Food supplement E452i: benefits and harms, effects on the body

Many people think about the effects of dietary supplements. Most of them are unnecessary, they are harmful to the body. One of these substances is the food additive E452. In some countries it is strictly forbidden to use it. But in Russia, the preservative is not a banned one, because it prevents the appearance of mold on food.

What is the additive E452i

Food additive E452 belongs to the category of polyphosphates. They first learned about it at the end of the 19th century. German researchers studied the composition of many spoiled foods in which yeast cells developed their activity. At that time, people still did not really think about the need to produce food additives on a large scale. Therefore, no one paid due attention to the discovery of a new type of preservative.

Polyphosphates began to be used only in the middle of the twentieth century. The substance has shown that it has the properties of an emulsifier, stabilizer, color fixer. Moreover, it is used to degrease fibers, soften water and as a moisture-retaining component.

Polyphosphates resemble metal ion salts. They contribute to the regulation of the number of cations and take part in the formation of platelets. Blood clotting depends on this to some extent.

In production, a food additive is usually called:

  • sodium polyphosphate;
  • Graham's salt;
  • potassium polyphosphate;
  • salt of Currol;
  • sodium-calcium polyphosphate;
  • calcium polyphosphate;
  • ammonium polyphosphate.
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Food additive E452 is presented in the form of white crystalline powder. There is a slight ammonia smell. It dissolves well in water and acidified environment.

The food supplement is presented in the form of a powdery mass, in which granules or plates are present

What is the food additive E452 made of?

To obtain a preservative, phosphoric acid is combined with a metal. The components are heated, resulting in a dehydration process. Next, the substance is neutralized with ammonia.

The benefits and harms of sodium polyphosphate

Polyphosphates are used almost everywhere. A person regularly contacts with these components. All reactions take place at the cellular level. Therefore, manufacturers claim that the preservative is absolutely safe.

But experts are still arguing about the effect of the food additive E452 on the body. The thing is that in many countries it is strictly forbidden to use the stabilizer in the food industry. Although polyphosphates have a beneficial effect on blood clotting, it is this component that contributes to the accumulation of bad cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

There is one more disadvantage of the food additive - it is removed from the body for a long time. If you regularly consume foods containing a stabilizer, phosphates accumulate inside a person. They do not cause intoxication and allergic reactions, but they pose some harm, because the preservative is a carcinogen.

The substance has several names

Is the food additive E452i dangerous or not

Polyphosphates are allowed to be added to products that are produced in Ukraine, Russia and some European countries. But in the USA, Canada and Australia, the additive is strictly forbidden to be used in the food industry.

For a long time, experts have studied the effect of phosphoric acid and polyphosphates on the human body. And lately the results are disappointing. Excessive consumption of foods with additives leads to the rapid deposition of cholesterol in the vessels. As a result, blood circulation is impaired. The vessels become less elastic, and the internal organs and the brain receive less nutrition.

In addition, the food additive E452 is a carcinogen. And such substances inevitably lead to the development of problems with the work of the digestive tract and the growth of crustacean tumors. The body is gradually dehydrated, metabolic processes inside the cells are disrupted.

Often, children and adults, against the background of abuse of the E452 food additive, experience unpleasant symptoms in the form of diarrhea or prolonged constipation, bloating and increased gas production, and periodic nausea. In severe cases, there is repeated vomiting.

But everything is not as dangerous as it seems at first glance. If you do not exceed the norm, then the body will function fully. The norm is considered to be 70 mg of stabilizer per 1 kg of body weight. And it is not recommended to eat foods containing polyphosphates every day, but intermittently.

Although manufacturers have reported that the additive is harmless, care must be taken when using it.

Where and why is the food additive E452 added?

Polyphosphates can be found in many foods. Food additive E452 is added to the following products:

  • frozen fish and seafood;
  • fresh, dried and processed fruits and vegetables to give fiber density;
  • processed and hard cheeses for thermal stability;
  • bakery products based on yeast to feed them, improve product consistency and increase production in volume;
  • sausages to retain moisture and give the original color;
  • dairy products to create a uniform consistency;
  • canned fish and meat to slow down oxidation processes;
  • flavored soft drinks;
  • dry mixtures for athletes;
  • milk-based drinks.
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The use of food additive E452 allows you to improve the taste of the product, extend its shelf life and increase the volume.

Polyphosphates are actively used not only in the food industry, but also in the manufacture of refractory coatings. Preservative prevents the spread of fire.

Can be found in toothpastes. Manufacturers say that this substance will protect the enamel from acid damage, as well as prevent tooth decay and plaque build-up.

The food additive E452 is found in detergents - cleaning powders, gels, creams. The use of household chemicals makes the water softer, which means that the risk of scale formation is significantly reduced.

With the help of a stabilizer, metal parts are processed, thereby protecting them from corrosion.

Ammonium polyphosphate is used in photo printing, pharmaceutical and textile industries. There is a food additive E452 in the composition of fertilizers.


Food additive E452 has found wide application in the production of food products, pharmaceuticals and household chemicals. People are faced with polyphosphates on a daily basis, not knowing about their benefits and harms. It will not be possible to completely eliminate the effect of the stabilizer on the body, but it is possible to reduce the amount. To do this, you need to carefully study the composition of what is presented on the shelves.

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