What foods contain dopamine

To increase productivity, improve concentration, you should include foods containing dopamine in your diet. It is a neurotransmitter that is produced by the brain. Dopamine is responsible for the level of human performance, supports the functioning of the brain and heart. He is also responsible for conducting impulses of pleasure.

What foods contain dopamine

It's impossible to find foods high in dopamine. This neurotransmitter is produced in the body from its precursor, the tryptophan amino acid. The specified building material enters the body from food. Tryptophan is found in large quantities in animal products. The source of the amino acid can be plant foods, which contain protein.

You can trigger dopamine production in your body by including foods rich in L-tryptophan in your diet. Its maximum amount is contained in black and red caviar. Also, the amino acid is found in such products:

Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications
  • meat;
  • cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and other dairy products;
  • fish, seafood;
  • mushrooms;
  • Pine nuts;
  • dried dates;
  • beans;
  • tofu;
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  • cereals;
  • bananas;
  • avocado;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin;
  • some varieties of cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Kale), beets, carrots and other green, orange vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • strawberries, apples, other berries, fruits high in vitamins C, E.
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Tryptophan is less absorbed from vegetables, fruits and other plant products than from animal foods.

The products also contain other amino acids, vitamins that have a positive effect on dopamine levels. L-tyrosine is also a building block for a neurotransmitter, from which dioxyphenylalanine is produced. This substance is a precursor to dopamine.

Foods that increase dopamine in the body

When tryptophan enters the body, the process of dopamine production starts in the brain cells. The specified amino acid immediately enters the brain. After that, the neurons responsible for the synthesis of dopamine begin the process of its production.

The neurotransmitter motivates a person to achieve set goals, to satisfy the emerging desires and needs. It is possible to increase its content in the body if the diet is formed correctly.

Fish and seafood

Cod, sardines, herring, tuna, salmon, pike perch and other fish are an irreplaceable source of tryptophan. But the amino acid is unevenly located in them, its amount is high in meat, and it is absent in connective, cartilaginous tissues.

Depending on the variety, the amount of amino acid, which acts as a source of dopamine, in 100 g of fish varies between 160-300 mg
Attention! The maximum tryptophan content in caviar is 960 in red and 910 mg in black. Squid contains 300 mg.

All seafood, marine and river fish are a source of L-tyrosine. It triggers the synthesis of dopamine in the body.

Also, fish and other seafood contains vitamins B6, B12, B9, D, A, PP.They have a beneficial effect on the general condition, help to improve the quality of sleep and insistence. Dopamine is produced more actively under the action of amino acids and vitamins.


The beet contains vitamins E and C. They play the role of antioxidants in the body, protect the brain cells responsible for the production of dopamine from destruction and damage.

Beet contains tyrosine. Therefore, it is classified as a food that increases dopamine in the body. It also contains betaine. This substance acts as an antidepressant.

Vitamins contained in beets prevent the destruction of brain cells and are involved in the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine

Kale cabbage

Some varieties of cabbage, including kale, are a source of folate - vitamin B9. She is involved in the production of dopamine. Therefore, this product is recommended for people who need to increase the feeling of satisfaction, love, affection.

Kale is a source of vitamins B, A, C, PP. It helps to saturate the body with zinc, selenium, magnesium and potassium. All of these substances have a positive effect on overall well-being and increase dopamine.

The substances in kale collard are involved in the production of dopamine


Apples are a source of vitamin C. It fights free radicals that damage cells. Under the influence of ascorbic acid, dopamine production is stimulated.

These fruits contain quercetin, a substance that prevents the degeneration of nerve cells. Due to this effect, there is no interference with the production of a neurotransmitter by the hypothalamus.

Apples saturate the body with vitamin C, quercetin, which prevent the destruction of hypothalamic cells


When prescribing a dopamine diet, doctors recommend including bananas in the daily diet. These products act as a source of tyrosine. But it is better to eat them in the morning, at a time when the metabolism is increased.

With their regular use, the body is saturated not only with the necessary amino acids, but also with B vitamins and potassium. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, the state of the heart, blood vessels.

Advice! You can get the most out of your food by making a banana yogurt smoothie. It is best to drink it for breakfast.
Regular consumption of bananas contributes to the saturation of the body with substances - precursors of dopamine


You can saturate the body with vitamins C and E if you regularly consume strawberries. But this is not its only advantage. This berry contains the amino acid tyrosine. Under its action, the concentration of happiness hormones - endorphins - increases.

Substances in strawberries help protect the hypothalamic cells responsible for dopamine production. The combined action of this product stimulates the thought process and concentration. The combination of strawberry and chocolate will replace any motivation pill.

You can start the production of the hormone of happiness, stimulate thinking, if you include strawberries in the diet

Green tea

Green tea is on the list of foods that promote dopamine production. It contains the amino acid L-theanine, which is also involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters by the hypothalamus.

Green tea contains polyphenols. These are substances that are good for the heart and brain. The isoflavones contained in tea have a positive effect on the emotional state and overall well-being. They can be found on the ingredient list for many depression medications. But in the production of black tea, isoflavones are lost.

Green tea is on the list of foods under the influence of which dopamine is produced in the hypothalamus


Various herbs are sources of vitamins, amino acids, without which the process of dopamine production in the hypothalamus is impaired.

Parsley is a source of L-glutamic acid. Under its influence, concentration improves, the negative consequences of stress and overwork are eliminated. It saturates the body with folic acid.

Lettuce and arugula are responsible for the production of serotonin. When consumed, antioxidants and flavonoids enter the body, which have a positive effect on the general condition and well-being.

Ginseng helps to get rid of physical fatigue, emotional stress, stimulates the production of endorphins. According to the adherents of Chinese traditional medicine, this plant helps to prolong youth, improve the quality of life. Athletes include this product in their diet to improve physical endurance.

Attention! To increase dopamine, it is also recommended to add dandelion greens, spinach, and young nettle leaves to dishes. The production of this neurotransmitter is positively influenced by the inclusion of ginkgo biloba in the diet.
Leafy greens saturate the body with flavonoids, antioxidants, amino acids, the combination of which stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine

Dopamine-boosting foods

You can increase concentration, improve performance and focus on results if you adhere to a dopamine diet. It does not provide for severe restrictions, it is enough to include in the diet foods that contribute to the production of this neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus.

But you can achieve the desired result if you follow the rules for eating. Meals should be fractional. This is the only way to make products a constant source of dopamine for the body. The longer the break between meals, the worse the neurotransmitter is produced. With a decrease in its concentration, a person's appetite increases, there is a desire to drink coffee, eat sweets.

A constant supply of tryptophan and tyrosine prevents dopamine surges in the body. At the same time, the risk of impulsive eating behavior is minimized. Lack of feelings of guilt, irritation, apathy that occur after breakdowns have a beneficial effect on the overall emotional state.

The menu should include fish, meat, vegetables, leafy greens. Protein foods are a source of phenylalanine, tryptophan. In order for these amino acids to be properly absorbed, it is necessary not only to change the diet, but also to revise the lifestyle.

You can improve the process of dopamine production by increasing physical activity. Most of the amino acids in the diet must be absorbed by the muscles. And the tryptophan and tyrosine that have entered the body are sent immediately to the brain cells. If muscle mass is not enough, then stronger amino acids can block the process of assimilation of dopamine precursors by the hypothalamus.

Therefore, experts advise to follow these rules:

  • getting up early, during the hours of serotonin production, a person should be awake;
  • a good breakfast that triggers the production of a neurotransmitter;
  • exercise stress.

You don't need to sign up for a gym and take a muscle-building supplement. You can improve the condition with daily walks at a brisk pace for 40-60 minutes.


You can increase concentration, increase motivation, and normalize your emotional state by including foods containing dopamine in your menu. It is desirable to focus on meat, fish, dairy products, green and orange vegetables, fruits. You can increase the effectiveness of the diet by combining it with moderate physical activity.

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