
Nutrition for hair growth: diet for men and women
The beauty and density of the hairline depends on a properly selected diet. Eating a healthy diet helps prevent hair loss, dullness, and splitting. It is important to consume ...
Where is biotin found in foods the most?
Foods containing biotin can be found in almost all common dishes on the table. With a balanced diet, a sufficient amount of vitamin is supplied ...
What foods contain selenium and zinc
Foods rich in zinc and selenium are a must on the table as they affect many organs and functions in the body. Products with ...
Serotonin-rich foods: a list of sources of the hormone of joy
Serotonin is called the hormone of happiness, good mood and pleasure. It is this neurotransmitter that is responsible for positive thoughts and mood, ensuring normal life ...
What foods increase immunity in adult men, women and children
Products that increase immunity are very diverse - it is not difficult to add them to the diet. Eating healthy foods correctly can help ...
Products containing oxalic acid: list, table
Foods containing oxalic acid are essential for the healthy functioning of the body. But in some cases, it can be harmful, so it is important to know ...
Foods containing antioxidants: list of the best, table
Products containing antioxidants are beneficial for immunity and long-term preservation of youth. To properly formulate a diet, you need to figure out what these substances are, ...
What foods contain cobalt: list, table
Cobalt is one of the trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The need for this metal is small, but the lack also leads ...
Zucchini caviar: calorie content per 100 grams, composition, contraindications
The benefits and harms of squash caviar for the body depend on many points - the quality and freshness of the product, dosages of use. To evaluate...
What foods contain manganese: detailed list, table
The manganese food table helps you understand which food contains the most chemical element. The mineral is very important for health, and ...


the beauty
