How to remove odor from shoes: folk and specialized methods

You can get rid of the smell of shoes with simple folk remedies or special preparations. You should not hastily part with your beloved couple if unpleasant smells of mold or sweat appear in them.

The odor problem can be solved by using home remedies.

It is a mistake to think that the problem arises only in models made of artificial materials. Even the highest quality leather shoes can upset the wearer with an unwanted scent. This problem is widespread and successfully solved.

Features of removing odor from shoes

Before you start treating your shoes to get rid of the odor, it is worth finding out what caused the unpleasant odor. There may be several reasons:

  • the smell of glue and materials in the new pair;
  • sweating feet;
  • multiplication of bacteria in the process of wearing.

The easiest way to get rid of the glue smell in a new pair is. After a few airings or the application of special deodorants, the problem will be solved.

For people with increased sweating, the smell of shoes becomes an acute problem. To solve it radically, a person should consult a doctor. A specialist, if necessary, will prescribe drugs for the treatment of hyperhidrosis and elimination of its causes.

People suffering from fungal infections have to constantly face the problem of unpleasant odors. They need to consult a doctor, carry out the prescribed course of treatment. Such people need to be especially careful about the criteria for choosing shoes.

The best option for any person is quality samples made from natural materials. Shoes must "breathe" well so as not to accumulate moisture. The smell is often caused by poor quality materials and disruption of technological processes.

Wearing closed shoes often creates a moist, warm environment - excellent conditions for bacteria to grow and multiply. The vital activity of microorganisms causes an unpleasant odor.

You can get rid of the smell of sweaty feet and unused shoes using various time-tested methods, using specialized products from the assortment offered by the industry.

Bad odor causes: moisture, fungi and bacteria

It is important to observe the following rules when using traditional processing methods:

  • shoes must be pre-dried;
  • processing should be carried out in accordance with the rules of operation and care, which depend on the materials of manufacture of the shoes;
  • after using folk remedies, you need to dry and ventilate.
Important! Models made from natural suede and samples with fur do not tolerate wet processing, while losing their attractiveness.Therefore, in this case, only dry substances (salt, talc, starch, baby powder) should be used for disinfection.

How to get rid of unpleasant smell from shoes using folk methods

The modern industry offers consumers a variety of tools to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes: special dryers, sprays, tablets and deodorants. But the problem of the appearance of a smell is not new, and before, when it was not possible to solve it otherwise, they used folk methods.

One of the most effective methods is to wash textile footwear. Articles made of leather and its substitutes were placed in a freezer. This method reduced the spread of bacteria, since microorganisms are sensitive to low temperatures. Drying and airing is beneficial for any shoe.

Every home has a shoe disinfectant

Folk ways to get rid of the smell help in solving the problem. To carry out such measures at home, simple and affordable means available in the arsenal of every housewife will come in handy.

How to remove odor from shoes with hydrogen peroxide

One of the most effective solutions to the problem is hydrogen peroxide. To achieve the desired result, you will need to treat the inside of the shoes from the smell of sweat with a 3% peroxide solution.

Shoes are wiped with a swab dipped in a solution inside. If conditions permit, you can pour hydrogen peroxide inside. After processing, you should thoroughly dry and ventilate the shoes.

Hydrogen peroxide actively fights against pathogenic microflora, so it can be used for preventive purposes, lubricating the insoles with a solution until unpleasant odors appear.

Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria and fights bad odor
Important! Hydrogen peroxide on contact with the surface of leather, leatherette or textiles can discolor them. Therefore, for black or saturated color models, it must be used with caution.

How to remove shoe odor with vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar will help not only remove unpleasant amber, but also remove the smell from shoes with fur. Many are intimidated by the residual aroma after such treatment.

As a rule, it wears out quickly. But if this does not happen, you can wipe the inside of the shoes with a swab dipped in ammonia.

They remove the smell in such ways:

  1. Shoes are carefully wiped with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar. You can pre-wash the inside with soapy water, if the shoes allow such a procedure. Wipe until the unpleasant odor disappears. You can leave a cotton pad soaked in the solution overnight. After processing, you must dry the shoes.
  2. Winter boots with fur are more difficult to process. Simple wiping is not enough here. They do this: take tights (no thinner than 40 den in density) or socks, moisten them abundantly with table vinegar. Then newsprint is stuffed into them, trying to shape the foot. Placed in a boot and leave overnight.
  3. Applying vinegar will help remove odors from your athletic shoes. Sneakers can be machine washed using this solution: a glass of 9% vinegar for 2.5 liters of water. This way you can get rid of the smell in the sneakers. If washing cannot be carried out, thoroughly wipe the sneakers with vinegar from the inside. Then baking soda is poured into them to remove excess moisture. It is best to clean at night, and in the morning remove the soda and wipe the insides with a dry napkin.
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How to quickly get rid of shoe odor with baking soda

Conventional baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is widely used to care for shoes at home. To neutralize the offensive odors, canvas bags filled with baking soda are placed in shoes or boots.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is also an effective means of cleaning the inside of shoes.

At home, you can make a deodorant that neutralizes unpleasant odors. To do this, mix soda and starch in equal proportions, add a few drops of essential oil (lavender) and apply the composition to the sole of the foot, carefully processing the fingers.

Baking soda helps remove excess moisture

Then you need to put on a cotton sock. The procedure is carried out at night. Alternatively, warm soda baths lasting 15 to 20 minutes. Add a tablespoon of soda to 2.5 liters of water.

A mixture of baking soda with finely ground lemon or orange zest is an excellent shoe odor neutralizer that works quickly and effectively. A few drops of any essential oil are added to the mixture.

With the prepared gruel, you need to lubricate the inside of shoes or sneakers and leave for 2 hours. After that, shoes are washed with a solution of mustard powder and dried thoroughly.

How to eliminate shoe odor with ammonia

With the help of ammonia, you can disinfect shoes from odors pretty quickly. If possible, a pair of shoes is well moistened with a solution inside with a cotton swab. If moisture can harm the shoes, use a spray bottle, spraying an ammonia solution.

After 2 - 3 hours, drying is carried out with special devices or at room temperature away from heating devices.

How to quickly remove the smell from shoes with activated carbon

Processing with activated carbon is not the easiest method, but it is quite effective. In addition, it allows you to remove the specific smell from Chinese shoes caused by the use of adhesive and synthetic consumables.

With this method of cleaning, there is a risk of staining light-colored materials, therefore it is better to exclude this method for white leather. An alternative for lighter models is to use hydrogen peroxide.

Carbolene (activated carbon) has many advantages: being an excellent adsorbent, it effectively absorbs not only odors, but also bacteria. In addition, this method is good in that it can be applied in conditions where ventilation and air drying are not available.

Activated carbon must be crushed and placed in a linen bag

To effectively get rid of the smell of shoes made of any materials, including leatherette, this recipe will help: crush coal tablets and put them in a gauze or linen bag. Place it in your shoes and leave it overnight.

Activated carbon is taken at the rate of 6-8 tablets per couple. This way you can remove the smell from winter shoes. The main advantage is the lack of contact with water.

How to remove sweat odor from shoes with ammonia

Cleaning with ammonia should be done in a well ventilated area. It is important to take precautions, since the substance in high concentrations poses a danger to the respiratory tract. You can not perform the procedure in the presence of children.

It is necessary to protect against the smell of ammonia and pets. Cats accept this scent as a litter spot.

The cleaning procedure is carried out in the same way using hydrogen peroxide. The inner surfaces of the shoe are treated with a tampon abundantly moistened with ammonia, carefully wiping the sock.

Ammonia smell prompts cats to set up a toilet
Important! If you plan to leave a cotton pad soaked in the product overnight, you must place the shoes out of the reach of animals.

How to remove bad smell from shoes with a tea bag

Unlike most hygienic cleaning products, tea has a good antiseptic effect and does not irritate the skin. It will help freshen your shoes from the smell of a green tea bag.

Black tea eliminates odors worse, therefore, in this method, preference is given to green varieties. For best results, add a few drops of essential oil. You will need 2 bags for a pair of shoes.

The maximum deodorizing effect can be achieved by sealing the shoes with tea bags and leaving them for a week.

As a preventive measure, you can put a dry tea bag under the insole, which should be changed as needed.

How to eliminate bad shoe odor with salt

Salt is an affordable, versatile remedy that can neutralize many odors, including sweat, mold, dampness, tobacco, paint and varnish.

To eliminate odors in shoes, prepare a mixture of 3 parts of sodium chloride and 1 part of any kitchen detergent. Dishwashing liquid is suitable as an additional component.

The resulting mixture is lubricated from the inside in the insole and the side parts, and left for 2 hours. After a lapse of time, rinse well and dry.

In cases where wet disinfection is impossible, dry substances are used: salt, soda, dusting powder, flour and starch.

To get rid of the smell in suede shoes, which are very sensitive to moisture, you can use dry salt. Sprinkle generously with salt and leave overnight.

If the insole is removed, it can be washed in soap and salt after processing. Such cleaning will help to forget about the unpleasant smell for a long time.

How to get rid of bad shoe odors with coffee

According to the principle of using tea bags, ground coffee is often used, which not only eliminates odors, but also gives a subtle pleasant aroma.

Ground coffee is placed in a gauze bag, you can use the one that has already been brewed. The bag with shoes is hermetically closed and left overnight. Better, as in the version with tea, leave for a week.

Coffee can be anything. It is permissible to use coffee beans. It should be noted that the Robusta variety has a higher adsorption capacity than Arabica.

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In addition to the above methods, citrus peel, essential oils, flour, starch, potassium permanganate (solution) can be used as an adsorbent and deodorant.

Twigs of dry lavender or sage, which are placed under the insole, are very helpful in combating odors. These herbs absorb bad scents, exude light pleasant notes, and kill bacteria.

Some shoe models tolerate washing well in the washing machine

Chinese footwear can be rinsed with fabric conditioner. This tool will work in other cases as well. Concentrated preparations should be chosen.

Other substances will also help: acetic acid, formidron pharmacy solution, baby powder. Before choosing one of all available at home, it is worth considering all the features of shoes:

  • the material from which it is made;
  • the possibility of washing in the machine;
  • coating (color fastness, varnish, etc.);
  • care recommendations.

How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes with specialized products

To get rid of the smell in shoes, many users use life hacks. In the first positions are folk methods available without the use of special means.

There is a mandatory recommendation to establish the cause of the multiplication of bacteria. If you do not pay attention to the nature of unpleasant odors, you will need to treat shoes often and regularly.

Hyperhidrosis can occur due to diseases of the endocrine system. Fungal lesions of the skin and nails also lead to the rapid growth of pathogenic flora. All these phenomena require a solution with the help of specialists.

To eliminate odors, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance. Treatment of fungal infections is always very long, during this period, shoes especially need disinfection. For this, along with folk remedies, drugs offered by industry and pharmacy chains are used.

An effective way of disinfection is the use of dryers with UV lamps

Groups of special products that help remove odors from shoes are shown in the table below.

Group of funds



Pharmacy preparations
(creams, sprays, talc)


An odorless and colorless universal agent against germs. For processing, rubbing with a swab with Miramistin is used.



Antifungal spray. Treatment: 5x spraying overnight. It can be carried out for the purpose of prevention.



An antifungal agent that is used to treat the inner surfaces of shoes with a cotton swab or spray. With fungus of feet and nails, treatment is carried out daily.



Antimicrobial agent. You can find it not only in a pharmacy, but also in stores for hunters and fishermen. Apply by spraying inside. After processing, there is no need for additional drying and ventilation.



Disinfectant is poured into shoes or boots, immediately poured out of them. Then the shoes should be dried. It is permissible to process only insoles.

Disinfection devices


A device in the form of a dryer with built-in UV lamps. Allows you to destroy all types of bacteria and fungi. Processed within 12 hours.



The device consists of two parts: a desiccant and a container with discharge lamps. Disinfects with UV rays in a short time (from 5 minutes to 4 hours). Suitable for any shoe model.


Divik, Salton, Salamander, etc.

The most effective in the line of deodorants are balls. They are placed in shoes at night. They have a long-lasting effect.

The line also includes sprays, solid deodorants, gels and tablets.


5 days, Borozin

Combined action agent: disinfects and removes unpleasant odors.

You can fight the smell with any of the available means. For a lasting result, you need to find out the cause of the phenomenon: a disease or low-quality materials.

In stores you can choose any deodorant for shoes

Unlike traditional methods, pharmaceutical preparations, deodorants and special devices allow you to get not only a more lasting effect, but also to eliminate the cause of the smell.

Prevention of odor in shoes

The source of the unpleasant odor is the insoles, which absorb moisture. To avoid the problem, it is worth changing them more often and processing them. But this measure is not a panacea; many factors have to be taken into account.

As a preventive measure for the appearance of a fetid aroma, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • whenever possible, choose high-quality models of shoes made of breathable materials;
  • carry out hygiene procedures daily: washing feet and changing socks;
  • it is better to replace an insole made of artificial materials with a similar one made of genuine leather, wool or flax;
  • monitor the health of the skin of the legs and nails;
  • shoes must be appropriate for the size and season;
  • dry, ventilate in a timely manner and never wear wet shoes;
  • if possible, do not wear the same shoes for a long time, do not wear one pair every day.

A few more tips will come in handy for those who have purchased a new pair. Do not leave your purchase in a tightly closed box or bag. It is best to allow the shoes to ventilate to remove any residual conveyor odors.

An important condition is the absence of moisture, which prevents the growth of bacteria.

Often a pungent chemical odor emanates from a purchased pair. The problem can be solved with the help of dry products: laundry soap, grated; salt, soda, activated carbon.

You can "walk" a new couple on the balcony during the winter during the day. Only in this case it is important to protect it from moisture and snow.

Not everyone likes the specific smell of natural leather. Flour, starch, dusting powder, coffee grains will help to quickly get rid of the smell of leather shoes. In this case, you can use aromatic oils or rubbing with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Correct and regular foot care will help to permanently solve the problem of smell.


Getting rid of shoe odors at home is not too difficult. All effective tools are available to any housewife. They are cheap, but they do their job successfully. If you do not want to use home remedies, sprays, deodorants and powders can come to the rescue, which can always be purchased at hardware stores and pharmacies. So that the shoes do not cause discomfort, exuding an unpleasant stench, it is necessary to monitor the health of the legs and follow the simple rules of prevention.

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