Honey massage: indications and contraindications, video, photos before and after

The benefits and harms of honey massage are a topical issue for women who care about the condition of their own skin. You can find a variety of opinions regarding the procedure, so it is interesting to understand its real properties and understand when it will be valuable and when it will only hurt.

Why honey massage is useful

Honey massage stands out among the many varieties. It is customary to ascribe especially powerful health-improving and cosmetological properties to him. It is believed that it is honey that smoothes the skin most quickly, relieves inflammation and removes cellulite.

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Although honey massage does not perform miracles, most of the claims regarding the beneficial properties are true.

  1. The procedure has a peeling effect on the skin - honey absorbs all toxins from the skin surface and from the deep layers of the epidermis and allows them to be brought to the surface.
  2. The procedure creates a vacuum effect, since at first the masseur's hands firmly adhere to the body, and then abruptly come off. Short-term vacuum exposure has a positive effect on metabolic processes.
  3. Honey penetrates deep into the skin and saturates it with useful trace elements and vitamins. The processes of cellular renewal are accelerated, the skin becomes more elastic and acquires a healthy color.

Thus, the benefits of honey massage for the body is that it has a cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing effect. The procedure has hematopoietic properties, improves metabolism in tissues, helps to get rid of edema and excess fat deposits. With regular use, the skin becomes much smoother, softer and more silky.

Indications for the procedure

Honey massage is used both for cosmetic purposes and for the treatment of certain diseases. It is shown in particular:

  • with osteochondrosis or a tendency to joint diseases - this is the benefit of massage with honey on the back;
  • with diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs in mild stages;
  • with arthritis and arthrosis;
  • for cellulite and stretch marks on the skin, honey can massage is especially beneficial;
  • with poor immunity and a tendency to frequent colds, honey massage for coughs is useful;
  • with anxiety and depression, prolonged stress;
  • with intense mental stress and physical fatigue.

The procedure can be carried out as a preventive measure, it protects against viruses and infections, joint ailments and nervous disorders.

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What honey to choose for massage

There are quite a few varieties of honey.In theory, any type of product is beneficial, as long as it is natural and without chemical additives.

However, it is best to carry out the procedure using liquid honey collected from several melliferous plants. Linden, acacia, buckwheat and palium varieties are also great. They have many beneficial properties and are very easy to handle during the procedure.

Attention! Candied honey can still be used for massage purposes, it will have a scrubbing effect. If the consistency of the product does not allow for the procedure, the honey can be slightly melted in a water bath.

Types of honey massage

Since the procedure brings tremendous benefits to the body, it is used for a wide variety of areas of the body and for different purposes. It is customary to distinguish several main varieties.

Honey facial massage

The benefits of honey massage for the face are manifested simultaneously in the cosmetic and medical fields. The procedure is prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, nasal congestion, dental ailments. The beneficial properties of honey have a beneficial effect on the bones, blood vessels and muscles of the face.

Honey massage is also of great benefit to the skin - it regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and helps to remove dead cells of the epidermis. After the massage, the smoothness and elasticity of the skin increases, the pores are deeply cleansed. Honey massage is able to eliminate headaches and fatigue, improve mood and tone.

Important! The skin on the face is characterized by increased sensitivity, therefore, honey massage of the face against wrinkles is carried out for only 5 minutes and with very light, gentle movements.

Honey massage for cellulite

Honey is considered to be the most effective natural remedy for helping to eliminate the "orange peel" on the stomach and thighs. Anti-cellulite honey massage is performed with strong movements, in the process the deformed adipose tissue under the skin breaks up, and the outlines of the body become more attractive. In addition, honey helps to improve the metabolism in tissues, due to which excess fat stops accumulating in problem areas. Honey massage for thighs and buttocks is often combined with wraps, due to which the beneficial substances present in honey penetrate even deeper under the skin.

Recommended reading:  Anti-cellulite massage: effect, technique, photo and video

Slimming abdominal massage with honey

Many women experience difficulty in losing weight in the abdomen - extra pounds from this area leave very slowly and reluctantly. Honey massage of the abdomen and sides helps to speed up weight loss and enhance the effects of diet and exercise. Losing excess weight occurs due to the fact that during the procedure, adipose tissue is broken down and redistributed under the skin.

The benefits of honey massage for weight loss is also that it helps prevent sagging skin or tightens existing folds. The body becomes slim and elastic again, therefore the procedure is especially recommended for women who have recently given birth or for those who have lost significant weight in a short period of time.

Honey back massage

The procedure is an excellent remedy for back pain of a joint or muscular nature. The benefits of honey massage for the back is that it relaxes muscles, restores energy and vigor, and has a beneficial effect on joints in cases of sciatica, arthritis and osteochondrosis.

Attention! Since in some situations and with exacerbations, honey massage for the back can be harmful, before using it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Preparation for the procedure

Before performing honey massage, you need to prepare for this procedure.

  1. If it comes to massage the back, abdomen, thighs or any other part of the body, you must take a shower.Warm water will not only remove all impurities from the skin, but will also contribute to the maximum opening of pores and accelerate blood circulation. Thus, the beneficial substances present in honey will penetrate deeper into the tissues and spread faster through the internal organs along with the bloodstream.
  2. A cleanly washed body must be gently patted dry with a towel. The massage is carried out only on completely dry skin, in this case honey can fully adhere to its surface.
  3. Before starting the massage, it is recommended to lightly rub the body with palms or a towel in order to further prepare for the procedure and accelerate blood circulation.
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Before performing a facial massage, you also need to wash yourself thoroughly, remove all cosmetics and treat the skin with a soft homemade scrub. It doesn't hurt to steam your face a little over a container of hot water to open up your pores.

Aromatic oils and special creams are not used during the honey massage. They impair the adhesion of honey to the surface of the skin, so it is better to leave them for other types of massage procedures.

Technique for performing honey massage

After the preparation, you can go directly to the procedure. It is quite simple to carry it out at home, although in some cases, for example, a back massage will require a person who will take on the role of a massage therapist.

The massage itself consists of several stages.

  1. A thin layer of honey is distributed over the entire area for which you need to massage. In this case, honey can be at room temperature or slightly warmed, but not higher than 40 ° C, otherwise its beneficial properties will disappear.
  2. With even circular motions, honey is carefully rubbed into the surface of the skin. After some time, it will become so sticky that it will become impossible to make sliding movements further.
  3. At this stage, it is necessary to move on to vertical massage movements. The hands of the masseur are placed on the surface of the skin with relaxed palms, and then pulled up. With anti-cellulite massage, movements should be as sharp as possible; in other cases, their intensity can be determined individually by sensations.

When massaging the abdomen, buttocks and thighs at the end of the procedure, it will be useful to wrap the body with cling film without washing off the honey, and lie quietly for half an hour under a blanket or blanket. Thanks to the sauna effect, the valuable properties of honey will penetrate deeper into the pores, and the result of the procedure will be more noticeable.

The final stage of the procedure

At the end of the session, it is recommended not to wash off the honey immediately, but to alternately treat the body with cold and hot compresses to increase blood flow. First, a cold compress is applied to the selected areas of the body, then a hot one, then the skin is wiped dry and covered with a warm blanket for half an hour.

After that, you need to take a warm shower in order to finally wash off the remaining honey, without the use of hygiene products and the most soft washcloth. Wipe the skin with a towel and apply a nourishing cream with a natural composition.

Then you need to spend at least an hour in a calm position. Drinking a cup of green tea with honey or just a glass of warm water is helpful. It is necessary to restore the balance of fluid in the body so as not to get harm.

Duration of honey massage

The duration of the procedure depends on the purpose of the massage, on the sensitivity of the skin and on the type of honey chosen. On average, a session lasts about 20 minutes, after which the honey thickens too much, and the massage movements begin to cause real discomfort and even pain. If such unpleasant sensations appear, the procedure should be completed immediately, otherwise its properties will be harmful.

How often can honey massage be done?

The benefits and harms of massage with honey depend on the frequency. Since even competent and accurate honey massage is potentially traumatic for the skin, it cannot be performed daily.It is recommended to do the procedure every other day, and the whole course should consist of 10-19 procedures.

The break between courses should be at least 2 months, after this time, the procedure can be started anew.

Mix for honey massage with various additives

The effect of honey massage is very pronounced even without the use of third-party additives. And the use of aromatic oils and creams is strictly not recommended, since this worsens the adhesion of the product to the skin. However, it is allowed to add light essential oils or natural ingredients to honey that enhance its beneficial properties.

Honey massage with essential oils

Fruit, vegetable and citrus essential oils contribute to deeper nourishment and saturation of the skin with useful substances. In addition, the pleasant scent of the oils has a calming and relaxing effect, allowing you to truly enjoy the massage procedure.

Usually, during the massage, several esters are mixed in different proportions. For instance:

  • a drop of geranium oil is added to a drop of juniper oil, and then mixed with a couple of drops of grapefruit, orange or lemon oil;
  • a couple of drops combine eucalyptus, orange and lavender oils;
  • drop by drop mix juniper, lemon, orange and lavender oils;
  • a couple of drops are mixed with lavender, lemon and mint oils;
  • 3 drops each combine orange and lemon oils.

A prepared mixture of several esters is added to honey - 2-3 large spoons for a volume.

Honey massage with coffee

Natural freshly ground coffee is perfectly combined with honey, it enhances the beneficial properties of the procedure. Coffee contains a lot of valuable elements that nourish and smooth the skin, and it also contains antioxidants that slow down the aging of epidermal cells.

The proportions for the massage mixture will be as follows - 3 large spoons of ground coffee to 6 large spoons of honey. The mass must be thoroughly mixed so that it becomes completely homogeneous.

Honey massage with milk

The valuable substances in the composition of honey and milk are perfectly combined with each other and make the massage mixture truly healing. A procedure with such a mixture is especially useful for sagging skin and cellulite, its rejuvenating and cleansing properties are highly valued.

It is customary to mix milk and honey in the proportion of 100 ml of milk to 4 large spoons of honey. The mass is stirred so that the milk evenly penetrates the structure of the honey, and the massage mixture is of the desired consistency - thick enough to be applied to the body.

Common mistakes when conducting honey massage

The technique of the procedure is quite simple and does not cause severe problems when done at home. However, there are common mistakes that can reduce the effectiveness of honey massage or even harm it. It is better to familiarize yourself with the list of such errors in advance.

  • Too much honey. Even for a sufficiently voluminous area of ​​the body, a few spoons of honey will be enough. It must be applied in a thin layer, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired peeling effect. Accordingly, the cleansing action will be in doubt. Plus, too much honey on the skin can lead to an allergic reaction that can be harmful.
  • Neglecting preparation. Due to lack of time, many women decide to do without taking a shower and steaming the body, which negatively affects the properties of the procedure. The beneficial substances present in honey simply cannot penetrate deep into the epidermis through polluted pores.
  • Massage in a stuffy room. The procedure must be performed at a temperature no higher than 23-25 ​​° C, if the room is too hot, the harm will manifest itself in the fact that sweat clogs the pores and does not allow honey to be properly absorbed into the skin.
  • A rare event. The results of honey massage will appear during coursework, if you do massage 1-2 times a month with long breaks, then there will be no real benefit.

Immediately after the procedure, it is not recommended to wash with soap and other hygiene products. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer and prevent it from drying out in the near future.

The harm of honey massage and contraindications

The health benefits of honey massage will be undeniable for most people. But in some cases, it can be harmful. Too strong and abrupt movements during the procedure can be noticeably painful and even leave bruises on the skin. Small bruises are considered normal after the first session. But if the situation repeats, then it is necessary to reduce the intensity of movements during homework or change the masseur if the procedure is performed in the salon.

The cause of bruising can be not only sharp traumatic movements "to tear", but also the location of the vessels too close to the skin surface. In the latter case, it is better to refuse the procedure - its properties can aggravate existing problems with blood vessels and cause severe harm.

There are several contraindications for the procedure:

  • varicose veins and rosacea;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • the presence of burns, open wounds and dermatological inflammations on the skin;
  • the presence of an elevated temperature;
  • suffered in the last six months a heart attack or stroke;
  • recent fractures in recovery.

Of course, the procedure will bring harm if you are allergic to honey. To find out its presence or absence, you need to apply the product to a small area of ​​the skin, hold it for a quarter of an hour and see if itching and redness appear.

The procedure can be applied while carrying a child only with the permission of a doctor. In any case, the movements during the massage should be very soft and painless. During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to process the area of ​​the abdomen, chest and skin over the lymph nodes.

Honey massage for children can be used from 2 years old, but it is advisable to carry out the procedure only if necessary, for coughs and colds. Kneading and stroking movements are not used, they will cause harm. It is only allowed to lightly pat the baby's skin with your fingertips.

Attention! Since the child's body is characterized by increased fragility, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician about the advisability of the procedure.


The benefits and harms of honey massage are determined by how correctly it is performed. If there are no absolute contraindications to use, then the procedure will have a firming effect, significantly improve the condition of the skin and help to get rid of excess weight.


Yartseva Olga Nikolaevna, 33 years old, St. Petersburg
I was skeptical about home massage until I tried honey massage for cellulite. Surprisingly, in just a month, it really helped to significantly reduce the "orange peel". Then I started doing honey facial massage, and after a couple of weeks I noticed that the skin became smoother, the first wrinkles were gone.
Afanasyeva Irina Petrovna, 37 years old, Omsk
I first became interested in the procedure about three years ago when I saw a photo before and after a honey massage. I wanted to check whether the procedure is really so effective and it turned out that the massage with honey really deserves all the praise. I regularly do honey massage of the abdomen, thanks to it, I maintain my slimness and attractiveness.
Stepanova Anna Sergeevna, 27 years old, Kazan
Every six months I carry out a honey massage at home as a prevention of cellulite, and so far the problem has been solved in the early stages. I can also confirm that honey massage for weight loss perfectly complements the diet. Not only does it help you lose extra pounds, it also prevents your skin from sagging.

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