Are oatmeal cookies useful, calorie content and composition

It is generally accepted that confectionery products are harmful to the body, and also cannot have useful properties, but this is not always true. For example, oatmeal cookies, its classic recipe includes eggs, butter, sugar, baking powder, oat flakes. The benefits and harms of oatmeal cookies are the topic of this article.

The history of the emergence of oatmeal cookies

The oatmeal delicacy appeared at the end of the 17th century, thanks to bakers from Scotland. At that time, wheat was not as popular as it is now, and oats were recognized as the most important cereal. To make cookies, the Scots used oat grains, coarsely ground, mixed with water, and occasionally added a little sour cream. The resulting dough was rolled into small cakes, which were then baked on hot stones. This is how this oatmeal product, so rich in useful properties, appeared. The benefits of oatmeal cookies for the body were already generally recognized then.

The chemical composition of oatmeal cookies

This delicacy contains a fairly large amount of useful amino acids, which tend to benefit the brain, muscles, and regulate the nervous system.




6.20 g


18.10 g


68.70 g


5.70 g


1.40 g

Oat baked goods are rich in fiber and minerals, have beneficial properties for every person:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iron.

Nutritional value and calorie content of oatmeal cookies

One ounce of regular oatmeal cookies contains about 450 calories. In the same amount of dietary baked goods, there will be about 300 kcal. Moreover, if dried fruits are added to the product, this will significantly increase its calorie content and benefits for the body.

The table below shows the different types of cookies and their calories:

Cookie type

Calories per 100 grams

Calorie content of one cookie


420 kcal

63 kcal

With chocolate chips

460 kcal

69 kcal

With seeds

440 kcal

66 kcal

With raisins

430 kcal

64.5 kcal


200 kcal

30 kcal

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A fairly high calorie content of a product does not mean its absolute harm, in spite of everything, the beneficial properties of an oat dessert are undeniable.

Why oatmeal cookies are useful

Oat biscuits are considered a food rich in health benefits. After all, a confectionery product contains substances that are essential in the human diet. Oatmeal cookies, their health benefits and harms, are often controversial.

Oat flour contains a lot of macro- and microelements that are beneficial when consumed and do not harm. Its presence in the composition gives the delicacy many useful properties:

  • benefits for the functioning of the intestines, prevention of constipation;
  • improving mood, increasing strength, without causing harm, in contrast to drugs with these properties;
  • increases energy levels for physical and mental activity;
  • benefits the skin;
  • helps to get rid of increased irritability, anxiety;
  • helps to maintain muscle tone;
  • favors blood circulation;
  • helps to quickly and usefully feel full;
  • promotes the activation of cognitive functions.
Important! The use of oatmeal cookies helps to cleanse cholesterol deposits on the vascular walls; not all products can boast of such beneficial properties.

But industrial confectionery contains too many carbohydrates, so it is not recommended to include them in the diet of diabetics, otherwise harm will be done instead of the expected benefits.

Is it possible to oatmeal cookies

Among the confectionery variety, cookies are perhaps one of the most popular. As a rule, this particular product is allowed for therapeutic or other diets.

For pregnant women

During pregnancy, women are advised to refrain from various store confectionery delights, so as not to harm the health of the baby. However, oatmeal cookies are allowed even during this period. The fact is that the harm from it is much lower in comparison with other types of baking, and the benefits are much higher. Therefore, in the case of consuming oatmeal baked goods in reasonable quantities, a pregnant woman will receive its beneficial properties and will not cause harm.

When breastfeeding

During lactation, smoked foods, fried, spicy or salty foods are prohibited, in addition, all types of food that can provoke allergies in a newborn, or cause colic are excluded. But cookies are not included in the list of harmful products, so they are allowed to be eaten in small quantities.

Reference! If you cook oatmeal cookies yourself, then sugar can be replaced with dried fruits, then the harm will be even lower, and the beneficial properties will increase.

Oatmeal baked goods are a quick snack, which is most important for mothers with young children. At the same time, an oatmeal delicacy will be beneficial, will not harm, can quickly saturate, and the taste is very pleasant.

When losing weight

Fans of various healthy lifestyle diets are invariably concerned about the question of whether it is possible to use oatmeal cookies while losing weight, how high is the risk of harm to the figure from this delicacy. This question cannot be answered unequivocally. If we consider the classic recipe for this baking, then its calorie content is quite high, in combination with a large amount of carbohydrates and fats, the product does not at all qualify for the title of dietary, or even harm it. Therefore, an oat delicacy is allowed to be included in the diet, if you need to quickly and usefully get enough, get rid of the feeling of fatigue and add an emotional mood.

For example, before an exam, an important meeting. Then the use of oatmeal cookies will help relieve irritation and nervousness, which will reduce the harm to the body. In addition, the brain will be activated and strength will appear. This dish can be an alternative for breakfast when there is no time to prepare a complete dish. However, these are all emergency cases, it is not recommended to include oatmeal baked goods as an element of a dietary food, since if you have extra pounds, this product can do more harm than good.

With diabetes mellitus

Persons who suffer from diabetes mellitus are prohibited from eating baked goods, pastries, cakes and so on, such delights for these people are incredible harm. Oatmeal cookies in such a situation are the best option, provided that they are cooked on their own. After all, this is how we can say that the product will not do harm, but only benefit will be obtained. Especially when you consider that the method of preparing a dish with such useful properties is simple.


  • vanilla;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • 100 milliliters of water;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • a tablespoon of reduced fat margarine;
  • a tablespoon of fructose.

Cooking method:

Flour is combined with oatmeal flakes. Add soft margarine to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. During the kneading process, pour in water. At the moment when the dough becomes homogeneous, add vanillin and fructose. Spread the mixture on a baking sheet covered with parchment with a spoon. Cook at 200 ° C until golden brown.

Important! Eating fructose-based oatmeal cookies will significantly increase its benefits for diabetics.

What is added to oatmeal cookies

  • Confectionery fat. Most people are afraid to eat oatmeal dessert because of these ingredients. However, it is impossible to make cookies without them. This ingredient will not do much harm, provided that the person is not afraid for the figure.
  • Baking powder. This constituent ingredient helps to raise the dough and impart crunchiness.
  • Sugar. There is a lot of sugar in the classic recipe, but today there are a lot of dietary products on the shelves, its benefits are much higher.
  • Vegetable oils. Often, manufacturers seek to reduce the cost of production and replace margarine with vegetable components. And if there is no harm from sunflower oil, then things are much worse with palm oils.
  • Dried fruits, candied fruits and seeds. Products with such fillers become more high-calorie, but the benefits from them are much higher.
  • Honey. This ingredient is intended to give the liver a pleasant dark color. During heat treatment, it loses all useful properties, but it will not bring harm either.
  • Preservatives. Their presence is easy to detect by checking the expiration date. The longer it is, the more preservatives there are and the more harm and less benefit from the use of such cookies.

Harm of oatmeal cookies and contraindications

Oatmeal cookies are not recommended if you are overweight. For people with diabetes, conventional products will harm, much more benefit will be from cookies, where sugar is replaced by fructose. When there are skin problems (acne, acne, oily skin, etc.), such a dessert will not be beneficial.

Important! For people who are allergic to food additives, store-bought sweets can also be harmful.

How to use oatmeal cookies profitably

For maximum benefit, not harm, when eating oatmeal cookies, it's best to make your own dessert. If baked goods contain a lot of starch, margarine, eggs and sugar, then it is better to keep it to a minimum, since it has few useful properties.

Don't include store-bought cookies in your daily diet. In order not to harm the figure and health, it is better to postpone the use of dessert for breakfast.

How to make oatmeal cookies at home

Cooking this dessert with extensive health benefits is not difficult and is accessible even to novice cooking.

Diet Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

These dietary oatmeal cookies can sometimes be included in the diet even when weight loss occurs. Due to the optimal composition, the beneficial properties of such a delicacy are maximum, and the harm is minimal.


  • 200 g oatmeal;
  • 130 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey.

Cooking method:

Pour oatmeal with water and leave for 10 minutes. At this time, melt the honey in a water bath and pour into the flakes. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed and made into small balls.

Reference! When sculpting, it is best to wet your hands in cold water.

Bake the balls for 25 minutes at 150 degrees.

Oatmeal cookie recipe for kids

For kids, it's best to make healthy oatmeal and banana cookies. Such a dessert will appeal to kids, and the beneficial properties will delight the parents of the child.

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  • 3 small bananas;
  • 2 cups oatmeal
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 50 g of raisins.

Cooking method:

Bananas are ground in a blender. Oatmeal is added to the fruit puree.Then add milk, butter and raisins, previously soaked in water, to the mixture. Mix everything and spread on a baking sheet in small cakes. Bake at 200 ° C for 20 minutes.

How to choose quality oatmeal cookies

When buying cookies, it is better to give preference to private bakeries, the useful properties of such products will be higher. As a rule, such establishments maintain their reputation and prepare pastries according to classic recipes.

If we talk about store products, then in order to obtain useful properties, when choosing, you must:

  1. Give preference to cookies in transparent packaging.
  2. Pay attention to the integrity of the product.
  3. The cookies should be uniform in color and soft to the touch.
  4. Do not forget that the longer the shelf life, the less benefit from the product and more harm.
  5. It is better if it contains eggs, not egg powder.


So, we can conclude that the benefits and harms of oatmeal cookies are about the same. However, it is in the power of the consumer to increase the beneficial properties of the purchased product and reduce the harm. And if you are not too lazy and cook a treat at home, then the benefits will be many times higher.

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