Peach oil: properties, instructions for use, reviews

The benefits and harms of peach oil are an important question for those who are fond of home cosmetology recipes. The remedy is found in beauty recipes very often - it is curious to study the properties.

How peach oil is obtained

Contrary to popular belief, the raw material for obtaining healthy oil is not the pulp of the fruit, but their hard bones. As a rule, they are processed by cold pressing - that is, they are flattened under strong pressure under a press, and then carefully filtered.

After this procedure, only a clear oily liquid of a pale yellow hue remains. The aroma of the product is pleasant, almost imperceptible, the consistency is very delicate and light.

Chemical composition of peach oil

The benefits of peach oil are determined by the composition, which includes a lot of useful substances. In particular, the product contains:

  • vitamins, vitamins B, C, A, E and P most valuable for human health;
  • several valuable acids at once - including stearic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic;
  • mineral components - potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium;
  • antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the process of cellular renewal;
  • carotenoids;
  • bioflavonoids.

Useful and medicinal properties of peach oil

The product saturated with valuable substances has a beneficial effect on the body. It has the following beneficial properties:

  • anti-inflammatory - the product fights against skin and internal inflammation, has an antibacterial effect;
  • healing - light damage to the epidermis heal faster;
  • pain reliever - the product slightly softens the intensity of unpleasant sensations for various injuries and diseases;
  • antioxidant - peach pomace helps to fight cell aging and protects them from cancer;
  • strengthening - the product has a beneficial effect on the body with regular use, increases immunity;
  • cleansing - when taken internally, the product helps to remove toxins, toxins and toxic substances from the body.

The extract benefits from gastric and intestinal disorders and improves metabolism.

Peach oil for face skin

Cosmetology remains the main field of application. Most often, the product can be found in creams, lotions, masks and scrubs. The benefits of peach oil for facial skin are that, depending on other components, the preparation dries or moisturizes the skin.The properties of the product help cleanse the epidermis, rejuvenate the face and make the skin smooth, relieve inflammation and remove wrinkles.

Several masks can be done even at home.

Anti-wrinkle masks

There are many formulations that help to tighten the skin of the face and eliminate the first wrinkles. For example, you can:

  • mix 1 large spoonful of fruit oil with 1 large spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • mix thoroughly until smooth;
  • spread over the face for 20 minutes.

Spreading peach oil around the eyes will help smooth out fine lines and darkening under the eyes. The mask will nourish the skin with the most valuable elements and also improve its elasticity.

Another good and effective recipe looks like this:

  • 1 large spoonful of peach oil is mixed with 2 small spoonfuls of cream and 2 large tablespoons of peach pulp;
  • the ingredients are thoroughly mixed;
  • the mask is applied to clean skin for 20 minutes.

The use of peach oil for the face against wrinkles will bring an early effect if you do masks at least twice a week.

Anti-acne remedy

Since the product has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, the properties of cosmetic peach oil are great for treating skin irritations and acne. It is necessary to carry out a two-stage procedure, namely:

  • mix 2 large spoons of cosmetic clay with 4 drops of bergamot, tea or lemon essential oil;
  • dilute with 1 small spoonful of clean water;
  • apply to skin for 20 minutes, and then gently rinse with warm water;
  • drying your face with gentle blotting movements, apply a little peach product on it;
  • after 8 minutes, remove the remnants not absorbed into the skin with a napkin.

The task of cleansing the skin is taken over mainly by clay with essential oils. Peach extract enhances the beneficial effect of the mask, promotes the full absorption of valuable substances - and restores the epidermis.

Acne lotion

The use of peach oil in cosmetology helps fight acne. A cleansing lotion for washing is prepared as follows:

  • 200 g of rose petals are poured with the agent;
  • the mixture is heated with steam until the liquid becomes colorless;
  • the lotion is removed for a day in a dark place, in a cool place, for infusion;
  • then they filter and wipe the face daily, paying special attention to problem areas.

Peach oil scrubs

The main benefit of scrubbing agents is that they remove dead skin particles, make the epidermis smoother and softer. But at the same time it is important that the scrub itself does not harm the skin.

  • A fresh peach can be peeled from its velvety skin, grated on a fine grater and mixed with 1 large spoonful of bran.
  • You also need to add 1 large spoonful of oil to the mixture.
  • The scrub is applied to the face, gently massaged with light movements, kept for another 15 minutes and washed off.
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Bran particles cleanse the skin by removing keratinized particles and make it smoother. Peach pomace has a softening effect and prevents possible harm from irritation.

Peach oil for hair beauty

The beneficial properties of the product are valuable not only for the skin of the face, but also for the hair. It strengthens the hair follicles and restores the internal structure of the curls, cleanses and nourishes the scalp with vitamins. Peach oil will be beneficial for hair and in treating dandruff.

The product can simply be added to the shampoo twice or thrice a week in a few drops. Or you can make a simple and useful mask.

Peach oil hair mask

The application of peach oil to the ends of the hair and scalp can consist of the following mask:

  • 2 large spoons of peach extract are mixed with egg yolk;
  • the mixture is thoroughly whipped until completely homogeneous;
  • the resulting mass is distributed over the entire length of the curls for 40 minutes, then washed off using a light shampoo.

In addition, from time to time you can simply rub the peach pomace into the scalp shortly before washing - a few hours before it or at night. The procedure should be done at least twice a week for 2 - 3 months in a row. Peach oil will be helpful for dry hair and will also help regulate oiliness.

Peach body oil

With a home remedy, you can treat not only the face, but also the skin of the entire body. The properties will have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, help to get rid of skin imperfections. Beneficial substances contribute to the production of elastin and collagen, therefore significantly improve the elasticity of the skin.

Using peach oil for stretch marks and cellulite is quite simple - you need to lubricate your thighs, stomach and chest with it on a daily basis. After the procedure, the pomace is not washed off, but is allowed to be completely absorbed.

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Peach oil for hand skin

The product is excellent for helping to protect hands from cracking and peeling in cold weather or in low humidity conditions. It can be added to your regular hand cream - or you can simply lubricate it cleanly on the skin. Before going outside, it is recommended to apply the product half an hour in advance so that it has time to be absorbed.

Peach oil for eyelash and eyebrow growth

In order to make the eyebrows thicker and the eyelashes more expressive, it is not necessary to resort to extensions or special cosmetics. You can use peach pomace - it promotes hair growth and strengthening of their roots.

As a rule, to care for eyelashes, the composition is applied to a clean mascara brush and performed several "tinting" movements. Eyebrows can be treated with a dampened cotton swab. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening, shortly before bedtime.

In both cases, the eyebrows and eyelashes should be blotted with a cotton pad after the procedure to remove excess.

Important! A useful product can cause allergies, therefore, before treating eyelashes and eyebrows, it is necessary to conduct a test - drip a couple of drops on the delicate skin of the elbow and see if irritation appears after a while.

Benefits of nail and cuticle oil

Useful properties will help strengthen the nail plates and soften the skin around them. The method of using peach oil is very simple - it is enough to carry out a light massage of fingers and nails daily using the product for about 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the excess is removed with a cotton pad.

Applying peach oil to lips

The tool will benefit dry and chapped lips - it will soften them, stop peeling, and help in the healing of microcracks. Lip skin will become softer and brighter due to good blood flow. To get a quick effect, it is enough to lubricate your lips several times a day, like with regular hygienic lipstick.

Peach massage oil

Useful properties of the product help to cope with cellulite and sagging skin - peach pomace nourishes the epidermis, gives elasticity, and starts the process of active lipolysis.

The massage can be performed twice or thrice a week. The product must be warmed to room temperature before use, and then applied with strong but gentle massage movements. You do not need to wash it off - the extract should be completely absorbed.

Peach oil inside

Peach oil is suitable for internal use. The product is often used to treat certain ailments, and is also taken prophylactically - to cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system. The product, when taken internally, eliminates constipation and has a diuretic effect, normalizes the stomach and protects the vessels from cholesterol.

So that there is no harm to the body, you need to take the product in the amount of no more than 1 large spoon - about an hour before meals. It is better to warm up the product a little before use - at room conditions or on steam, up to 25 - 35 degrees.

Peach Oil Treatment

The product and its beneficial properties are used to treat certain diseases. Since the extract has a softening, anti-inflammatory and firming effect, it helps well with colds - and inflammatory ailments. Peach oil is often used for burns during the healing stage in order to quickly restore skin health.

Peach oil in the nose for a cold

With severe nasal congestion, it is really not possible to use expensive pharmacy drops - you can drip peach oil into your nose. A couple of drops in each nostril are enough to get rid of the feeling of congestion - without harming the mucous membranes.

It is allowed to instill no more than 6 times per day - otherwise the body will be harmed. Also, at the initial stage of a runny nose, it will be beneficial if you just lubricate the inside of the nose with the extract.

How to take peach oil for sore throat

Peach oil for laryngitis and other colds helps to get rid of sore throat faster. In the initial stages of a cold, you must either lubricate the throat with a cotton swab soaked in natural extract, or dilute 10 drops in a glass of water and gargle several times a day.

You can also put peach oil in your ear for otitis media - it will help relieve inflammation and pain.

Application in gynecology

The regenerating and antiseptic properties of the product have found their application in the gynecological field. It can be used for uterine fibroids, endometriosis and erosion. Typically, a tampon is moistened in a natural remedy and inserted into the body for targeted action.

Important! Before using the product, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist and obtain permission for this method of treatment so as not to harm yourself.

Peach oil for newborns

Babies often have diaper rash on the skin. Peach pomace will be beneficial in combating the problem as it effectively disinfects, softens and heals the damage. It is enough to apply a few drops in the palm of your hand, and then gently rub the baby's skin.

Attention! Despite the fact that the product is considered completely harmless, it is still recommended to consult a doctor about the appropriateness of use.

Can peach oil be used during pregnancy

The healing and strengthening properties of the product will be beneficial during the period of gestation - but only when used externally. Pregnant women can be massaged, add the product to face and hair masks. But ingestion will have to be postponed - the extract can harm the mother and fetus.

How to make peach oil at home

It is quite difficult to repeat the manufacturing technology at home - after all, the product is not obtained from pulp, but from hard bones. However, you can try to prepare an extract that is as close as possible to cosmetic oil in its properties.

It makes no sense to use the pressing method, but extraction can be used. This requires:

  • take a sufficient amount of peach fruits;
  • peeled peach pits should be properly chopped, and then poured into a small bottle with a tight stopper or lid;
  • pour ethyl or sulfuric essential oil - they do not harm, they quickly evaporate and dissolve fat well;
  • close the bottle and shake well;
  • insist for about 15 minutes;
  • filter the contents through cheesecloth and squeeze out the precipitate;
  • pour the resulting solution into a separate open plate and wait for the ether to weather;
  • place the prepared oily liquid in a glass vessel.
Advice! if possible, it is still better to purchase the product at a pharmacy - the use of a home solution will be, by definition, less.

Potential harm of peach oil and contraindications

A unique feature of the product is that it practically does not cause harm and has very few contraindications. It is not recommended to consume oily pomace only when:

  • allergies - before using the product for the first time, it is worth conducting a test for the presence or absence of intolerance;
  • increased nervous excitability - the product has pronounced tonic properties and in this case may be harmful.

How to choose and store peach oil

Fake extract is not common. However, before buying, you should still make sure of the quality.

  • A good cosmetic product must necessarily indicate that it is 100% peach seed extract - without the addition of other oils.
  • The container in which the product is placed should be glass, ideally dark and opaque.
  • The expiration date should not come to an end, this point must be checked before buying.

As for storage, keep the peach extract in the refrigerator on a dry shelf. After the container is opened, the shelf life will not exceed 18 months.


The benefits and harms of peach oil depend on whether you are allergic to this product. If the body tolerates the extract normally, then the oil will bring pronounced cosmetic and therapeutic benefits.


Mikhailova Tatyana Vladimirovna, 27 years old, Rostov-on-Don
Peach hair oil helped me cope with heavy hair loss due to illness. I often use peach oil for eyelashes - it makes them thicker, softer and more expressive. And peach oil for the face against wrinkles helped to get rid of the first signs of skin aging.
Svetlova Irina Aleksandrovna, 32 years old, Kazan
Peach oil for wrinkles around the eyes not only helped me return freshness and youth to my face, but also made dark circles under my eyes less noticeable. In addition, from time to time I bury peach oil in the noses of children - it helps against colds no worse than pharmacy drops, and less harm.
Silina Olga Viktorovna, 25 years old, Izhevsk
In the summer, I often use peach oil for tanning - it sets faster, acquires a beautiful brownish tint. And a friend uses peach oil for age spots in combination with other products that slightly whiten the skin - the effect comes very quickly.

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