How to remove a marker (felt-tip pen) from clothes

Families with small children know almost all the available means with which you can wash a felt-tip pen from clothes - for these purposes, both improvised materials and specialized stain removers are suitable. In addition, a variety of solvents will help to remove felt-tip pens, which are selected depending on the type of stain. The main thing is to adhere to the principle from simple to complex. First, they try to remove the pollution with the help of mild means and only then move on to substances of intense influence. Thus, the risk that the product will be damaged during the washing process is significantly reduced.

Is the marker washable from clothing

There is a widespread myth that a marker stain cannot be completely removed from fabric. Pale stains will definitely remain. This is only partly true - this happens if the wrong product has been selected for the stain.

The point is that markers differ from each other not only in color, but also in content. Each of them is a porous rod that is impregnated with dye and liquid base. Markers are distinguished according to this principle:

  • alcohol;
  • aquatic;
  • oil;
  • paint and varnish.

Each of them can be withdrawn only by a certain group of funds. In addition, it is also important to consider the type of the product itself. Stain removers, which have shown themselves well in working with white fabrics, can hopelessly ruin colored clothes - they can remove the felt-tip pen, but the drawing will come off the product with it.

That is why, before applying this or that product to a stain from a felt-tip pen, you need to test it on a test piece of fabric that comes with your new clothes. Sometimes it is difficult to predict how this or that solvent will behave, so it is better to play it safe. To do this, a test sample of clothing is covered with the selected product and left for 10-15 minutes. If the paint has not flowed, the substance is suitable for handling the contamination.

To avoid damage to the product, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules when cleaning stains from felt-tip pens:

  1. Only cold water is used to wash things. High temperatures will cause the dye to penetrate deeper into the tissue structure. It is almost impossible to remove such a stain.
  2. Regardless of what kind of substance is used to remove stains from clothes, it should be applied from the inside of the product.
  3. Typically, the detergent is spread over the stain, moving from edge to center. Thus, it is less likely that pollution will spread further.
  4. The best markers are hand-washed. It is better not to use a coarse brush for this.As a last resort, a toothbrush will do.
  5. If the clothes are not completely washed, under no circumstances should they be dried in a room with a high temperature or outdoors in direct sunlight. In warmth, the marker stain only sticks more firmly to the fabric.
Important! The age of the spot is not the least important. The cleaning process must be started in the first 5-10 minutes after applying the stain. When the paint hardens, it is almost impossible to remove it without dry cleaning.

How to remove a water-based felt-tip pen from clothes

The easiest way to wash off water-based markers (which can also include chalk markers), both from plain and colored clothing. They slowly penetrate into the structure of the fabric, so even old stains, the age of which many times exceed the limit of 5-10 minutes, lend themselves to washing. First of all, they try to remove the stain from the felt-tip pen with the help of laundry soap, and only then they move on to stronger substances.

How to use hydrogen peroxide on a felt-tip pen

Hydrogen peroxide is ideal for white cotton garments that can be washed off in minutes with a felt-tip pen. To do this, it is necessary to abundantly moisten a cotton pad or swab with a solution of peroxide and apply it to the dirt with gentle, blotting movements. As the felt-tip pen stains the cotton wool, it is replaced with a new one.

When the bulk of the dye has come off the clothes, it is soaked in soapy water and washed by hand. The process is completed with a thorough rinsing, after which the product can be sent to dry.

Advice! Tar or laundry soap is well suited for washing the remaining stains from the felt-tip pen. They are stronger than usual.

How to clean a felt-tip pen from clothes with baking soda

A solution of regular baking soda effectively removes felt-tip stains from synthetic fabric. For this, it is necessary to dilute 5 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. soda and soak stained clothing in a container. After 3-4 hours, the product is thoroughly rinsed in clean water and put into the washing machine.

Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

How to remove a felt-tip pen from clothes with ammonia

Ammonia quickly copes with felt-tip pens on white clothes - even a permanent marker can be washed off with it. Of course, after this, you will need to additionally wash the product in the washing machine.

Treat the contaminated area with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol or a rag. The combination of ammonia and baking soda has an enhanced effect. Soda and alcohol are mixed for this in a 1: 2 ratio. The resulting viscous gruel is applied to the stain from the felt-tip pen, kept in this form for about 5 minutes, and then wiped with a toothbrush or sponge.

In addition, you can enhance the effect of alcohol with the help of shavings from laundry soap.

Important! It is better not to use ammonia on colored products, since its constituent components have a whitening effect. As a last resort, for colored clothes, ammonia is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

How to clean an alcohol-based marker from fabric

In this case, the principle of "knocking out a wedge by a wedge" works - alcohol-containing substances will help to remove stains from markers on an alcohol basis.

The first thing to do with a fresh stain on clothes is to thoroughly blot the marks from the felt-tip pen with a towel, however, you cannot smear them on the fabric. When the top coat of paint has come off, it will be much easier to remove the dirt. Dried stains can be difficult to deal with.

The following alcohol-based products are best suited for removing marker marks:

  • vodka;
  • solvent;
  • alcohol-containing lotions;
  • medical alcohol.

Before starting treatment, a paper towel is placed under the clothes from the inside. This is done so that the paint from the marker does not pass to the other side.Only then the cotton pad is abundantly moistened with an alcohol-containing agent and the marks from the markers are soaked.

How to wipe the marker off clothes with lemon juice

Lemon juice can best remove paint from wool, however, it is important to remember that the product is not suitable for washing colored clothes. Lemon juice lightens the fabric and can damage the product, so use the product only for cleaning white items.

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Markers can be removed from the atlas using a mixture of milk and lemon juice. To do this, they are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1 and the solution is evenly distributed over the paint streaks. The thing is left in this form for 2 hours, after which it can be rinsed. Additionally, if the paint from the marker remains on the fabric, you can wash the product in cold soapy water.

How to remove a felt-tip pen stain from clothes with glycerin

The combination of alcohol and glycerin has proven itself well in the fight against paint and markers. They are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio and spread over the fabric. After half an hour, the clothes are rinsed in clean water and loaded into the washing machine.

Advice! If you urgently need to remove the stain and there is no time to personally deal with this, you can soak the stained clothes in a solution of pharmacy glycerin for 2 hours. Then the product is quickly washed in warm soapy water with the addition of table salt.

How to wipe paint-based marker off clothes

To remove the marks left by markers with a paint and varnish base, different types of solvents are used:

  • nail polish remover;
  • acetone;
  • petrol;
  • White Spirit.
Important! All of these products are very aggressive, so first they must be tested on tissue samples or an inconspicuous area. Otherwise, it is very easy to damage the product.

How to remove permanent marker from clothes with gasoline

Regular gasoline will not work to remove permanent marker from clothing. Clean the product with a purified liquid. For example, purified gasoline "Kalosha" has proven itself well in the fight against stains from markers.

The recommended processing time with gasoline is 20-25 minutes. Apply the product to the area with a cotton pad or rag. When the felt-tip pen comes off, wash the solvent in a bowl of soapy water to remove the rich odor. You can also load treated clothes into the washing machine.

Important! Excessive exposure to gasoline on colored fabrics can severely damage them. Never soak dirty clothes in gasoline.

How to remove a marker from tissue with solvent

Acetone or white spirit can be used as a solvent, however, with their help, only clothes made of coarse fabrics are processed. To remove the markers, gently wipe the stain with a cotton swab, which is pre-moistened in a solvent. Since solvents always smell strongly, after processing, clothes must be washed by hand or put into a washing machine. In the second case, the additional rinse mode is set. The product is dried in the fresh air.

How to remove a felt-tip pen from a fabric with nail polish remover

Nail polish remover is quite aggressive, so it is better not to use it on delicate clothes. On the other hand, it is perfect for jeans.

The agent is applied to the dirt with a cotton pad or handkerchief, moving from the edges to the center. Then the item is washed by hand in soapy water to get rid of the unpleasant odor, and rinsed. Typically, one treatment is usually sufficient, but re-cleaning may sometimes be necessary.

Important! Substances containing acids and other corrosive components can cause serious irritation to the skin, therefore, rubber gloves should be worn before cleaning clothes.

How to wipe an oil-based marker off a fabric

In the event that a stain on clothes is left with an oil-based marker, the products are treated with turpentine or vegetable oil. The black marker on white clothes is additionally washed with bleach.

The disadvantage of using oil is that after it greasy stains remain on clothes. In other words, instead of one problem, another arises, however, fat is easier to remove than felt-tip pens. A regular dishwashing detergent is sufficient.

How to wipe a felt-tip pen from clothes with vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is the best way to remove oil-based markers. To do this, soak the product in oil for 3-4 hours, then wash it with dishwashing detergent or bleach. Then the clothes are rinsed and sent to dry.

How to remove marker stain from clothing with turpentine

Turpentine is used to remove the felt-tip pen from silk fabrics. To do this, apply the product to a cotton pad and gently blot the clothes, trying not to rub the problem area. It is unlikely that it will be possible to wash off the marker from colored clothes with it, however, turpentine copes with white products perfectly.

Important! To remove the remains of turpentine and an unpleasant smell from clothes, you must apply an aromatic gel to the fabric.

How to remove marker stains from clothes using household chemicals

If improvised means and solvents do not help to remove marks from the marker from clothes, you can use household chemicals. To do this, the soiled thing is soaked in cold water using the following popular stain removers:

  1. «Ace Oxi Magic»- the product is suitable for all types of clothing: both colored and white. The advantages of the product include the fact that "Ace Oxi Magic" does not entail fading of things - the components included in its composition do not corrode paint. The stain remover easily removes marks from markers and gouache, however, with a permanent marker can be difficult. This is the price for a delicate effect on the fabric - "Ace Oxi Magic" does not contain chlorine and therefore is somewhat weaker than its counterparts. In addition to the advantages of the product, there is a pleasant aroma and an affordable price.
  2. «Udalix Oxi Ultra"- this tool effectively removes brilliant green, stains from markers and paints. The advantage of this bleach is that it is sold in large containers and is economical. What sets it apart from many others is its use in combination with hot water, not cold water, as is the case with this type of stains. The stain remover does not work at low temperatures.
  3. «Astonish oxy plus"- the product removes even old dirt, but it is non-toxic. The disadvantage of stain remover is that it is quite expensive. In addition, if the dosage is violated, it is easy to spoil the product - "Astonish Oxy Plus" does not harm the structure of the fabric, but at the same time quickly corrodes the colors if you overexpose clothes in its solution.
  4. «Amway Pre Wash Spray»- a product that is produced in the form of a spray. This is its convenience - you do not need to soak the entire product entirely, but evenly apply the stain remover to the problem area. At the same time, the agent gently affects the structure of the fabric and does not harm colored clothes. On the other hand, reviews note a very unpleasant and pungent smell of stain remover.

If the mark from the felt-tip pen on your clothes is still quite fresh, and there are no strong stain removers at hand, you can use an ordinary dishwashing detergent. It will not remove old stains, however, it will cope with fresh stains without much difficulty. To do this, soak clothing stained with markers in a detergent solution for 2-3 hours. Then the item is washed by hand or in a washing machine to remove the remaining dirt.

Advice! Under no circumstances should the markers be removed from colored and dark items if the stain remover contains chlorine and bleach. Aggressive particles of such agents will attack the dye.


Wiping a felt-tip pen off your clothes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing is to correctly identify the type of marker.Depending on the composition of the ink that is included in its base, select a suitable remedy for the stain. In addition, it is important to consider the type of fabric - aggressive products such as white spirit, gasoline and acetone are not suitable for delicate items. They are used to process coarse fabrics, while clothes made of fine fibers are treated with folk remedies whenever possible, which have a softer effect on the paint and structure of the product.

For more information on how to remove marker stains from fabric, see the video below:

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