Why boiled onions are useful for the human body

The benefits and harms of boiled onions are worth considering. After heat treatment, the vegetable retains many valuable properties and can still have a beneficial effect on the body.

Composition of boiled onions

When boiled, vitamins and minerals in the vegetable are partially destroyed. However, there are still a lot of useful substances. The boiled pulp contains:

  • potassium, iron and copper;
  • vitamin C;
  • phosphorus and manganese;
  • vitamin K;
  • selenium and zinc;
  • tocopherol;
  • B vitamins;
  • calcium and sodium;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin PP.

100 g of boiled product contains 44 calories. At the same time, 8.8 g of the volume are carbohydrates, another 1.4 g are proteins, and 0.2 g - fats.

Why boiled onions are useful and harmful for the human body

Boiled onions have many health benefits. With regular use, the product:

  • supplies the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • lowers blood cholesterol and cleanses blood vessels;
  • promotes rapid tissue healing in case of damage;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • normalizes water-salt balance;
  • helps to get rid of edema;
  • promotes expectoration when coughing;
  • helps to quickly cope with the symptoms of a cold;
  • strengthens the body's immune resistance;
  • removes excess fluids from the body and eliminates edema;
  • improves appetite;

It is especially useful to use a boiled vegetable to normalize the work of the pancreas.

Boiled onions help to relax muscles with frequent cramps and cramps

Is boiled onion good for men

A boiled vegetable has a positive effect on blood circulation and improves the condition of the pelvic organs. For men, it is useful to use the product for the prevention of prostate diseases, to increase endurance and libido.

The onion contains the hormone androsterone, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. The vegetable enhances the production of semen and improves its quality, is beneficial in the complex treatment of infertility.

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What are the benefits of boiled onions for vessels

Boiled onion strengthens the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and reduces bad cholesterol. The vegetable is useful for hypertension, it helps to remove excess water from the body and quickly reduce blood pressure. You can use boiled onions to normalize blood circulation and prevent vascular spasms.

The benefits and harms of boiled onions for the liver

Eating boiled onions is beneficial for hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty liver diseases. The vegetable has strong cleansing properties, removes toxins and toxic substances from tissues. As a result, the load on the organ is reduced, and the liver quickly restores its functions.

Eating a boiled vegetable is good for speeding up the flow of bile and preventing calculus. The product is beneficial for cholecystitis and liver failure, relieves inflammation and normalizes metabolism.

Important! You need to eat boiled onions in limited quantities. Otherwise, it will lead to increased gas production and will only worsen the condition.

The benefits of boiled onions for fractures

The vegetable accelerates the fusion of bones and ligaments, so it is useful to use it for fractures. Onions can be added to broth, there is also a recipe for preparing a medicinal broth:

  • chop two small onions in a blender;
  • fry until transparent with 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 liter of boiling water is poured into an enamel pan;
  • boil over low heat for ten minutes.

A useful drink for fractures is taken on an empty stomach, 200 ml per day, there is no need to filter the product.

Onion broth can be drunk to strengthen bones and ligaments as a preventive measure

The benefits and harms of boiled onions for diabetes

Boiled onions serve as prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus. The vegetable contains iodine, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, and the substance glyconin, which is directly responsible for lowering sugar levels. Boiled onions improve the functioning of the pancreas and thus prevent the development of diabetes complications.

However, care must be taken when using the product. In case of malfunctions of the thyroid gland and an excess of iodine in the body, onions can be harmful, so it is better to agree with your doctor about its use.

Is boiled onion in soup good for you?

Many first course recipes recommend removing the boiled onion from the broth before serving. But this is usually not due to the potential harm of the vegetable, but to the fact that most people simply do not like the pulp. In the process of preparing the soup, the onion manages to give off all its taste and aroma, respectively, at the final stages it makes sense to dispose of the turnip itself.

If the vegetable does not cause unpleasant emotions, then it can be left in the broth. It should be borne in mind that with prolonged boiling, useful substances pass from the pulp into the liquid. Accordingly, the longer the onion is in the pan, the less valuable properties remain in its turnip.

How to cook properly

The greatest benefit comes from onions cooked according to all the rules. The boiling algorithm is as follows:

  • the top of the onion and the lower part are carefully cut off with a knife, and then the upper and lower husks are completely removed;
  • if necessary, remove damaged and dark places;
  • send the onion into cold water for 20 minutes to speed up the subsequent boiling;
  • in accordance with the recipe, leave the vegetable whole or cut it with a knife dipped in cold water, in which case the onion will not irritate the eyes;
  • in an enamel saucepan, bring salted liquid to a boil;
  • dip the onion into it and cover with a lid.

It is necessary to cook the vegetable for 2-10 minutes, depending on whether it is a whole turnip or chopped.

Fully cooked boiled onions can be easily pierced with a fork or knife

How to use correctly

Boiled onions are actively used by traditional medicine. There are several recipes that can be beneficial for internal diseases and external injuries.

When coughing

Boiled onion helps to quickly eliminate a cold cough and prevent it from becoming chronic or bronchitis. The vegetable liquefies phlegm and removes it from the respiratory tract, fights against bacterial processes in the mucous membranes and strengthens the immune system.

Onion broth with honey is used for medicinal purposes. Do it as follows:

  • a large onion is grated or chopped in a blender;
  • the gruel is placed in a saucepan and 150 ml of boiling water is poured;
  • add 100 g of sugar and mix;
  • simmer over low heat for three hours with constant stirring.

After the expiration date, the product is removed from the stove, cooled and combined with 30 g of natural honey.You need to take the medicine warm on a full stomach up to six times a day.

Treatment of cough with onion syrup continues no longer than a week
Important! The taste and smell of onions is completely overlapped by honey and sugar, so even those who do not like boiled vegetables can use the mixture without problems.

From warts

The beneficial properties of boiled onions help well with warts and papillomas. Antiviral substances in its composition help to cleanse the skin and prevent the new appearance of outgrowths.

The remedy is done like this:

  • peel a medium-sized red or purple onion, cut in half and boil until half cooked;
  • a soft vegetable is passed through a meat grinder or grated;
  • 15 g of gruel is mixed with an equal amount of wine vinegar.

The product is spread on a piece of gauze folded in several layers, and with a bandage fixed on the desired area of ​​the skin for four hours. From above, the compress can be additionally covered with cling film. Repeat the procedure for warts daily for a couple of weeks.

With a cold

For fever, sore throat and nasal congestion, a simple mixture of onion and honey helps. They do it like this:

  • a small onion is boiled in clean water until softened;
  • using a grater or meat grinder, turn it into gruel;
  • mixed with liquid honey in a 3: 1 ratio.

You need to take the remedy 10 g up to four times a day.

With calluses and corns

Boiled onions are good for softening rough skin on feet and heels. The vegetable is used externally according to the following algorithm:

  • the peeled onion is cut into two parts;
  • boil in salted water until soft;
  • crushed with a grater or meat grinder.

Add 5 ml of lemon juice to the finished gruel, mix, and then apply the product to a clean cloth or gauze and apply it to the corns or corns.

Onion compresses are put on for several hours, so it is best to carry out the procedure at night.

With edema

Boiled onions are diuretic and help relieve swelling. With an excess of fluid in the body, it is necessary:

  • boil 500 ml of water over high heat in an enamel saucepan;
  • Peel and cut two medium-sized red onions into medium pieces;
  • boil for ten minutes;
  • cool slightly and strain through a sieve.

The broth in a warm form is taken 150 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. At the same time, the vegetable itself is optional, it is the broth that has the main beneficial properties.


Boiled onions have benefits, but they can also cause harm. It is necessary to refuse its use:

  • with a tendency to increased gas formation;
  • with frequent diarrhea;
  • with allergies to onions in any form.

It is necessary to eat boiled vegetables in limited quantities, not more than 100 g per day. If consumed excessively, it causes stomach discomfort, can lead to flatulence and intestinal upset.

Important! For food use, it is not recommended to boil the vegetable for more than 60 minutes. He begins to release phosphoric acid, which helps to wash out calcium from the bones.

Which onion is healthier - raw or boiled

Despite the numerous beneficial properties of boiled onions, during heat treatment, it inevitably loses some of its valuable substances. In particular, the volumes of ascorbic acid are halved.

From two dozen trace elements in boiled onions, only half remains

With good health and the absence of chronic diseases, fresh onions are more useful. But with peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis and other conditions, it is contraindicated. In such cases, it is better to use boiled onions that do not irritate the mucous membranes.


The benefits and harms of boiled onions are closely related to each other. In most cases, the vegetable after heat treatment does not harm the body and even helps with chronic diseases. But you need to use it with caution so as not to provoke side effects.

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