Rose essential oil: Damask, Moroccan, Bulgarian and tea

The properties and application of rose essential oil are most often used in cosmetology. However, rose oils are also beneficial for treatment, they contain a lot of useful components.

Rose oil properties

In pharmacies and specialty stores, you can find many varieties of rose oil. But at the same time, any rose ethers have general properties:

  • nourish and moisturize dry, irritated and flaky skin;
  • help to eliminate stretch marks and cellulite;
  • rejuvenate and tone the epidermis;
  • strengthen curls and return them to a silky texture;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect when applied externally and internally;
  • help fight nervous disorders and insomnia.
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The product has mild analgesic properties. It is often used for topical treatment of painful inflammations, such as on the skin or in the mouth.

Rose extract not only benefits the skin, but also improves overall health

Rose essential oil composition

The natural remedy contains several particularly valuable ingredients. The following substances give useful properties to the essential product:

  • geraniol and farnesol;
  • nerol;
  • roseol;
  • lauric and arachidic acids;
  • citronellol;
  • palmitic acid;
  • phenylethinol.

Also, the product contains vitamin and mineral compounds, flavonoids and antioxidants.

Types of rose essential oil

In pharmacies, the product can be found in several varieties. There are no fundamental differences between the types of rose oil, their properties are, one way or another, similar. The difference is mainly in price, availability of ether, color and flavor.

Moroccan rose essential oil

The Moroccan rose is a very valuable plant material for obtaining a volatile essential agent. The production of only 1 liter of extract takes 5 tons of rose petals. But the finished product contains about 400 healthy compounds, so the price is considered justified.

The Moroccan rose is often used to create a romantic setting.

The Moroccan rose differs from other varieties of essential oils in that it contains more than 60% phenylethanol. High-quality oil of this type is especially effective when used as an aphrodisiac, and it also has strong sedative and antiseptic properties.

Tea rose essential oil

A remedy made from tea rose petals is most often used as a fragrance. 5-6 drops of it are added to warm relaxing baths and 3 drops to aromatic lamps for room treatment. You can also make small foot and hand baths using tea rose ether - 3 drops per 5 liters of water.

Rose petal essential oil has an antioxidant effect and stimulates microcirculation under the skin, increases the elasticity of the epidermis and returns it smoothness. Therefore, it can be found in commercial and home cosmetics, in mixtures for relaxing and therapeutic massage.

Tea rose petal remedy is a good antioxidant

Bulgarian rose essential oil

This valuable Bulgarian rose remedy is considered one of the best and is quite expensive. It is obtained by steam distillation, the color of the natural remedy should be almost transparent, slightly yellow, and the consistency should be very liquid.

Bulgarian rose oil belongs to the elite varieties and can be used for any purpose. A useful product helps with inflammation and colds, nervous disorders and reproductive system disorders. Bulgarian rose has a very pleasant scent and therefore is perfect for aromatherapy.

Bulgarian rose extract helps with colds

Gallic rose essential oil

Gallic rose essential oil has a pleasant floral aroma - honey with light spicy notes. Volatile ether is actively used in aromatization and cosmetology. It works well on the skin, and when applied to bedding or when added to an aroma lamp, it fills the room with a fresh and delicate scent.

The Gallic rose and the essential oil from its petals have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. It is useful to use oil for disorders in the genitourinary sphere, for hormonal disruptions and climacteric changes in women. Also, the product is used to cleanse the liver and pancreas, to treat diseases of the respiratory system.

Gallic rose not only purifies the air, but also heals respiratory ailments
Important! Gallic rose oil is a powerful aphrodisiac. It is often added to relaxing baths and massages.

Damask rose essential oil

Damask rose is used to produce high-value, elite essential oils. It has a fresh and slightly smoky floral scent that is deep and long-lasting upon application.

Areas of use:

  1. Use a useful agent as an aphrodisiac, to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, to relieve inflammation and to restore the integrity of the epidermis.
  2. Damask rose remedy works well against puffy eyelids and dark circles under the eyes.
  3. It can be used to treat migraines, dizziness and insomnia.
  4. The essential remedy works well for skin conditions such as herpes, dermatitis and eczema.
  5. It is used to treat tonsillitis and periodontal disease, for general strengthening of the immune system.
Damask rose petal essential oil is one of the most expensive

Damask rose has a relaxing and at the same time tonic effect, accelerates blood flow. Therefore, ether is highly effective as an aphrodisiac.

What rose essential oil is combined with

In aromatherapy, relaxing baths and massages, rose esters are often combined with other essential oils. Works well with pink ether:

  • lavender;
  • jasmine;
  • sandalwood;
  • bergamot;
  • basil;
  • aniseed;
  • patchouli and ylang-ylang oils.
Advice! Rose essential oil in cosmetology and therapy is not used in pure concentrated form, but after being added to base oils. The latter are best suited for olive, almond and apricot.

How to use rose essential oil

In order for the tool to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in more detail with the spheres and methods of its use. It is important to know the correct dosage for the ester.

You need to use the product in minimal amounts - a few drops each

Rose essential oil in cosmetics

The cosmetological sphere remains the main one for the rose ether - the agent acts most strongly on the skin and hair.In small amounts, rose oil is added to many masks, wipes and homemade creams:

  1. Mask for dry skin. To moisturize the epidermis, you need to add 5 drops of ether to 100 ml of heavy natural cream. The resulting mixture is applied daily to the face and kept for 7 minutes. With regular use of rose essential oil for the face, the skin becomes softer and more tender, it does not crack even in cold weather.
  2. To moisturize and rejuvenate the skin not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté, you can resort to steam treatments. A liter of water with a temperature of about 80 ° C is poured into a large bowl or basin, and then 3 drops of ether are added. After that, you need to bend over the container and cover your head and shoulders with a towel. It is not necessary to inhale deeply the rising vapors; with this type of inhalation, the essential product acts on the body through the skin.

The product is beneficial for the hair - the valuable components in its composition strengthen the strands and stimulate their abundant growth:

  1. Split Ends Mask... If your hair is dry and brittle, and the ends are badly split, you can dilute 3 drops of pink ether in a large spoon of almond base. The mixture is used to treat the hair in its entire length and put the curls under a film and a towel for half an hour.
  2. Hair growth mask... If the amount of curls is insufficient, another mask may be beneficial. In a large spoonful of olive oil, dissolve 5 drops of ether, then distribute the product through the hair and rub it into the root area for at least 10 minutes. After that, you need to provide a greenhouse effect for the head for 1.5 hours, wrap it with foil and a warm towel.
Pink ester maintains fresh skin and restores strength to curls

When using rose essential oil for hair, the fragrance can become too intrusive. If the pleasant smell, if inhaled for too long, causes irritation, fatigue and headache, then the dosage of ether when preparing the mask can be reduced.

Rose oil for health promotion

The essential rose petal remedy is suitable for treating ailments. It is used very widely, but it is especially popular in the treatment of colds, respiratory and gynecological ailments:

  1. For angina, rinsing with the addition of ether is beneficial. In a glass of warm water, you need to dilute just a couple of drops of the product, and you need to repeat the procedure several times a day with an interval of 5 hours. It is also allowed to directly treat the sore throat with a cotton swab dipped in the product, but this must be done with great care.
  2. For nasal congestion and coughing, inhalation is recommended. Add 2 drops of pink ether to a container of hot water, you can also add a drop of citrus or eucalyptus oil. Inhalation of hot steam has a very beneficial effect on the bronchopulmonary system, but care must be taken so as not to burn the mucous membranes.
  3. For thrush, vaginitis and other bacterial ailments in women, douching is indicated. A small spoonful of baking soda and only 3 drops of an oily liquid should be diluted in 500 ml of water and doused for a couple of weeks.
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Attention! For rinsing, douching and other procedures, it is strictly forbidden to use a pure essential agent without diluting with water. This is dangerous as the product can cause chemical burns.
Aromatic remedy copes well with inflammation

Rose oil in aromatherapy

The delicate and light scent of rose makes the ether from its petals very much in demand in aromatherapy. Rose oil is added to the aroma lamp - in just half an hour, the atmosphere in the room is transformed, becoming cozy, romantic and joyful.

Also, the agent is added to the baths - 5 drops per full container together with 30 g of sea salt. You need to take a bath no longer than 15 minutes. The relaxing procedure works very well on the nervous system, the scent of the rose helps to calm down and tune in to a pleasant evening or sleep.

Rose essential oil during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, women are prone to allergic reactions and, in general, have increased sensitivity. Therefore, any essential products can be used during pregnancy only externally and in very small dosages. Rose oil is no exception, due to its rich chemical composition, it can also provoke negative reactions.

Doctors advise pregnant women to use rose oil only for scenting rooms. At the same time, it is advisable to leave the room while the aroma lamp is burning in it, it is better to return later, when only a light and unobtrusive aroma remains in the room. If done correctly, aromatherapy can help strengthen the immune system.

During the period of bearing a child, it is better to limit yourself to massage and aromatherapy.
Advice! With the permission of the doctor, pregnant women can use rose essential oil on the skin during massage sessions. It will not only help relieve natural stress before childbirth, but it will also improve your physical well-being.

Contraindications and side effects

Compared to most other essential oils, the rose petal remedy is quite safe, it has few contraindications. However, the essential extract cannot be used:

  • with individual allergy to substances in the composition of the product;
  • with severe oncological diseases and chemotherapy;
  • during breastfeeding.

Side effects of an essential agent appear when the minimum dosage is exceeded. If the amount of oil is too much, the smell will become irritating and can lead to headaches and nausea. When applying oil in large quantities externally, irritation of the epidermis and chemical burns are possible.

Terms and conditions of storage

The pink extract has a long shelf life of up to 5 years. But in order for the product not to deteriorate ahead of time, several rules must be followed. Namely:

  • keep the essential oil away from sunlight and artificial light, in a dark place;
  • make sure that the lid on the bottle is always tightly closed;
  • do not allow water to enter the essential oil bottle, even in minimal quantities;
  • control the temperature - rose oil is stored under conditions of 5 to 30 ° C.
It is best to store the extract in the refrigerator, in the dark and at a low temperature.

It is best to keep the cleanser on the refrigerator door to ensure optimal conditions for the ether.


The properties and uses of rose essential oil are quite wide; the remedy is used both in cosmetology and in home health recipes. Rose extract, regardless of the variety, is of great benefit, provided that the dosages are observed.

Rose essential oil reviews

Anisova Irina Vladimirovna, 27 years old, Murom
Rose oil has a very pleasant, light scent that combines both floral and refreshing notes. I really like to add it to the bath and to the aroma lamp, the smell is good because it does not irritate at all. And the skin after taking a bath becomes very soft and tender.
Alena Sergeevna Stepanova, 32 years old, Kazan
My hair is naturally dry, so I have to take extra care of it. I love making masks with the addition of rose essential oil - the remedy works very quickly. In addition, I really like how the hair smells after such procedures - the aroma is delicate and pleasant.

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