Shiitake mushrooms: benefits and harms, application

Shiitake mushrooms are considered one of the healthiest mushrooms. They are given special attention in Asia and the eastern regions of Russia. They are widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine. The benefits and harms of shiitake are due to its rich composition. The symbol of longevity reveals its properties to the fullest when grown in natural conditions.


Shiitake mushroom is easy to confuse with champignon. But to meet him in the forests of the Moscow region, for example, is very difficult. And the name speaks of the habitat of the eastern symbol of longevity. Shiitake grows on a tree. A mushroom grown in such conditions will bring many benefits.

The hat is round and resembles a hemisphere. Sizes vary greatly: from 5 to 20 centimeters. It is interesting that its color also differs in different mushrooms. There are light brown hats, as well as rich shades of brown-brown. In Japan, shiitake is called "black mushroom". The dome is pleasant to the touch, velvety and dry. In appearance, maturity is also determined: the young mushroom is smooth, and the skin of an adult is cracked. If the plaques under the hat are intact, they are white, smooth and thin. The leg is straight, there are sizes from 3 to 20 centimeters. The pulp is pleasant to the touch, aroma and taste.

Composition and nutritional value

The ability to increase immunity and other medicinal properties of the mushroom are explained by its composition. There are approximately 296 calories per 100 grams of dry product. Information about the rich composition is of great value. The fat in shiitake is only 9 grams, protein is 18 percent. Losing weight can safely use the mushroom for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Potassium, niacin, more B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and riboflavin are responsible for the beneficial properties.

Selection and storage of mushrooms

To get the most benefits of mushrooms shiitake, you need to know how to select and store them. Improper handling of the product will deprive it of its desired properties. Choosing a good mushroom is not easy. The first thing they pay attention to is the place and method of growing. Shiitake grows in forests on wood, it is these conditions that indicate that all the beneficial properties are preserved.

Do not forget about the appearance of the plates, legs. Yellowed plates and spots on the stem indicate that the mushroom is damaged. There are fresh, frozen and dry shiitake in stores. They can be stored fresh for up to 5 days, it is recommended to choose dried ones if you need to store them longer. Fresh product should be in the refrigerator in an open package, only this way it will not spoil. Correctly you need to dry it. If you do not complete the process, the mushroom will deteriorate. If you dry it, it will lose its properties.

Beneficial features

The emperors knew about the beneficial properties of Shiitake and demanded to put them in dishes. Thanks to their benefits, they are used not only for cooking, but also for treatment. Mushrooms are sold in powder and tablet form in pharmacies. With the right choice, storage and use, they are active:

  1. They help to fight pathogenic organisms and normalize microflora.
  2. They reduce the risk of malignant tumors and even help in their treatment.
  3. Accelerate metabolism.
  4. Increases immunity.
  5. Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  6. Promotes healing of ulcers and erosions.
  7. Improves insulin production.
  8. Help in the treatment of dermatological diseases.
  9. Increases potency.

Application in traditional medicine, recipes

It is not necessary to buy pills to treat diseases. Shiitake mushrooms are just as beneficial when cooked and used properly. Tinctures, decoctions, powder - all of this has long been used along with traditional medicine.

To raise immunity and cure colds, a mushroom-based decoction is prepared. For preparation, you will need a glass of water and two small spoons of powder. The mixture is simmered over low heat for about half an hour. Take half a glass three times a day. After 30 days of use, you must take a break of 2 weeks.

In some cases, vodka tincture is useful. Not recommended for children and pregnant women. For 50 grams of powder, take 750 milliliters of liquid. You do not need to prepare such a drug. It is enough to insist it in the refrigerator for 4 weeks.

For the prevention of multiple sclerosis, a tincture with the addition of linseed oil is recommended. For half a liter of oil, you need 20 grams of mushrooms and a spoonful of dry thyme. All ingredients are combined and stored in a cool place for 2 weeks. Take the remedy in two small spoons twice a day before meals.

Important! The oil must be heated to 37 degrees in a water bath so that it reveals all its properties.

Dried Shiitake Mushroom Powder

Shiitake powder is used in medicine. It is found in formulations more often than the extract. The method of obtaining is simple: dried shiitake is ground to a powdery state. You can also do this at home. For this, the product is properly dried. It should not be very dry, not break, otherwise there are no useful properties in it. And underdried quickly grows moldy and can harm the body.

Shiitake extract

You can buy not only a whole mushroom or powder. The extract is also valued. You cannot find such a remedy in every pharmacy. It is used to strengthen the body and treat many diseases. Enough 5 drops at one time. The number of doses per day is 3. It is diluted with liquid, preferably water, before use. The only condition under which the extract cannot be used is intolerance, which is extremely rare.

Who does the medicine help:

  1. Patients with heart and vascular diseases.
  2. Those who develop multiple sclerosis.
  3. With weak immunity.
  4. Diabetics and liver problems.

Alcohol tincture

Shiitake alcohol tincture does not have to be ordered online. In addition, it is not known what kind of powder the manufacturer used. Mushrooms grown not in nature, but on farms, do not have all the beneficial properties. Such a remedy cannot be used to treat pregnant women, during lactation, with intolerance, in childhood, asthmatics.

For 10 grams of mushrooms, take half a liter of alcohol. The mixed product is stored in a dark, cool place for 14 days. The sediment is removed before use. Suffice it to take 1 teaspoon a day before breakfast. After 30 days of treatment, take a break.

Application in cosmetology

Leading companies for the production of cosmetic products are often used in the preparation of shiitake creams and masks:

  1. The extract is able to smooth wrinkles and restore elasticity to the skin.
  2. The fungus is also strong in the fight against oily skin, it regulates the sebaceous glands well.
  3. Promotes wound healing.
  4. After applying shiitake, you can forget about the enlarged pores.
  5. No wonder the second name in China is the mushroom of youth or longevity. It is thanks to rejuvenation that shiitake extract can be found in many expensive serums.

To restore youthfulness and beauty to the skin, it is not necessary to purchase expensive and hard-to-find cosmetics. You can make the funds yourself. In this case, there will be confidence that the composition is the same mushroom.

For skin rejuvenation, use a mask based on powder, eggs and kelp.

What do you need:

  1. Powder - 5 grams.
  2. 1 egg.
  3. 20 grams fresh kelp.

The algae are crushed, powder, water and a beaten egg are added. On the face, this mask lasts 20 minutes. The procedure is performed once a week.

The whitening mask helps not only to deal with blemishes on the face, but also to tighten the skin and give it a fresh look. It is based on 5 grams of powder, 10 milliliters of grapefruit juice and 5 grams of white clay. The ingredients are mixed and applied to steamed skin. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Recommended reading:  Why grapefruit is useful for the body, calorie content and properties

How to cook shiitake

In order for the mushrooms to be not only healthy, but also tasty, several rules are observed during cooking. Tough and old mushrooms are soaked for several hours or even overnight before cooking. But a young mushroom does not need preparation, it is enough to remove hard formations. After processing, the product is dried with napkins. You need to cook it for no more than 4 minutes, otherwise it looks like rubber.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the many useful properties, you still need to be careful. Mushrooms are not recommended for use during pregnancy, intolerance, lactation, in childhood, with intolerance.

It is worth choosing other mushrooms for patients with bronchial asthma. This point has not been studied enough, but doctors recommend not to risk it. Diarrhea occurs when a large amount of shiitake is consumed. Mushrooms are incompatible with Aspirin.

Important! It is undesirable to eat the mushroom often due to the large amount of chitin in the composition, since it is difficult to digest and remains in the body.


The benefits and harms of shiitake are due to the rich composition of mushrooms. Getting them is not easy. However, they are not only tasty, but also curative. They are used in cosmetology and medicine to treat many diseases. It is not recommended to use in case of intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood and asthma patients.


It is easy to find reviews of shiitake mushrooms on the Internet. And they are all positive. Those who still did not get the desired result, simply did not notice it, or expected too much. Or maybe they bought the wrong mushroom.

Elena, 45 years old, Ivanovo
After applying shiitake in masks, I noticed an amazing lifting effect. It's nice to make a mask based on sour cream and yoghurt with the addition of willow bark and fenugreek. I recommend shiitake!
Marina, 38 years old, Petrozavodsk
I love these mushrooms. They are delicious. I cook them in different ways. Sometimes I make amazing soups from broths!
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