Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova: benefit and harm, video, reviews

The benefits and harms of breathing according to Strelnikova have been controversial for several years. People who know about its properties are divided into two camps. Those who are sure that Strelnikova's gymnastics is only harmful, and those who believe that such breathing is one benefit. But the main thing is to follow the recommendations, take into account contraindications.

The history of the creation of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Respiratory exercises were invented by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova. The method was recognized by the system in 1973. Alexandra Nikolaevna was a singer in the opera. After losing her voice, she improved her mother's system for treating asthma.

As a result, together they created breathing exercises that affect various functions of the human body. With the help of the properties of gymnastics, more diseases and ailments are treated. The system is unlike other breathing exercises, because Alexandra Nikolaevna has developed unique methods, not taking any of the existing gymnastics as a basis. Therefore, its properties are called paradoxical, they contradict the generally accepted rules of breathing, bringing benefits without causing harm.

How is Strelnikova's breathing exercises useful?

In treatment without drugs, using the beneficial properties of Strelnikova's respiratory system, they get rid of problems in different areas.

  1. Neuroses of various origins.
  2. Skin diseases.
  3. Gastrointestinal problems, obesity.
  4. Stuttering, including not caused by nervous disorders.
  5. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  6. Respiratory system diseases.
  7. Sexual disorders.
  8. Helps to quit smoking.

Strelnikova breathing will cure female infertility, but the problem may be insoluble. If the properties of gymnastics do not help with this disease, they will benefit the psyche. There will be no harm in this case.

Important! To fight a disease in a severe, acute form, they begin with drugs, alleviating the condition. Then it is recommended to move on to Strelnikova's gymnastics.

Indications for the technique

The benefits of breathing exercises Strelnikova - the effect of its properties on the body, treating diseases that are poorly amenable to drug treatment. Alexandra Nikolaevna's technique is prescribed for problems:

  • bronchi, lungs, upper respiratory tract (pneumonia, asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media and the like);
  • cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, rheumatism, migraine, anemia, leukemia and others);
  • gastrointestinal tract (hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, gastritis, constipation and the like);
  • musculoskeletal system (hernia, radiculitis, scoliosis, arthrosis, etc.);
  • skin (psoriasis, diathesis, eczema and others);
  • nervous system, including alcoholism, substance abuse and smoking;
  • endocrine system (diabetes, obesity, mastopathy, etc.);
  • liver and kidney disease, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, and polycystic kidney disease.

For problems with voice, speech, including stuttering, singing nodules or aphonia, Strelnikova's gymnastics is also recommended.

Important! When the goal is to get maximum benefit, you should find specialists in gymnast Strelnikova in the city, sign up for classes with a professional.

The properties of the respiratory system according to Strelnikova are effective for cleaning blood vessels. For people with problems of the circulatory system, this is a real find, Strelnikova's gymnastics helps to avoid surgery. The harm in this case is from improper execution.

Exercise principles

There will be an effect from gymnastics when Strelnikova's breathing exercises are performed, guided by the general rules.

  1. Intense breaths are the basis of the system. Exhalation occurs spontaneously, without human intervention.
  2. Performing Strelnikova's gymnastics, exhalations are not counted.
  3. There should be three breaths in two seconds, no less.
  4. Together with the inclinations, the tension of the chest muscles, there is not exhalation, as is customary in other systems, but inhalation.

Gymnastics is based on these principles. In yoga, they exhale during bends, squeezes, inhale while relaxing, straightening, in Strelnikova's gymnastics, even similar exercises are done the other way around. And the benefit in all cases exceeds the probable harm.

Important! Violation of the rhythm of breathing will destroy the meaning of Strelnikova's gymnastics, the benefits of its properties will disappear. When there are some difficulties with this, even under the supervision of an instructor, it is more useful to do yoga, qi-gong, exercise therapy.

Video breathing lessons according to Strelnikova will facilitate classes. All the techniques are clearly demonstrated there, the instructor comments on each step of Strelnikova's gymnastics.

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Breathing exercises Strelnikova in pictures

The basic complex of Strelnikova's gymnastics includes universal exercises that are beneficial in any case.

Hug ourselves

Standing straight, elbows bend when the arms are raised to the shoulders. A movement is made, as with an embrace, a sharp breath. The arms remain in the same position, the head is slightly tilted back. On inhalation - return to the starting position.


With their feet shoulder-width apart, inhale through the nose and bend over. Rising, arms crossed. Then they straighten up, taking the original position. In the process - exhale through the mouth.

Turn your head

Standing, turn their head to the right, deep breath... Exhaling, turn to the left. Then they return to the center, repeat in reverse order. Doing in a different order is not advised.


Inhaling, the head, without sudden movements, is pulled to the left shoulder, while exhaling, it is raised. Then they repeat the opposite. Starting on the right side, not on the left, is not harmful, but useless.


Standing straight, raise your right leg, bend your knee. The toe is pulled down. The left leg is slightly turned around, sitting down while inhaling. Exhaling change legs.

The second option is more difficult. Standing straight, the right leg is brought behind the back, trying to slap on the buttocks. On the left leg, they squat while inhaling. Exhaling, return to the starting position. Change legs, repeat from the beginning. In Strelnikova's gymnastics "Steps" is the most difficult, but useful part. The harm of "Steps" is the load on the joints, the likelihood of dislocation.

Respiratory gymnastics for stuttering

There are many ways to cope with stuttering, one is to read poetry aloud. The second, more productive one is Strelnikova's gymnastics. It is recommended to add specific combinations of sounds to regular exercises:

  • performing the "Pump" when bending over the exhale, pronounce vowels;
  • during the rest of the exercises, when there is a skill, they add combinations of consonants, syllables ri, re, ra and ru, fours;
  • when this is obtained, combinations of consonants with and, y, e, a, fours are added, for example, rir, rur, pep, rar or shisch, schusch, shchesh, shchash, in any order and in any quantity.

It is useful to inhale with an inclination, holding your breath for eight seconds, in addition to the main complex.

Important! Together with gymnastics, visiting a psychologist, stuttering is treated faster and more reliably.The benefits of stuttering from the properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics are both mental and physical, but speech problems are associated with internal, non-physical problems, they cannot be solved with one breath.

Strelnikova's gymnastics with bronchial asthma

The properties of Alexandra Nikolaevna's technique helps with asthma, is a good prophylactic agent. Before starting classes, they consult with a therapist.

Make a basic set. The emphasis is on "Pump", "Turn your head", "Hug yourself." It is necessary to follow the following recommendations of specialists:

  • all exercises are performed sequentially, without exceeding the load established by the doctor, if it is necessary to increase, this is done gradually;
  • classes are done regularly, without skipping, except when health does not allow;
  • the technique of execution is strictly observed - a sharp full breath, free exhalation, non-fulfillment will not bring harm, but also benefit.

Some of the asthma patients after Strelnikova's gymnastics course no longer need medications, others are reducing the use of inhalers. The potential harm from the side effects of drugs and their properties is reduced. Exercise is done during seizures and is beneficial.

Strelnikova's exercises for rhinitis and sinusitis

With sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, breathing according to Strelnikova does not stop, but the practice is corrected, focusing on the current problem. The properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics eliminate the causes of the common cold. A basic set of exercises is used.

  1. "Ladoshki"... Sit down or stand up straight. Hands are lowered, palms are directed forward. Inhale - clench a fist, exhale - unclench. The emphasis is always on inhaling, clenching fists.
  2. "Epaulets" can be performed either standing or sitting, the main thing is to straighten your back. Hands are pressed at the waist, fists clenched while inhaling. On exhalation, they lower it, straining their shoulders, and spread their fingers.
  3. "Pump"... Straightening your back, lower your arms, put your legs together. Exhale, arch the back up, bending forward. On inhalation, they slowly take their original position.
  4. "Eights" performed standing, inclinations with inhalation and a delay of 8 seconds. When you exhale, they straighten to the starting position.
  5. "Cat" performed only while standing. From this position, while inhaling, they squat down, turning the body to the left. The arms are kept bent at the elbows, with clenched fists. Do it sequentially, then left, then right.
  6. "Big pendulum"... On inhalation, they lean forward a little, on exhalation they lean back.
  7. "Grasp your shoulders" do while standing. Bent arms are raised to the shoulders. On a sharp breath, the hands are brought together, as if in an embrace. On exhalation - dilute as wide as possible.
Important! Properties of gymnastics Strelnikova is suitable for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. In case of severe attacks, measures are taken in advance, otherwise there will be no benefit.

Weight loss with Strelnikova

A way to lose weight without harming health, physical, mental - Strelnikova gymnastics. They lose weight due to the specific effect of its properties on the body.

  1. Exercise keeps hunger within normal limits.
  2. Strelnikova's gymnastics normalizes digestion.
  3. Fat cells are broken down more actively.
  4. Metabolic disorders are eliminated.
  5. Thanks to Strelnikova's gymnastics, nerves are strengthened, a surge of vivacity and strength arises.
Important! It is not worth waiting for weight loss by five sizes at once in a week. When the cause of excess weight is not overeating, a passive lifestyle, it may take time to eliminate.

Possible harm and contraindications

Breathing according to the Strelnikova method has a number of contraindications. Do not practice with:

  • severe myopia, glaucoma;
  • bleeding;
  • concussion, spinal injury;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • temperature above normal;
  • eye, intracranial pressure higher than usual;
  • stones in the gallbladder, kidneys;
  • severe disorders of the internal organs.
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When you have one of the items on the list, classes will harm your health, the condition will worsen. With hypertension, Strelnikova's breathing exercises are performed under the supervision of a doctor.

When Strelnikova's system is trained with an instructor, there is one contraindication - bleeding. Supervised activities are safer than private homes. Individual sets of exercises are selected, monitor the condition, experts will help with any problem. The properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics, if performed correctly, do not harm.

Important! Consultation with a therapist is useful when there is no information about the presence or absence of problems from the list. You can check it out when it got worse when doing Strelnikova's gymnastics.


The benefits and harms of breathing according to Strelnikova have been studied by doctors. The properties of Alexandra Nikolaevna's technique are useful in the treatment of everything. The main thing is to do Strelnikova's gymnastics correctly, if there are contraindications, be careful. Regular exercise will save your health. The properties of gymnastics, if performed correctly, will not bring harm. Exceptionally useful.

Opinion and reviews of doctors

Therapists believe that the properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics have proven effective, despite the novelty. Some do not agree that internal bleeding is a contraindication. Doctors advise expanding the list when doing self-study. In one thing, experts agree - the properties of Strelnikova's gymnastics do not harm, there will be more benefits under any combination of circumstances.

ND Egorkina (candidate of medical sciences, physiotherapist of the highest category), says that she was personally acquainted with Alexandra Nikolaevna, collaborated, watched the work. According to Yegorkina's experience, regular classes bring results in two weeks. The doctor uses the properties of breathing exercises Strelnikova in the treatment of pneumonia and tuberculosis. The physical therapist has no doubts about the absence of harm.

Doctor of Medical Sciences M.I. Anokhin agrees with Egorkina. He notes that due to the specificity, the properties of the set of exercises are especially useful for children and do not bring harm, like other methods. From an early age, the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system is carried out, immunity improves. An adult who has been doing gymnastics since childhood does not suffer from most of the diseases treated by Strelnikova's gymnastics. The benefits of its properties, in his opinion, are obvious.

Reviews of people

Ignatova Inga Valerievna, 50 years old, Yakutsk
I used Strelnikova's gymnastics when she cured a cold. The result is pleasing. Two weeks of correct gymnastics - the runny nose has passed. I used to wear handkerchiefs all the time. Now for a year I do not remember the illness. The benefits are obvious.
Volkov Oleg Sidorovich, 30 years old, St. Petersburg
Strelnikova took up gymnastics out of curiosity. I heard that the body is recovering. I started to study. It became easier to breathe, the body tightened, health improved after a year. I still don't go in for sports, but not because of my health, because of stupidity I broke my leg. I plan to recover along Strelnikova. Then I'll start running and try the simulators.
Sannichkina Elvira Sergeevna, 25 years old, Tyumen
She took up Strelnikova's gymnastics, wanting to lose weight. The method did not inspire confidence, but the result appeared - I began to work harder. For six months I lost as much as I planned. I recommend the method.
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