Crispbreads Dr. Kerner: benefits and harms, composition, calorie content, reviews

The benefits and harms of Dr Korner crispbreads depend on the amount of consumption and the age of the person. People who are far from adhering to proper dietary nutrition falsely believe that bread can replace most foods. Crispy circles are a healthy snack that quickly satisfies hunger.

Not all manufacturers produce quality products. The presence of dyes, flour, flavors in the bread is harmful to the body.

Crispy circles Dr Korner boast of a natural composition and the presence of safe ingredients. They are perfect for a balanced diet.

Dr Korner's flavors and types

The manufacturer surprises with a variety of tastes. The products are conventionally divided into 3 types (classic, salty and sweet). With this abundance of Dr Korner crispbreads, everyone can choose a crunchy treat according to their individual preferences and needs.

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Types of dr Korner crisps in the photo


6 types fall under this category.

  1. "Dr Korner Rice Cakes" - benefit in the ability to have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Rice tends to replenish the body's energy reserves. The crispy product is recommended to be consumed on fasting days.
  2. "Wheat with vitamins" relieve fatigue, give strength and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. "Dr Korner buckwheat bread" - benefits for human immunity. Buckwheat reduces blood cholesterol levels. Takes part in strengthening blood vessels.
  4. Dr Korner Cereal Cakes - benefit in the content of a complex of various substances. The composition includes B vitamins and niacin.
  5. "7 cereals"... The composition includes: wheat, rice, pearl barley, millet, buckwheat, corn and oatmeal. Here are collected the positive properties of crops and there is a vitamin and mineral complex (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium and others).
  6. "Corn". They have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, remove toxins and toxins from the body, and promote cell rejuvenation.

Classic crispy circles are a great substitute for baked goods and help to maintain your figure. The high concentration of mineral elements will help to strengthen the body. The lack of gluten in the composition makes the product suitable for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

Recommended reading:  Gluten: what is it and why is it harmful, where it is contained, symptoms of intolerance
Advice! It is advisable to have a snack with any crunchy product in the daytime so that carbohydrates are absorbed faster.


The main benefit of Dr Korner sweet breads is that fructose is used instead of sugar. There are such tastes:

  • citric;
  • cranberry;
  • pineapple;
  • bilberry;
  • honey.

A useful product will be an excellent substitute for harmful confectionery. It contains natural flavors and, depending on the taste, vitamins and minerals. Although the positive properties are slightly inferior to the classic group of crispbreads.


Salt is a necessary substance, without which the normal functioning of the human body is impossible.The main feature of this category of crispy circles is the addition of iodized or mineral salt instead of ordinary table salt.


  • cheesy;
  • with the taste of Borodino bread;
  • with spices and herbs.

Salted bread can be consumed daily without harm to the body, excluding the less useful white bread from the diet.

Composition and calorie content of Dr Korner loaves

On average, the energy value of crispy circles is 300 kcal per 100 g of product. At first it may seem like a lot. But the size of the product is voluminous, and the weight is very small. Therefore, for satiety, it is enough to eat a few pieces a day. In this case, the calorie content of 1 piece. Dr Korner crispbread approx.30 kcal. Therefore, they will not be able to spoil the figure.

The composition of various types of Dr Korner crispbread, the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are presented in the table.





per 100 g of product


Buckwheat unground, vitamin-mineral mixture "Kolosok - 1". Protein - 12 g; fats - 3 g; carbohydrates - 52 g.

"7 cereals"

Wheat, rice, pearl barley, millet, buckwheat, corn and oatmeal. Proteins - 10.2 g; fats - 2.2 g; carbohydrates - 57.1.


Rice, buckwheat, wheat, vitamin and mineral mixture "Spikelet - 1". Protein - 10 g; fats - 2 g; carbohydrates - 58 g.


Rice and vitamin-mineral mixture "Spikelet - 1". Proteins - 6 g; fats - 1 g; carbohydrates - 69 g.



Rye, wheat, iodized salt, rye malt, rye flour. Protein - 11 g; fats - 3 g; carbohydrates - 52 g.

"Corn-rice with Provencal herbs"

Rice, corn, iodized salt, spices. Proteins - 8 g; fats - 3 g; carbohydrates - 59 g.

"Cheese cereal cocktail"

Rice, wheat, natural cheese flavor, wheat, citrus fiber. Proteins - 9.5 g; fats - 2 g; carbohydrates - 58 g.


"Honey" "Cranberry", "Blueberry", "Lemon"

Wheat, rice, buckwheat, natural flavoring according to taste, iodized salt, fructose, sucralose... Protein - 9 g; fats - 2 g; carbohydrates - 66 g.

It can be seen from the composition that the manufacturer uses exclusively natural ingredients, so the harm from the bread is minimized.

Why are Dr Korner loaves useful?

Due to the natural composition, the bread has the following properties:

  • regulate the digestive tract;
  • prevent the deposition of fat cells;
  • remove toxins and toxins.

A healthy product contains several times fewer calories in contrast to a piece of bread of the same size. At the same time, a small circle will satisfy hunger several times faster due to the high fiber content.

Another advantage is the saturation of elements important for the human body. Calcium and phosphorus are essential for maintaining healthy teeth, bones, nails and hair. Iron prevents the development of anemia. Magnesium helps to improve muscle performance.

Dr Korner crispbreads are approved for breastfeeding. They have the properties of strengthening the immune system of a nursing mother, reducing weight and replenishing the loss of important substances.

The crispbread can be consumed by people with diabetes. Dr Korner loaves have a glycemic index of less than 50. This means that the properties of the product slightly increase blood sugar levels, which is why endocrinologists recommend it.

Are Dr Korner crispbreads good for weight loss?

To lose weight, a person begins to eat right and adhere to a special diet. Such a diet is necessary to reduce the accumulated fat. Replacing bakery products with crispy circles with unique properties helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Important! The Dr Korner crispbread diet should not include a single product. Otherwise, a single meal can do more harm to the body than good.

The property of loaves to influence weight reduction lies in the correct preparation of the product by the manufacturer. The technology eliminates frying, so oil does not accumulate. Special vitamin and mineral supplements are used. A large amount of fiber stimulates the digestive tract.

Harm of Dr Korner loaves and contraindications for use

The benefits and harms of Dr Korner Crispbreads are incomparable. They do not contain various unsafe additives for humans. But there are some limitations:

  • for people prone to allergic reactions to the main components, it is impossible to introduce a bread substitute into the diet;
  • Dr Korner breads are not recommended for children under 4 years of age;
  • hypertensive patients need to exclude salty types of product from the diet.

If you experience stomach discomfort (bloating, painful sensations, flatulence) after eating a product, you should refrain from such food.


The benefits and harms of Dr Korner loaves are determined by the amount of treats eaten. It must be remembered that no matter how useful the product is, abuse always leads to negative consequences.

Nutritionist reviews

Georgy Balashov, 28 years old, Moscow.
I constantly advise my patients who want to lose weight, crispbreads from Dr Korner. I believe that the benefits from them are much greater than from other types of similar products. The composition is absolutely harmless, and the presence of vitamins is an additional plus for any diet.
Margarita Sichkar, 43 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I believe that Dr Korner crispbread should be included in the diet of any diet. Their property to influence the proper functioning of the digestive tract and the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins is proof of this.

Customer Reviews

Natalia Starchenko, 34 years old, Ivanovo.
I love Dr Korner sweet bread especially with tea. Already the whole family taught them to eat instead of cakes and buns. I also want to try to replace bread with them, at least partially.
Anna Goltseva, 29 years old, Voronezh.
She recovered greatly after pregnancy and decided to go on a diet. I am a crazy sweet tooth and a lover of salty crackers. In general, I love everything that is harmful. I saved myself with Dr Korner bread and dropped 10 kg.
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