Silver fox fur turned yellow: how to clean at home

It is quite possible to clean the silver fox fur at home; it is not necessary to dry-clean the fur thing. But, so that cleaning does not damage, you need to know the proven methods of carrying out the procedure.

Is it possible to wash silver fox fur

When worn for a long time, beautiful natural fur can lose its original color and turn yellow. Yellowness appears from frequent wetting in rain and snow, from exposure to sunlight, insufficient ventilation and ordinary mechanical pollution.

In most cases, it is quite possible to return an attractive appearance to the product even at home. But it is categorically not recommended to wash your hat or collar either in a typewriter or in a basin. Strong wetting causes harm to fur products, the original color may return to the thing, but it will lose its shine, fade and begin to crumble.

You cannot wash your fur collar, but you can clean it at home

You can clean the silver fox only in gentle ways, mostly dry. Slightly wetting contaminated areas at home is also allowed, but exposure to moisture should be moderate and short-lived.

How to refresh silver fox fur in folk ways

Many household products help to restore freshness and beautiful color to the product. If you try to clean a thing that has recently turned yellow, then you can do without special chemicals.

How to clean the fur of a silver fox from yellowness with ammonia

Ammonia, or ammonia, is an effective remedy for removing complex contaminants. You can clean a natural fur thing with ammonia if you prepare the following solution:

  • mix a large spoonful of hydrogen peroxide with a small spoonful of ammonia;
  • dilute in 400 ml of water;
  • mix.

In the resulting liquid, moisten a clean cotton pad, and then gently wipe the yellow areas. The movements should not be too strong, otherwise the product may be damaged. After cleaning at home, the thing needs to be combed so that it does not stick together or fall off, and then dry it naturally at room temperature.

Liquid ammonia returns color well
Important! Since ammonia is a rather strong remedy, before processing a fur thing, it is worth testing the solution, applying it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the silver fox collar.

How to clean a silver fox with soapy water

If the product does not turn yellow too much, then you can clean the silver fox's hat with plain soapy water. It is allowed to take not only household soap, but also liquid soap, as well as mild shampoo. Prepare the solution like this:

  • the product is diluted in water;
  • stir until a light foam is obtained;
  • then moisten a cotton pad or gauze in the solution;
  • silver fox are processed several times.

The remains of the solution are removed with a clean cotton pad, and then the collar or hat is hung to dry, after combing it with a fine comb.

To eliminate slight yellowness on the collar, a soap solution is suitable

To enhance the effect of the soap solution, starch can be used simultaneously with it. In this case, the thing is first sprinkled with powder, and only then treated with soap.

Advice! To clean the silver fox, you should not use washing powder, its composition is too aggressive, and after such processing, the thing may lose its shine.

How to clean silver fox fur with gasoline

You can clean the silver fox at home with refined gasoline, this tool helps to remove not only yellowness, but also greasy spots, which are considered especially persistent.

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The procedure looks like this:

  • gauze or a clean cloth is moistened in gasoline;
  • rub the fur against the pile, if it is short;
  • processed in the direction of the pile, if it is long.

For particularly difficult stains, starch can be used first. The powder is scattered over the clothes, wiped off the nap with gasoline, and after that the product is dried and the starch residues are combed out or shaken out.

Gasoline is a powerful tool for cleaning fur items

Treating the fur with refined gasoline at home will help against most dirt and yellowness. You just need to take into account that the acrid gasoline smell is very well absorbed into the product. Cleaning is carried out in the fresh air or in a room with good ventilation, the item is also dried in a well-ventilated place.

How to clean a silver fox at home with alcohol

You can clean fur pile at home with strong medical alcohol, it also dissolves yellowness and dirt well. A clean sponge is moistened in an alcohol solution and the pile is treated with light movements several times, first in the direction of the pile, and then in the opposite direction. Then the cleaned areas are combed and the villi are straightened, after which the fur product is dried.

If, after cleaning at home, the silver fox has become tough, then you can additionally treat the pile with a care product containing glycerin. The yellowness will not return from this, and the thing will again acquire softness and shine.

You can remove yellowness from a fur collar with alcohol

How to clean a silver fox collar with lemon juice

A good home remedy for bleaching is lemon juice. It copes well with light yellowness, and they use it like this:

  • diluted with water in an equal volume to reduce the concentration;
  • distribute over yellowed areas;
  • leave for 10 minutes, and then comb and dry at room temperature.

The good thing about lemon juice is that it not only helps to remove yellowness, but also keeps the shine of the fur product. After using the product, the collar, hat or fur coat will not start to look tarnished.

Lemon juice diluted with water will cope with yellow fur

How to wash silver fox fur with starch and flour

You can clean the silver fox collar from yellowness not only using liquid solutions, but also dry. At home, potato starch and ordinary flour are used for this, and they are used as follows:

  • a collar or other product is straightened on a flat surface and the pile is smoothed;
  • abundantly sprinkle the yellowed pile with flour or starch;
  • with gentle movements, they begin to rub the fur product, as in washing, only without using moisture.

Dry "washing" at home is continued for about 7 minutes, and then the collar is left for several hours, so that the starch or flour can properly absorb the dirt. After that, the pile is shaken out and thoroughly combed to remove residual flour or starch.

You can clean the silver fox collar with a dry method, for example, with flour
Attention! It is best to clean things in this way, on which yellowness has appeared recently. The dry method is also optimal for a worn silver fox, since excess moisture is dangerous for it.

How to clean silver fox fur at home with specialized products

With strong yellowness, treatment with folk remedies may not bring results. In this case, it makes sense to clean the silver fox fur collar with specialized preparations designed specifically for fur care:

  1. Aerosol Salamander... The product has a toning effect and helps to restore the original color of yellowed fur at home, and also gives it shine. It is necessary to use an aerosol with good ventilation, since its composition is toxic, and the smell is quite pungent.
    Salamander - professional spray for the care of fur things
  2. Aerosol Biofur... A care and prophylaxis product specially developed for taking care of fur clothes. The aerosol gently acts on the pile, removes dirt and helps to clean yellowness, and also restores the structure of the fur.
    Biofur aerosol - an effective means for cleaning fur
  3. Insaf spray... The drug helps to clean up light yellowness, but it is best used for preventive treatment. The product is sprayed over the straightened fur and continues to comb it during the procedure so that the hairs do not stick together.
    Insaf is suitable for cleaning and preventive maintenance of natural furs
  4. Lival licker konz... A universal product designed to restore color and remove dirt at home on fur, leather and fabric items. If you clean the silver fox with this preparation, then it will not only get rid of yellowness, but also become softer and silky.
    Lival Licker Konz is a universal preparation for textiles, leather and fur

Specialized products in comparison with household products have a more aggressive composition. However, you can clean the silver fox with them without any fear, it is only important to follow the instructions and not inhale chemical aerosol vapors.

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How to care for silver fox fur

The need to clean a fur thing will occur less often if you follow the basic rules for caring for the product:

  1. Silver fox must be protected from interaction with moisture. Rain and wet snow harm natural fur, it turns yellow much faster from excessive dampness. If the collar or hat gets wet, they must be dried in a warm room, having previously straightened with a brush or comb.
  2. When storing a hat or collar in a closet, make sure that they lie loose enough. If a fur product is in close contact with other things, it will quickly turn yellow and tarnish.
  3. The hat or collar must be regularly shaken and dust-free using dry methods at home. If dirt accumulates on a fur product, then over time the thing darkens and becomes more difficult to clean.
  4. Products made from natural fur must be protected from moths and other parasites, but it is better not to apply protective compounds directly to the fur. It is better to use plates that can be placed next to the item.
Moisture is dangerous for fur things, it provokes yellowness

When drying fur products after accidentally getting wet or damp cleaning, do not use a hair dryer or place the item next to the battery. Thermal exposure harms the silver fox, it should dry only at moderate temperatures. For the same reason, it is recommended to clean fur at home, without taking it to dry cleaning.


There are different ways to clean silver fox fur at home. Both household and specialized products help to cope with yellowness, the choice depends only on personal capabilities and the degree of pollution.

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