How to fold a dressing gown so it doesn't wrinkle: medical, bath, hooded

There are several ways to fold the robe so it doesn't wrinkle. At first glance, this may seem difficult, but it is quite possible to store gowns without folds and creases so that they do not have to be constantly ironed.

Features of storing robes

A robe, or, as it is also called, a kimono, is a piece of clothing that almost every person has in the closet. Warm terry clothes are associated with home comfort, they are used when going to the bathhouse and sauna, and doctors, researchers and laboratory assistants wear them as work clothes:

  1. Regardless of the material, the item is very easily wrinkled, especially if it is impossible to keep it on a hanger, but you have to store it rolled up on a shelf.
  2. At the same time, it is not always possible to free the hanger; more often it is occupied by more important items of clothing, such as dresses, shirts, street coats and jackets.
  3. Often a situation arises when a recently washed item of clothing is taken out of the closet, and it turns out that it has been badly wrinkled, which makes it look sloppy and unattractive.
  4. Since the floors are most often long and widen at the bottom, in order to fold them, difficulties arise - the classic methods do not work, and it turns out that the garment is wrinkled anyway.

For those who wear robes at work, it is important to look after their appearance. At home, it is also much more pleasant to put on a beautiful and neat thing. To prevent it from wrinkling, you need to learn how to fold it correctly.

Even a terry kimono is best folded so that it does not wrinkle

How to fold a robe neatly

There are several ways to fold the robe compactly into the closet so that it does not wrinkle on the shelf. It is not always possible to do this the first time, but after several attempts any person will be able to put the thing quickly and efficiently.

How to compactly fold a terry robe

The situation when a terry kimono is crumpled occurs infrequently - dense fabric is less prone to creasing. But if you do not pay attention to properly folding clothes, then sooner or later you will have to face an unpleasant problem.

You can put your favorite warm thing neatly and compactly in the following way:

  • clothes are folded in half in a vertical plane so that the shoulders are evenly in contact with each other;
  • the sleeves are folded inward;
  • the item is quickly rolled up with a dense roller or folded in three, depending on how it is more convenient to pack it for storage in the closet.
Important! You should fold the terry kimono correctly right after the purchase. If the thick fabric is wrinkled, it will be much more difficult to align it.
The folding procedure is very simple

How to fold a medical gown

You can beautifully fold the robe so that it always stays fresh in a couple of minutes. This is done like this:

  • the piece of clothing is laid out on a flat and clean surface;
  • the fabric is gently smoothed with hands so as not to leave creases and folds;
  • the thing is folded in half, superimposing shoulder seams exactly on top of each other;
  • the sleeves are connected in one line and neatly folded in the center.
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After that, it remains only to fold the thing 3 times so that it takes on a compact look, but the collar does not wrinkle.After several workouts, you no longer have to deal with the fact that your work clothes are wrinkled and you urgently need to iron them.

If you fold the item carefully, you will need to iron it less often.

How to fold a bathrobe

In order not to wrinkle the snow-white soft kimono for a sauna and a bath, it is also recommended to carefully store it in a closet in a compact form. You can do it this way:

  • the right hand is pushed into the right sleeve and turned inside out;
  • with the left hand, they grasp the left shoulder of the thing, and then push the sleeves into each other;
  • a kimono, easily and quickly folded in half from the seamy side, is placed on the table and the folds are neatly straightened;
  • clothes are folded 3 times or folded tightly, moving from the neck to the floors.

The belt can be wrapped evenly around the folded item.

Advice! If you want to fold the thing so that it does not wrinkle, you should not rush when folding the fabric, otherwise folds and creases may remain on the clothes.
The folded bath kimono retains freshness and beauty

How to fold a hooded robe

At first glance, it seems that the most difficult thing is to tidy up the robe, which has a hood. This element interferes with folding, and one has to deal with the fact that the fabric is still wrinkled. But if you know a simple technology, then the hood will only be useful:

  1. The left sleeve is pulled to the right shoulder, and then the left shoulder is carefully folded and the sleeve is lowered down along the left side.
  2. A similar manipulation is performed for the right sleeve.
  3. Smooth the fabric with your palms and begin to roll up from the bottom.

When only a thick roll of fabric remains below the line of the hood and collar, it remains to put this roll directly into the hood. Thus, the hood will help to avoid a situation in which your favorite kimono is crumpled, and will serve as a kind of cover.

The hood can be used to cover the folded kimono, like a cover

How to fold a robe as a gift

If a beautiful and bright dressing gown is planned to be presented to the birthday boy, then you need to be especially careful so that it does not wrinkle. The algorithm for folding a thing into a gift looks like this:

  • the thing is laid out on a large table and the floors are leveled, as well as buttons are fastened, if any;
  • turn the back upside down and put a dense cardboard backing in the center of the back, its upper edge should be hidden under the collar;
  • the sleeves are folded together, aligning along the line of the shoulders and elbows;
  • the sides are folded along the right and left sides of the substrate;
  • the hem is folded several times, bending it to the shoulder seams.
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After that, you can remove the substrate, or you can leave it if the cardboard is clean and beautiful enough. The gift is tied with a bright festive ribbon. When using this method, the fabric will remain completely flat, without folds and creases, and you will not have to worry about the fact that a beautiful thing is wrinkled.

You need to be especially careful when folding a thing into a gift.

How to roll a robe

If you fold the thing with high quality, then it will become very compact, and you will not have to worry that it is wrinkled in the closet. However, clothes that are folded several times still take up a certain place on the shelf, and it can be difficult to store them. In addition, folded clothes are difficult to carry with you in a bag without crushing them.

For even more convenient storage and transportation, it is recommended to roll up a medical gown or household clothing. This is very easy to do - first you need to fold the garment in one of the ways listed above, and make sure that the sleeves lie flat in the center or on the sides. Then the thing just starts rolling from the bottom or top into a tight roll.

If you take your time and do not miss accidental creases, then at the right time you can remove the thing from the bag or closet and make sure that it has not wrinkled in the least.

Rolled up clothes fit easily into a bag

Useful Tips

It is recommended to fold your clothes after each use to prevent wrinkling.You cannot throw it on a sofa, on a chair or in a closet with a solid lump, deciding to remove it later - creases quickly form on the fabric.

Thin fabrics have to be ironed from time to time. The ironed bathrobe must be left on the ironing board for 5 minutes to cool before folding, otherwise it will be more difficult to prevent it from wrinkling.

Attention! White bathrobes and medical gowns are best folded inside out. This will make the clothes get dirty more slowly.


There are many ways to fold a robe so that it does not wrinkle, it is not as difficult as it seems. A properly folded item not only wrinkles less, but also takes up almost no space in the closet.

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