Ylang-ylang essential oil: properties and application for face skin, body massage, nails

The properties and application of the essential oil of ylang-ylang began to be studied in the second half of the 19th century. The distillate is widely used in alternative medicine and perfumery. The plant is also popularly called fragrant kananga. It is famous for a number of beneficial properties necessary in the fight against serious diseases.

Ether chemical composition

Ylang-ylang or kananga is a flowering plant belonging to the Annonov family. It is an evergreen tree, the height of which can reach 40 m. The inflorescences are distinguished by a rich yellow color and a bright aroma. Due to their rich composition, they are widely used in medicine and the cosmetic industry.

Natural essential oil of ylang-ylang consists of the following components:

  • benzyl acetate;
  • organic acids (salicylic, valeric, formic);
  • linalool;
  • geraniol;
  • oxides;
  • alpha pinene;
  • cinnamaldehyde.
The purified product can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy

Properties and benefits of ylang-ylang essential oil

Kananga distillate was originally produced as an ingredient in perfume compositions. Further, its additional properties were studied. Oil is ranked among the strongest aphrodisiacs. It relieves nervous tension and increases libido.

The most pronounced beneficial properties of Ylang Ylang essential oil include:

  • antibacterial action;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • relief of menopause;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased sex drive;
  • normalization of the heart rate;
  • accelerating the process of tissue regeneration;
  • improving the condition of hair and nails;
  • uplifting mood.

Due to its positive effects on emotional well-being, ylang-ylang oil is in demand in the treatment of depressive disorders. It helps relieve anxiety and insomnia.

Comment! Due to its non-comedogenic nature, Ylang Ylang Oil is excellent for facial skin care.

What Ylang Ylang essential oil smells like

The scent of ylang-ylang essential oil is reminiscent of jasmine and neroli. It combines sweet and spicy notes. In perfumery and aromatherapy, it goes well with fruit and flower oils.

The use of ylang-ylang essential oil in cosmetology

Ylang-ylang essential oil is widely used in cosmetology. It has an equally positive effect on all skin types.In addition, the healing product helps to prolong youthfulness, leveling the relief of the epidermis and increasing its elasticity. Oil pomace from a flower is added to cosmetics not only to add aroma, but also to increase their effectiveness.

Applying ylang-ylang essential oil for facial skin

Kananga distillate perfectly copes with problems related to the condition of the skin surface. It eradicates acne and acne and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. A few drops of the distillate are added to any skin care product before use. For oily skin, the benefits lie in the regulation of sebum production and relief of inflammatory processes.

Regular application of distillate helps to get rid of blackheads

Ylang Ylang Oil for Hair

Ylang ylang oil is often used to restore hair structure. It gives them shine and makes them obedient. The most pronounced effect is observed when using the oil on oily hair.

Ylang Ylang oil for body massage

Ylang Ylang massage oil not only has a relaxing effect, but also increases sex drive. 4-5 drops of distillate are mixed with 10 ml of any base product. The resulting mixture can be used for both general and acupressure massage.

Ylang Ylang Oil for Eyebrows and Eyelashes

Ylang-ylang essential oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of eyelashes and eyebrows. It makes the hairs stronger and grows faster. Before use, the oil is slightly warmed up in a water bath. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it can be mixed with burdock or castor oil. Make-up should be removed first and the eyebrows should be thoroughly rinsed with a cleanser. Only after that, the oil mixture is applied to the hairs with a cotton swab.

It is convenient to distribute the oil on the eyelashes with a brush from the old mascara

It is important to be careful not to get the product in your eyes. This can provoke mucosal irritation.

Ylang Ylang essential oil for nails and cuticles

Kananga distillate is often used to strengthen the nail plate and soften the cuticle. The treatment is accompanied by an invigorating aroma that lifts the mood and gives strength.

Ylang Ylang Essential Concentrate helps to cope with the following problems:

  • delayed nail growth;
  • delamination of the nail plate;
  • lack of shine;
  • coarsening of the cuticle;
  • weakened and thinned nail plate.

Rub the oil into your nails at least twice a day. The total duration of use is two weeks. This time is quite enough to bring the cuticles and nails into proper form.

Ylang Ylang essential oil for breast

Ylang-ylang oil is often used for breast skin care. The remedy gives elasticity and promotes the production of sex hormones. This leads to an increase in bust volume. The remedy is rubbed into the breast skin with massage movements, avoiding the nipple area. To enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, kananga ether is mixed with black cumin oil or grape seed distillate.

Ylang Ylang Tanning Oil

Due to its ability to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, ylang-ylang oil concentrate is used during tanning. It is undesirable to apply the distillate in its pure form to the skin. Add a few drops of oil to any sunscreen. This helps to evenly distribute the tan and prevent burns.

Medical Uses of Ylang Ylang Oil

In modern medicine, the demand for ylang-ylang distillate is due to the presence in the composition of substances with pronounced therapeutic properties. Internal intake of the remedy is contraindicated. It is added to the bath and aroma lamp. Vapors from the distillate burnout enter the body through the respiratory system.

To improve immunity

To improve the functioning of the immune system, doctors recommend wearing an aroma medallion with ylang-ylang around the neck. Three drops of ether are dripped into it daily. This is quite enough to mobilize the body's defenses, increasing its resistance to viral infectious diseases.

With neuroses and insomnia

Aromatherapy using ylang ylang essential oil is considered to be effective in treating nervous disorders. It normalizes sleep and helps to cope with obsessive thoughts. A few drops of distillate are added to the aroma lamp before ignition. The session is carried out immediately before bedtime. It makes it easier to fall asleep and improves mood.

The treatment course is 10 days

With depression

For depression, aromatherapy using ylang-ylang distillate is practiced twice a day. It allows you to restore the functioning of the nervous system without the use of potent drugs.

With cardiovascular diseases

For cardiovascular disorders, it is recommended to practice massage with ylang-ylang. 6-7 drops of distillate are added to a portion of any base cream. The resulting mixture is spread over the skin with massage movements, paying particular attention to the chest.

The procedure allows you to achieve the following effect:

  • expansion of the vascular cavity;
  • stabilization of blood flow;
  • supplying tissues with the right amount of oxygen;
  • restoration of cardiac function.
Important! Essential distillate should be stored in dark vials away from sunlight.

For women's health

In gynecology, the remedy is popular with women in a state of menopause, and those suffering from premenstrual syndrome. A couple of drops of the healing liquid are added to the bath. Under the influence of heat, ether particles enter the body through the lungs. Aromatherapy has a similar effect.

The procedure gives the following result:

  • decrease in the frequency of hot flashes during menopause;
  • restoration of the regularity of menstruation;
  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • elimination of nervous tension.

Ylang ylang oil during pregnancy

When carrying a baby, it is not prohibited to use essential distillates. During this period, the emotional state of a woman should be as balanced as possible. Aromatherapy and massage help you relax and tune in to a positive mood. It is important not to overdo it with a remedy when added to an aroma lamp. In the early stages of pregnancy, a pungent odor can provoke an increase in toxicosis symptoms.

How to use ylang ylang oil as an aphrodisiac

Ylang-ylang oil for men is recommended for erectile dysfunction. It increases libido and physical stamina, which affects the quality of your sex life. The remedy has a similar effect on women. For a healing product to manifest itself as an aphrodisiac, it is enough to add a few drops to an aroma lamp or diffuser.

What does ylang ylang oil work with?

Before using ylang-ylang distillate, it is advisable to study the possibility of combining it with other oils. The most suitable options for combining include:

Recommended reading:  The benefits and harms of cardamom
  • cardamom;
  • jasmine;
  • patchouli;
  • rose flower;
  • vetiver;
  • geranium;
  • sandalwood;
  • mimosa;
  • lemon;
  • cedar.
Geranium distillate has a powerful antibacterial effect

The magical properties of ylang-ylang essential oil

Since ancient times, ylang-ylang has been credited with a truly magical effect. He was considered a symbol of well-being and beauty. It was customary to stuff the newlyweds' pillows with dried buds to create a favorable atmosphere on the family bed. Rinsing with flower infusion helped to improve the condition of the hair. It was also believed that good luck and prosperity hovered in a room filled with the scent of this unique flower. With the use of ylang-ylang, magic rituals were often performed to attract funds.

Contraindications and safety measures

Despite its natural origin and many useful properties, ylang-ylang oil cannot be used in unlimited quantities. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a couple of drops of distillate are applied to the skin of the inner side of the elbow. After 10-15 minutes, you can evaluate the result.

The remedy is strictly prohibited to use in the following cases:

  • low blood pressure;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin diseases.
Attention! It is not recommended to use the medicinal distillate for more than three weeks.


The properties and uses of ylang-ylang essential oil are required to be studied before using. The remedy has a general strengthening effect on the body and fights against a host of problems. It should be used with extreme caution.

Reviews on the use of essential oil ylang-ylang

Kuzmicheva Elena Vladimirovna, 23 years old, Kostroma
I often add ylang ylang essential oil while taking a bath. This is great for relaxing and preparing you for sleep. The next morning after such a procedure, I get up as vigorous and refreshed as possible.
Orlov Dmitry Sergeevich, 37 years old, Novosibirsk
I wear an amulet fragrant with this flower when my cold is active. He has never let me down in this regard. This method of application also has a positive effect on sex appeal. The aroma emanating from the amulet is very favorable for the surrounding women.
Korostyleva Natalya Nikolaevna, 41 years old, Chelyabinsk
I regularly scent a room with this oil by adding a few drops to the diffuser. It promotes the rapid spread of odor throughout the room. First of all, positive emotions arise from the procedure. Of no small importance is the therapeutic effect, which makes breathing easier.
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