Jida (goof) silvery: useful properties of berries and contraindications

The beneficial properties of silver loch are used in folk medicine to fight inflammation and to heal wounds. The plant and recipes based on jida deserve careful study.

What it looks like and where it grows

Silver loch, or dzhida (Elaeagnus commutata), is a shrub, less often a tree, from the Loch family. It has a strong rhizome and trunk up to 4 m in height with thorny branches. The shoots are covered with silvery scales, which explains the name. The leaves of the plant are simple, oval or ovate-lanceolate, arranged in regular order on short petioles.

In good conditions, the silver elk can bloom again in August.

In June and July, the sucker produces fragrant buds, yellow on the inside and silvery on the outside. In August and September, it bears fruit - ovoid or spherical drupes of red with a grayish tint. The berries of the plant are edible and have a pleasant harmonious taste reminiscent of lingonberries. At the same time, they are rarely eaten, since the bone takes up almost the entire volume of the fruit.

Silvery oak is widespread naturally in eastern North America. Cultivated all over the world in temperate zones, it is characterized by increased frost resistance up to -40 ° C. Prefers dry and stony soils, as well as loam.

Chemical composition

A photo of a silvery oak plant and its beneficial properties are of interest due to the rich composition of the shrub. Jida leaves, flowers, bark and fruits contain:

  • essential oils and carbohydrates;
  • steroids;
  • tannins;
  • gum and coumarins;
  • catechins;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • alkaloids;
  • potassium and phosphorus;
  • cyclitols;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids.

Medicines are prepared from any part of the plant, and which of them is best used in a particular situation depends on the disease.

Useful properties of silver loch

When used correctly, silver goose brings significant benefits to the body. Namely:

  • has an astringent effect and helps with diarrhea;
  • promotes recovery from colds and fevers;
  • relieves sore throat and fights bacteria with angina;
  • helps to remove helminths from the intestines;
  • normalizes blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels;
  • prevents heart ailments;
  • relieves pain in rheumatism and arthritis;
  • effectively fights any inflammation;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxic substances.

When applied externally, silvery sucker helps to heal ulcers and wounds.

You can use silver goose to strengthen immunity in a preventive manner.

Useful properties of the berries of the Jida tree

The beneficial properties and contraindications of the fruits of the silver loch are of particular interest to traditional medicine.On the basis of berries, decoctions and infusions are prepared that improve the condition:

  • with gout and radiculitis;
  • with wounds and irritations on the skin;
  • with digestive disorders;
  • with diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • with hypertension and malaria;
  • with inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.

Loch fruit infusions have good diuretic properties. This allows you to use them not only to eliminate edema, but also on weight loss diets.

Useful properties of silver oak honey

Silver jida is a honey plant; bees make a delicious and healthy treat from the nectar of flowers. The sweet product has anti-inflammatory, sedative, firming and expectorant properties.

In folk medicine, it is used:

  • with neuroses, chronic fatigue and convulsions;
  • with weakened immunity and frequent colds;
  • with prolonged cough and bronchitis;
  • with weakened blood vessels and arrhythmias;
  • with liver diseases.

Drinking silver jida honey is good for the brain; the delicacy stimulates mental activity and improves memory. The product rarely causes allergies, so it can be offered for medicinal purposes even to children over two years old.

Preparation and application methods

From the green parts and fruits of the silver sucker, you can prepare water decoctions and alcoholic products with strong healing properties. Valuable substances in the composition of the plant dissolve well in both bases, during processing it is only important not to overheat the medicinal raw material.

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A decoction of jida berries is beneficial for intestinal inflammation, helminths and irritation of the gastric mucosa. The remedy is done like this:

  1. 30 g of dry fruits are poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Place in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. At the end of the term, filter through cheesecloth folded in several layers.
  4. Add clean liquid to an initial volume of 250 ml.

The cooled agent is taken three times a day on an empty stomach, 30 ml. The decoction has a shelf life of only two days, so it is not prepared in large portions.

A decoction of silver loch disinfects wounds and abrasions when used externally


Jida flowers are suitable for preparing a strong tincture with pronounced anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties. The drug is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. 100 g of dry or fresh buds are poured into 1 liter of good vodka or alcohol, diluted to 40%.
  2. In a closed container, they are removed in a dark place for a month.
  3. Shake up the product from time to time.
  4. At the end of the period, filter.

Tincture of silver loch is taken for immunity and at the first symptoms of a cold, 20 drops per 100 ml of warm water.

Strong tincture of sucker without interruption can be taken only for 10-14 days

The use of silvery sucker

Traditional medicine uses jida to treat colds, skin, digestive and joint ailments. As a medicinal raw material in recipes, you can find green parts of the plant, fruits and wood.

How to take honey from silvery sucker

Silver jida honey is most often used for respiratory diseases accompanied by a strong cough. In particular, with bronchitis, such a remedy is indicated for use:

  1. 50 g of natural honey is poured into 200 ml of milk.
  2. Warm up to a warm state, but not to a boil.
  3. Stir thoroughly.

You need to take the remedy at night every day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Another way suggests using honey for dry, aging skin. The delicacy must be mixed in equal proportions with olive oil and spread over the face for 20 minutes. If you apply the home remedy twice a week, the skin will quickly become silky and healthy, and the first wrinkles will disappear.

Silver sucker honey can be distinguished by its beautiful whitish-golden hue
Advice! You can take 15 g of silver sucker honey every day in the fall to prevent colds.

Infusion of leaves for angina

There are many tannins and flavonoids in the leaves of the silver loch. The infusion prepared on their basis helps to heal the mucous membranes of an irritated throat, and also helps to cope with inflammation. The remedy is done like this:

  1. 20 g of dry leaves are crushed and poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Kept under a lid in a warm place for half an hour.
  3. Pass through cheesecloth for filtration.

The ready-made infusion can be gargled up to five times a day. In addition, the agent is taken orally 1/4 cup three times a day on a full stomach.

Tincture of flowers for hypertension

Silvery oak flowers help to quickly lower blood pressure. The drug is done as follows:

  1. 100 g of dry raw materials are poured into a glass vessel.
  2. Pour 1 liter of quality vodka.
  3. Close the container and shake well.
  4. Put away in a dark place for a month.

The filtered tincture is consumed in 25 drops, pre-diluting the product in a small amount of water. You can take the drug up to three times a day.

Decoction for ARVI

For colds, a decoction of sucker berries helps to restore strength and eliminate general intoxication of the body. The remedy is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. 60 g of dried fruits are poured with 500 ml of liquid.
  2. Boil over low heat for five minutes.
  3. Remove the product from the stove and leave for two hours.

The cooled strained broth is taken twice a day, 125 ml. You need to drink it in between meals.

With hyperacid gastritis, it is better to use a decoction of sucker berries with ARVI on a full stomach

Silvery sucker for washing wounds and abrasions

The anti-inflammatory properties of Jida help to cope with inflamed purulent wounds, disinfect injuries and accelerate the healing process. An external treatment agent is prepared as follows:

  1. Measure out two large spoons of the fruit of the silvery sucker.
  2. Pour raw materials with a glass of water.
  3. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and keep on the stove for another 5-7 minutes.
  4. Cool under the lid and filter.
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Warm broth washed skin lesions or moistened tissue in solution and applied to sore spots with a compress.

With a fever

The flowers and leaves of the silver oak tree contain many vitamins, activate the immune system and help to quickly reduce the high temperature. Traditional medicine offers the following recipe for a useful remedy:

  1. The buds and dry leaves of the jida are ground and mixed in equal proportions.
  2. Measure 6 g of medicinal raw material and pour 250 ml of hot liquid
  3. In a water bath, incubated for 15 minutes.
  4. Cool closed until warm.

The filtered infusion should be consumed on an empty stomach, 60 ml three times a day. In total, treatment continues until the condition normalizes.

Decoction of berries with worms

The healing properties of the silvery sucker help to remove helminths from the intestines and have a particularly good effect in combination with official preparations. A natural remedy for cleansing the body is prepared as follows:

  1. Measure out two large spoons of berries and pour in a glass of hot liquid.
  2. For half an hour they are placed in a water bath under a closed lid.
  3. Cool to a slightly warm state and add another 250 ml of liquid.

It is necessary to drink the broth in a heated form, 30 ml four times a day.

For worms, it is best to use jida broth on an empty stomach, if it does not cause nausea

Leaf compresses for rheumatism

Silver loch has analgesic properties and can be used for joint ailments with little or no treatment. For rheumatism and gout, the plant is used as follows:

  1. 100 g of fresh leaves are washed and steamed with boiling water for 15 minutes.
  2. The plates are removed from the liquid and put together in a small compress.
  3. Apply to sore joints for half an hour.

From above, a compress of leaves can be fixed with a bandage. It is allowed to carry out the procedure several times a day, but new plates must be taken in each case.

Application in cosmetology and aromatherapy

The healing properties of the silver goose plant are appreciated in cosmetology. Jida flower oil can be found in specialized stores. It is used for inflammation and for perfumery purposes, the product has a pleasant delicate aroma. Silver loch extracts are found in face masks, nourishing creams and moisturizing lotions.

At home, you can daily use infusions of leaves and flowers for washing. Treatments refresh the skin and improve the complexion, help get rid of acne and blackheads. Decoctions of the plant are used to rinse the curls after the usual washing, jida prevents hair loss and stimulates their rapid growth.

Contraindications to the use of jida

The benefits and harms of silvery sucker berries, its green and woody parts depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. It is not recommended to use plant-based products:

  • with renal failure;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with severe fever of unknown nature with a temperature above 40 ° C
  • with individual allergies;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach and pancreas.
Attention! Children under 12 years old can only be offered products made from fruits that have undergone thorough heat treatment.

Collection and procurement

Silvery elk is harvested for medicinal purposes throughout the growing season. In May and until mid-June, plant buds and young leaves are harvested, closer to autumn, as they ripen, the fruits are picked. It is better to cut the bark in early spring or in October, in which case less damage will be done to the shrub. Since the shoots of the dzhida are prickly, it is better to collect medicinal raw materials with thick gloves and clothes with closed sleeves.

Prepared plant parts for long-term storage must be dried. This is best done outdoors under a canopy or in a warm room with good ventilation. You can also use a special dehydrator or oven for quick drying. At the same time, it is allowed to set the temperature for berries to 50 ° С, and for flowers - only 40 ° С, since they have a more delicate structure. The processed raw materials are poured into paper bags or clean glass containers and removed to a dark place with a low level of humidity.

You can store the flowers of the silver sucker for about a year, and the bark, leaves and fruits - up to two years


The beneficial properties of silvery sucker are contained in all its parts - fruits, bark, flowers and leaves. The plant is used mainly for inflammatory processes. If the dosage is observed, Jida does not lead to the development of side effects.

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