How to remove odor from kitchen sinks

Sooner or later, any housewife, even the cleanest, may face the need to eliminate the smell from the sink in the kitchen. Regardless of how carefully you maintain your sink, it can still clog or leak, resulting in an unpleasant odor in the kitchen. In such a situation, you can try to fix the problem yourself or call a plumber, and as soon as possible - the presence of methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the air, which are the cause of an unpleasant odor, negatively affects human health. These elements cause feelings of anxiety, fear, and even fainting.

Why there is an unpleasant smell from the kitchen sink

Over time, grease and food residues accumulate in the pipes, sometimes small solid objects get stuck in the dirt, causing blockages. Then the decay process begins - this is what most often causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the kitchen. Also, the sink begins to emit heavy odors if the water seal in the siphon is broken.

A water seal (also a water lock) is a feature of the structure of the pipe under the sink, thanks to which a certain amount of water always remains in it after draining. This water plug clogs up all unpleasant odors coming from the sewer. If there is no obstruction, the toxic substances produced during the decay process quickly spread throughout the kitchen.

Water ceases to linger in the siphon for various reasons.

Sagging of the corrugated pipe. During the installation of the sink in the kitchen, the siphon is often replaced with a corrugated pipe made of a more malleable material. Over time, this pipe stretches and eventually loses its shape, and this happens even if it was installed according to all the rules. In order to avoid problems with the sagging of the corrugated pipe, it must be additionally strengthened with the help of special devices that can be purchased at any plumbing store. If necessary, you can temporarily fix the pipe with electrical tape.

Incorrect siphon installation. Especially often there are problems with fixing the flask-type siphon. An unpleasant smell in the kitchen appears in this case due to the fact that the plastic pipe does not reach the water level in the siphon flask. The peculiarity of the design leads to the fact that the water lock in it simply cannot form correctly. Air will inevitably seep above the water level, as a result of which the smell from the sewer will at some point begin to spread throughout the kitchen. The situation can be corrected by displacing the nozzle. It must be installed so that it does not touch the bottom of the flask, but at the same time it is submerged a few centimeters in water.

Self-installation or repair of a corrugated pipe.It is often installed with space saving in mind - without forming the traditional S-bend, thanks to which the formation of a water lock is possible. Due to this position of the corrugated pipe, water after draining can rise back into the sink. Even more dangerous is the pipe installation scheme, in which its end is driven directly into the riser. The problem is eliminated in the same way as in the first case, using electrical tape or fasteners. Even if it is not possible to form an S-bend, the pipe must be reinstalled or even replaced.

Clogging and malfunctioning of the siphon are far from the only reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the sink. Additionally, it is worth noting the following options:

  1. Cracking on the surface of the drain pipe. Even through the smallest mechanical damage, an odor can leak from the sewer. Moreover, the water seeping through the cracks soaks the floor and walls, moisture begins to accumulate at the joints. Increased dampness leads to mold formation.
  2. Air stagnation in the drain pipe. This happens when a dense blockage forms in the riser. This can be determined by the characteristic squelching sounds that appear when the water is drained. Soon after a blockage has formed in the sink, an unpleasant smell begins to seep into the kitchen from the pipe. It is impossible to cope with the airing of the riser on your own; you will have to call a specialist from the housing office.
  3. The sealing between the drain and the sewer was broken. The problem is very simple to solve - just once again seal all joints with sealant.
Advice! If the problem of unpleasant odor in the kitchen lies in the lack of sealing between the drain and the riser, it is better to choose silicone sealants for reprocessing.

How to eliminate odor in the kitchen sink using household chemicals

There are several ways to eliminate sewer odor coming from the sink. How exactly depends on what caused the unpleasant smell in the kitchen. If it is caused by the accumulation of grease and dirt on the pipes, which led to a blockage, then the problem is most often solved by flushing the pipes. To do this, use special chemicals that can be purchased at any household chemicals store.

Some of the most reliable cleaning agents include the following brands:

  1. "Mole". This is a decades-old pipe cleaner from a domestic manufacturer. In a number of CIS countries "Krot" has been the sales leader for many years. This is explained by the fact that it not only effectively dissolves fat, food debris, hair and other debris that gets into the pipes, but also is quite inexpensive. In addition, Krot is sold in different forms: liquid and granular. As a liquid, the cleaner is less aggressive and can therefore be used to clean plastic pipes.
  2. "Flop". It is one of the most powerful granular kitchen odor removers available. It is poured into the sink drain and filled with water. The purifier will handle mash at any temperature, however, the hotter the water, the faster it will.
  3. Tiret. The good thing about the cleaner is that it is suitable for any type of pipe. It effectively corrodes dirt and grease, but does not harm the pipe coating. Moreover, it is so safe that it can be poured into the pipe overnight if necessary. However, this is not often required - the average cleaning time is 15-30 minutes, sometimes "Tiret" copes with the blockage in 3-5 minutes.
  4. "Mister Muscle". One of the most popular cleaning agents that is suitable for minor blockages and preventive treatments. The advantages of the cleaner include a variety of release forms: foam, gel, powder. According to customer reviews, the best way to eliminate unpleasant smell from the sink is foam.

Important! Regardless of how safe the pipe cleaner is, it is recommended that all work to remove odor from the sewer be carried out with special gloves. Thick products tend to be more aggressive, but they will deal with blockages faster.

Separately, it is worth noting a pipe cleaner called "Pothan". While this cleaning agent is very effective, it is not as popular as the other cleaners on the list. The reason for this is the rather aggressive components that make up it. Pothan can be hazardous to health if handled incorrectly. For safety reasons, only use rubber gloves to pour the product into the sink. It is also advisable to protect the eyes and skin. "Potkhan", when it gets on the human body, quickly causes chemical burns. On the other hand, this cleaner removes blockages in just 2-3 minutes.

How to remove odor from the kitchen sink using folk methods

You can also remove the smell from the kitchen sink with folk remedies. This is especially true if the pipes in the kitchen at the summer cottage are clogged, from where it can be about an hour's drive to the nearest household chemicals store.

Eliminate odor with baking soda and vinegar

Minor blockages can be removed with a bite and baking mixture. The cleaning procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A 1/2 pack of baking soda is poured into the kitchen sink drain.
  2. Then 1 tbsp is poured into the sink. vinegar and plug the drain tightly with a rag. This must be done because soda, reacting with vinegar, begins to actively form air bubbles. It is they who break down grease and dirt particles, washing them off the inner surface of the pipes.
  3. After 20-30 minutes after draining, the sinks are opened and water is turned on. After another 2-3 minutes, all the dirt and soda will be washed off.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: useful properties, application, how to take
Important! In order to effectively eliminate the smell in the kitchen from the sink, you need to rinse the vinegar and soda with hot water.

If there is no baking soda in the house, you can use one vinegar, however, it should be preheated in the microwave beforehand. Only then is the liquid poured into the sink. If desired, you can dilute vinegar with 2-3 drops of essential oil - this way you can not only eliminate the unpleasant smell, but also replace it with a delicate aroma.

Removing odor with table salt

Edible salt is able to remove odors from the kitchen sink without mixing with another substance or liquid. The procedure is somewhat different from the previous method:

  1. Salt is poured into the sink drain.
  2. After 20-30 minutes, hot water is drained into the sink.
  3. Then salt is poured into the drain again. After half an hour, the pipe is flushed again.

Usually, in order to remove the blockage and remove the smell from the sink, 2-3 washes are enough, rarely more. If even this does not help to eliminate the sewer odor, you can use a mixture of baking soda or washing soda and salt. This combination is also great for preventing blockages in the kitchen.

The procedure for cleaning the sink is the same as described. Soda and salt are combined in equal proportions to eliminate the smell from the sink.

Eliminate odor with citric acid

Citric acid is another easy way to eliminate sewer odor from your sink if you don't have a pipe cleaner on hand. They clear the blockage like this:

  1. One pack of citric acid is poured into the sink drain and wait a while.
  2. After 10-15 minutes, pour boiling water over the sink. The combination of hot water and citric acid causes a chemical reaction with intense gassing. Numerous air bubbles effectively break up the dirt layer and remove blockages.
  3. After a while, water is drained into the sink again in order to wash off the remaining citric acid.

Eliminate odor with dry mustard

Many housewives claim that dry mustard can also be used to remove odors from the kitchen sink, but this method is used with great care. The fact is that mustard powder is not recommended for use in case of clogged plastic pipes. If the pipes in the house are metal, then you can resort to the following sink cleaning scheme:

  1. 3-4 tbsp are poured into the sink drain. l. mustard powder.
  2. After half an hour, hot water is drained into the sink.
  3. After a while, the drain is washed a second time to remove the mustard residues and finally eliminate the unpleasant smell from the sink.

How to remove odor from kitchen sinks using mechanical methods

To eliminate the sewer odor from the kitchen sink, in addition to industrial and improvised pipe cleaning products, you can use various tools to physically influence blockages. The disadvantage of these methods is that such tools are not available in every home.

Removing odor from the sink with a plunger

A plunger is used to remove odor from the sink if the problem is caused by a blockage in the pipe. If the odor is caused by improper installation of the siphon or corrugated pipe, it must be corrected with electrical tape or reinstalling the siphon.

The procedure for clearing the blockage using a plunger is as follows:

  1. The rubber part of the plunger is installed on the sink drain.
  2. Pressing the handle, the cap is pressed down.
  3. Then hot water is opened. When the water in the sink rises so much that it covers the plunger cap, you need to press the tool handle with force several times.
  4. After a few minutes of such manipulations, the congestion should collapse.
  5. The plunger is removed and the pipe is flushed for 2-3 minutes.

In no case should a plunger be used to destroy the cork, which was previously used to clean the toilet. In order to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the sink, you need to purchase a special plunger for the kitchen.

Advice! If there is no plunger in the house, other available means will help to eliminate the sewer smell. In particular, a juice or milk bag with a cut corner can be used for this purpose.

Removing odor from the sink with a metal cable

You can also eliminate the unpleasant odor using a conventional metal cable. The cleaning procedure with this tool looks like this:

  1. One end of the cable is lowered into the drain hole in the kitchen sink.
  2. Holding it firmly by the other end, the cable begins to be pushed down with rotational movements.
  3. When the cable hits the blockage, you can push it further. If the cable is equipped with a small hook, the plug can be pulled upwards.
  4. After cleaning, check if the blockage has been removed. To do this, water is drained into the sink, gradually increasing the pressure. A normal flow of water indicates that the plug has been removed and the odor will soon disappear.
Important! It is advisable to use boiling water for testing. It will destroy the remaining cork and wash away grease from the inside of the pipes. After cleaning, the cable should be treated with machine oil to prevent rust.

Removing the smell from the sink by disassembling the plumbing unit

If the siphon was incorrectly installed, and the cause of the unpleasant odor is not in the blockage, then it may be necessary to disassemble and reinstall the plumbing unit. This is done according to the following scheme:

  1. Place a container for water under the sink and siphon - a bucket, a basin, a large saucepan.
  2. The flask is carefully unscrewed from the pipe, cleaned with any dishwashing detergent and rinsed in clean water.
  3. Then the flask is fixed back according to the instructions.
  4. To check the water seal, water is drained under high pressure into the sink.

Preventing odor from the kitchen sink

It is not enough to just eliminate the cause of the sewer odor in the kitchen.After solving the problem, you need to take care that this situation does not happen again. To do this, you can use the following preventive measures:

  1. Install a protective grid in the sink drain. Thus, large food particles will not enter the sewer.
  2. Each time after washing the dishes, it is advisable to rinse the drain hole of the sink with boiling water. This is done to avoid the accumulation of fat on the tube walls.
  3. At least once a month, you can put baking soda, salt, or vinegar into the kitchen sink. This helps to remove dirt and deposits adhering to the pipes.
  4. If the owners of the apartment plan to leave somewhere for a long time, and there is no one to look after the house, it is recommended to pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the drain hole of the sink in the kitchen. Sooner or later, the water in the water seal will evaporate and the smell will begin to penetrate the kitchen. A film of oil on the surface of the water will slow down the evaporation of moisture.

For more information on how to eliminate unpleasant odors from the kitchen sink, see the video below:


Removing the smell from the kitchen sink is not that difficult if you follow all the instructions. This can be done in various ways, but the most important thing is to identify what exactly caused the unpleasant odor. Depending on this, a plan for further action is determined. After fixing the problem, it is recommended that you regularly fill the drain with any cleaning agent or bleach to avoid re-clogging the pipes.

What you should definitely not do if an unpleasant smell appears in the kitchen is to try to eliminate it with a fragrance, perfume or air freshener. Even if you manage to mask the problem, the toxic substances in the air will not go anywhere - they will continue to have a negative impact on the health of all family members.

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