Essential oil of oregano (oregano): useful properties, application, contraindications

The properties and uses of oregano oil cover different areas. The product is used for treatment and cosmetology, as well as for household purposes. It is interesting to study the features and rules of use.

Description and composition of oregano oil

Oregano oil is an essential product obtained from the plant of the same name, better known as common oregano. The leaves of the culture are subjected to a distillation procedure, as a result, about 1 kg of light ether can be extracted from 1 ton of raw materials. The oil is golden or dark yellow in color, with a distinct spicy aroma.

The product contains:

  • carvacrol - a substance with strong antibacterial properties;
  • thymol is a powerful natural antiseptic;
  • B vitamins and ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins E, A and K;
  • rosmarinic acid;
  • terpenes;
  • geranyl acetate.
Oregano oil - a product based on oregano

Ester of oregano is also valuable due to the substance naringin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the body.

The benefits of oregano oil

The properties and indications of oregano oil cover a wide variety of health areas. The benefit of ether is that it:

  • has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action;
  • strengthens the body's immune forces and promotes a quick recovery from a cold;
  • improves metabolic and digestive processes, has a positive effect on the condition of the liver;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • strengthens blood vessels and helps to equalize blood pressure;
  • prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques;
  • supports the healthy functioning of the hormonal system;
  • has a calming and relaxing effect in case of stress and anxiety.

When applied topically, the oil promotes the healing of skin lesions. The product can be used to fight fungus, oregano is a powerful fungicide.

The use of oregano oil in cosmetology

Oregano ether is actively used for personal care. It has pronounced tightening and cleansing properties, stimulates cellular processes, and therefore benefits both skin and hair.

Oregano oil for facial skin

Masks with oregano ether are used mainly for oily type of epidermis. Oregano unclogs clogged pores and regulates sebum production as well as eliminates acne and blackheads.

It is impossible to apply pure ether on the face, it will lead to burns. Therefore, the product is usually used in combination with any basis, for example:

  • add 3 drops of the product to 10 ml of coconut oil;
  • distributed over the skin for 15 minutes and washed off.
Oregano oil is used for skin care, but only diluted
Important! Ester not only helps to get rid of acne, but also removes small acne scars.If you do masks daily, then the scars will become less noticeable in just a couple of weeks.

Oregano oil for hair

With the help of a useful tool, you can stop the loss of curls, add volume to your hair and get rid of dandruff. The following mask gives a good effect:

  • esters of tea tree and oregano are mixed in equal amounts;
  • massage into the hair roots and leave for 40 minutes under the film, and then rinse.
Oregano oil accelerates blood circulation under the scalp and stimulates hair growth

If you use the mask twice a week, then after a few applications the hair will become more luxuriant and the oily scalp will normalize. Also, 3 drops of ether can be simply added to the shampoo before hygiene procedures.

Oregano oil in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of ether are used to treat ailments. Oregano has strong firming and anti-inflammatory properties and helps fight viruses and infections.

Oregano oil for colds

You can use oregano oil for cold symptoms. Such a remedy brings a good effect:

  • 200 ml of water is heated to a warm state;
  • add 6 drops of oregano ether;
  • drink once a day between meals.

If desired, the water can be substituted with room temperature orange juice. Treatment is continued for 5 days. A folk remedy eliminates a runny nose, promotes expectoration when coughing and reduces fever.

Attention! Instructions for the use of oregano oil recommends using it for viral colds. If symptoms have arisen against the background of hypothermia, the remedy will have a weaker effect.
For colds, it is useful to add oregano oil drop by drop to water or juice

Oregano oil for nail fungus

The ester has fungicidal properties and helps to get rid of the fungus. It is necessary to dilute 2 drops of oregano in a large spoonful of herbal base and lubricate the fingertips and nail plates. You do not need to rinse off the product after application, it should be completely absorbed.

Oregano oil (oregano) for thrush

The antifungal properties of the ester help with candidiasis in women. You need to use it like this - dilute a couple of drops of the product in a large spoonful of olive base and drink it twice a day on an empty stomach. Oregano oil treatment is continued for about 2 weeks.

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Advice! To get rid of thrush, you need to exclude sweet and fatty foods from the diet. With a diet, it will be easier to cope with the fungus.

Oregano oil for chlamydia treatment

The antiviral properties of the ether help to cope with chlamydia. It is best to use the remedy intravaginally, and the algorithm looks like this:

  • 50 ml of olive oil is poured into a small saucer;
  • add 2 drops of oregano;
  • mix the product and dip a hygienic tampon into it for a few minutes;
  • the application is introduced into the body for the whole night.

Continue therapy for 7 days until the symptoms of chlamydia disappear. Along with the applications, you can take oregano oil inside - drink a glass of water twice a day with the addition of 2 drops of the product.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers cannot be treated with oregano ether for a viral disease. The use can adversely affect the health of the child.

Oregano oil for weight loss

Oregano ether improves metabolic processes and prevents the accumulation of fat in the body. On a diet, it can be used as an additive to food - add 2 drops of the product to morning juice, vegetable salads and other dishes.

For weight loss, no more than 2 drops of oregano oil are added to diet meals

Despite the benefits of oregano, it will only bring the desired effect if you follow a healthy diet. It is advisable to supplement proper nutrition with sports exercises and active walks.

Oregano oil in aromatherapy

A popular area of ​​application for the product is aromatherapy. Oregano oil is added:

  • in lamps and incense holders;
  • in medallions for wearing on the body;
  • in relaxing baths;
  • in hot water for inhalation.

A pleasant smell helps to calm down and distract from unpleasant thoughts. Aromatherapy has a good effect on chronic fatigue and depression, nervous overexcitation and sleep problems. Oregano vapors relieve emotional and physical stress, and in return leave a feeling of relaxation and tranquility.

Aromatherapy with oregano ether improves not only emotional but also physical condition

It is advised to add only 2 drops of the product to aroma lamps, pendants and pots with inhalation. For a full bath, you will need to add 7 drops; you need to continue water procedures for about 15 minutes.

How to use oregano oil in cooking and everyday life

Although oregano ester is highly concentrated, it is often added to culinary dishes. For instance:

  • in seasonings and sauces for fish and meat;
  • in the marinade;
  • in soups and salads;
  • into kvass and beer;
  • in hot tea or fresh juice.
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A couple of drops of oregano ether can be added to tea for flavor and health benefits

When using oregano oil inside, the volumes should not exceed 2 drops. Even so, ether gives dishes a subtle exotic aroma and gives them a bitter spicy taste.

Oregano is also used in everyday life. People call the ether "flea" for a reason - the aroma scares away insects. To get rid of moths and bedbugs, it is recommended to put miniature pillows pre-soaked in oil in closets with clothes. And if you put a small container with oregano ether on the windowsill, then in the summer, even with the windows open, flies and mosquitoes will not fly into the house.

The harm of oregano oil and contraindications

The active ingredients in the product can be harmful. It is necessary to refuse the use of oregano:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • in chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver and stomach, in this case, the danger is the internal use of the drug.

You cannot use oregano oil for children under 2 years old, even by external means.

Advice! Before using a useful product for the first time, you need to apply 2 drops to the skin of the wrist and wait 2 hours for itching and redness.

What does oregano oil work with?

To achieve the maximum effect, oregano is usually combined with other esters. Best suited:

  • bergamot and rosemary;
  • geranium and lavender;
  • pine and eucalyptus;
  • basil and thyme;
  • cedar and myrtle;
  • fennel and orange oils.

Oregano can also be used with lemongrass and grapefruit, verbena and anise, mint and petite grain. Which combination to choose depends on personal preference and specific application.

How to make oregano oil at home

You can prepare a useful remedy yourself from fresh oregano. This requires:

  • chop or crush oregano leaves very finely;
  • boil water in a small saucepan and turn off the heat immediately;
  • place the leaves of oregano in a glass jar and cover with almond or grape oil;
  • put in a pot of hot water and wait 5-10 minutes for the leaves to warm up.
For homemade oregano ether, you need to insist the leaves of the plant in oil

After that, the jar is taken out of the pan and placed under a lid on a lighted windowsill for 2 weeks. Shake the container well every few days.

After the expiration date, the oregano is filtered and poured into another glass jar. To extend the shelf life, add 5 drops of grapefruit seed oil, and store the home remedy in the refrigerator.

Self-prepared oregano ester will be inferior in efficiency to the purchased product. However, he will also be able to please with a pleasant smell, and in case of viral and infectious ailments it will bring noticeable benefits.

Choosing and storing oregano essential oil

When buying, you need to pay attention to several points:

  1. Name of funds... The packaging with this oil says Wild Oregano Origanum vulgare, the product should not contain additional extracts, such as thyme or marjoram.
  2. Composition. About 70% or more of the oregano ether should be occupied by the substance carvacrol.
  3. Manufacturing method... Oils obtained by steam distillation retain the greatest benefits. But ethers that have been heated, diluted and otherwise processed bring minimal healing effect.
  4. Colour... The shade should be golden or deep yellow, without turbidity inside the bottle and without sediment at the bottom.
Quality oregano oil should be yellowish and transparent.

You can keep the useful ether at room temperature, but only in a closed form and away from sunlight. The product will be able to retain its valuable properties for 3 years.


The properties and uses of oregano oil can be beneficial in the treatment of diseases and body care. An essential oregano-based remedy has a pronounced antiseptic effect and helps with viruses and fungal infections.

Reviews on the use of oregano oil

Klementyeva Daria Igorevna, 27 years old, Moscow
I like oregano oil, or oregano, for its spicy, but unobtrusive smell. More often than not, I just add it to the lamp and scent the apartment. Sometimes I do face masks, I can confirm that when acne appeared, ether really helped to clear the skin in just a week.
Sinitsyna Alla Sergeevna, 35 years old, Ryazan
After visiting the pool, I caught a nail fungus. The doctor prescribed medications and ointments, but I had just read about the properties of oregano oil and decided to try it. The effect came quickly - after 2 weeks the symptoms disappeared, and there was no need to use pharmaceutical ointments.

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