How to lengthen jeans with your own hands: women, men and children

After improper washing and drying, despite its density, the denim material changes its structure. It is a pity to throw out short and tight trousers, especially if they have already fallen in love with their mistress. Or, the child is rapidly outgrowing the good-quality pants bought not so long ago, or the original new thing was bought out of size. In such situations, do not despair - there are many simple ways to lengthen women's jeans, as well as men's or children's ones. The main thing is to make a little effort, choose a couple of hours of free time and prepare a set of available tools.

What can be done if jeans are short

Men's, women's or children's jeans that are short in length can be lengthened in various ways, the master class of each option will be considered in detail. Most often, the question of lengthening trousers arises among young mothers with children. After all, babies quickly outgrow new, recently purchased things. Before starting work, you need to determine how the updated pants should look in the end. They will be strict, classic or modern, original. Based on this, you can choose one of the most suitable lengthening options. It:

  • inserting other fabric, cuffs, braids or lace;
  • changing the length of the edge;
  • methods without the use of needles and threads, consisting in pulling the material.

The easiest way to lengthen your trousers a little bit is to change the hem length. The same can be said for the seamless methods, where ordinary water is used to increase the height of the product. Fabric, lace inserts or tailoring of cuffs allow you to completely transform jeans - for women or children, giving them a special style, glamor and charm. But such methods require skills, patience and accuracy from the craftswoman. With their help, you can lengthen jeans to any height, even if they were once specially cut short.

Features of jeans lengthening

In order to properly lengthen jeans with your own hands and not spoil the thing, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the material and the features of its processing. A small violation will lead to the final damage of the thing and the inability to restore it later. To get started, you need to prepare all the tools and materials:

  • scissors, needles and pins;
  • high-quality threads, matching in color with the main fabric;
  • chalk or remnant for marking;
  • tape measure;
  • material for lengthening.

The following tips will help you successfully transform your favorite item and make your jeans a little longer:

  • before work, trousers must be washed and thoroughly dried;
  • thin fabrics are easier to sew to jeans, so it is better to choose them for inserts;
  • for dense denim, you cannot use a material that is too light to lengthen the pants, as the contrast will be too noticeable;
  • while stitching the inserts, it is necessary to ensure that the material does not tighten the pant leg;
  • the fabric for inserts should correspond to the material in terms of stretch, then the updated product will look neat and beautiful;
  • you need to get to work after trying on trousers with shoes in order to choose the right optimal length.
Important! To lengthen your jeans by about 2 cm, you can use the seamless methods described below.

How to lengthen women's jeans

Women's jeans can be lengthened using lace, fishnet or colored cuffs. Graceful inserts will not only transform the thing itself, but also emphasize the beauty of the legs. Lace can be used for spring or summer wear trousers. Cotton fabric and decorative braid, which match in color, go well with women's jeans. In the latter case, if the denim material is thin, it is enough to sew the tape along the edge of the seamy side.

Important! The edges of the braid or trimming material should not be stretched when stitching, otherwise women's jeans will look unattractive.

How to lengthen men's jeans

You can lengthen jeans for men by changing the length of the seam or pulling procedure. However, in some cases, it is not possible to increase the size of the thing in such ways, so a fabric insert is chosen.

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Ideally, if the material is solid and the same texture as the denim. But fabrics with contrasting colors look stylish and original. For men's jeans, a striped or checked insert is suitable.

How to lengthen children's jeans

You can lengthen jeans for a child or teenager who has grown out of them. This will make them really bright and colorful. You need to show freedom of creative imagination using colored fabric inserts - prints with polka dots or patterns, cuffs with cartoon characters or flowers. Jeans for girls are increased in height in the same way as women's trousers - with braid, lace or charming fabric inserts. In models for boys, cuffs from a different fabric are more often used. You can also make decorative patches or pockets from it, completely changing the style of trousers.

You can lengthen children's denim pants, like women or men, by changing the belt. It is stripped, straightened and smoothed.

The entire front side is used for the front side, and for the back side, an insert of the same size and shape is cut. The sides are sewn together with the wrong parts and turned inside out. The updated belt is sewn to the jeans, the cuts are processed.

Important! To make the child comfortable in the updated pants, the inserts should be made below the knee level. When choosing a cotton canvas, make sure it doesn't fade.

How to lengthen short jeans

Ways to lengthen jeans for a man, woman, boy or girl do not differ from each other. The main thing is to choose the most suitable option and material for the insert. You should also take into account the features of the human figure. For example, women's jeans with cuffs and cuffs are not suitable for women of short stature. And colored fabric inserts and bright prints will perfectly decorate a product for a little girl. Trousers for boys are often trimmed with plaid from Dad's old shirts. Such "patches" look extremely stylish and original. For tall and slender ladies, women's trousers with lace, openwork stripes, which can be additionally decorated with rhinestones, are suitable. Men's or women's jeans are most often lengthened from the bottom, and you can clearly see the process of work in the next video.

How to lengthen jeans with lace

You can lengthen women's stretch jeans with a lace insert, which will completely transform the appearance of the product, add glamor and purely feminine charm. The lengthening of the trousers with lace is performed manually and does not unravel the seams.

The lower edges of the leg are measured first.Then a piece of lace is cut out, which is commensurate with the width of the trousers + 1 cm for the allowance. A side seam is performed on it. Lace is sewn to the bottom of the leg by hand, if you do not need to rip off the lapel.

When ripping off the edge, the lace insert is sewn with a machine seam. The product is carefully ironed without damaging the lace material.

Important! For the cuff, to lengthen women's trousers, do not use light knitted lace, which will be deformed after the first wash. Dense braid with a symmetrical pattern will do.

How to lengthen jeans with cuffs

To quickly lengthen children's jeans for a girl or women's trousers, you can use the decorated fabric cuffs. And for boys and men, they choose a solid, dense material.

A rectangular piece is cut out of a suitable material that matches the size of the leg circumference + 2.5 cm for allowances. The height of the cuff can be from 4 to 7 cm. A side seam is made on it and the cut is processed.

Pins are connected to the leg and a basting seam is made. The insert is stuffed with non-woven fabric and sewn with a piping stitch to the seamy side of the product, making a fold. Do the same with the other leg. The trousers are ironed from the seamy side and the front side.

Important! Parts of the product are fastened with a machine stitch only after trying on.

How to make jeans longer with a fabric insert

It's a good idea to lengthen your jeans by 5 cm or more by inserting a piece of another fabric. It can be denim or thin fabric of one or the other with trousers of tone. The width of the insert should match the size of the leg. The length is chosen depending on the required height.

The jeans are turned inside out and the seam is ripped from the side to the place where the insert material will be located. The leg is cut.

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The fabric is sewn to both parts of the leg and connected to the side seam. Similar actions are carried out with the second leg. The finished product is ironed with a steam or regular iron through cheesecloth.

Important! It is best to make an insert in the place below the knee, since the material there hardly stretches. In this way, you can periodically update jeans, and a woman's thing can be lengthened with a dense mesh or openwork.

How to beautifully lengthen jeans using hem length

The easiest way to lengthen jeans like in the photo is to change the hem seam, which is to increase the hem height. To do this, the factory seam is carefully cut from the seamy side, using sharp nail scissors and trying not to damage the material. The threads are removed, and the trousers are ironed so that there is no trace of the lapel. It is necessary to iron with an iron and a steamer, very carefully to completely remove the traces of the seam. Jeans are tried on and a new lapel is marked with soap. A braid for trousers is sewn onto the cut, thanks to which the hem will turn out to be neat and beautiful. You can also use a special seam for processing a fold. After that, women's pants are carefully ironed and tried on. You can lengthen jeans in this way by a maximum of 2.5 cm. The method is very simple, and if it did not work the first time, then you can try again.

Important! When using a trouser tape, it should be borne in mind that it is not sewn directly to the cut of the trouser leg - a distance of about 5 mm should remain between them.

How to stretch jeans without sewing

You can make short jeans for women or men longer without sewing by using regular soaking. However, for this, only those products are suitable for which there are no rhinestones, decorative holes or other elements. For work, you need liquid soap or baby shower gel, shampoo. The product should be non-aggressive, gentle, which will eliminate the risk of damage to the material.

Stages of work:

  1. A weak soap solution is diluted in the bath - about a cap of detergent to a full container.
  2. Soak jeans for 30-60 minutes.
  3. They take them out by letting the water drain.
  4. Wrap it in a thick roller in a terry towel and press on it to absorb moisture. Do such pressing until the towel completely absorbs the liquid.
  5. The jeans are placed on a flat surface with a clean cloth and each leg is pulled from the bottom to the maximum possible length.
  6. The product is hung on a rope to dry.
Important! Initially, it is better to try to stretch the denim old unwearable product, and, after practicing, lengthen your favorite jeans by stretching.

How to stretch jeans after washing

Shrinkage after washing is one of the most common problems with denim. However, the situation can be corrected in a simple and rather effective way, without resorting to cutting and sewing. To do this, they put on jeans after washing in a wet state and wear them for a while, do squats, bends. The result is obvious - women's pants get longer immediately. The problem is that it is difficult to put on a wet item. Therefore, it is better to stretch them dry and then spray with water. Particularly carefully should be moistened those areas that are cramped. In this way, you can not only lengthen a little, but also stretch the tissue in those places that squeeze the body. Use warm water for moistening, and cool water during prewash.

You can also stretch denim pants a little if you wash them as quickly as possible without using aggressive products, without applying the drying mode. A slightly damp product is steamed with an iron and, at the same time, ironed through cheesecloth, stretching in the right places with your hands. You can lengthen wet jeans after washing by pulling the legs together in different directions. During the drying process, the procedure is repeated several times.

Important! This method can only be used on fabrics containing denim, cotton and a little elastane. If there are synthetic fibers, it will be difficult to stretch jeans.


It is not difficult to lengthen women's jeans or trousers for a man, a child, if you follow the above recommendations and have the initial skills in cutting and sewing. Thus, you can extend the service life of your favorite and expensive thing, save on a new thing and add your own, individual zest to your image.

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