How to remove a pen from paper without marks

Removing ink from paper and leaving no traces after such a procedure is a question that is asked not only by schoolchildren who made a mistake in a notebook, but also by the older generation. Someone prefers to rip out the damaged sheet and make a new entry, but sometimes such manipulations are impossible. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to use improvised means correctly in order to easily remove ink from a sheet of paper from a ballpoint or gel pen.

Features of removing ink from paper

Many in their lives have tried to gently remove ink from paper using a blade or eraser. But the effectiveness of such methods is rather doubtful, since after them traces of wear remain, which can be seen with the naked eye. And with inept actions, the blade can cut through the sheet, and the eraser can wipe the paper, which will lead to irreparable consequences.

The ink contains such components that can be dissolved by the following substances:

  • white;
  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • soda;
  • lemon acid.

It is these substances that are worth trying first, and only then take on other, more aggressive means.

Attention! The paper should not be wetted too much. Otherwise, ink cannot be ejected without losing paper quality.

The work of removing ink from a paper surface depends entirely on the quality of the latter. If it is a thin piece of paper from an ordinary notebook, then the pen will be more difficult to remove. The simplest task is to remove the ink on sliding paper (notebook cover, etc.): the pen can be wiped off such surfaces without any problems.

How to remove a ballpoint pen from paper

It is believed that it is easier to remove the inscription of a ballpoint pen from paper than a gel one. There is some truth in this. The thing is that the ink from a ballpoint pen is absorbed faster into the paper surface and dries on it. Therefore, work to remove contamination should be carried out as quickly as possible.

In order to remove ink, you can use both folk remedies and chemical ones. As a last resort, you can resort to using mechanical action on the inscription.

How to remove a gel pen from paper

Gel ink features high viscosity, color saturation and elasticity. They are less absorbed into the paper surface and take some time to dry. But the difficulty in displaying the inscription is in the dyes that make up the writing paste. They are more resistant than ball paste and therefore require the use of more aggressive substances.

How can you remove ink from folk paper

Folk methods will help to remove ink from paper without traces. Cleaning components are always at hand, so you don't have to waste time going to the store, which means there will be much more chances of eliminating the blooper.


Table vinegar or acetic acid will be a great help in removing ink.To remove the trace of the handle, you must:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in vinegar.
  2. Process unnecessary inscription.
  3. Allow the surface to dry.

Attention! It is not necessary to fill in the pollution, it is better to repeat the procedure several times, letting the paper dry.

Vinegar can also be mixed with dish soap. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Mix vinegar and detergent in equal proportions (0.5 tsp is enough);
  2. Apply the mixture to the lettering with a cotton swab.
  3. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  4. Blot with dry cotton pad.


You can remove the ink of a ballpoint pen from paper with regular salt. There are two ways to carry out the cleaning procedure.

Method one - simplest:

  1. Pour some hot water into the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Pour in fine salt, so that a gruel is obtained.
  3. Using a cotton swab, apply the mixture to the ink.
  4. After 10 - 15 minutes, shake off the dried salt.

Method two - improved:

  1. Pour salt on the surface (fine, no iodine).
  2. Put the sheet of ink to be processed with the inscription down (the inscription to be removed must be pressed against the salt).
  3. Prepare a mixture of citric acid (20 g) and water (150 ml).
  4. Put a small ring on the sheet, which will limit the area with the inscription to be removed. This is important to prevent liquid from spreading over the entire surface of the sheet.
  5. Drop a little solution from a pipette directly to the place where the unwanted blooper is.

After the lemon has dissolved the ink, the remnants of the paste will quickly be absorbed into the salt, and there will be no trace left on the sheet itself.


Baking soda is also an alternative to salt.

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  1. Mix baking soda with water to make a gruel.
  2. Apply a small amount of the mixture to the paste from the pen.
  3. Leave until the baking soda is completely dry.
  4. Shake off the mixture, wipe with a dry cotton swab.

If the first method did not cope with the task, then it can be improved:

  1. Pour baking soda on a saucer.
  2. Add some toothpaste.
  3. Stir until smooth.
  4. Apply to the ink paste with a cotton swab.
  5. Leave until the inscription is completely removed.

Curdled milk

Sour or fresh milk can also remove blue or black paste from paper. Surface treatment is carried out in this way:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in yogurt or milk.
  2. Draw with it over the inscription that you want to remove, taking into account the folds of the handwriting.
  3. Leave on for a while - the ink will completely dissolve and disappear immediately after the dairy product dries.

Hair spray

Regular hairspray can also handle ink on paper. It is enough just to apply it to the surface and follow the process of the chemical reaction. Once the paper is dry, the pen mark will disappear.

Attention! Hairspray can leave greasy marks on the paper and can also completely discolor the paper. Before use, it is recommended to test on an unnecessary leaf of the same quality.

How to remove ink on paper with pharmacy products

Pharmacy products are no less popular in the fight against unnecessary inscriptions. Many of them are also at hand for every housewife, so the time spent on their purchase is canceled.

Potassium permanganate

To remove ink from paper so that not even a trace remains, you must use ordinary potassium permanganate.

  1. Add a few crystals of manganese to a small amount of vinegar.
  2. Stir thoroughly so that the potassium permanganate is completely dissolved (it is better to strain the solution).
  3. Soak a cotton swab in liquid.
  4. Process the ink inscription.


Vodka or rubbing alcohol has long been used to remove ink from paper. The process looks like this:

  1. Pour some alcohol into a pipette.
  2. Drop on the inscription.
  3. Wait until it is completely dry.

If the removed trace is small, then it is best to moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and use it to dot the surface, trying not to fill the stain and not rub.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide can remove many stains, including ink blots. Using hydrogen peroxide is no different than using alcohol. The main thing is not to forget that the product can discolor the paper, so you should not use it on colored sheets.

Hydrochloric acid

You can also remove a ballpoint pen from paper imperceptibly with the help of hydrochloric acid. This will require:

  1. Moisten a cotton swab in acid.
  2. Blot ink.
  3. Wait until it is completely dry.

How to remove ink from paper by chemical means

Chemicals are more corrosive and may damage the paper. To prevent this from happening, you should first try the selected tool on the same paper, making an inscription with the same pen.

Nail polish remover

Although modern nail polish erasers do not contain acetone, they can remove ink from paper. The main thing is to choose a colorless liquid and, preferably, without adding oil.

You need to apply the product with a cotton swab, trying not to touch the extra space.


Acetone, white spirit and other solvents will help to quickly remove the pen from the paper. Moisten a cotton swab in a solvent, wipe the inscription, being careful not to rub the paper. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated, but most importantly, wait until the paper is completely dry.


You can remove ink from paper without spoiling it with the help of hydroperit. Sequencing:

  1. Mix hydroperite with a little water to form a slurry.
  2. Use a cotton swab to apply the mixture to the ink lettering.
  3. Leave until the powder is completely dry.
  4. Shake off mixture.


You can use regular bleach to remove the paste from the pen from the paper. These can be both mild oxygen agents and chlorine-containing substances. The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. Apply the least amount of liquid bleach to the ink (you can use a toothpick, cotton swab, or other device).
  2. Blot lightly with a dry cotton swab.
  3. Wait until the sheet is completely dry.

If dry bleach is used, then it must first be diluted in a small amount of water and treated with ink, similar to the first method.

How to mechanically wipe a pen off paper

It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the pen from the paper imperceptibly using the method of mechanical action. But these methods also have a right to exist.

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To remove ink from paper using a blade, you need:

  1. Take a regular blade that fits into the shaving machine.
  2. Start erasing the lettering so that the angle of the blade is at an angle of 45 - 55 degrees.
Important! After this procedure, scuffs and "tousled" fibers will remain on the paper.

Fiber can be removed by making the grout less visible. But such work requires the utmost care, since the paper can be irreparably damaged. To "cover up" the marks, you need to put the blade near the place where the ink is grout and hold it, pressing it tightly against the sheet, over the entire treated area. Small fluff of paper will be cut off. After that, the sheet is polished with a fingernail.


A less dangerous way to remove ink is with a medical patch. To remove an inscription, you must:

  1. Cut a small piece out of the plaster: it is desirable that it coincides with the size of the blooper to be removed.
  2. Stick the plaster on the inscription.
  3. Peel off carefully.
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.

Attention! Together with the ink, a thin layer of the paper surface will be removed.


The ink can be removed with the finest sandpaper. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut off a small piece of sandpaper.
  2. Erase the inscription.
  3. Polish the surface with your fingernail.

The application of this method is possible for both ballpoint and gel pens. The main thing is not to apply strong force during mashing, so that a hole does not form in the sheet.


There are many ways to get ink off paper. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before starting work, it is worth conducting a test on an unnecessary sheet.

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