Earplugs: benefits and harms, is it possible to sleep every day, doctors' reviews

You can make your sleep restful and protect yourself from harmful sound effects if you use earplugs. These devices allow you to ensure proper rest. You can sleep with earplugs on daily if you follow the recommended safety and hygiene practices. It is important to avoid accumulation of earwax.

Do ear plugs help with noise

Quality earplugs suppress ambient noise. They are best at handling low-frequency sounds. But these devices do not always help to ensure proper rest. According to the head of the sleep research center, it is very difficult to wake up a person during the deep phase. Extraneous noise does not bother him.

When sleep enters the fast (paradoxical) phase, the brain begins to work intensively. During this period, he is in a state close to wakefulness. Any rustle can cause awakening. During this period, sleeping earplugs can reduce the impact of noise on the quality of rest.

If used incorrectly, the effectiveness of products is significantly reduced

Do earplugs help with noise from neighbors

When using ear adapters, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abstract from the sounds that come from the neighbors. They only muffle the loud noise. The degree of protection depends on the type of earplug.

There are special models for noise suppression. They muffle intense sounds. They are used if you need to work in silence, without being distracted by the neighbors' drill. But sleeping in them is uncomfortable.

Most models only suppress sounds, making them less intense. In order not to hear neighbors' repairs, professionals advise to pay attention to earplugs with an acoustic filter made of thermoplastic. They suppress building noise. But in them you can hear a speaking person nearby.

Do earplugs help with snoring

If one of the family members snores, then the rest may have trouble sleeping. Many people recommend using earplugs. But in practice, it turns out that these devices do not have the desired effect.

The manufacturers of most products claim that when using quality earplugs, all external sounds, including snoring, can be suppressed. But judging by customer reviews, these devices do not help everyone.

Doctors explain the ineffectiveness of earplugs by the fact that they are designed to suppress noise at a level of 20-40 CBD. And the volume of snoring in some people reaches 60-70, and in some patients it even exceeds 100 CBP.

Certain models (with an acoustic filter, valves, or custom made products) help restore sleep. They significantly reduce the noise level. Customers who actively use earplugs report that the quality of their sleep improves and they get up less often at night.

If some earplugs didn't fit, experts recommend trying other models
Important! Should be alarmed by the fact that a person cannot fall asleep without special devices, even if it is quiet around. In this case, we are talking about addiction, the patient needs treatment to get rid of it.

Do earplugs help on an airplane

You can improve your well-being during the flight using special earplugs. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist can advise on which options are best for aircraft. They not only help to abstract from the surrounding noise, but also get rid of unpleasant sensations in the ears.

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Sleep aids are suitable. A traveler during a long flight will not get up from the screams of children running around the cabin, or the snoring of a neighbor in the chair. It is better to use models that do not close the auditory canal tightly. Most often, we recommend products equipped with a thermoplastic filter.

Why are earplugs dangerous and how often can you sleep in them

Many people think before buying earplugs for sleep, whether they are harmful or not. These products are designed for a comfortable stay. Unlike models designed to protect the ears while swimming or shooting, sleep products are manufactured in such a way as to minimize the impact on the ear canal. But careless handling of them can damage the inner parts of the ear canal, irritate the skin, or develop an infectious lesion.

There is harm from earplugs if misused. Care should be taken when removing them. If the product is pulled out suddenly, there is a risk of damage to the inner ear components. They create a partial vacuum in the ear canal to reduce the chance of noise penetration. With sudden movements, the tympanic membrane is stretched and damaged. This leads to severe pain, increases the likelihood of developing infections and can cause partial deafness.

Important! You should not try to place the products in the ear canal as deep as possible, as this increases the risk of damage to the eardrum. It is necessary to choose such a position so that they are practically not felt and do not interfere during sleep.

Is it possible to sleep in earplugs all night

Designed to improve sleep quality, the ear attachments are made from soft, comfortable materials. They are made so that they do not interfere all night.

If the patient tries to wake up in order to remove the earplugs, there will be no point in using them.

But before buying, you need to evaluate the benefits and harms of sleeping in earplugs. When used correctly, they help to get rid of many disorders associated with insufficient rest of the body. Sleep problems lead to:

  • deterioration in concentration;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • lethargy;
  • lack of coordination;
  • the appearance of hallucinations.

It will be possible to avoid these consequences if the phase of REM sleep is normalized. It is for this purpose that earplugs are recommended. They reduce the intensity of noise and help to make sleep more restful and deep.

Is it harmful to sleep in earplugs every day

Frequent use of products is one of the causes of excessive earwax build-up. The specified waxy substance is intended to protect the ear canal from dust, bacteria and other foreign particles. Some people use earplugs to push the accumulated wax into the ear canal. This leads to blockage of the ear canal. As a result, the patient experiences hearing loss or ringing in the ears.

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If it was not possible to avoid excessive accumulation of sulfur, then you can clean the ear canal with the help of special drops that dissolve it. Before using them, it is advisable to consult an otolaryngologist for advice.

You can sleep in earplugs all the time, provided that the patient is hygienic. Products need to be changed as they become dirty or cleaned. It is forbidden to wash many models; upon contact with water, they lose their soundproofing properties. Bacteria accumulate on products over time. If you continue to use them during sleep, the risk of developing infections increases.

How to replace earplugs for sleep

Having learned about the possible dangers of earplugs, some try to find a replacement or make them from scrap materials. Most often, cotton wool is used for these purposes. Dense turundas are rolled from it, which are inserted into the ear canal. Pieces of cotton wool may peel off from manufactured products. Over time, they accumulate in the inner part of the ears and provoke the development of inflammatory processes.

To avoid problems associated with the accumulation of cotton wool from homemade earplugs in the ear canals, it is recommended to wrap it in polyethylene

Some patients find that ear plugs are harmful for sleeping. They believe it is better to drink sedatives. The drugs help the nervous system to relax and not react to extraneous stimuli. But many medications are addictive or cause side effects.

Comment! If you have problems with sleep, it is advisable to consult a doctor. He will help you choose the most harmless way to solve the problem.


People who are disturbed by background noise at night can sleep with earplugs. These products help to reduce the frequency of oversleeping and improve the quality of rest. In order to prevent the development of problems from use, you need to monitor the hygiene of the ear canals and promptly clean or change the earplugs.

Reviews of doctors about earplugs for sleep

Masimova Tatyana, otolaryngologist, Moscow
Almost every day, patients come to me who, due to the regular use of earplugs during sleep, develop sulfur plugs. The specified devices should only be used when necessary in compliance with all hygiene standards. To reduce the risk of hearing problems for my patients, I recommend using drops that dissolve wax.
Irina Travinskaya, otolaryngologist, Volgograd
Because of the earplug craze, I got more work to do. These are good tools, but I don't recommend using them for more than 2-3 days in a row. They block the release of sulfur from the channel. Improper use increases the risk of infection. In my practice, there have even been cases of damage to the ear canal.

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