How to clean natural fur: collar, fur coat, hat

You can clean natural fur at home using dry methods and using moisture. Many household products effectively remove any dirt without harming the structure.

Can natural fur be washed

Products made from natural arctic fox, rabbit or mink look very attractive and warm well in winter. But from time to time they need cleaning - stains remain on the fur clothes, besides, it loses its shine and turns yellow.

Any natural fur reacts very negatively to interaction with water. It is always recommended to clean products with gentle methods - dry powders, aerosols, wet sponges. Washing is theoretically permissible, but it can only be done in extreme cases.

It is best to clean natural fur coats and collars using dry methods.
Important! Small items such as collars, hats and cuffs are allowed. Fur coats made from natural fur are absolutely not suitable for washing.

How to clean natural fur

In most cases, natural products are subjected to local cleaning - individual contaminated areas are treated. This can be done both with specialized means and with household household appliances.

How to clean natural fur with folk remedies

The most popular are household cleaning products. They are very inexpensive, have a wide range of applications and are usually stored in any home:

  1. You can clean light-colored clothes with baby powder or talcum powder. The powder is scattered over the dirty places and lightly rubbed into the product, and then shaken out. You can repeat the processing several times in a row.
    A good detergent for cleaning a light fur coat is talcum powder
  2. Medical alcohol returns the original color and shine to fur coats and collars. To clean a thing, you need to moisten a cotton swab in it and wipe the soiled areas several times. The wet pile needs to be combed, and then hang the product to dry unfolded.
    Alcohol returns cleanliness and shine to fur clothes
  3. A good cleaning agent is a soapy solution prepared with liquid soap or natural shampoo. The product is dissolved in lukewarm water, whipped, and then foam is applied to the dirt and wiped with a cotton pad against the growth of the pile and against it. You need to remove the remaining foam with a clean sponge, then comb the fur coat and hang it to dry.
    Contamination on fur pile can be gently treated with soap suds

Wet and dry home cleaning methods work well. The main rule is to wash a fur coat made of natural fur as carefully as possible, do not wet the pile too much and do not rub it with your hands.

How to clean natural fur with specialized products

You can clean a fur coat or collar not only with household but also with industrial specialized means. Several proven care products are available at hardware stores:

  1. Biofur... The brand offers a wide range of products - from express wipes to foam and aerosols with deep cleansing action. Sprays Biofur must be applied to the straightened fur from a distance of about 20 cm. You can clean both yellowness and complex stains with specialized preparations; after processing, the wet pile must be carefully combed.
    Biofur cleaning products are designed for comprehensive fur care
  2. Hussard Terre de Sommieres... Powder stain remover designed to remove dirt from all textile surfaces and natural fur. The product must be distributed over the stained area, and then left for several hours. The powder not only helps to clean the stains, but also does not leave a light halo.
    Hussard Terre de Sommieres powder fights tough dirt in fur
  3. Insaf... The natural fur cleaner works well with tough dirt. It is used in the standard way - it is sprayed over the product from a distance of 20 cm, and then the pile is combed. Additional benefits of Insaf include anti-static and moth-resistant properties.
    Insaf spray removes stains from fur products and protects against re-contamination

Specialized care products are recommended not only to remove dirt, but also to treat products prophylactically. This keeps the pile shine and clean.

Ways to clean natural fur at home

There are two methods of cleaning a natural fur coat or collar at home - wet and dry. Which one to choose depends on the degree of pollution. To begin with, it is always recommended to clean the thing with dry methods, and if they do not work, go to wet ones.

How to dry wash natural fur at home

Dry cleaning involves the use of light grains and powders. The principle of action is that such products absorb dirt.

How to clean a fur product with semolina

You can restore shine and original color to the fur with the help of semolina. The product is laid out on the table and the folds are straightened, and then the polluted places are sprinkled with semolina and the fur coat or collar is left for 15 minutes.

Semolina when applied to fur pile absorbs dirt

After that, the cereal must be shaken out of the pile and cleaned with a brush. If the semolina has darkened, then cleaning can be immediately repeated again.

How to clean a fur coat with starch

You can clean natural fur from yellowness with ordinary starch. It is used in the same way as semolina:

  • lay out the collar or outerwear on the table;
  • lightly rub starch into stained places;
  • leave the product for 15 minutes, and then remove the powder from the pile.
Powder of starch helps to remove minor dirt on light colored coats

The starch will absorb the dirt and turn yellow or dark brown. To fully clean the product, you can treat the pile with powder several times in a row.

How to clean a fur coat with bran

Wheat bran absorbs dirt and grease well. To clean a fur coat with their help, you must:

  • heat the bran in a dry frying pan to 50 degrees;
  • scatter warm over the pile and rub in a little;
  • after 15 minutes, remove the cooled bran with a brush and shake the product.
Recommended reading:  Why wheat bran is useful, reviews
Heated bran effectively removes yellowness from natural fur items
Important! The main advantage of dry cleaning is complete safety for fur pile. Even after several treatments, the collar, hat or fur coat does not suffer at all.

Wet cleaning of natural fur at home

Wet methods are used for severe contamination.If a strong yellowness or a noticeable old stain has formed on the fur coat, dry cereals and powders may not cope with the removal of dirt.

How to clean fur with vinegar

Vinegar 9% helps to clean even oil stains. The product must be diluted with water in equal proportions, and then wipe the pile with a cotton pad several times.

Table vinegar removes common and greasy stains from fur

Damp villi must be brushed immediately with a special brush so that they do not stick together. After that, the clothes are hung to dry.

How to clean a fur product with ammonia

You can clean the stains on fur clothes with ammonia. Usually, half a large spoonful of ammonia is diluted in a glass of water and 1 spoonful of salt is added, and then the solution is mixed and the pile is treated with a sponge or cotton pad. It is also necessary to comb the pile when wet, otherwise it will stick together during drying.

You can use ammonia diluted with water to clean a fur collar or hat.

How to restore purity to fur with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is well suited for light-colored hair, it has a whitening effect. If yellowness appears on the product, you need to moisten a cotton pad in peroxide and gently rub the affected areas. If the fur product has begun to change color recently, then the method will help restore whiteness.

Hydrogen peroxide not only cleans, but also slightly whitens light-colored fur

How to wash natural fur at home

If it was not possible to clean the collar or hat with gentle methods, then the products can be washed gently:

  1. They wash exclusively by hand - fur things cannot be loaded into the machine, even on a delicate mode.
  2. Lukewarm water is poured into the basin with a temperature of no more than 30 ° C, and then liquid or laundry soap is added to it. A shampoo with a natural composition and without aggressive chemical components is also suitable.
  3. The collar or hat is placed in the basin, and then gently beat with light movements for several minutes, you cannot rub and twist the thing.

After washing, the product must be rinsed out of soap residues with a shower head, and then left to drain over the bathroom. When the item dries slightly, it is placed to dry in a warm room and from time to time brushed with a special brush.

You can wash a fur collar or a hat in a basin, but the effect should be gentle
Attention! You can wash natural fur on the hood, collar or hat. But soaking fur coats is strictly not recommended, it is better to clean them locally.

How to properly dry natural fur

After wet cleaning and even more so after washing, it is important to properly dry the fur pile:

  1. Drying is carried out at room temperature, in a room with low humidity and with good ventilation.
  2. It is impossible to dry a fur coat, collar or hat using a hair dryer, the temperature effect harms the structure of the pile.
  3. Fur clothing should not be placed near a radiator or gas stove.

Fur products are removed to the closet or on a hanger only after they have completely dried, otherwise the wet pile will acquire an unpleasant odor or even begin to grow moldy.

Dry fur clothes only in a flattened form and away from heaters

Useful Tips

If you properly care for natural fur coats and collars, then you will not have to clean them often:

  1. Fur products are afraid of getting wet. It is recommended to wear natural hats, fur coats and collars in cold but dry weather, and not under snow and rain.
  2. If the pile is still wet, then it must be dried immediately in warm conditions in a straightened form.
  3. Natural fur has a very delicate structure. Even if you need to clean it, you need to do it with light movements; you cannot aggressively rub the pile with sponges and brushes.
  4. Fur clothing turns yellow and loses its luster from close contact with other things. You need to store fur coats and hats in a spacious closet, making sure that they do not come into contact with neighboring clothes.

In spring and summer, fur coats and hats need to be removed from the closet and ventilated from time to time, this will avoid the appearance of an unpleasant smell.

For better safety, fur clothing should be regularly ventilated and cleaned dry
Advice! At the end of the season, it is useful to treat fur things with specialized prophylactic agents - this will protect them during storage from dust and moths.


You can clean natural fur at home with simple improvised means. If you follow the rules of careful handling, then the pile will not suffer from cleaning, but will become shiny and silky again.

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