Is prostate massage useful, technique

Every year the number of men experiencing certain problems with the prostate is growing. When this relatively small organ fails, it becomes the cause of many problems and interferes with enjoying life to the fullest. Massaging the prostate can help prevent abnormalities. But in order to understand its principle, you need to know what are the benefits and harms of prostate massage.

What is prostate massage and what is it for

This massage is a procedure for influencing the prostate directly through the anus or non-contact. It is used by many doctors in Russia and China in the treatment of various diseases of the male reproductive system, as well as in obtaining the secretion of the prostatic glands for medical needs. In addition, prostate massage is a fairly common sexual practice.

Who should perform the procedure

Prostate massage for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is usually performed by a urologist. However, since this process is quite delicate, many men choose not to seek medical help and do it at home. In general, this is quite possible with a reliable partner. However, at home prostate massage can often be dangerous, since the wrong procedure can cause a lot of harm to the body.

To avoid possible harmful effects, it is necessary to consult a specialist before the procedure itself. It is advisable to do this with a partner who will be giving the massage. The doctor will determine the presence or absence of contraindications and give the necessary recommendations for the procedure to be as pleasant and beneficial as possible.

Why is prostate massage useful?

The benefits of prostate massage for the health of men have been noted by supporters of traditional and traditional medicine for several decades. So, as a result of massaging:

  • there is an outflow of fluid from the prostatic glands, due to which the patency of the internal ducts is normalized;
  • improves blood circulation in the tissues of the prostate, which has a beneficial effect on the properties of the muscles of the gland;
  • along with the secretions of the prostatic glands, harmful bacteria are safely removed from the body.

As a result, men who regularly massage the prostate gland are much less susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, prostate massage is beneficial to sexual life, has the ability to increase potency and enhance libido. Stimulating the prostate can lead to longer and more powerful male orgasms and increase the duration of intercourse.

Types of prostate massage

There are several types of internal prostate massage:

  • manual;
  • hardware;
  • hydromassage.

Manual finger massage is the most common method of affecting the prostate.It takes a little time and brings a minimum of unusual sensations, however, the beneficial properties of this method produce the desired effect only with the correct technique.

The hardware method, in turn, requires special massagers. Today there is a wide range of devices designed for these purposes. Their properties may differ in the principle of operation and appearance, but, as a rule, they look like elongated products made of silicone or medical plastic with a vibrating element inside. Prostate massage with a massager can be no less beneficial than manual massage if the device is selected in accordance with the physiological characteristics of a man.

The essence hydromassage consists in the introduction into the rectum of the medicinal composition in liquid form using a special rubber can. Usually, the beneficial properties of chamomile decoction are used for this, but in some cases it is replaced with a solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate. Since rectal tissue communicates with prostate tissue, organ stimulation in this manner has beneficial effects similar to those described above.

In addition to massage, in which the effect occurs directly on the prostate, there are complexes of gymnastic exercises that have a positive effect on the prostate gland without harm to humans. In some cases, it is good to use the beneficial properties of indirect massaging of the organ through the groin area.

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Finger prostate massage technique

To massage the prostate gland bring as much benefit as possible, and the potential harm is minimal, you need to be able to perform it correctly. Moreover, attention should be paid not only to the technique of carrying out, but also to preparatory actions:

  1. The procedure must be carried out with a filled bladder in order to enhance the effect of massaging, therefore, the patient should drink 1 liter of water in 1 - 1.5 hours.
  2. For hygiene reasons, cover the prostate massage area with a clean cloth.
  3. The patient should first cleanse the intestines. In case of difficulty, you can use an enema.
  4. There should be at least 2 hours between the last meal and the start of the massage.
  5. The genitals must be washed and wiped thoroughly before carrying out the required manipulations.
  6. The hands of the person performing the massage should also be washed. It is better to cut the nails short, since harmful microorganisms tend to accumulate under the nail plates.
  7. It is necessary to perform massage actions only with medical gloves.
  8. Use petroleum jelly or lubricant to reduce discomfort.

After following all the recommendations, you can proceed directly to the massage.

Massage movements

Manual prostate massage is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Before starting the process, the patient lies on his side and bends his knees.
  2. After the patient has taken a comfortable position, the conducting massage inserts the index finger into the anus with the pad up to a depth of 5-6 cm and gropes for the prostate gland. Unlike smooth intestinal tissue, it is wrinkled to the touch.
  3. Massaging is carried out starting with circular stroking of the gland from the sides to the center. You can alternately massage the right and left parts of the organ.
  4. At the next stage, the pressure on the denser areas is gradually increased. At the same time, attention is paid to the patient's condition. The massage should never be painful.
  5. The process is completed with a gentle downward movement along the central groove of the gland. Then the finger is carefully removed from the anus.
Important! Immediately after the end of the massage, the patient should urinate in order to get rid of harmful microbes along with urine and glandular fluid.

Duration of prostate massage

The duration of one massage session should not exceed 1 - 2 minutes - this is enough to achieve a beneficial effect. As a rule, therapeutic massage includes a course of 10 - 15 procedures at the rate of 2 - 3 visits per week, and after each session, the patient's prostatic secretion is taken for analysis. If there is a similar need, the course is repeated after 3 weeks.

Important! Prostate massage is not a self-sufficient treatment method. In the absence of an integrated approach to the treatment of diseases, all the beneficial properties of the procedure will come to naught.

How to use a prostate massager

Massage of the prostate with a massage machine is also beneficial. Today, health care stores offer a wide range of products for both outdoor and indoor use. The latter are considered the most effective. They, in turn, are divided into 3 groups, depending on the principle of work:

  • thermal;
  • magnetic;
  • vibrating.
Important! External massage devices are used only for the prevention of ailments, but not for treatment.

Before buying a prostate massager, for your own benefit, it will not be superfluous to consult a urologist and undergo an examination. This is necessary in order to choose a product that is suitable in length and shape, because all men have an individual structure of the pelvic organs. The doctor will also help clarify the nuances of performing massage with such a device.

Advice! Preference should be given to products sold in pharmacies. Devices from erotic toy stores can be unreliable and cause harm to the body.

A vibrating massager will benefit the prostate if the product is prepared before the massage by following the following instructions:

  1. Treat the device with an antibacterial compound.
  2. Put on an ultrasound condom so as not to bring harmful bacteria into the body.
  3. Lubricate the product and the anal passage with pharmacy grease to avoid the appearance of microcracks.
  4. Insert the massager 5 centimeters deep into the rectum.
  5. Enable.

The algorithm for performing prostate massage with a massager is in many ways similar to that performed with fingers, but you still need to read the instructions first, since different models may have their own characteristics.

The first session should last no longer than 5 minutes. Subsequently, the massage time can be increased daily by 1 minute. After the procedure, the massager must be disinfected.

Important! Petroleum jelly and other fatty substances should not be used to lubricate massage products, as this will damage the structure of the device.

How to do prostate massage yourself

The above methods of massaging the prostate are direct, as they act directly on the organ. These manipulations can be carried out at home, but they all require the participation of an outside person, since it is extremely inconvenient to perform them alone. If you still need to do the massage yourself, a useful method would be to massage the prostate in a non-contact way:

  1. For this, hands are placed in the groin area just above the pubis. In this case, the palms should touch.
  2. First, with the middle and ring fingers, lightly press on the skin in the lower abdomen, then lightly squeeze it.
  3. Then the fingers are moved 3 to 4 centimeters to the right, without releasing the squeezed skin.
  4. The same is repeated for the left side.
  5. Then they move their hands 2 centimeters up, without stopping to press and stretch the skin in different directions.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until the navel is reached.
  7. Then the same is done, gradually descending back to the pubis.
  8. Perform similar actions on the sides.
  9. At the end of the process, they visit the toilet.
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Indirect prostate massage has no side effects and is suitable for daily use in the absence of medical contraindications.

Harm of prostate massage and consequences

For all its benefits, independent manipulation of the prostate gland can cause serious harm to the body. Improper performance of prostate massage can lead to a number of undesirable consequences, such as:

  1. Damage to the urethra. Rough exposure often becomes the cause of tissue micro-ruptures, which disrupt the structure of the urethra, while being poorly diagnosed due to its size. Against this background, problems with urination and intimate life may arise.
  2. Changes in the microflora of the pelvic organs. An imbalance in bacteria causes various infections that, if left untreated, can spread throughout the body. As a result, doctors often prescribe antibiotics to clients who require prostate massage.
  3. Edema of the prostate gland. Due to too harsh manipulations, the integrity of the mucous membranes of the gland is damaged, where harmful microbes penetrate, contributing to the occurrence of inflammation. This can lead to frequent toilet visits and severe pain when urinating.

Contraindications to the procedure

Although practiced by all the rules prostate massage is considered very beneficial, in some health conditions it is not allowed. So, it is contraindicated for people who have:

  • acute form of prostatitis and urethritis;
  • orchiepididymitis;
  • cooperite;
  • vesiculitis;
  • hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum;
  • stones and cysts of the prostate gland.

Also, massage will not benefit, but harm men with prostate adenoma or cancer.

Is external massage effective for prostatitis

Internal massaging of the prostate has proven useful as a remedy for many male diseases and has been used for many years in medicine, including for the treatment of prostatitis of varying severity, except for acute. At the same time, the external properties, although useful, are not as effective. Nevertheless, it can be very effective in the initial stages of the disease and prevent the development of other unpleasant ailments of the pelvic organs.


Although the benefits and harms of prostate massage are controversial between representatives of the American and European medical communities, this method is widely used in the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Subject to the necessary rules, the effect of this procedure will positively affect the well-being of men and prolong health for a long time.

Patient reviews

Anton Ignatievich, 48 years old, Novokuznetsk
Nobody argues about the benefits of massage for prostatitis. As for me, this procedure is unpleasant in itself, not like with a vibrating massager. Therefore, it is better that the doctor prescribes what pills to relieve symptoms.
Eduard Petrovich, 52 years old, Moscow
As it turned out, in the chronic form, the doctor must prescribe a massage. I do not know, I went through 10 sessions and nothing, I am alive, I do not feel defective. In general, I came across a doctor who was sensible in terms of prostatitis, and prescribed a competent treatment. So I feel fine for once.
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