What foods contain growth hormone: a list of which stimulate

Top growth products cannot provide significant height gains. But eating healthy food helps to avoid delays in the physical development of the child.

Can food increase a person's height

The hormone somatropin is responsible for growth in the human body, affecting metabolic and anabolic processes. Until the age of 25, it is produced by tissues independently, and the skeletal system, as well as muscles, are actively developing. But upon reaching the specified threshold, the secretion of the substance drops significantly. Somatropin still has an effect on metabolism, but this is no longer reflected at the height of a person.

You can get the hormone from food. Even with a very somatropin-rich diet, a significant increase in growth will still not occur, in particular, an adult will not become taller. But eating appropriate food is beneficial in childhood and adolescence. Many internal and external factors have a suppressive effect on the production of somatropin, and a well-designed menu allows you to stimulate growth and prevent growth retardation.

Important! The growth hormone in foods is good for adults too. It no longer affects height, but it does help maintain a healthy balance between fat and muscle in the body.

What foods contain growth hormone

Somatropin is present in a wide variety of foods of plant and animal origin. It makes sense to highlight the healthiest foods for age groups, younger children and adolescents.

What foods promote and stimulate the growth of a child 3-9 years old

When compiling a baby's diet, it is important to think not only about the height of the baby, but also about other factors. Foods rich in growth hormone must remain safe for the baby's digestion. The stomach and intestines are especially sensitive at a young age, and "adult" food is often not digested.


Natural yogurt is considered a very healthy food for growth in the children's diet. It contains vitamins in large quantities, calcium and phosphorus, amino acids. A balanced product promotes the synthesis of somatropin and triggers the growth of bones and muscle tissues. With regular use of yogurt, the child's teeth and nails become stronger, and the likelihood of fractures decreases.

Yogurt has a beneficial effect on the state of the immune system and the digestive system
Advice! Choosing for a children's menu you need yogurt without sweeteners and preservatives. It is such a product that accelerates growth and promotes healthy tissue development.


Another useful product for children under 9 years old is milk. At a young age, the substances that make up the drink are absorbed especially well. Milk contains a large amount of calcium, amino acids and proteins, as well as sex hormones.

Lactose intolerance in children is rare, milk is good for them

Drinking the drink has a positive effect on growth. In babies, joints are strengthened, endurance increases, digestion works better.


White chicken meat is a healthy and safe product for the child's body that stimulates growth. Poultry contains B vitamins, selenium, niacin and phosphorus, as well as amino acids.

One 85 g serving of chicken contains over 20 g of protein

Boiled chicken is considered strictly necessary for the children's diet, it must be included in the menu at least from time to time. The soft white meat does not cause digestive problems, but it promotes bone and muscle growth.

Green leafy vegetables

Kale, arugula, and spinach are excellent sources of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Leafy vegetables also contain vitamin K, which increases bone density and promotes rapid growth.

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Leafy green vegetables prevent osteoporosis

Herbal products increase human growth, and it is useful to use them at any age. But in the children's diet, green leafy vegetables are especially important, since they are responsible for the speed of development, the normal functioning of metabolic processes.

What foods help a 10-14 year old teenager grow in height

It is advisable for older children to keep in their diet all foods that stimulate growth in the early years. But at the same time, additional items can be included in the menu, food that often causes allergies in kids, but is perceived calmly by adolescents.


Among the foods that influence the growth of a child, it is necessary to mention crabs, shrimp, mussels and other seafood. They contain high-quality protein in large volumes, as well as B vitamins, selenium and zinc, iodine. These substances stimulate the secretion of growth hormone and are responsible for the full development of the body. In addition, seafood is good for mental performance.

When eating seafood, a teenager copes better with school and sectional loads
Attention! It is recommended to eat shrimp and crabs for good growth in the afternoon, since the hormone somatropin is produced more actively towards night.


All berries contain ascorbic acid, fiber, vitamin K and manganese, which are beneficial for the growth and development of muscle tissue. It is recommended to include fruits in a teen's diet in summer and winter for full metabolic processes.

Berries are good for growth as well as immunity

In theory, berries can also be offered to young children. However, they occupy a significant place in the menu after 10 years, when the risk of developing allergic reactions decreases.

Fatty fish

Herring, salmon, mackerel and other types of oily fish must be present in the adolescent's diet. These foods affect human growth and have a pronounced positive effect on the entire body. Fatty fish strengthens the heart system, is responsible for bone health, improves sleep and mental performance, and stimulates rapid development in height.

Fatty fish is a valuable source of Omega-3

Top 10 most useful foods for human growth

In addition to foods recommended for different age groups, nutritionists especially highlight foods that are healthy for both children and adults. When added to the diet, these foods will help protect against stunted growth and promote healthy muscle development. It is necessary to focus on it, including after 25 years.


Oatmeal in the morning is one of the most valuable elements of the diet for adults and children. The product contains many useful trace elements, in particular, potassium and iodine, iron and chromium, zinc, fluorine and many others. The porridge contains vitamins of the B subgroup, retinol and ascorbic acid, tocopherol and vitamin K.

Oatmeal prevents the development of gastritis and ulcerative processes

All of these substances have a pronounced beneficial effect on human bone tissue and muscles. The growth-promoting product also improves stomach function.


Ripe bananas are a valuable source of potassium and dietary fiber. Of all fruits, they stimulate the growth processes in children and muscle development in adults the most. The fruits can be eaten whole, or they can be added in pieces to muesli, morning cereal or milk porridge. The benefits of bananas will not be lower, but only higher.

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Bananas strengthen the heart in children and prevent developmental delays


Beans, lentils, and other beans are high in plant protein and B vitamins. They need to be included periodically in your diet to grow and strengthen your bones, and to build and maintain muscle mass.

Beans can be eaten boiled or fresh, depending on the variety
Important! Peas, lentils and beans are especially important for vegetarians who do not have animal protein on their menu.

Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are a rich source of protein compounds, calcium and vitamin D. In a boiled form, they are well absorbed by children and adults. You need to consume a product that accelerates growth at least three times a week.

Recommended reading:  How are chicken eggs useful?
The daily rate is 3-4 eggs


Red beef is high in iron, zinc and amino acids, as well as vitamin B12. Consuming the product is necessary to support growth processes and to control healthy body weight. Trace elements in beef contribute to the synthesis of somatropin.

Beef protects against iron deficiency anemia

Sprouts of cereals

It is very useful to include green buckwheat, sprouted wheat, as well as raw or minimally processed seeds in the daily diet for good growth. Sprouts promote healthy muscle development and stimulate metabolic processes to prevent developmental disorders.

Sprouts can be eaten neat or added to salads, cereals and cold snacks
Important! It is necessary to eat sprouted cereals in moderation, not more often than once a day. In excess, they can lead to diarrhea.


The beneficial effects of walnuts on growth and general development were noted back in the days of Hippocrates, when boys were recommended to take an infusion of crushed kernels daily.

It is enough to eat 100 g of nuts a day

Over the past centuries, the benefits of the product have not been revised. Walnuts continue to play an important role in the diet of children and adults, supplying valuable vegetable protein and promoting muscle and bone growth.

Cottage cheese

Of dairy products for adults and children, cottage cheese is undoubtedly the leader in terms of the content of easily digestible proteins. It also contains calcium and phosphorus, which are important for bone development. If the product helps adolescents to grow in height, then it is important for adults to use it to maintain healthy muscles and to prevent joint diseases.

In the summer, cottage cheese promotes the production of vitamin D under sunlight


Natural bee honey is beneficial not only for the immune system. The delicacy contains several hundred useful substances, including those that stimulate growth processes in children and adults. Honey promotes rapid and complete absorption of calcium and magnesium, improves digestion.

Honey is a great alternative to sugar
Attention! It is important to consult a pediatrician before adding a bee product to a child's diet. Honey often causes severe allergies.


Among the products that increase a person's height, apples should be noted. Fruit pulp is rich in beta-carotene, calcium and potassium, B vitamins and magnesium. Also in apples are boron and flavonoid phloridzin, which strengthens bones and joints.Fruits are especially important for children and adolescents during the period of active development, but adults also need to use them to improve metabolism and healthy digestion. In addition, apples are very rich in iron and can help prevent anemia.

Apples maintain normal hemoglobin levels


The top growth foods are simple and affordable foods. Correction of the diet cannot increase body length if, for natural reasons, development in height has already stopped. But in children, the right foods do stimulate rapid growth, and adults need to eat them for muscle maintenance and stable digestion.

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