Why is a sauna useful, visiting rules and contraindications

A modern sauna has many useful functions. It is not only a place for cleansing and relaxation, but also a whole health complex, which has a cultural significance, embodying the ritual of purification: both body and spirit. In a wide variety of species, it is not always easy to understand what the benefits and harms of the sauna are: in what cases it is necessary for health, and when it is better to refrain from the procedure.

Features and types of sauna

The name "sauna" is of Finnish origin and translates as "bathhouse". The principle of operation of the sauna is the heating of stones by fire in the hearth, which warms up the room to high temperatures. Such baths have existed since the time of Byzantium, and the ancients called them "baths in black", that is, without a pipe, the heating of the room occurs due to the spread of smoke through it. The technology that replaced it "in white" with the removal of smoke required more firewood and time to warm up.

The invention of baths based on an electric heater made it possible to place saunas even in modern apartments.

The variety of types of saunas can be reduced to three types of technologies:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • infrared.

Dry steam technology in the sauna has gained popularity from the Finnish tradition.

Finnish sauna

In everyday life, a sauna is associated with a Finnish bath. And it deservedly ranks first in the list, since it is very similar to the Russian one, even in its design. In the room of the Finnish bathhouse, a stone stove is installed, which, when interacting with water, produces hot steam, the effect of which on the body is enhanced by massage using birch brooms.

Sauna temperatures can exceed 100 aboutC, and the humidity is kept within 15%.

The limitation on staying in the sauna is 15 minutes, no more than three visits.

The beneficial health-improving effect of the Finnish bath is achieved through a sharp change in temperature. Therefore, to enhance the contrast effect in the room, a pool with cold water is provided. And the wooden structure of the sauna provides ecological conditions, air circulation, and a soothing aroma.

Turkish sauna (hamam)

Steam is used in the hamam 50 aboutC, at humidity up to 100 aboutC, the procedure includes exfoliation of the body to ensure profuse perspiration.

The design of the sauna room assumes stone and slabs as a material, from which the floor and walls that retain heat are laid, which are poured over with water and due to this they receive steam and a mild temperature.

The recommended session time in such a sauna is 15 minutes a day

Salt sauna

For its construction of this type of sauna, salt blocks are used. The temperature inside rises above 50 aboutC, while the humidity is kept within 30%.The procedure takes 15 minutes.

Infrared sauna

The principle of operation is to deeply heat the body, not the air, in the properties of infrared radiation in a hermetically sealed compartment. Thermal infrared heaters generate waves that can penetrate 4 cm into the body, while the penetrating thermal effect of a conventional Finnish sauna is up to 5 mm. The optimum temperature of the infrared sauna is maintained at 35 aboutC, humidity - in the range from 40 to 60%.

The recommended procedure time is within 20 minutes.

Japanese sauna

Such a sauna is designed in the form of a wooden barrel-shaped container, inside which a built-in generator supplies steam. The temperature is kept within 50 aboutC, the effect is enhanced by beneficial medicinal herbal supplements.

Useful properties of the sauna

The benefits of the Finnish sauna lie in the contrast of the temperature effect, which has the properties to improve adaptation to the negative effects of the environment on the body, stimulate metabolic processes, and restore vegetative balance. The protective functions of the body are increased, and this is the main factor in good health.

The Finnish sauna also brings health benefits through the elimination of large amounts of electrolytes, such as potassium and sodium, from the body through profuse sweating.

The useful effect of the hamam is the prevention and treatment of joint diseases, the consequences of the harm of salt deposits, getting rid of muscle tension, insomnia, and strengthening the immune system.

The benefits of a salt sauna are invaluable for saturating the body with minerals.

The deep effect of the IR sauna allows you to remove 4 times more decay products from the body, subjectively this manifests itself in the feeling of deep relaxation and recuperation.

Sauna procedures in general and Finnish baths, as the most popular variety in particular, stimulate the autonomic nervous system and affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and organs with autonomic innervation - the digestive tract, lungs, skin. There is an improvement in immunity, sleep, appetite, normalization of the sympathetic nervous system.

For the central nervous system

The thermal effect of the sauna causes stress on the body, the beneficial properties of which are manifested in a decrease in brain activity. This is due to an increase in blood flow in the periphery and a decrease in it in the brain. After a stay in a Finnish bath, mental retardation is often observed, which relieves nervous tension, muscle tone and contributes to general relaxation.

Massage techniques with a broom in a sauna help to treat and prevent disorders of the nervous system. If a person is highly excitable, then they reduce or eliminate intense influences that can cause harm in this state: whipping, quilting; do not use brooms with a scalding effect - from nettle, spruce; warming ointments and other active stimuli.

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Finnish bath procedures will be useful in cases:

  • mild paralysis after exacerbation of poliomyelitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system a year after the period of exacerbations;
  • dystrophic myopathies and myotonia;
  • infantile cerebral palsy;
  • infantile enuresis;
  • muscle hypertonia;
  • neuroses;
  • vegetative and neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • sleep disorders.

The beneficial properties of the effect of the Finnish sauna are enhanced by stimulating bath cocktails from muzzle, ginseng root, Chinese lemongrass, camphor cinnamon, Chernobyl wormwood, pink rhodiola and others.

For the cardiovascular system

The benefits of the sauna are also actively manifested for the health of the cardiovascular system, since the so-called bath stress improves blood circulation, thereby strengthening the heart and blood vessels. As you know, it is the weakening of the cardiovascular system that is the cause of the development of stroke and heart attack. In Finland, a sauna is used to treat hypertension.During the procedure, the pressure drops, and then remains low for another hour after leaving the steam room. If this effect does not occur, this serves as a signal for irreversible changes in the circulatory system and the need for more radical treatment.

For the respiratory system

The beneficial properties of the hot steam of the Finnish bath help to increase the consumption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide, which speeds up gas exchange. Thanks to this intensive ventilation training in the sauna, the lung capacity is increased.

Breathing quickens, becomes deep. The mucous membrane dries out, the bronchi expand and cleanse them of mucus and phlegm.

Viral infections and microbes are killed by the high temperatures in the sauna, thus eliminating the harmful effects of respiratory diseases. Finnish doctors have found consistent indicators of the benefits of reducing colds among people who regularly visit the bathhouse. The normalization of breathing restores the work of the bronchi, eliminates cough, possible noises present in the lungs.

Finnish sauna is shown:

  • with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumoconiosis;
  • rehabilitation after suffering pneumonia.

For metabolic processes of the body

The benefit of increasing blood circulation in a Finnish bath is also manifested in the acceleration of the excretion of metabolic products by the skin. This is due to the heating of tissues and organs of the body, the activation of vegetative processes: an increase in heart rate, increased sweating. On the other hand, stimulation of metabolic processes in the sauna is also the body's response to contrast cooling. Active types of cooling, such as diving into a cold pool after a sauna, rubbing with snow, triggers a chain of chemical reactions in the body, the benefit of which is to increase energy metabolism in the liver and muscles - the most important organs that generate heat.

The harm to the muscle corset, which is accumulated in everyday stressful life, manifests itself in the disruption of normal blood circulation in the tissues, which leads to hypoxia, or oxygen starvation. The properties of contrasting thermal loads in a Finnish bath make the vessels expand, and by increasing their throughput and increasing gas exchange, hypoxia is eliminated and harmful substances are washed out of muscle tissue.

Influence on thermoregulation

The comfort of modern life protects a person as much as possible from temperature changes, as a result of which the mechanism of thermoregulation through the work of the endocrine glands, blood vessels, and sweating atrophies. Hardening procedures in a Finnish bath with a gradual increase in temperature contrast, due to the expansion and narrowing of blood vessels and capillaries, stimulate the work of sweat glands, gradually restore the body's thermal control, and increase immunity.

For the digestive system

Under the injection of hot steam in a sauna, the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body has a beneficial effect on the stimulation of the digestive system. The beneficial properties of the Finnish bath are beneficial for problems in the duodenum, gall bladder and in case of constipation.

Sauna shown:

  • with a stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • intestinal motility disorders;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • chronic cholecystitis without stones;
  • after operations on the gallbladder.

Effects on the skin

The salt sauna has a particular effect on the state of the epidermis: the benefits of its effect are manifested in the enrichment of the skin with minerals in the composition of salts, which contributes to an increase in its elasticity, elasticity, and firmness. The Finnish sauna also helps to open pores, and increased blood circulation ensures the transport of nutrients to the subcutaneous layers and tissues on the surface of the skin: the regeneration of its cells is enhanced, cleansing and toning occurs.

Stimulating blood circulation in a Finnish bath is beneficial in working out cellulite formations, arthritis and rheumatism. It is known that cellulite appears due to the deterioration of blood circulation. A weekly sauna visit and massage with a special mitt will be useful for congestion - a scourge of modern women. Massage should be done with gentle strokes, turning into circular strokes, with increasing pressure in problem areas. The procedure should be completed with a zigzag rubbing and a contrast shower.

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The beneficial properties of such a peeling will manifest itself in the intensive removal of keratinized cells and inflammatory processes in the subcutaneous layer, which is well-steamed in a bath.

Important! The sauna massage sponge should be of medium hardness.

For a good mood

The relaxing effect of the sauna also improves the emotional background. The complex of beneficial effects of the Finnish bath on the skin is also manifested in the stimulation of the peripheral autonomic endings of the nervous system, which has a positive effect on the centers of the brain's emotions and gives the effect of mild euphoria during the next day, as well as a surge of vivacity and even the disappearance of headaches.

For the prevention of certain diseases

Studies have shown that the benefits of the Finnish sauna are manifested in the effect of hyperthermia, or artificial fever, which has the ability to stimulate immune functions and increase the formation of white blood cells and antibodies in the blood.

In addition, a beneficial effect of the Finnish bath was noted on the elimination of muscle hypertonicity, the harm of the consequences of which affects the appearance of the so-called backache - a sign of radiculitis, myositis, lumbago.

Due to its beneficial effect on the venous flow, the Finnish bath can become a good additional therapeutic agent for discopathies and associated osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joints.

Is the sauna good for weight loss?

For women, the benefits of a sauna are associated with additional motivation associated with slimming options and a rejuvenating effect.

Some believe that the benefits of a Finnish bath are fat burning. However, this is a misconception: weight loss occurs due to intense sweating. So, in one session in the sauna, you can "lose" an average of 2 kilograms, or rather 2 liters of body moisture.

The maximum perspiration is observed on the first and second entry into the steam room. On the second call, a general massage with a broom will be beneficial.

Important! Make sure that the body in the bath does not cool down between visits to the steam room. Drinking half a glass of lemon or mashed cranberry tea can help you to resume sweating.

After the procedure in a Finnish bath, you should check the weight for control. At home, it is better to lie in a warm bed for up to 2 hours, and then a walk in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect. It is advisable to refrain from drinking for 4 hours: this will inhibit the compensatory mechanism of moisture accumulation in the body.

And the main thing is systematicity. It is known that regular use of the Finnish sauna eliminates the problem of weight loss as such.

Sauna before and after training

The benefits of the Finnish sauna have been proven for the muscles: soothing pain and increasing muscle flexibility.

Athletes use the sauna to relieve muscle tension after intense exercise. The harm of the effects of lactic acid accumulating in the muscles after exercise in the gym is known to every athlete: it manifests itself in pain, a feeling of heaviness and other unpleasant consequences.

In addition, increased loads affect the occurrence of morphological changes in the tendons and fascia as a result of a slowdown in metabolic processes and the resulting hypoxia.

Thanks to thermal and contrasting water procedures in a Finnish sauna, the activated blood circulation and metabolism remove imbalances and restore muscle performance.

The infrared sauna is especially effective for stimulating the recovery processes in the body.

In the Finnish sauna after the gym, the optimal recovery benefits will be brought by the regime of two runs up to 10 minutes at temperatures up to 90 aboutC and humidity up to 15%, followed by a warm shower and a relaxing massage for 15 minutes.

Important! For professional athletes, a visit to the Finnish bath is shown taking into account the stage of fatigue and the nature of the upcoming stress: they do not visit the sauna after overwork and on the eve of intense training.

Can pregnant women go to the sauna

The useful properties of the Finnish sauna are specific in relation to the period of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, a visit to the sauna can provoke the development of fetal pathologies and even the threat of miscarriage. Especially the ban applies to the first month. From the second month, the sauna is possible only after a doctor's appointment.
  2. In the second trimester, when all the vital organs of the fetus are formed and in the absence of contraindications, a visit to the sauna will be beneficial for the woman's body.
  3. In the first half of the third trimester, you can continue the procedures in the bath, while being sensitive to your condition.
    Important! The useful effect of the Finnish bath has been noticed in facilitating the process of childbirth by strengthening the respiratory system, the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  4. A week, or better a month before giving birth, it will be useful to refuse to visit the sauna. Exposure to high temperatures can provoke rupture of the membranes, and as a result, premature birth.

Sauna benefits for women during pregnancy:

  • normalization of the emotional background;
  • increasing the tone of the walls of blood vessels and prevention of varicose veins;
  • restoration of hydrobalance, prevention of edema formation;
  • reducing harm as a result of gaining extra pounds;
  • strengthening skin tone and preventing stretch marks;
  • improvement of fetal nutrition as a result of active blood supply to the placenta.

Sauna for children


It has been noticed that regular visits to the Finnish sauna by children are beneficial in the prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases: the incidence rate decreases, and in case of infection, recovery is faster.

The correct age for a child to get to know the bath is from 3 years.

In this case, it is important that the baby is physically developed, active, healthy.

Since the body of children, in comparison with adults, heats up faster, the time spent in a steam sauna in order to avoid heat stroke should be reduced: by 5 years - up to 3 minutes, and after 5 years - up to 5 minutes.

The lower sauna bench will be useful for children. The child's head should not be higher than 90 cm from the floor: this corresponds to 65 aboutC. For babies under 5 years old, one visit to the steam room will be enough: it is better to keep it in your arms. Preschoolers can make 2 visits, and schoolchildren - 3.

Interesting! The Finnish bath has the benefit of increasing the growth hormone levels up to 163%.

How to use the sauna correctly

The body accumulates the main heat in the very first entry into the steam room. Therefore, for the main therapeutic effect of the bath, it will be sufficient to run for 10-15 minutes. A longer stay in the steam room gradually transfers the body to deep heating, which significantly alters the metabolic, regulatory, hormonal and immune processes of the body.

  1. Before entering the steam room of the sauna, you must take a shower, avoiding getting your head wet. After that, you need to wipe the body dry.
  2. For the first visit, the so-called warm-up in the steam room for 3 - 4 minutes will be useful. Then you should take a shower with water at room temperature and take 1 rest up to half an hour.
  3. The second run should be longer, up to 15 minutes, after which there is another shower, but already cooler; and again take a half hour break.
    Important! The following rule will bring benefits in visiting a Finnish sauna: gradualness, strength and consistency.
  4. It is optimal to make three passes. However, there may be more of them: it all depends on the preparedness of the body.
  5. The maximum total time for all procedures in the Finnish sauna should not exceed three hours.
  6. Finish with a shower, washing your hair, and soaking your body with a moisturizing lotion or cream to prevent dryness from harming the effects of dehydration.
  7. Clothes are put on after the body has cooled completely.
  8. The optimal position in the steam room of the bath is lying. For beginners, it's best to lie on the middle shelf. Lying on an incline (legs above the torso) will help to reduce the load on the heart. It is considered not physiological to sit with your legs down: it is better to raise them to the level of the body.

    Important! It is forbidden to stand in the sauna to avoid the harm of getting heatstroke if the body is not relaxed.
  9. To evenly warm up the body in the sauna, it is necessary to periodically change positions: on the side - back - stomach.
  10. Breathing in the steam room is necessary through the nose: this way the air is optimally cooled and humidified.
  11. Before leaving the steam room, you should first rise from a prone position and sit to prepare the body for standing. Observations noted the absence of the effect of weakness when standing up after massage with brooms.
  12. It is helpful to do a couple of warm-up exercises before getting up.
  13. After leaving the steam room, you should walk for about 3 minutes and breathe actively.
  14. Re-entry also begins with light exercises and a warm shower with rubdown.
  15. In a Finnish bath, it is better to drink tea in small sips: this will help maintain perspiration.
  16. In the Finnish sauna, take a bath towel and a sheet, which you can throw over yourself and then lay on the shelf. To protect the head from overheating, wear a felt cap or wool cap.
  17. It will be beneficial to apply a scrub to steamed skin, and after the next session - a moisturizing non-greasy body mask.
  18. Bathing procedures are not recommended to be done immediately after a meal, especially with strong drinks. To restore the water-salt balance of the body and stabilize metabolism, the sauna field should drink water, fortified infusion or green tea.
Attention! For any discomfort in the body, you must leave the steam room.

How often can you go to the sauna

A visit to the Finnish sauna will be useful once a week. If there is a need to increase the frequency, this can be done in the absence of health contraindications. In general, there are no strict restrictions on the frequency of visiting the bath, except for those that our body lets know about.

Sauna harm and contraindications for visiting

Sauna not recommended:

  • with skin infectious diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • allergies to odors;
  • colds accompanied by fever;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis (including a three-month rehabilitation period);
  • severe vegetative disorders (frequent headaches, etc.);
  • severe nervous disorders.
  • dysfunctions of the central nervous system;
  • increased or decreased sensitivity to heat,
  • disorders of the water-salt balance.

In case of hypertension, sharp temperature jumps can bring harm: then contrast procedures should be excluded. Also, with extreme caution, you should visit the Finnish bath in case of cardiovascular diseases.

Harm in the sauna is possible:

  • hovering on an empty or full stomach;
  • sitting for a long time on the bottom shelf;
  • sitting on the top shelf with lowered legs;
  • dousing with warm water;
  • any kind of activity in the steam room.
Important! If the consequences of visiting a Finnish sauna have become a deterioration in well-being, even in the absence of obvious contraindications, this should be taken seriously, as a signal to see a doctor.

What is the difference between a sauna and a bath

The main difference Russian bath and the Finnish sauna consists in the temperature and humidity of the air: the first is referred to as wet, and the second - to dry.

  • in the Russian bath the temperature reaches 70 aboutC, and humidity - 100%;
  • in finnish - the maximum temperature can be within 140 aboutC, while humidity is up to 25%.

That is why, despite the high temperature, the property of the Finnish sauna for the body is its easy tolerance. Dry air has the benefit of evenly warming the body and causing profuse perspiration as a protection against overheating. Thanks to this, the spectrum of the impact on human health of the Finnish bath is wider.

The main operating factor of the Russian bath is steam. Air humidity is 4 times higher than in Finnish, it is close to the street, while thermal conductivity is 2 times higher: a lower temperature is required for warming up. Therefore, the effect of the Russian bath is softer and more natural, the bath stress is lower, and the protection against overheating is not the evaporation of the skin, but the very humidity of the air.


The benefits and harms of a sauna are a topical topic of medical research, the results of which are of practical importance in the treatment of a number of pathologies, due to an increase in the body's immune functions. Taking into account the contraindications and taking into account the advice of a specialist, the potential harm of the effects of the procedures is reduced to zero.

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