Marshmallow: benefits and harms, composition and calorie content

Marshmallow is the very sweetness that has a beneficial effect on the body without destroying children's teeth. Nutritionists do not recommend completely abandoning this dessert, even for those who are losing weight. So what is included in this delicacy, what are the benefits and harms of marshmallows?

What is marshmallow and what is it made of

Marshmallow is a sweet favorite of many. And initially at home it was prepared a little differently than it is now. The closest relative is marshmallow. It was she who was the beginning of the delicacy and was made from sugar and applesauce. Later it included various additives. The classic look is represented by two glued hemispheres of white or pink color. The taste of a homemade classic differs from a factory product, which is due to the large number of available food additives.

Traditionally it contains water, sugar, citric acid and gelatin. This sweetness will not harm and will only be beneficial in moderation. Depending on the desired taste, raspberry, apple, cherry and other purees are added to it. In production, sweetness is obtained by grinding protein with sugar and mashed potatoes, pectins, agar-agar or gelatin are added. Marshmallows on agar are more beneficial. The sweetness is also sold in chocolate, in which case other ingredients are added. And the calorie content will be slightly higher.

Recommended reading:  How is gelatin useful for the body

The chemical composition of marshmallows

The benefits and harms of the product depend on the chemical composition. So in marshmallows there is an easily digestible sugar, from which the syrup is prepared. This is the source of energy. Proteins get into the composition with eggs and are a storehouse of useful amino acids. When pectin or agar-agar is added, fiber appears, which protects blood vessels and normalizes digestion. When using gelatin, fats and additional proteins are added, since gelatin itself is of animal origin. But food acids stimulate the production of gastric juice and enzymes.

How many calories are in marshmallows

Marshmallow is a delicacy that is made with added sugar. It is high in carbohydrates. And a lot of calories. 100 grams of the product contains 326 kcal. But not everything is so scary, because it weighs very little. A light dessert allows you to fill up even after eating a few hemispheres. The calorie content of one marshmallow is 107 kcal. The number of calories depends on the content of the food. If a sweetener or agar-agar is added, the calorie content is reduced. Sugar and gelatin increase it.

Why is marshmallow useful for the body?

As part of real marshmallows, applesauce comes first. It contains a large amount of pectin. It is this element that has a positive effect on the entire body:

  1. Removes harmful substances, metals, toxins, slags, pesticides.
  2. Has anti-inflammatory effect on ulcers.
  3. Pain relieves no worse than some medicines.
  4. It has a positive effect on cholesterol levels, bringing it back to normal.
  5. Improves blood circulation.

Health Benefits of Marshmallow:

  1. The iodine in this product is the daily norm for humans; it has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.
  2. Iron prevents anemia. Phosphorus is responsible for dental health, calcium for the skeleton.
  3. The benefits of marshmallow for women are undeniable, as it helps restore the condition of nails and hair.
  4. Cleans the liver.
  5. It has a positive effect on the condition of the joints.

Is marshmallow possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding is a period when a woman's taste preferences change, she needs minerals and other elements for the normal development of the baby. But for his health, the diet has to be limited. Nutritionists not only do not prohibit marshmallow during pregnancy, but also strongly recommend using it. In moderate quantities, the product will have a positive effect on the body.

Attention! It's a healthy sweetness, but even it shouldn't be overused. For the expectant mother and child, both underweight and overweight are dangerous, so you need to monitor the calorie intake.

There is a lot of fructose in sweets, which helps the brain to work better, and the woman does not experience terrible headaches. And carbohydrates are able to be responsible for the hormone "joy", this helps a woman to tune in to an upcoming event or overcome postpartum stress or depression. Weight control is much easier with this sweetness than with chocolate.

Marshmallow is not prohibited while breastfeeding. But this delicacy is introduced gradually and carefully, following the baby's reaction. In the first two months, it is advisable to refrain from it. Pediatricians recommend stuffing with marshmallows for breakfast. Optimally - 3 pieces per week, after allergy to this product has been excluded. Sweet milk can not only negatively affect the baby's digestive system, but also make him thirsty.

Do not forget about the choice of delicacies. Marshmallow with the least amount of additives will bring benefits. The usual white dessert can boast of this. It does not contain dyes or other additives that would harm your baby. Chocolate, nuts, coconut flakes are also undesirable for breastfeeding.

Benefits of marshmallow for children

Many parents keep track of the portions of sweets their child eats. Excitement is caused by the condition of the teeth. But marshmallows are not only harmless, but also good for children. Nutritionists strongly recommend taking it for snacks. Especially in the morning.

Marshmallow will give a big boost of energy to the child, improve brain activity. Therefore, it is especially useful for schoolchildren. However, with great mental activity, carbohydrates quickly "evaporate", it would be right to give the child a treat with you. Such a snack will be beneficial not only before the test, but also after physical training, as it perfectly restores strength, satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Agar-agar removes toxins well and is responsible for the normal functioning of the liver. And pectin enhances immunity, which is necessary for the body during its growth and formation. During active development, it has a good effect on the condition of bone tissue, joints, teeth.

At what age can marshmallows be given to a child

Nutritionists say that marshmallows are allowed from the age of three. At an early age, even such a healthy treat is best left to parents. Three-year-olds are given no more than two per day, starting with a smaller amount, gradually increasing. At an early age, it is better to replace any sweets with fruits.

The benefits and harms of marshmallows for weight loss

The word "diet" in itself takes away the joy of life and creates tension. A restriction in the diet negatively affects the state of the nervous system. The best source of joy is glucose. And it is the use of marshmallows that will give a positive charge, even for a short time. But what about the diet? And nutritionists do not prohibit marshmallows, unlike cookies, this delicacy will not harm the figure. If you only know when to stop. Although the harm and benefits of marshmallow for the figure is a well-known topic of controversy.

Marshmallow is able to strengthen hair, nails, immunity, support the body during the period of restrictions on food.

Attention! Nutritionists give preference to self-prepared sweets. They have more benefits and fewer harmful additives.

When dieting, marshmallows are consumed in moderation between 5-6 pm. It is advisable to choose a regular white delicacy, since the benefits of marshmallow in chocolate are less.

Is it possible to marshmallow with diabetes

It is difficult for people with diabetes to find a dessert that can be consumed. Fortunately, it is not so difficult to find special products for sugar sickness on store shelves. They do not contain sugar or contain substitutes. You cannot eat ordinary sweets. Marmalade, marshmallow and candy can raise blood sugar levels. But in special allowed desserts as part of fructose or xylitol. Marshmallow on fructose will only benefit. In type 2 diabetes, even such treats should be consumed in moderation to avoid obesity.

How to make marshmallows at home

Do-it-yourself marshmallow cooked at home will bring more benefits to the body. It contains no additional additives. The quality of the ingredients can be controlled independently.

What you need:

  1. 250 grams of apple puree.
  2. 450 grams of sugar.
  3. 9 grams agar agar.
  4. 150 milliliters of water.
  5. 1 protein.

Mashed potatoes are boiled to such a density that it does not flow out of the spoon. You can bake fresh apples, then cut them to drain the juice. The seeds and the entire core of the fruit are removed and then rubbed through a sieve.

Attention! You can evaporate mashed potatoes in a pan. So things will go faster.

Agar-agar is poured over with water and left for 10 minutes, then sugar is poured and brought to a boil over the fire. After the start of boiling, the fire is reduced and the syrup is left for another 5 minutes. When finished, it flows from a spoon like honey.

Next, the cooled puree is whipped with protein, it is better to do this with a mixer. Thick foam should remain in the bowl upside down. Slowly stirring, add syrup to the mass. Then everything is mixed until it cools. When the temperature is about +40 0C, pastry bags can be filled.

On the paper for baking, "deposit" the mass in small circles, as convenient. The dessert is left to freeze overnight. It can be easily removed in the morning. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

Which is healthier: marshmallow or marshmallow

Marshmallow and fruit candy are useful. However, they have a lot of benefits, mainly for home cooking. But manufacturers skimp on natural, adding chemistry. To choose between marshmallow and marshmallow, you need to proceed from their composition. There is more sugar in marshmallow, thickener in marshmallows. For those losing weight, it is definitely better to choose marshmallows.

Harm of marshmallows and contraindications

The harm of marshmallow lies in the fact that its excessive use is still undesirable. With large portions, the figure will not be useful. And if you already have dental diseases, then it is not recommended to use such a product. Contraindications include allergy to the components of the dessert.


"The benefits and harms of marshmallows" is a topic that makes you argue. After all, not everyone believes that dessert can be useful even for losing weight. And this is one of the few sweets that benefits the body, gives a boost of energy and is allowed for children from the age of three. The only contraindications are diabetes and allergies. But for diabetics, they have already come up with a way out - marshmallow with a sugar substitute.

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