How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

One of the most common wardrobe items in the modern world is a down jacket. This thing does an excellent job of warming up in the cool season, is very comfortable and practical to wear, and also has a very reasonable price category. Like any other product, a down jacket requires careful attention and adherence to certain features during the washing process. In order to wash a down jacket in a washing machine, you need to use knowledge and secrets that will help maintain the attractive appearance of the product.

Can a down jacket be washed in a washing machine

To answer the question of whether it is possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine, you must carefully study the product label. If among the icons located on it there is no one that allows exclusively hand washing of the thing, then you can resort to the machine option of removing dirt from the product.

Important! Most down jackets are allowed to be machine washed in a typewriter, however, during the washing process, it is imperative to follow all the recommendations on the features of this procedure.

In order to avoid the appearance of such unpleasant consequences as:

  • stains on a down jacket;
  • unpleasant odor emanating from the product;
  • the formation of lumps of fluff inside the thing.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

In order to properly wash a down jacket in an automatic machine, a very important point is the correct selection of a cleaning agent. For this task, it is absolutely not suitable to use ordinary detergent or liquid gel for washing. These funds will disrupt the internal structure of the down filler and, moreover, leave strong stains on the down jacket, and if they contain bleaching components, they can ruin the color of the product.

In order to wash a down jacket in a washing machine with high quality, preference should be given to special liquid gels that are designed specifically for this purpose. The corresponding inscription must be on the label of the product.

Among these cleaning compositions, the following can be noted:

Cleaning gel

a brief description of


Gel of domestic production. Packaged in 200 ml bottles, it is enough for an average of 4 - 5 washes. Reviews of the product are positive, since it copes with almost any type of contamination. Of the possible disadvantages, a very rich aroma should be noted.


The main purpose of the balm is to wash sportswear. Production - Germany. A gentle and at the same time effective product with very economical use (1 bottle for 10 washes). Suitable not only for washing things with natural fillers, but also for cleaning other types of outerwear in the washing machine.


This wash shampoo is recommended for membrane-based down jackets. Thoroughly removes dirt and leaves a pleasant scent on the product. In terms of consumption, it is enough for about 4 washings.


A gel that is suitable for both hand and machine washing of products with down filling. It copes well with stubborn dirt and gently cleans the filler. With the correct application of the gel, the thing in the future does not even need a whipping procedure. Production - Germany. Consumption - 6 washes.

Gel "Laska"

Has a fairly gentle composition that will not harm the down filler. However, it may not be able to cope with heavy dirt on the down jacket, which is why it is recommended to first treat the stains using laundry soap before directly removing the dirt in the washing machine.

Advice! If it is not possible to use a special gel in order to wash a down jacket in a machine with a down filler, then you can use capsules or a powder intended for cleaning children's clothes. Granules of such a product are much easier to dissolve in water, and the likelihood of them getting stuck in the fibers of the fluff is practically excluded.

Important! Do not wash down jackets on the membrane using any powdery product, as this will inevitably lead to clogging of the breathing pores, and the thing will be ruined immediately after the first treatment.

In order to wash a white down jacket in a washing machine, it is recommended to initially process all visible dirt on it using ordinary laundry soap.

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What mode to wash the down jacket

To wash a down jacket in the washing machine without ruining it, you need to select the correct mode. There are a few basic rules here:

  • if the washing machine is equipped with a special mode, then you should wash products with a down filler by exposing it;
  • if the above function is absent, then it is necessary to set the most gentle mode, for example: "Delicate wash", "Silk" or "Wool";
  • the temperature regime of the water should not exceed 40 degrees;
  • the "Rinse" mode must be repeated 2-3 times to completely remove the cleaning composition from the fibers of the fluff, or use the "Super Rinse" function, if there is one;
  • the "Drying" mode should be used at the lowest possible speed (usually 400).

How to properly wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Before washing the down jacket in the washing machine at home, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory procedures, which will ensure that the procedure will be successful, and the appearance of the product will not deteriorate:

  • Check all pockets for any content. Without fail, before washing a thing in the machine, all things should be removed from the pockets;
  • If there are any fur inserts on the down jacket, for example, on the hood, and they come unfastened, this procedure should be carried out before washing the thing, since processing in the washing machine can permanently ruin them. If such fur parts are not unfastened, then many housewives recommend tightly wrapping such elements with cling film to protect them from water and washing powder. However, one should take into account the unreliability of such a procedure, since the film may slide during the process;
  • If there is any dirt on the down jacket (most often it happens on the cuffs, collar, areas around the pockets), then such stains must be treated with a cleaning compound before washing the thing in the machine. As a means for cleansing, you can choose a laundry soap or a special composition of household chemicals for cleaning such things;
  • In order to wash a down jacket in a typewriter, an automatic machine must turn the thing inside out and fasten all the available zippers and buttons.
Advice! If, after turning the down jacket inside out, it became noticeable that a lot of fluff sticks out of the seams, then it is better to abandon the idea that the product needs to be washed in an automatic machine, since there is too much likelihood of irrevocably spoiling this element of outerwear.

To properly wash a down jacket in a washing machine, many housewives recommend using special balls. You can buy them at any household chemicals store. Ordinary tennis or rubber balls can serve as an alternative to special devices. To wash a thing with them, you need to place one such ball in each of the jacket pockets and put a few more directly into the drum of the washing machine. During the washing process, they will additionally break up the fibers of the fluff and thereby prevent it from rolling into lumps. There is nothing critical about washing a down jacket in a washing machine without using balls. The balls serve only as an additional guarantee of the successful completion of the process of correct removal of dirt from the down jacket.

What to do if you washed a down jacket in a typewriter, but the fluff is lost

In the event that some of the basic rules for removing dirt from a down jacket in a washing machine was nevertheless violated, lumps from the down that have fallen inside will appear on the product. This will inevitably lead to the fact that the main function of the thing in preserving and maintaining heat will not be performed: the down jacket simply will not warm. In such a situation, you should not immediately despair and mentally say goodbye to the product. You can try to reanimate the damaged thing. There are several methods for this.

Important! It is necessary to start the process of whipping the fluff as soon as possible after discovering what happened. In the event that the thing has time to dry on its own, it will be almost impossible to correct the situation.

To beat the fluff, you must act consistently:

  • The most common reason for lumps in a down jacket is the wrong choice of means for cleaning things in the washing machine. Powders and gels simply do not wash out of the down fibers. Therefore, you need to start the process of rehabilitating things by rinsing the jacket 2 or 3 more times in cool water;
  • upon completion of the additional rinsing process, it is necessary to start the "Drying" mode in the washing machine at the lowest possible speed;
  • then it is important to carefully spread the fibers of the fluff inside the thing. The final positive effect of the entire procedure as a whole depends on how responsibly and efficiently this process will be performed;
  • in the event that the unsuccessful washing of the down jacket in the washing machine took place in winter, you need to hang the product on the street (balcony) in order for the thing to freeze thoroughly. After the down jacket has completely dried, it must be shaken well, this will greatly facilitate the process of fluffing the fibers. If the whole process of cleansing took place in the warm season, then the jacket can be carefully folded, placed in a plastic bag and put in the freezer of the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After the specified time, repeat the procedure with shaking;
  • Alternatively, you can use a hair dryer and carpet beater to help break up clumps and fluff the filler. By directing a stream of hot air to the jacket, you need to gently beat it with patting movements. The procedure takes a long period of time, but it is very effective.
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How to properly dry a down jacket

The logical end of the process of removing dirt from a down jacket in a washing machine is the final drying of the product. It is recommended to wash such things during the warm season, as this significantly speeds up their drying time. For this, you should choose well-ventilated rooms without direct sunlight.

After the end of the spin cycle in the washing machine, the jacket can either be hung on a shoulder, or horizontally laid out on the dryer. During the drying process, the thing must be shaken with periodic constancy.

Important! It is necessary to provide air access to the thing from all sides, so you should not dry it by spreading it out on a table or other horizontal surface. This can greatly delay the entire drying process.

It should be remembered that the optimal time for a thing with a down filler to dry is 2 days. Prolongation of this period of time can lead to the fact that the fluff begins to rot and exude a very unpleasant odor.

After the down jacket is completely dry, it is recommended to treat it with a water-repellent impregnation.


To wash a down jacket in a washing machine is a process, the intricacies of which every owner of such a thing needs to know. In order to maintain an attractive appearance of the product, you should remember about the need to use special cleaning agents for cleaning things with natural down filling, about the features of the washing and drying regime in the automatic machine. If you wash your jacket correctly and follow all the recommendations, then a downy thing will give its owner warmth and comfort for a long time.

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