How to wash a stroller: walking stick, transformer, carrycot, cover

A baby stroller is one of the most important acquisitions while waiting for a baby to be born. In the process of using the product, sooner or later there will be a need to clean it, because the stroller inevitably gets dirty under the influence of street factors and the vigorous activity of the baby in it. In order to wash a stroller and at the same time maintain all its consumer qualities and neat appearance, you need to understand all the intricacies of this process, as well as use certain tricks and tips.

Can the stroller be washed

Most modern models of children's vehicles provide for the possibility of cleaning them yourself at home. The more removable parts there are on the case, the easier it will be to do this. By this criterion, the following models of prams are distinguished:

  • completely disassembled;
  • partially disassembled;
  • indestructible.

In order to wash the stroller in the apartment correctly, you need to find a special label on one of the body elements containing recommendations for cleaning the product. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the following information:

  • information about the material of which the product is made;
  • recommendations about the type of washing, which should be resorted to when cleaning (by hand or in an automatic machine);
  • suitable for washing mode;
  • prohibition on the use of specific cleaning agents.

On the modern market, there is a wide selection of models of children's walking aids from a wide variety of materials:

  • cloth;
  • using raincoat fabric;
  • using a skin substitute;
  • based on eco-leather.

Any of these types (regardless of whether we are talking about a summer or winter type of stroller) can be washed independently at home. The main rule that applies in this case: follow all the cleaning recommendations indicated on the product label, and choose the right cleaning agent.

Important! To wash a baby stroller made of eco-leather, you must not resort to aggressive mechanical methods, and also use chlorine-containing products in the cleaning process.

Do I need to wash my new stroller

A new stroller purchased from a specialist store usually does not need to be washed before using it.

Of course, there is no prohibition to perform this procedure before using the product, therefore, if you wish, you can wash all removable elements.

Features of washing the stroller

In order to properly wash the transformer stroller at home, you need to observe all the necessary features of the procedure, namely:

  • identify the material from which the child transport is made. This step is important in order to choose the right type of wash for cleaning and choose the right cleaning agent;
  • carefully read the information on the product tag, and at the time of its purchase in the store, study the instruction manual for the baby stroller;
  • in the event that the model assumes the possibility of removing parts, they must first be disconnected: usually they are attached to the main body using buttons, buttons, or screwed to it with a screwdriver;
  • the wheelbase should always be cleaned separately from the rest. Moreover, if there are any chrome-plated parts on it, when cleaning them, you cannot use aggressive powerful agents that can spoil the appearance of children's transport;
  • all non-removable elements must be cleaned so that they do not absorb too much moisture. Otherwise, there will be a problem in order to dry them, and the accessories may become unusable;
  • if there is strong contamination on any element (for example, from food, juice, milk mixture, etc.), then before proceeding with the main stage of washing, such contamination must be pretreated with any usual cleaning agent. For these purposes, you can use special stain removers, a solution of baby or laundry soap, or resort to other well-known folk methods of dealing with stains of various origins. If the contaminated element is removable, you can pre-soak it in warm water with the addition of baby powder and carry out a minimum hand wash.
Advice! Correct implementation of all these preparatory procedures will contribute to the quality end of the cleaning process for a child's vehicle and will allow you to maintain its original appearance.

How to wash a stroller in a washing machine

Most modern models provide the ability to clean them using a washing machine. This greatly facilitates the process of caring for a child's vehicle and allows you to keep it tidy and clean with a minimum of effort.

Important! It should be remembered that models of baby strollers made of leatherette and eco-leather are not recommended to be washed in a washing machine.

In order to wash children's transport in a washing machine, you need to do the following:

  • disassemble the stroller;
  • in the presence of severe contamination, the stains must be pretreated using baby powder, laundry soap or a special stain remover;
  • cleaning in a washing machine of all elements of a baby stroller must be carried out in a special washing cover: you can buy it in any department of household chemicals and related products.
    Advice! The special washing cover can be replaced with a regular pillowcase.
  • in order to wash the details of the stroller, you should select the "Delicate wash" mode;
  • it is also recommended to use the “Extra Rinse” mode during washing;
  • it is better to refuse spinning and drying in a washing machine and dry the removable elements in a natural way;
  • during the drying process, avoid direct sunlight on the parts of the stroller: in order to prevent the appearance of stains.
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How to wash your stroller by hand

The manual option of washing is the safest possible and is guaranteed to preserve the appearance of the product, but it will require a little more effort and time. In the case of models made of eco-leather and leatherette, hand washing is the only possible cleaning method applicable at home.

To wash your stroller by hand, follow these steps in sequence:

  • disconnect all removable parts from the main body;
  • in the presence of serious contamination, all elements must be pre-soaked in warm water (up to 40 ° C) using the selected cleaning agent;
  • hand wash all items using a clothes brush or hard sponge;
  • you can remove yellow spots on the stroller with a citric acid solution;
  • rinse all parts in cool water;
  • dry naturally.

In order to manually wash a stroller made of eco-leather at home, you need to prepare:

  • clean, soft cloth;
  • a weak soapy solution.

Using a cloth soaked in soapy water, thoroughly clean all elements, and then wipe them with a clean dry cloth.

Advice! In the presence of severe contamination, a steam generator will become a great help in cleaning. With it, you can easily and quickly clean the models with a combined finish (combining fabric elements and eco-leather or leatherette) from dirt.

At what temperature to wash the insides of the stroller

In order to wash the baby stroller yourself in the washing machine, it is important to carefully read the information indicated on the product label, as well as the information contained in the instructions for its operation: in particular, in what mode it is necessary to clean it and at what temperature.

In the absence of these data for any reason, one should be guided by the general rule that the temperature of washing should not exceed 30 ° C. This will ensure that the material of the inner parts of the stroller and its color scheme will not suffer during the cleaning process.

How to wash a stroller at home

To properly wash a baby stroller from stains at home, you must remember all the rules and subtleties of the process, follow all the recommendations for preparing the internal elements for washing and choose the appropriate option for cleaning the parts. With regard to individual elements of wheelchairs, there are subtleties, on the observance of which the effectiveness of the entire procedure depends.

How to wash a stroller carrycot

The cradle for baby transport must be cleaned as carefully as possible so as not to oversaturate the material with moisture. Neglecting this rule will significantly complicate the drying process, and in the case of too much moisture, it can render this part of the product unusable.

To wash the stroller box, you need:

  • Thoroughly clean the entire perimeter of the carrycot using a clean soft cloth or sponge dampened with soapy water. In the presence of stubborn dirt, you can resort to additional cleaning agents, for example, special stain removers;
  • use a clean cloth to remove all cleaning agent and water residues from the carrycot;
  • dry it in a well-ventilated area.
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How to wash stroller covers

To wash stroller covers, you must:

  • disconnect them from the main body of the children's transport;
  • choose the appropriate cleaning option (hand or machine wash);
  • all excessively contaminated parts must be pre-cleaned by soaking or processing with special stain removers;
  • when washing with a machine, remember to carry out this procedure exclusively in a delicate washing mode, using special covers. In this case, you should set the additional rinse mode, and also refuse the drying function;
    Important! When washing the stroller, there is no need to use special fabric softeners.
  • it is important to remember that if the main material of the covers is made of materials such as eco-leather or leatherette, then the only possible cleaning option in this case is the manual method;
  • all removable covers should be dried in a horizontal position, and also by hanging them in a well-ventilated area.
Important! It should be remembered that no matter what material the covers are made of, the maximum washing temperature should not exceed 40 ° C, and in the absence of information about the temperature regime of washing - 30 ° C.

How to wash a stroller bag

A stroller bag is usually made of the same material as all other elements of a child's vehicle. Therefore, in order to wash this part of the stroller, you must follow the general rules that apply to any other internal parts. Depending on this, you should choose a manual or machine wash option and follow all the recommendations of the selected cleaning mode.

How to wash a stroller hood

Any hood from a baby stroller is based on a rigid frame. The procedure for washing the hood from a stroller directly depends on whether it is possible to pull out the rigid arcs of the frame from its base or not. Action options:

  • in the case when it is possible to pull out the arches, then you can wash the visor from the stroller in the washing machine (if the material from which the hood is made allows this);
  • if the arcs cannot be removed or the material of the hood is not designed for washing in an automatic machine, then the only option to wash the hood from the stroller in this case is to wash it by hand using a clean soft cloth and soapy water.

How to wash a stroller carrycot mattress

In order not to damage the internal structure of the mattress from the cradle from the baby carriage, it is recommended to expose it only to dry cleaning. For these purposes, you can use a steam generator, and in its absence - a vacuum cleaner.

Advice! In the presence of strong dirt on the mattress, it is recommended to abandon self-cleaning it at home. In this case, it is better to resort to the services of specialized dry cleaners that will successfully cope with the issue of pollution and at the same time preserve the quality and appearance of the children's mattress.

How to wash a stroller without removable covers

In the event that the selected model is non-separable, you can clean it (for example, wash the cane stroller at home) by following these steps:

  • wipe all elements with a clean cloth dipped in soapy water or powder for cleaning baby clothes;
  • if there are serious contaminants on the parts of a child's vehicle, then it is necessary to treat them with a prepared cleaning compound and leave everything in this form for about 10 minutes, then remove the remaining cleaning agent;
  • using a dry cloth to wipe the entire stroller from soap or powder residues, as well as from moisture residues.

Advice! An alternative to a product that can be used to clean the non-removable elements of children's vehicles is a special carpet cleaner. With regard to walking aids made of leatherette or eco-leather, a special vehicle interior cleaner is suitable for them.


Washing a stroller with high quality and at the same time not spoiling its appearance is a task that almost every parent has faced. Most modern models of vehicles for children provide for the possibility of washing them independently, at home. To successfully cope with the task at hand, you need to choose the right product for a particular model, the washing mode and follow all the recommendations for the procedure. In this case, the stroller will delight parents and its little owner for a very long period of time.

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