from young leaves, if the herb is harvested in June, has a vitamin and healing properties.

Application and useful properties:

  • 1 tsp. up to 4 times a day with a course of at least 1 week with avitaminosis, loss of strength;
  • 10 drops of juice in each nasal passage, up to 3 times a day with a severe cold;
  • externally - with lichen, burns, abscesses on the skin, boils.

To prepare the product, the washed grass is crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder, the mixture is diluted with filtered water (50/50), the useful liquid is squeezed out through cheesecloth.


Crushed fresh coltsfoot disinfects and heals when applied to damaged skin. Apply the herbal mass directly to the wound, burn, inflamed veins and cover with a clean cloth.

Leaf compress

Compress from mother-and-stepmother is prepared as follows: 5 tbsp. l. leaves with flowers are steamed 1 tbsp. boiling water. After half an hour of infusion, the steamed grass is ground. Gauze is placed on the skin, then the mass is evenly applied and covered with a cloth on top. It is useful to fix such a compress and leave it overnight. The course of treatment for significant injuries is about 10 days.

Foot baths with mother and stepmother

Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, tonic property of the herb is beneficial for infections of the skin of the feet, calluses, wounds, edema.

Decoction for external use:

  1. Fresh or dried mother-and-stepmother (2 tbsp. L) is poured with boiling water (2 l).
  2. With slight heating, they languish for 45 minutes.
  3. Filtered and cooled to a comfortable temperature.

Foot baths with a decoction of herbs are done for 15-20 minutes before bedtime. With the expansion of the veins of the lower extremities, fragility of the vessels, it is recommended to regularly process the surface of the legs with the same decoction.

Dried Leaf Powder

It is convenient to treat wounds with finely chopped grass when other types of disinfection are not available. Coltsfoot powder, as a dry concentrate, can also be taken orally.

Comment! When drying and crushing raw materials, medicinal herbs quickly lose their beneficial properties, and sunlight is harmful for harvesting. Keep powders in tightly closed containers or cook as needed.

Mother and Stepmother Syrup

The medicine in the form of a syrup is well stored in the cold, does not lose its properties for a long time, children like it. In June, when the benefits of the herb are most pronounced, they make a harvest from the mother and stepmother for the whole year.

Simple preparation: juice from young leaves is mixed with powdered sugar. For 2 parts of liquid - 1 part of sugar or honey. The healthy herb syrup is kept in the refrigerator.

Apply 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day for tuberculosis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis. Children are given 1 tsp or tbsp. l. sweet medicine a day. The dose depends on the age and the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Mother and stepmother in home cosmetology

Add the herb of mother-and-stepmother, her decoctions and infusions, to masks with a rejuvenating and lifting effect, to enrich creams, tonics, lotions, hair products.

For facial skin

Preparations of coltsfoot gradually, but deeply cleanse pores, eliminate inflammation of small vessels, treat acne. Alcohol tincture of the herb has the property of whitening age spots, lightening freckles.

Cosmetic ice:

Add 2-3 drops of rosewood essential oil and 10 ml of linseed oil to 50 ml of the broth. Enhances the beneficial properties of the addition of 10 ml of fresh juice of mother-and-stepmother. The ingredients are mixed and frozen in special forms.

Massage with ice cubes in the morning quickly relieves swelling and puffiness. Regular use restores the oval of the face, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin. But cryotherapy instead of benefit can be harmful for rosacea, increasing the spider veins.

Mask for wrinkles with seaweed: for 50 ml of warm broth of mother-and-stepmother, 30 g of chopped kelp is required. Preparation:

  1. Algae powder is mixed with liquid and left for 15 minutes to swell completely.
  2. Add 10 g of oil to the mixture, stir.
  3. The finished mass is distributed on the face and left for 30-40 minutes.

The mask has the ability to improve microcirculation in blood vessels, restore cells, enhance nutrition and oxygenation of the skin.

For hair beauty

Infusion of coltsfoot with nettles will help against severe dandruff and hair loss. Herbs taken in 2 tbsp. l. each, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter. Rinse hair after each wash.

Contraindications and side effects

Mother and stepmother is a plant with powerful properties that can benefit or harm. You need to drink it with caution, without increasing the dosage in the recipes.

Contraindications to taking herbs:

  • intolerance to mother and stepmother;
  • renal failure, liver dysfunction;
  • allergic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 2 years.

There is a break of 4 months between courses. Long-term use without medical supervision brings no benefit, but harm, disrupting liver function, poisoning the body.

Collecting and drying stepmothers

The herb accumulates toxins, resins, and heavy metal salts. Harvesting leaves and flowers should be done away from roads, businesses, polluted places. Toxic raw materials harm, not help health.

Flowers are harvested fully open, without stems. The leaves are cut off with a small stalk. Grass is dried in the air, under cover from the sun's rays. If stored in a tight package, without access to light and moisture, the beneficial properties of coltsfoot last for about 2 years.


The benefits and harms of mother-and-stepmother have been well studied over the centuries of its use. A simple herb can relieve symptoms of illness, improve appearance, and help you lose weight. But only proven recipes can be used without harm to health.


Maria Burlakova, 58 years old, Kaliningrad
She always gave her mother-and-stepmother for coughs - either she made an infusion, then a syrup with honey. Grandchildren are already growing. Once I read the composition on the jar with the finished medicine and remembered the proven remedy. I bought a box of dry herb and brewed it. She helped just as well. Still, a child from a cough is better than a mother-and-stepmother - I will cook it myself, it will be more useful.
Nina Kravets, 26 years old, Moscow
Her husband's dandruff could not be removed. It's good that a dermatologist friend advised to rub in the juice of a mother-and-stepmother - there is little benefit for the hair and little harm for the wallet. Dandruff was cured in two weeks. Recently I saw my mother and stepmother in the collection for weight loss. An interesting herb, a lot of useful properties.
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