Edible mushrooms mushrooms: where they grow, useful properties

Among the tubular mushrooms, the flywheel is distinguished. It grows both singly and in small groups. The mushroom mushroom is distinguished not only by its taste, but also by its valuable properties. Various healthy dishes are prepared from the fruit bodies.

What do edible mushrooms look like and where do they grow?

The representative of the Tubular genus can be found both in early summer and in autumn. The flywheel mushroom, photo and description of which are located below, grows in Europe, North America and Asia. He prefers mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests.

Initially, the cap has a hemispherical shape. Gradually, it becomes convex and flat. The hat is velvety to the touch. The color range ranges from dark brown to yellow and green.

The flesh is white or pale yellow in color and firm. It turns blue upon contact with air. The name of the mushroom is due to its localization. Fruiting bodies are commonly found in the moss of the Southern and Northern Hemispheres.

The genus includes the following varieties:

  • green;
  • chestnut;
  • red;
  • powdery;
  • Polish;
  • motley;
  • semi-golden;
  • woody;
  • blunt-spore;
  • astrea;
  • parasitic.

Not all of these species are edible specimens. For example, the flywheel asteraceae and parasitic are not eaten. Semi-golden, woody and blunt-spore species are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. The Polish version has excellent taste. It is equated with porcini mushroom.

The flywheel is collected mainly during periods of relative "mushroom free"

It is noteworthy that in terms of taste and nutritional value, mushrooms are conditionally divided into four categories in decreasing order. The ripening of fruit bodies depends on the species. For example, the variegated flywheel is harvested in July-September. The Polish species is harvested from June to November.

Important! Fruit bodies are cut off with a sharp knife without damaging the mycelium. Young and healthy specimens are subject to harvesting.
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The composition of mushrooms moss

Edible pulp can be used for cooking some hot dishes, salting, drying, pickling without the use of pre-boiling. Both the cap and the leg of the mushroom are eaten.

Mosswheel is the source of:

  • essential oils;
  • enzymes;
  • sugars;
  • easily digestible proteins;
  • retinol;
  • B vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • molybdenum;
  • cholecalciferol;
  • PP.

Extractive substances and enzymes that contribute to the digestibility of food give a special taste to the fruit bodies. To improve digestibility, it is advisable to grind the pulp.

Why is flywheel mushroom useful?

Fruit bodies are a storehouse of valuable substances. The flywheel mushroom has beneficial properties. The use of pulp as part of various dishes has a positive effect, helping to strengthen the immune system. The inclusion of a cap and a leg in the diet reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors due to the anti-cancer effect.

Important! It is recommended to use the pulp for food during the recovery period after surgical interventions, infectious pathologies accompanied by an inflammatory process.

The use of fruiting bodies allows:

  • improve blood composition and general well-being;
  • reduce weight due to low calorie content;
  • produce a rejuvenating effect;
  • normalize the process of food digestion.

Preparation and application methods

Flywheels are characterized by low calorie content and excellent taste. Fruit bodies are widely used for culinary purposes. The pulp contains important vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.

Flywheels are rich in easily oxidizing substances. Upon contact with air, the pulp quickly darkens, which gives the mushrooms a rather unattractive appearance. That is why the processing of fruiting bodies is carried out as early as possible. Peeled mushrooms should not be exposed to air. They must be immediately immersed in water. For 1 liter of water, take 2 g of citric acid and 1 tsp. salt.

Fruit bodies are boiled, fried, baked. Mushrooms go well with fish and meat. Various spices are added to obtain a pleasant taste and aroma.

To cook mushrooms with potatoes, the following ingredients are also taken:

  • vegetable or butter;
  • sour cream;
  • onion;
  • pepper and salt.

The dish is made like this:

  1. The potatoes should be peeled and chopped.
  2. Then pour a small amount of oil into the pan.
  3. Fry potatoes until tender, add pepper and salt.
  4. Flywheels are pre-cleaned and washed.
  5. Fruiting bodies are fried over low heat with the addition of a small amount of water until the liquid evaporates.
  6. Then the pulp is salted, oil is added and fried for ten minutes.
  7. Combine mushrooms and potatoes, put onion cut into half rings.
  8. After a few minutes, the fire is turned off.
Flywheels with potatoes are seasoned with sour cream before serving

Contraindications and possible harm

Flywheels are classified as valuable types of mushrooms. The pulp contains a significant amount of substances necessary to maintain health and well-being. However, mushroom mushrooms can be both beneficial and harmful.

Important! Fruiting bodies are heavy food. It is not recommended to eat dishes from mushrooms in case of pathologies of the digestive system in an acute form.

It should be noted that a useful mushroom resembles a panther fly agaric, the use of which in food often causes irreversible consequences. To distinguish between a flywheel and a poisonous specimen, you need to carefully examine the back of the cap. It is lamellar in the fly agaric and tubular in the edible mushroom.

Potential harm can be caused by the use of mushrooms against the background of corresponding allergies and chronic liver diseases. Mushrooms are not included in the children's diet until the age of five.

Attention! Fruit bodies should not be collected near industrial plants and along roads. They accumulate harmful substances that are dangerous to humans.


The flywheel mushroom is widely used in cooking. The pulp contains valuable components that allow you to maintain an adequate state of immunity and good health. To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to be able to distinguish edible fruiting bodies from poisonous specimens by external signs.

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