Food supplement E551: impact on the human body

In the compositions of cosmetics, toothpaste, in some food products, in medical preparations, a chemical substance is found - silica. The additive belongs to the category of emulsifiers, but even exceeding the permissible norm does not have a negative effect. The effect of silicon dioxide on the human body has long been known. The consumer should know to which hazard class the E551 emulsifier belongs, in what quantity it is contained in popular products.

Factory-processed silica is a snow-white free-flowing powder
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What kind of additive is E551 (silicon dioxide)

Colorless crystals with high strength, refractory (melting point about 1600 degrees Celsius) and hard - in this form, manufacturers add silicon dioxide to various products during manufacture. The chemical compound E551 is written with the formula SiO2. Acidic oxide is a dielectric; under the action of high temperatures and pressure, silica is modified into other forms (into opal, coesite and stishovite, into quartz, into quartz glass).

The most common name for the substance is silicon dioxide, the product E551 belongs to the class of emulsifiers according to the code of the European digital system of food additives. But there are other names as well. Aerosil or colloidal dioxide is used in the medical field, silica is used in the food industry, silica gel is used in the production of cosmetic products, and silica is a manufactured product that is used in all industries.

Attention! Silicon does not occur in nature in its pure form, only as dioxide, which can be found in quartz, amethyst, opal and other semi-precious stones (morion, topaz, chalcedony, rock crystal).

In its natural form, this chemical compound E551 is used only in construction, as well as in glass production. For the food industry, silicon dioxide is synthesized to an amorphous state (high purity).

Rose quartz crystals in nature contain silicon particles

Silicon dioxide has the following properties:

  • white or bluish white fine powder;
  • insoluble in water or alcohol;
  • has no taste or smell;
  • thermostable;
  • solid and durable;
  • strongly pronounced adsorbing properties;
  • resistant to acidic environments.

At factories, silicon dioxide E551 is packaged in craft bags or in plastic bags. The emulsifier is approved for use in the food industry.

What is the anti-caking agent E551 made of?

The substance is made in quartz factories. For this, silicon is heated in an oxygen atmosphere; for such an oxidative reaction, a temperature of over 500 degrees is required. They also use the process of hydrolysis, for which special autoclaves are installed that maintain a temperature of about 1000 degrees.

Obtaining the emulsifier E551 is possible by the action of acids on sodium silicate. This artificial synthesis produces white soot - amorphous silicon dioxide, which can be used everywhere, including in the industrial sector.

In nature, it is possible to obtain silicon dioxide E551 at natural temperature and pressure. There are three types of such crystalline modifications - tridymite, quartz and cristobalide. At high temperatures, natural compounds stishovite and coesite are formed. Stishovite was first discovered in a meteorite crater in 1962, later scientists found out that the mineral lines a significant part of the mantle of our planet.

Attention! Silica powder must be highly refined. A quality product is produced by domestic factories and plants, one of the companies is located in Bryansk. The main foreign suppliers are factories in Belarus, France and Germany.

The benefits and harms of colloidal silicon dioxide

Scientists have studied a chemical compound known to the whole world and came to the conclusion that it does not harm the body when used correctly. Officially confirmed studies have proved that silicon dioxide E551 is completely excreted from the body, is not broken down or absorbed in the digestive system. The substance is not found in human blood and plasma, which means it does not harm.

According to unconfirmed reports, silicon oxide reduces the risks of Alzheimer's disease, has a positive effect on the body and vital processes. It is allowed to eat products containing silicon oxide during pregnancy and lactation.

In the twentieth century, one of the German physiologists worked on the study of the effects of silica E551 on the human body. Kuehne's studies proved that the chemical prevents the development of atherosclerosis and restores blood vessels.

Dangerous or not food additive E551

Silicon dioxide has a low hazard class. The substance is allowed to be used in the food industry in Russia and Western countries, white crystalline powder is not prohibited in the USA. The additive is completely removed from the human body, but it still has a certain danger. Workers in factories can be affected by white soot. The powder is dangerous to inhale, it can cause an attack of an allergic reaction up to the development of serious inflammation in the lungs. Otherwise, the silicon compound is only beneficial.

Silica molecule chemical compound represented schematically

Silicon dioxide applications

E551 substance is used in various fields of activity. Amorphous oxide is used as an emulsifier in the food industry. E551 is found on the labels of toothpastes, cosmetic and medical products. In its pure form, the additive is included in glass and other building elements. The silicone component is used in radio engineering, in the production of rubber, various refractory materials, fiber-optic cables, and abrasives.

Silicon dioxide in cosmetics

Excipient E551 as an emulsifier is added to cosmetic creams, emulsions, lotions and scrubs for various types of skin. There is a chemical compound called aerosil in face powder. The component helps to even out the skin surface, eliminates oily sheen, smoothes fine wrinkles, removes dead skin cells and cleanses the epidermis.

Silicon dioxide is most beneficial for teeth. The toothpastes contain E551, a safe abrasive with good whitening functions that will not harm the body if accidentally swallowed.

Silicon dioxide in the food industry

High purity excipient E551 is added to food products. White powder has a lot of useful functions:

  1. Silica protects bulk materials from the formation of unwanted lumps, from caking. E551 is a part of flour, spices, semolina, sugar, milk powder, egg powder, salt and similar additives, a small amount of silicon dioxide is added to coffee or cocoa.
  2. White soot stabilizes the acidity of alcoholic beverages and neutralizes alkaline compounds. Dioxide can be found in beer and is added to lighten the drink.
  3. In croutons, chips, salted nuts and other beer snacks, a high-quality emulsifier retains the aroma, emphasizes and enhances the taste of snacks.
  4. E 551 imparts a dense texture to processed cheese, preserves the structure of hard cheese, and also converts liquid into a free-flowing mass.
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Emulsifier E551 is often found in confectionery. It is used to treat the surfaces of various desserts in order to prevent sticking, extend the shelf life of the product, and prevent fragility.

Attention! The component does not have a harmful effect on the body, but the amount of E551 in food should not exceed 30g / kg.

Silicon dioxide in medicine

The substance is the basis of some popular medicines. Preparations containing silicon dioxide:

  1. Polysorb... It is used in case of body poisoning, removes poisons, removes pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.
  2. Florasil... The addition of such a drug to the human diet will help strengthen immunity, normalize metabolic processes in the body, and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  3. Silicea... Pharmaceutical drug that can eliminate the lack of silicon. It contains an easily digestible formula of a chemical element.

In pharmacies, colloidal silica is sold industrially obtained from silicon dioxide. Such a substance is called Aerosil, it is used for acute intestinal infections, for food and alcohol poisoning, during the period of allergic reactions, for endogenous intoxications and purulent-inflammatory infections of the skin. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment. Colloidal silicon dioxide is taken orally one hour before a meal. The drug is applied to wounds, closing with a dry pharmacy bandage. Sometimes doctors prescribe fractional flow washes, in which the pharmacy powder is diluted in an aqueous suspension.

The chemical stabilizes the emulsions and enhances their action. Preparations with silicon dioxide in the composition have anti-inflammatory properties, are well distributed over the skin surface, and do not cause allergic reactions.


The negative effect of silicon dioxide on the human body has not been officially confirmed. Therefore, the substance is a frequent ingredient in toothpastes, food products, medicines and cosmetics.

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