Jump rope: benefits and harms, which muscles work, exercises, videos, reviews

Jumping rope is one of the most popular and common types of cardio workouts, because they are beneficial both for improving the physical shape of the body in general and for losing weight. Such jumps are used literally in all sports: fitness, aerobics, crossfit, martial arts and many others. However, not everyone knows what the benefits and harms of jumping rope for human health actually are and what properties they have for the body.

What muscles work when jumping rope

Skipping rope exercises are beneficial both for the development of muscles in the human body, and for individual systems of his body.

  • Load on the calf muscles, which are located in the back of the lower leg and are responsible for jumping. Calves work much more actively than all other muscles, taking on more than 70% of the load of the whole body.
  • Benefits of training buttock muscles help to balance the upper and lower body with each other, to tighten the skin and reduce the harm of the formation of excess subcutaneous fat.
  • Back muscle training, actively working during jumping, has the property of stabilizing body movements and maintaining the correct position of the spine.
  • Easy workout of oblique abdominal muscles... When making a jump, they act as stabilizers, so they take on only 5% of the total load.
  • Arm muscle training... It is worth noting that jumping rope cannot in any way affect the volume of the muscles of the forearm, biceps and triceps, but such exercises tend to perfectly maintain their tone.

The benefits of jumping rope

It is impossible to ignore the benefits of training with a rope and for individual body systems:

  • Help for the cardiovascular system... The jump rope is an excellent pacemaker, which significantly improves the work of the heart, tones the functioning of the respiratory organs, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Regular exercise with a rope has the beneficial property of improving blood circulation in the body: practicing 15 minutes a day for 3 weeks, you can completely forget about such a problem as shortness of breath.
  • Dealing with stress. Regular workouts for 10-15 minutes can significantly help relieve tension and bring nerves back to normal. During the exercise, the human body produces endorphin, a hormone responsible for a good mood.
  • Correction of crooked posture... The rope practically does not load the human spine, but at the same time it has an unambiguous benefit, correcting its shape and position.
    Important! If you have any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a doctor's consultation before training is required.
  • It is also worth noting the special benefit of jumping rope for men: after all, with the improvement of blood circulation in the body, the work of the reproductive system also improves.

How to jump rope

Before you start training, you need to remember its basic rules so as not to harm yourself and your body.

How to rotate the rope correctly

When performing a jump, it is necessary to describe small circles, using both the hands and the arms themselves. The most common mistake among beginners in jumping is to rotate the rope exclusively with the help of the hands, and place the arms at a very large distance from the body. As a result, it is possible to harm the rapid overwork of the shoulder muscles due to excessive energy expenditure. The rope should barely touch the floor surface so that the rhythm of the exercise does not slow down.

Correct jumping technique

It is helpful to land on your feet gently, with the forefoot resting on the floor and your heels not touching the floor. You should also not jump too high, since this absolutely does not affect the benefits and results of the exercise. It will be enough 1.5 - 2 cm of separation from the floor in order not to interfere with the rotation of the rope.

The sequence of actions when performing the exercises:

  1. First you need to stand up straight and throw the rope behind your back.
  2. Direct your gaze in front of you and slightly bend your arms at the elbows.
  3. Take the brushes at a distance of about 15 - 20 cm from the body.
  4. Start rotating the rope while jumping.

Slimming rope

In addition to valuable properties for working out the muscles of the body and improving the functioning of various systems of the body, jumping rope is of great benefit for the figure, helping to get rid of the harm of excess fat.

Spending even 10 - 15 minutes a day for training with a rope, in a month you can see the first results of your efforts! When performing jumping rope, all the main areas of the body that are problematic for weight loss are involved - legs, hips and buttocks.

Moreover, exercises with the participation of a rope have the useful property of significantly improving the lymph flow in the tissues, which helps to get rid of the harm of cellulite in a fairly short time. As a result of regular exercise, the buttocks can become tighter and the legs slimmer.

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How many calories are burned when jumping rope

This is the first question that everyone who wants to lose weight with a jump rope is interested in. On average, with a weight of 55 - 60 kilograms, about 700 - 750 calories are burned in one hour of exercise. The exact figure directly depends on the number of jumps per minute, the person's weight and the properties of his body. The more jumps a person makes, the more calories are spent in the body.

In the table, you can find more accurate data on the calories that go away with the rope:

How much do you need to jump rope to lose weight

If the main goal of the exercise is to lose weight and get rid of cellulite, jumping rope should be done regularly throughout the month. One-time sessions will not give anything but the harm of DOMS. The most beneficial properties will be shown by workouts conducted every other day, which will give the body the opportunity to rest.

You should be prepared that the next day after the first lesson, pain may appear in the muscles of the legs, in the area of ​​the press and buttocks. After a while, the body will get used to the load, and the pain will disappear.

It is best to start classes from 10 - 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the load to 30 - 40 minutes. For maximum calorie consumption, the load will need to be increased up to an hour, but for this you need to train the body well.

Slimming rope exercises

  • Classic jumping... To perform them, you need to rotate the rope, making parallel bouncing on toes. You also need to land on your toes, slightly bending your knees. One rotation of the rope should correspond to one jump.
  • Jumping with changing legs... The exercise is identical to regular jumps, the only difference is that with each jump it is necessary to replace one leg with the other, also bending them at the knees.
  • Double jump... This version of the exercise is considered more complicated, because in one rotation of the rope, you need to have time to complete two whole jumps. However, do not overestimate the pace too much: the body needs to restore breathing. Double jumping rope is especially beneficial for training the muscles of the legs and hips.
  • Jumping in different directions... After jumping up, you need to move to the right side; on the next jump - return to the starting position; on the third jump, move the body to the left, etc.
  • Bouncing back and forth... With each new jump, you need to move back and forth. Jumping on one leg is another effective and beneficial exercise for weight loss. For several minutes it is necessary to jump with a rope on one leg, alternately changing it with the other.

When the first results from classes appear

Experts believe that body fat begins to leave after half an hour of active jumps. It is important to note that a program developed individually will be useful, depending on what goals a person wants to achieve, what his weight and state of the body are.

The average training period after which you can see the "first victories" is one month. It is worth remembering that at first you do not need to increase the load too much, since you can cause serious harm to the body, which is not ready for such serious and long-term activities.

Why jumping rope is useful for children

Jumping rope is perceived by most children as fun entertainment. However, none of the kids knows how much benefit such a game has for their growing body.

Improving body coordination

Most of the muscles in the child's body are involved in jumping rope. These include both the shoulder girdle of the limbs and the gluteal, calf muscles. The beneficial properties of jumping will help a child develop harmony with his body and protect his health from an early age. Exercise also tends to strengthen the bone apparatus, which is especially important for a growing body.

Weight Loss

Jumping will be beneficial for children who are overweight. Despite the simplicity of exercise, the body expends a huge amount of energy to carry it out. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will help your baby quickly get in shape and get rid of extra pounds. Losing weight will be quick and effective, without harm to the body.

Improving the work of the cardiovascular system

Jumping is also beneficial for toddlers with heart problems. Through training, the heart of the child will become more resilient, since during exercise it pumps a large volume of blood, which has a beneficial effect on the physical condition of the body as a whole.

However, it is important to remember that before including jumping rope in the morning exercises of the baby, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist.

Formation of correct posture

One of the most useful properties of jumping rope is considered to be the correction of a curved spine, which is especially important for children. Due to the long sitting at the computer or school desk, the back takes on a high load, which entails harm to the spine. When performing jumps, the back is practically not strained, but the result from such exercises will be impressive.

Can a jump rope be harmful

The jump rope, like any other sports equipment, is directly related to the risk of injury. The most common injuries during jumping are sprains of the ankle joints or injuries associated with improper rotation of the projectile. To avoid stretching, you must land on your toes and forefoot rather than on your heels.

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Another danger of exercise can be muscle overstrain. Many people completely forget that it is necessary to increase the load gradually and begin their first workouts at a fast and intense pace. This can lead to pain and tremors in the muscles from overexertion, as well as problems with the respiratory system.

Contraindications to jumping rope

It is always important to take into account the fact that jumping rope is considered one of the most intense types of loads, therefore, when performing them, you must always be careful and know the contraindications.

The simplest prohibitions include activities after eating or drinking alcohol - in this case, exercise will harm the existing discomfort and lead to unpleasant consequences for the body.

It is also necessary to take into account the following cases that are contraindicated for training:

  • back problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • enlarged veins due to varicose veins;
  • sprains or injuries to the joints;
  • hypertension;
  • period of pregnancy and menstruation;
  • obesity above the second degree.

How to choose clothes and rope for exercise

  • Choosing a rope... The projectile must be selected based on the height of the person. To determine the ideal length for yourself, you need to stand with both feet in the middle of the rope and adjust its length so that its handles reach about the level of your chest or armpits.
  • Choice of clothes and shoes... The ideal option would be a tracksuit or clothing that will not cause discomfort or squeezing any part of your body, but it is best to choose lightweight shoes with thin, comfortable soles.


The benefits and harms of jumping rope continue to be actively studied by experts in the field of sports development. However, today the projectile can boast of many useful properties for the body: working out the main muscles of the body, improving the functioning of various body systems; with its help, the body burns a huge amount of calories. But it's also important to remember that such activities can increase the risk of injury, so it is important to be careful.

Reviews of doctors

Vitaly Sinitsin 46 years old, orthopedist
The jump rope is a great simulator that doesn’t have to spend a lot of money and time to use. I especially recommend it to children: jumping rope helps to correct the curved spine and correct bone growth. However, you should not actively abuse jumps after 30 - 35 years, as it threatens to harm the arthrosis of the knee joints. It is also very important to land correctly when jumping rope, because most injuries are associated precisely with a landing error. For those people with any pathology of the spine, I do not recommend practicing such training at all: for them, aerobics or yoga would be the best option.
Svetlana Ivanova 33 years old, therapist
I can't argue with the fact that jumping rope is beneficial for girls who want to lose weight. But very often young people come to me suffering from pain in the knee area and on the outside of the knee. One of the girls said that she jumped rope for 4 days in a row for half an hour, and now she is exhausted from pain in her legs so that no painkillers help. The thing is that with her intense training, she provoked the development of acute arthritis in herself. If you do not exercise properly, varicose veins or heart problems can develop. That is why it is very important to familiarize yourself with all contraindications before training and be sure to consult a specialist.

Feedback on the results of classes

Anna Vorotnikova, 24 years old, Ulan-Ude
Jumping rope is of great benefit for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, but for this you need to jump regularly for 15 minutes a day. To speed things up, it is also very important to adhere to an appropriate diet. And then success is guaranteed, verified!
Veronica Perechnaya, 36 years old, Krasnodar
Jumping rope will be of immense benefit to every woman who incorporates them into her workout. I discovered a rope for myself six months ago, and I still can't understand how I lived without it before. I weighed 79 kilograms with a height of 165 cm, and for a long time could not lose weight. But with the advent of the rope, all the fat on the hips and waist disappeared somewhere in just a couple of months! Words cannot convey the feeling when you work on yourself and see the result.
Olga Klimenko, 25 years old, Moscow
The jump rope is my only simulator for over a year. I even take her on business trips! Jumping rope for a month, I lost 7 kilograms. Just don't wait for lightning-fast results after a week. At first, I barely managed to do 400 - 500 jumps in several approaches - but now I calmly jump rope every day 5 thousand times. My body looks amazing, I feel one hundred percent. Thanks to the rope, I strengthened my muscles in a relatively short period of time, got rid of annoying cellulite and finally achieved a flat tummy!
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