How to wash a mattress topper: on what mode and at what temperature

It is possible and necessary to wash a waterproof mattress topper in a washing machine, this is required by the rules of hygiene. But when carrying out a machine wash, it is important to adhere to some rules so as not to damage the product.

Can the mattress topper be washed

A mattress cover is a kind of cover that is usually attached to the mattress with elastic bands, covers it on top and protects it from dust, dirt, sweat and other contaminants. It is used not only for children's beds and when caring for seriously ill patients, the device extends the life of the mattress in any bed.

Since the sheet cannot protect the mattress cover from dirt, it gets very dirty over time. It is necessary to clean it, and it can be done in automatic mode.

The main rules by which the device is washed are as follows:

  • washing can only be done in a gentle mode;
  • the temperature is chosen low, processing in hot water can negatively affect the properties of the cover;
  • since the product is prone to deformation, it is not squeezed out, but left to drain;
  • before loading the cover into the drum of an automatic machine, carefully examine its label, the washing characteristics depend on the material.
The heavy mattress cover can only be washed in a machine with a maximum load above 5 kg.

It is strictly forbidden to use aggressive compounds, bleaches, stain removers, conditioners. It is generally recommended to wash the children's mattress topper with liquid soap in order to avoid allergies in the child. So that the usual delicate treatment can cope with stains, it is recommended to clean the product regularly, avoiding the appearance of strong dirt.

Important! In a waterproof case with elastic bands for a mattress, the lower part is mainly water-repellent. The upper is made from common natural and synthetic fabrics and is therefore able to absorb moisture.

Do I need to wash a new mattress topper

It is recommended to wash new bedding immediately after purchase. Although it has never been used before, it is highly likely to contain dust, minor dirt and microorganisms that have appeared during your time in the store. Since the cover is to be used in the most delicate place of the apartment, the bed for a night's sleep, it is better to take care of its absolute cleanliness.

What mode to wash the mattress topper

For processing, it is recommended to use the delicate mode, designed for sensitive things. Even if the product is made of a dense and durable material, with intensive washing, it can stretch and lose its shape.

It is recommended to wash the mattress cover with elastic bands when setting for woolen items or in manual mode

At what temperature to wash the mattress topper

It is best to choose a temperature of 40 ° C.Warm water will help remove stains from the mattress topper, but it will not damage its properties.

Ways of washing the mattress topper

Washing can be done either by machine or by hand. Which method to choose depends on the requirements of the particular product, but the processing rules in both cases will be very similar.

How to wash a mattress topper in a washing machine

It is allowed to process in an automatic machine products made of durable and dense fabrics, for example, cotton or microfiber.

The algorithm looks like this:

  • the machine is set in a delicate mode with a water temperature of 30 to 40 ° C;
  • spinning is turned off completely, aggressive mechanical impact will only damage things;
  • liquid gel, soap or shampoo is poured into the powder tray, it is prohibited to use the powder;
  • the cover is carefully placed in the drum of the machine and the wash is started.
When washing a mattress cover with elastic bands, you must turn off the spin

The product can only be washed alone, no laundry is put into the automatic machine. If the drum is filled to the limit, the thing simply will not be able to rinse, besides, the load on household appliances will increase.

Advice! Make sure that you can put more than 5 kg of laundry into the machine. Small units with low power are not suitable for processing bulky items.

How to wash a mattress topper by hand

If you have to wash a woolen or downy cover, then preference should be given to manual processing. In the machine, sensitive products can be damaged and lose performance.

In this case, hand wash is carried out in almost the same way as machine wash. Namely:

  • warm water is collected in a large container not hotter than 30 ° C;
  • add a detergent with a mild composition; delicate products are best washed with liquid soap, shampoo or gel for woolen clothes;
  • immerse the cover in water and leave to soak for 20 minutes.
It is inconvenient to wash a bulky mattress topper in a basin - usually it is placed in a bathtub half full

After soaking, the product is gently washed with gentle whipping movements. You do not need to rub and squeeze it, especially since it is quite difficult to do this. After a few minutes, you can start rinsing, you need to rinse it at least 3 times in a row in order to completely remove the remains of soap or shampoo from the fabric fibers.

The washed product is not twisted or wrung out. Place it on the grate above the bathtub and let the water drain.

How to properly wash mattress toppers made of different materials

The top layer of mattress covers is made from a wide variety of natural and synthetic materials. Therefore, washing rules can vary greatly.

How to wash a cotton mattress topper

It is easiest to care for a product made of natural cotton, this material perfectly tolerates machine wash:

  1. If the cover is made exclusively of cotton fabric, it can be washed even at temperatures above 60 ° C. But if there is a waterproof synthetic membrane underneath, then the water should still not be used hotter than 40 ° C.
  2. The mode is also set depending on the features of the product. For moisture-proof clothes, you need to use a delicate wash, a completely cotton mattress cover is allowed to be washed on intensive settings.
  3. We recommend using a liquid detergent. The cotton fabric does not suffer from the effects of the powder, but its smallest particles can still remain inside the product and lead to the development of allergies.
The pure cotton mattress topper is washable even at 60 ° C

It is still impossible to squeeze the cotton product after washing, the water should simply drain. But you can stroke it in the absence of a waterproof layer; ironing will help to destroy any microorganisms.

How to wash a wool mattress topper

For the woolen cover, machine wash is not prohibited, but undesirable. Better to wash the mattress cover by hand:

  • at a maximum of 30 ° C;
  • without squeezing;
  • with a special detergent for wool, which contains lanolin.
Machine wash for woolen mattress topper is permissible only without spinning and in cold water

If for some reason it is impossible to wash a thing with your hands, you must set the most gentle mode in the machine. The spin should be turned off completely so that the thing does not deform, the water temperature should be selected as low as possible. If there is a sharp temperature drop during the transition from washing to rinsing, the wool may shrink.

How to clean a bamboo mattress topper

The soft yet durable bamboo fiber is machine washable. You need to wash a bamboo mattress topper according to the following rules:

  • in delicate mode, in water not hotter than 40 ° С;
  • using a mild cleansing gel;
  • without spinning or with minimum speed.
The bamboo mattress topper can be loaded into the automatic machine in delicate mode

Do not dry the bamboo mattress cover automatically or iron it after washing.

How to wash a down filled mattress topper

Down products are popular because of their softness, they are often purchased for hard orthopedic mattresses to make it easier to sleep. But washing is associated with certain difficulties:

  1. Down filler often clumps into lumps during washing. It is best to wash the product out of down by hand, in this case the mechanical effect is minimal, and the cover retains its shape well.
  2. If you cannot wash a thing with your hands, then you need to use the most gentle washing mode in the machine. The maximum temperature for washing down is 30 ° C, the spin must be completely turned off.
  3. Together with the downy cover, it is worth putting special balls into the machine, during the washing process they will whip up the filler and will not allow it to get lost in lumps.
  4. It is best to wash the down filled cover using liquid soap. Cleaning agents are very poorly washed out of the fluff, so it is recommended to refuse even special gels.
It is advisable to wash the downy mattress topper with your hands so that the fluff does not get lost
Attention! When wet, a downy product becomes very heavy, so it can be processed in a typewriter only if the maximum load exceeds 5-7 kg. Otherwise, household appliances may break.

How to wash your coconut mattress cover

Coconut flakes have good orthopedic properties and retain their shape well. But that is why it is forbidden to wash such covers both in a typewriter and by hand.

If a stain appears on the cover, it is necessary to moisten the stained area pointwise and wipe off the dirt with a soapy solution. Twice a year, you can wipe the surface of the product with a damp sponge, being careful not to wet it too much. It is impossible to completely immerse the cover in water, this will quickly render the filler unusable, and the thing will only have to be thrown away.

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The mattress topper with coconut filling cannot be washed, it is only carefully treated with a damp sponge

How to wash a waterproof mattress topper

The moisture-proof mattress cover also needs cleaning - especially considering that it is usually used when caring for sick people or small children. Not the entire product has water-repellent properties, but only the lower layer, which is a polyurethane membrane.

Washing a rubberized mattress topper is quite simple. This can be done both in the car and in manual mode according to the following rules:

  • water is used with a maximum temperature of 40 ° C;
  • the product is used only liquid and without aggressive substances in the composition, it is impossible to use chlorine-containing gels, bleaches and conditioners;
  • washing is carried out without spinning, if the cover is washed in a machine, then automatic drying cannot be used either.
Waterproof mattress covers get dirty on the top and inside, so be sure to wash them

If the waterproof cover is heavily soiled, then you need to remove yellow stains from the mattress topper before machine wash. To do this, it is soaked in a deep basin or in a bath and the stains are treated with laundry soap.

How often to wash the mattress topper

The frequency of washing for a product is determined individually. If it is covered with a thick sheet and gets dirty slightly, you can clean it in a typewriter once every 3-5 months, and the rest of the time, just knock it out in the fresh air from time to time or vacuum it.

If you have a tendency to severe night sweats, you should wash more often, at least once a month. As for waterproof mattress covers for children and seriously ill patients, they are washed twice a month or more often if severe contamination appears.


Wash the waterproof mattress topper in the washing machine with care and at low temperatures. Washing rules depend on the material of the product and the type of padding, some mattress covers can even withstand intensive processing, others can be washed exclusively by hand.

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