What are the benefits of dry carbon dioxide baths

About the useful properties of CO2 and not everyone knows the benefits of dry carbon dioxide baths. The unusual name raises the question, what are the benefits and harms of dry carbon dioxide baths? The opinion that carbon dioxide is harmful to the body and cannot be useful is wrong. In cosmetology and medicine, the beneficial properties of carbon dioxide for health have long been used. To learn about the benefits and dangers of dry baths, you need to understand the topic in detail.

What are dry carbon dioxide baths

The purpose of dry baths is to heal the body and all its systems using the beneficial properties of carbon dioxide. The method has been widely used in the practice of medical institutions, sanatoriums, resorts since the 2nd half of the twentieth century. The demand for the procedure is explained by the beneficial properties of gas to influence the gentle effect on the skin, as well as the low cost and simplicity of the procedure.

Warning! For maximum benefit, the procedure should be carried out with the body as open as possible in order to ensure free access of gas to the skin.

The principle of action of dry carbon dioxide baths

Penetrating properties of CO2 provide easy and rapid flow through the pores into the blood, where it dissolves in the plasma liquid and affects not only large arteries and veins, but even the smallest capillaries. Carbon dioxide affects the walls of blood vessels, promotes their expansion, blood flow in them increases, and blood thinns. After wrapping, the upper limit of the therapeutic effect is reached. Treatment is carried out in courses with a break of 24 hours between sessions in order to consolidate the beneficial effect.

The healing properties of dry carbon dioxide baths

The benefits of carbon dioxide baths for the body have been proven in practice. The method has the useful property of influencing all systems and organs of the human body. Their many properties also include a positive effect on the work of the heart. Dry baths have the quality of improving the condition of blood vessels, which halves the risk of thrombosis. Another beneficial property is the effect on mental and physical endurance: improved memory and coordination of movements.

The property of carbon dioxide is also its positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. Exposure to the gas triggers a process that affects the sympathetic system. The production of serotonin, acetylcholine, and histamine increases. The migraine goes away, sleep is normalized. All internal systems begin to function normally.

Carbon dioxide wrapping can enhance lipid metabolism, which leads to a decrease in cholesterol and the elimination of excess fat from the body.

Indications for the procedure

Diseases for which the procedure will benefit:

  • high blood pressure;
  • disorder of the central nervous system;
  • diabetes;
  • lung disease;
  • vascular disease;
  • skin problems.
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Dry carbonic baths for weight loss and rejuvenation

Women turn to such therapy for help not only to get rid of the disease, but also for cosmetic purposes.The skin loses its elasticity and tone with age, and carbon dioxide wraps have the beneficial property of moisturizing the skin to the deep layers, which helps to smooth scars and scars, making them less visible. The benefits of the procedure are enhanced by the constant temperature regime in the envelope, which produces a wrapping effect, promotes the breakdown of excess subcutaneous fat. The method will give a valuable effect in the fight against cellulite at different stages. Treatment with dry carbon dioxide baths reduces lymphatic edema by helping to drain fluid.

Technique for conducting dry gas wraps

The photo of a dry carbon dioxide bath session clearly shows how a person is placed: this is a special tank that resembles a bath. From above, the entire body, except for the head, which remains outside, is covered with an airtight canvas that does not allow air to pass through. The neck is secured with a soft, tight-fitting collar that prevents air from leaving the capsule. Gas is fed into the tank with an intensity of up to 20 l / min through special holes, fills it, having a positive effect on the body. According to the instructions for use of the dry carbon dioxide bath, it is necessary to set the temperature regime inside the "capsule" from 28 to 30 aboutC. The session lasts from 20 minutes, the time is determined by the specialist, starting from the general state of health and other factors affecting the appointment of the procedure. The process is absolutely painless, in rare cases a slight tingling sensation is felt.

Warning! When entering the lungs CO2 can cause harm to the body in the form of poisoning and intoxication. Carefully follow the safety instructions of the nursing staff to avoid a hazard.

Contraindications to the use of carbon dioxide baths

Baths are popular, they bring a lot of benefits, but there is a list of contraindications in which there is a risk of harm to the body. Dry carbon dioxide baths are contraindicated in uterine fibroids, as they increase the level of estrogen, which is harmful to the aggravation of the disease. For the same reason, dry carbon dioxide baths are contraindicated in mastopathy.

Other cases where health risks are possible:

  • hepatic and renal failure;
  • infections;
  • open, purulent skin lesions;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • heart failure.

If there is at least one of the listed diseases, the procedure is strictly prohibited. If the recommendations are not followed, dry carbon dioxide baths can cause serious harm side effects in the form of burns, irritation and deterioration of health.

Warning! A child under 14 years old cannot go to dry carbon dioxide baths.

Video about contraindications for procedures:

Benefits of dry carbon dioxide baths Reabox

Reabox are Russian-made devices developed with the participation of physiotherapists. The advantages of Reabox baths are reliability, long service life and convenience. The devices are simple and straightforward to operate. The baths are equipped with special automatic programs that eliminate any errors and errors in the concentration of the substance inside the chamber and the establishment of the temperature regime, which reduces the likelihood of harm to zero. Their presence makes it possible to use dry carbon dioxide baths in institutions without the participation of maintenance personnel. During the installation of the device, the company's employees developed detailed instructions for training. The device can be installed at home, however, to prevent the harm of illiterate use, the appointment of a therapist is necessary.

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The opinion of doctors

Doctors agree that the benefits of a dry carbon dioxide bath can be harmful when used without a preliminary examination and receiving a specialist's appointment. The effect can only be expected in combination with complex therapy.Frequent use of baths, non-compliance with the rules can be harmful to health.


The benefits and harms of dry carbon dioxide baths depend on the ratio of the need to obtain a therapeutic effect and the general health of the patient. There are few contraindications to the procedure, but the benefits are obvious: it is a good physiotherapeutic addition to the treatment of certain diseases and an excellent way to prevent and maintain the body beautiful and healthy.

Patient reviews

Tazetdinova Naziya Fatykhovna, 52 years old, Novorossiysk
I got to the first session of carbon dioxide baths on the recommendation of the attending physician, after having addressed the problem of varicose veins. She praised the healing properties of the procedure. I decided to try it, although I didn't believe in the result, believing that carbon dioxide is harmful. However, the beneficial effect became apparent after 3 treatments. The legs swell less, the veins hurt less. Of course, this did not completely solve the problem, but it made my life much easier. An additional pleasant surprise was that the baths have the beneficial property of breaking down subcutaneous fat, and the cellulite on the thighs has actually become less pronounced, which I did not expect!
Lapkaeva Lyudmila Albertovna, 65 years old, Vyksa
In the sanatorium I had a chance to try on myself the miraculous properties of dry baths. I can say with confidence that due to the property of carbon dioxide to influence pressure, hypertension has passed, although medications did not always cope with this task. The migraine is gone. I slept after the sessions like a baby. Previously, I often woke up in the middle of the night and could not sleep. The bath did not bring any negative consequences or harm.
Barysheva Maria Yakovlevna, 32 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Gas wraps helped me get rid of grade II cellulite. Of course, in addition to baths, I went in for sports and did self-massage. Still, the benefits of the sessions were obvious. In general, dry baths have a good effect on the epidermis, which is confirmed by personal experience. Stretch marks on the hips and abdomen have greatly decreased and turned pale. Now I recommend it to all my friends and acquaintances.
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