How to dye jeans blue at home

Some housewives doubt whether it is possible to dye jeans with blue. “Grandma's” trick has been known for a long time: if a thing in blue shades has lost its former brightness, then with the help of blue it can be updated. Chintz, satin, linen fabrics are easy to dye. But it's worth understanding if this advice applies to denim.

Can I dye jeans with blue

You can use water-soluble and water-insoluble dyes as blue for dyeing jeans. It can be liquid or powder.

This could be:

  • Prussian blue;
  • indigo carmine;
  • paris blue;
  • ultramarine;
  • anil dyes.

All these types of dyes can be used when dyeing jeans, you just need to take into account some of the features of the dyes. For example, Prussian Blue can dissolve in water only together with oxalic acid. Anil dyes fade in the sun, some of them turn reddish when ironed. Ultramarine is cheap enough, but it doesn't dissolve. Insoluble dyes dye fabric worse and are more difficult to work with. Difficulties can occur due to uneven coloration, especially of heavy items: insoluble crystals can stain clothing.

It should be borne in mind that if there is embroidery on the jeans, it will inevitably deteriorate and turn blue. The garment will look washed out and untidy, and bright embroidery threads will have a messy effect.

Denim things that are not blue shades cannot be dyed with blue. Blue and light blue shades should be used, which must be refreshed or tinted again. It is permissible to dye white and light gray jeans, which will turn blue when using blue. The final shade will in any case depend on the original color.

How to prepare jeans for blue painting

The first and most important advice is that jeans should be absolutely clean before painting. If there are even minor spots on them, they not only will not paint over, but will also stand out even more. If it so happens that there are irreducible spots, it is worth picking up paint two shades darker. Dye that matches your jeans will not paint over the stain. Washed jeans should be dry. You don't need to iron them, just cleanliness is enough.

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How much to keep jeans in blue

In order for the color to freshen up, jeans are kept in blue for at least two hours. If you want to achieve a more lasting result, add additional time, up to 12 hours. If you need to paint a light spot of jeans with blue, then choose a shade one or two darker than the original one. If you choose a shade to match, the stain will be noticeable.

Important! You can make an extravagant uneven dyeing by folding the jeans in a roll and tying them tightly with braid - this dyeing method is quite acceptable for dyeing old favorite jeans, for example, for a trip to the country.

How to dye jeans blue at home

You can correctly blue jeans with blue blue either manually or in the washing machine.Hand staining is a little more troublesome, but soaking for many hours provides a more durable result. Painting in a washing machine guarantees a more uniform coloring, since the constant movement of the drum prevents the paint from settling in one area. With the help of constant loosening of water and paint, the thing is painted more qualitatively than by hand.

How to dye blue jeans by hand

Blue is diluted in cold water and poured into warm water. It is very important to do everything as required by the instructions, since the substances partly stain during the washing process, and partly when rinsing. You need to count on one kilogram of dry denim, 0.5 g of dye.

After the paint has been prepared, the jeans are gently straightened and dipped in a blue solution. It is better to take bulky dishes for this, for example, a wide basin or a small bath, since the fabric should be straightened in one layer. If the material is folded in several layers, or there are folds on it, it is guaranteed to be colored unevenly and will have to be repainted. The water should be at the same level and soak evenly.

After a while, the product is taken out. Here you need to make a reservation right away. If the original color as a whole suits, and it only needs to be freshened up a little, 2 hours of soaking in blue will be enough. If the shade of jeans is inconspicuous, and you need a full dyeing, it will take 12 hours. During this time, the coarse fabric will have time to soak properly, the result will be durable and rich.

Next, the denim thing is rinsed in two or three waters. Be sure to add 5-7 tablespoons of food vinegar so that the shade is firmly fixed. Table salt, added in the same amount to 10 liters of water, has a similar effect.

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Dry your dyed jeans in a well-ventilated area to remove the unpleasant vinegar smell. It is imperative to avoid direct sunlight.

Important! The blue that gives color to jeans is washed out very quickly from the denim material, so it is better to repeat the painting.

How to dye jeans blue in the washing machine

Not everyone wants to fiddle with hand staining. You can also blue jeans with blue in the washing machine, the main thing is to do it right. This method will allow you to accurately paint your favorite thing without getting your hands dirty. To do this, you just need to wash your jeans in blue.

To dye jeans in a washing machine, check the liquid dye for lumps and dilute the powder in water. The proportions are the same as for manual dyeing: 0.5 g of the dye is taken for 1 kg of dry denim.

The diluted blue is immediately poured into the drum of the washing machine. The salt or vinegar to fix the shade is also added directly to the drum. You do not need to add detergent or conditioner. Select the intensive wash cycle for heavy items at a high temperature and set the cycle for the longest time.

After the jeans have stretched in blue, the shade is fixed once more. Vinegar is poured into a wide basin and mixed with water (5-7 spoons per 10 liters). The thing is straightened in a basin and kept for an hour. Wring out, dry in a ventilated place, out of direct sunlight.

Important! To eliminate the likelihood of stains after blueing during subsequent washings of other things, the machine is set to idle, then it is thoroughly wiped off, and bleach is added to the powder compartment.


As with any other staining, blue staining also requires taking precautions.

  1. All coloring manipulations should be carried out only with rubber gloves.
  2. When working with blue, vinegar, you need to protect your eyes and mucous membranes. Corrosive fumes can cause irritation. Therefore, it is appropriate to wear a medical mask.
  3. After dyeing the garment with the help of blue, avoid washing this garment together with other clothes because of the likelihood of shedding.
  4. All painting work should be done in a well ventilated room.


To dye jeans blue does not require any special conditions and skills. This is quite within the power of any hostess, it is only important to follow the above rules.

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